#!/usr/bin/env python
# Setup script for the tables package
import sys, os
import textwrap
from os.path import exists,expanduser
# Using ``setuptools`` enables lots of goodies, such as building eggs.
if 'FORCE_SETUPTOOLS' in os.environ:
from setuptools import setup,find_packages
has_setuptools = True
from distutils.core import setup
has_setuptools = False
from distutils.core import Extension
from distutils.dep_util import newer
from distutils.util import convert_path
# The minimum version of NumPy required
min_numpy_version = '1.2'
# The minimum version of Pyrex required for compiling the extensions
min_pyrex_version = ''
# Some functions for showing errors and warnings.
def _print_admonition(kind, head, body):
tw = textwrap.TextWrapper(
initial_indent=' ', subsequent_indent=' ')
print ".. %s:: %s" % (kind.upper(), head)
for line in tw.wrap(body):
print line
def exit_with_error(head, body=''):
_print_admonition('error', head, body)
def print_warning(head, body=''):
_print_admonition('warning', head, body)
# Check for Python
if not (sys.version_info[0] >= 2 and sys.version_info[1] >= 4):
exit_with_error("You need Python 2.4 or greater to install PyTables!")
# Check for required Python packages
def check_import(pkgname, pkgver):
mod = __import__(pkgname)
except ImportError:
"Can't find a local %s Python installation." % pkgname,
"Please read carefully the ``README`` file "
"and remember that PyTables needs the %s package "
"to compile and run." % pkgname )
if mod.__version__ < pkgver:
"You need %(pkgname)s %(pkgver)s or greater to run PyTables!"
% {'pkgname': pkgname, 'pkgver': pkgver} )
print ( "* Found %(pkgname)s %(pkgver)s package installed."
% {'pkgname': pkgname, 'pkgver': mod.__version__} )
globals()[pkgname] = mod
check_import('numpy', min_numpy_version)
# Check if Pyrex is installed or not
from Pyrex.Distutils import build_ext
pyrex = 1
cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext}
pyrex = 0
cmdclass = {}
VERSION = open('VERSION').read().strip()
debug = '--debug' in sys.argv
# Global variables
lib_dirs = []
inc_dirs = []
optional_libs = []
data_files = [] # list of data files to add to packages (mainly for DLL's)
default_header_dirs = None
default_library_dirs = None
default_runtime_dirs = None
if os.name == 'posix':
default_header_dirs = ['/usr/include', '/usr/local/include']
default_library_dirs = [
os.path.join(_tree, _arch)
for _tree in ('/', '/usr', '/usr/local')
for _arch in ('lib64', 'lib') ]
default_runtime_dirs = default_library_dirs
elif os.name == 'nt':
default_header_dirs = [] # no default, must be given explicitly
default_library_dirs = [] # no default, must be given explicitly
default_runtime_dirs = [ # look for DLL files in ``%PATH%``
_path for _path in os.environ['PATH'].split(';') ]
# Add the \Windows\system to the runtime list (necessary for Vista)
# Add the \path_to_python\DLLs and tables package to the list
[ os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'Lib\\site-packages\\tables') ] )
from numpy.distutils.misc_util import get_numpy_include_dirs
# Gcc 4.0.1 on Mac OS X 10.4 does not seem to include the default
# header and library paths. See ticket #18.
if sys.platform.lower().startswith('darwin'):
def _find_file_path(name, locations, prefixes=[''], suffixes=['']):
for prefix in prefixes:
for suffix in suffixes:
for location in locations:
path = os.path.join(location, prefix + name + suffix)
if os.path.isfile(path):
return path
return None
class Package(object):
def find_header_path(self, locations=default_header_dirs):
return _find_file_path(
self.header_name, locations, suffixes=['.h'] )
def find_library_path(self, locations=default_library_dirs):
return _find_file_path(
self.library_name, locations,
self._library_prefixes, self._library_suffixes )
def find_runtime_path(self, locations=default_runtime_dirs):
