#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Small example that shows how to work with variable length arrays of
different types, UNICODE strings and general Python objects included. """
from numpy import *
from tables import *
import cPickle
# Open a new empty HDF5 file
fileh = openFile("vlarray2.h5", mode = "w")
# Get the root group
root = fileh.root
# A test with VL length arrays:
vlarray = fileh.createVLArray(root, 'vlarray1', Int32Atom(),
"ragged array of ints")
vlarray.append(array([5, 6]))
vlarray.append(array([5, 6, 7]))
vlarray.append([5, 6, 9, 8])
# Test with lists of bidimensional vectors
vlarray = fileh.createVLArray(root, 'vlarray2', Int64Atom(shape=(2,)),
"Ragged array of vectors")
a = array([[1,2],[1, 2]], dtype=int64)
vlarray.append(array([[1,2],[3, 4]], dtype=int64))
vlarray.append(zeros(dtype=int64, shape=(0,2)))
vlarray.append(array([[5, 6]], dtype=int64))
# This makes an error (shape)
#vlarray.append(array([[5], [6]], dtype=int64))
# This makes an error (type)
#vlarray.append(array([[5, 6]], dtype=uint64))
# Test with strings
vlarray = fileh.createVLArray(root, 'vlarray3', StringAtom(itemsize=3),
"Ragged array of strings")
vlarray.append(["123", "456", "3"])
vlarray.append(["456", "3"])
# This makes an error because of different string sizes than declared
#vlarray.append(["1234", "456", "3"])
# Python flavor
vlarray = fileh.createVLArray(root, 'vlarray3b', StringAtom(itemsize=3),
"Ragged array of strings")
vlarray.flavor = "python"
vlarray.append(["123", "456", "3"])
vlarray.append(["456", "3"])
# Binary strings
vlarray = fileh.createVLArray(root, 'vlarray4', UInt8Atom(),
"pickled bytes")
data = cPickle.dumps((["123", "456"], "3"))
vlarray.append(ndarray(buffer=data, dtype=uint8, shape=len(data)))
# The next is a way of doing the same than before
vlarray = fileh.createVLArray(root, 'vlarray5', ObjectAtom(),
"pickled object")
vlarray.append([["123", "456"], "3"])
# Boolean arrays are supported as well
vlarray = fileh.createVLArray(root, 'vlarray6', BoolAtom(),
"Boolean atoms")
# The next lines are equivalent...
vlarray.append([1,0,3,0]) # This will be converted to a boolean
# This gives a TypeError
# Variable length strings
vlarray = fileh.createVLArray(root, 'vlarray7', VLStringAtom(),
"Variable Length String")
# Unicode variable length strings
vlarray = fileh.createVLArray(root, 'vlarray8', VLUnicodeAtom(),
"Variable Length Unicode String")
vlarray.append(u"") # The empty string
# Close the file
# Open the file for reading
fileh = openFile("vlarray2.h5", mode = "r")
# Get the root group
root = fileh.root
for object in fileh.listNodes(root, "Leaf"):
arr = object.read()
print object.name, "-->", arr
print "number of objects in this row:", len(arr)
# Close the file