# An explicit path can not be provided for runtime libraries.
# (The argument is accepted for compatibility with previous methods.)
return _find_file_path(
self.runtime_name, default_runtime_dirs,
self._runtime_prefixes, self._runtime_suffixes )
def find_directories(self, location):
dirdata = [
(self.header_name, self.find_header_path, default_header_dirs),
(self.library_name, self.find_library_path, default_library_dirs),
(self.runtime_name, self.find_runtime_path, default_runtime_dirs), ]
locations = []
if location:
# The path of a custom install of the package has been
# provided, so the directories where the components
# (headers, libraries, runtime) are going to be searched
# are constructed by appending platform-dependent
# component directories to the given path.
# Remove leading and trailing '"' chars that can mislead
# the finding routines on Windows machines
locations = [ os.path.join(location.strip('"'), compdir)
for compdir in self._component_dirs ]
directories = [None, None, None] # headers, libraries, runtime
for idx, (name, find_path, default_dirs) in enumerate(dirdata):
path = find_path(locations or default_dirs)
if path:
# Take care of not returning a directory component
# included in the name. For instance, if name is
# 'foo/bar' and path is '/path/foo/bar.h', do *not*
# take '/path/foo', but just '/path'. This also works
# for name 'libfoo.so' and path '/path/libfoo.so'.
# This has been modified to just work over include files.
# For libraries, its names can be something like 'bzip2'
# and if they are located in places like:
# \stuff\bzip2-1.0.3\lib\bzip2.lib
# then, the directory will be returned as '\stuff' (!!)
# F. Alted 2006-02-16
if idx == 0:
directories[idx] = os.path.dirname(path[:path.find(name)])
directories[idx] = os.path.dirname(path)
return tuple(directories)
class PosixPackage(Package):
_library_prefixes = ['lib']
_library_suffixes = ['.so', '.dylib', '.a']
_runtime_prefixes = _library_prefixes
_runtime_suffixes = ['.so', '.dylib']
_component_dirs = ['include', 'lib']
def __init__(self, name, tag, header_name, library_name):
self.name = name
self.tag = tag
self.header_name = header_name
self.library_name = library_name
self.runtime_name = library_name
class WindowsPackage(Package):
_library_prefixes = ['']
_library_suffixes = ['.lib']
_runtime_prefixes = ['']
_runtime_suffixes = ['.dll']
# lookup in '.' seems necessary for LZO2
_component_dirs = ['include', 'lib', 'dll', '.']
def __init__(self, name, tag, header_name, library_name, runtime_name):
self.name = name
self.tag = tag
self.header_name = header_name
self.library_name = library_name
self.runtime_name = runtime_name
_cp = convert_path
if os.name == 'posix':
_Package = PosixPackage
_platdep = { # package tag -> platform-dependent components
'HDF5': ['hdf5'],
'LZO2': ['lzo2'],
'LZO': ['lzo'],
'BZ2': ['bz2'], }
elif os.name == 'nt':
_Package = WindowsPackage
_platdep = { # package tag -> platform-dependent components
'HDF5': ['hdf5dll', 'hdf5dll'],
'LZO2': ['lzo2', 'lzo2'],
'LZO': ['liblzo', 'lzo1'],
'BZ2': ['bzip2', 'bzip2'], }
# Copy the next DLL's to binaries by default.
# Update these paths for your own system!
dll_files = ['\\windows\\system\\zlib1.dll',
if '--debug' in sys.argv:
_platdep['HDF5'] = ['hdf5ddll', 'hdf5ddll']
hdf5_package = _Package("HDF5", 'HDF5', 'H5public', *_platdep['HDF5'])
lzo2_package = _Package("LZO 2", 'LZO2', _cp('lzo/lzo1x'), *_platdep['LZO2'])
lzo1_package = _Package("LZO 1", 'LZO', 'lzo1x', *_platdep['LZO'])
bzip2_package = _Package("bzip2", 'BZ2', 'bzlib', *_platdep['BZ2'])
def_macros = [('NDEBUG', 1)]
# Define macros for Windows platform
if os.name == 'nt':
def_macros.append(('WIN32', 1))
def_macros.append(('_HDF5USEDLL_', 1))
# Allow setting the HDF5 dir and additional link flags either in
# the environment or on the command line.
# First check the environment...
HDF5_DIR = os.environ.get('HDF5_DIR', '')
LZO_DIR = os.environ.get('LZO_DIR', '')
BZIP2_DIR = os.environ.get('BZIP2_DIR', '')
LFLAGS = os.environ.get('LFLAGS', '').split()
# in GCC-style compilers, -w in extra flags will get rid of copious
# 'uninitialized variable' Pyrex warnings. However, this shouldn't be
# the default as it will suppress *all* the warnings, which definitely
# is not a good idea.
CFLAGS = os.environ.get('CFLAGS', '').split()
LIBS = os.environ.get('LIBS', '').split()
# ...then the command line.
# Handle --hdf5=[PATH] --lzo=[PATH] --bzip2=[PATH]
# --lflags=[FLAGS] --cflags=[FLAGS] and --debug
args = sys.argv[:]
for arg in args:
if arg.find('--hdf5=') == 0:
HDF5_DIR = expanduser(arg.split('=')[1])
elif arg.find('--lzo=') == 0:
LZO_DIR = expanduser(arg.split('=')[1])
elif arg.find('--bzip2=') == 0:
BZIP2_DIR = expanduser(arg.split('=')[1])
elif arg.find('--lflags=') == 0:
LFLAGS = arg.split('=')[1].split()
elif arg.find('--cflags=') == 0:
CFLAGS = arg.split('=')[1].split()
elif arg.find('--debug') == 0:
# For debugging (mainly compression filters)
if os.name != 'nt': # to prevent including dlfcn.h by utils.c!!!
def_macros = [('DEBUG', 1)]
# Don't delete this argument. It maybe useful for distutils
# when adding more flags later on
# The next flag for the C compiler is needed for finding the C headers for
# the Pyrex extensions
# The next flag for the C compiler is needed when using the HDF5 1.8.x series
# Try to locate the compulsory and optional libraries.
lzo2_enabled = False
for (package, location) in [
(hdf5_package, HDF5_DIR),
(lzo2_package, LZO_DIR),
(lzo1_package, LZO_DIR),
(bzip2_package, BZIP2_DIR), ]:
if package.tag == 'LZO' and lzo2_enabled:
print ( "* Skipping detection of %s since %s has already been found."
% (lzo1_package.name, lzo2_package.name) )
continue # do not use LZO 1 if LZO 2 is available
(hdrdir, libdir, rundir) = package.find_directories(location)
if not (hdrdir and libdir):
if package.tag in ['HDF5']: # these are compulsory!
pname, ptag = package.name, package.tag
"Could not find a local %s installation." % pname,
"You may need to explicitly state "
"where your local %(name)s headers and library can be found "
"by setting the ``%(tag)s_DIR`` environment variable "
"or by using the ``--%(ltag)s`` command-line option."
% dict(name=pname, tag=ptag, ltag=ptag.lower()) )
print ( "* Could not find %s headers and library; "
"disabling support for it." % package.name)
continue # look for the next library
print ( "* Found %s headers at ``%s``, library at ``%s``."
% (package.name, hdrdir, libdir) )
if hdrdir not in default_header_dirs:
inc_dirs.append(hdrdir) # save header directory if needed
if libdir not in default_library_dirs:
# save library directory if needed
if os.name == "nt":
# Important to quote the libdir for Windows (Vista) systems
if package.tag not in ['HDF5']:
# Keep record of the optional libraries found.
def_macros.append(('HAVE_%s_LIB' % package.tag, 1))
if not rundir:
"Could not find the %s runtime." % package.name,
( "The %(name)s shared library was *not* found "
+ { 'posix': "in the default library paths.",
'nt': "in any of the directories in %%PATH%%.", }[os.name]
+ " In case of runtime problems, please remember to install it." )
% dict(name=package.name) )
if os.name == "nt":
# LZO DLLs cannot be copied to the binary package for license reasons
if package.tag not in ['LZO', 'LZO2']:
dll_file = _platdep[package.tag][1] + '.dll'
dll_files.append(os.path.join(rundir, dll_file))
if package.tag == 'LZO2':
lzo2_enabled = True
if lzo2_enabled:
lzo_package = lzo2_package
lzo_package = lzo1_package
pyrex_extnames = [
'_comp_bzip2' ]
if VERSION.endswith('pro'):
'indexesExtension' ])
def get_pyrex_extfiles(extnames):
global pyrex
extdir = 'tables'
extfiles = {}
for extname in extnames:
extfile = os.path.join(extdir, extname)
extpfile = '%s.pyx' % extfile
extcfile = '%s.c' % extfile
if not exists(extpfile):
# The Pyrex sources does not exist. Give up with Pyrex.
pyrex = 0
elif not pyrex and newer(extpfile, extcfile):
"Need Pyrex (at least %s) to generate extensions. "
% min_pyrex_version,
"The ``%s`` file does not exist or is out of date "
"and Pyrex is not available. Please install Pyrex "
"in order to properly generate the extension."
% extcfile )
if pyrex and newer(extpfile, extcfile):
from Pyrex.Compiler.Main import Version
if Version.version < min_pyrex_version:
"At least Pyrex %s is needed so as to generate extensions!"
% (min_pyrex_version) )
if pyrex:
extfiles[extname] = extpfile
extfiles[extname] = extcfile
return extfiles
pyrex_extfiles = get_pyrex_extfiles(pyrex_extnames)
# Update the version.h file if this file is newer
if newer('VERSION', 'src/version.h'):
open('src/version.h', 'w').write('#define PYTABLES_VERSION "%s"\n' % VERSION)
# Package information for ``setuptools``.
setuptools_kwargs = {}
if has_setuptools:
# PyTables contains data files for tests.
setuptools_kwargs['zip_safe'] = False
# ``NumPy`` headers are needed for building the extensions.
setuptools_kwargs['install_requires'] = ['numpy>=%s' % min_numpy_version]
# ``NumPy`` is absolutely required for running PyTables.
setuptools_kwargs['setup_requires'] = ['numpy>=%s' % min_numpy_version]
setuptools_kwargs['extras_require'] = {
'Numeric': ['Numeric>=24.2'], # for ``Numeric`` support
'netCDF': ['ScientificPython'], # for netCDF interchange
'numarray': ['numarray>=1.5.2'], # for ``numarray`` support
# Detect packages automatically.
setuptools_kwargs['packages'] = find_packages(exclude=['*.bench'])
# Entry points for automatic creation of scripts.
setuptools_kwargs['entry_points'] = {
'console_scripts': [
'ptdump = tables.scripts.ptdump:main',
'ptrepack = tables.scripts.ptrepack:main',
'nctoh5 = tables.netcdf3.scripts.nctoh5:main [netCDF]',
# Test suites.
setuptools_kwargs['test_suite'] = 'tables.tests.test_all.suite'
setuptools_kwargs['scripts'] = []
# There is no other chance, these values must be hardwired.
setuptools_kwargs['packages'] = [
'tables', 'tables.nodes', 'tables.scripts', 'tables.numexpr',
'tables.nra', 'tables.netcdf3', 'tables.netcdf3.scripts',
# Test suites.
'tables.tests', 'tables.numexpr.tests', 'tables.nodes.tests',
'tables.netcdf3.tests', 'tables.nra.tests']
setuptools_kwargs['scripts'] = [
'utils/ptdump', 'utils/ptrepack', 'utils/nctoh5']
# Copy additional data for packages that need it.
setuptools_kwargs['package_data'] = {
'tables.tests': ['*.h5'],
'tables.nodes.tests': ['*.dat', '*.xbm', '*.h5']}
#Having the Python version included in the package name makes managing a
#system with multiple versions of Python much easier.
def find_name(base='tables'):
'''If "--name-with-python-version" is on the command line then
append "-pyX.Y" to the base name'''
name = base
if '--name-with-python-version' in sys.argv:
name += '-py%i.%i'%(sys.version_info[0],sys.version_info[1])
return name
name = find_name()
if os.name == "nt":
# Add DLL's to the final package for windows
data_files.extend([('Lib/site-packages/%s'%name, dll_files),
utilsExtension_libs = LIBS + [hdf5_package.library_name]
hdf5Extension_libs = LIBS + [hdf5_package.library_name]
tableExtension_libs = LIBS + [hdf5_package.library_name]
indexesExtension_libs = LIBS + [hdf5_package.library_name]
lrucacheExtension_libs = [] # Doesn't need external libraries
# Compressor modules only need other libraries if they are enabled.
_comp_lzo_libs = LIBS[:]
_comp_bzip2_libs = LIBS[:]
for (package, complibs) in [
(lzo_package, _comp_lzo_libs),
(bzip2_package, _comp_bzip2_libs), ]:
if package.tag in optional_libs:
complibs.extend([hdf5_package.library_name, package.library_name])
extensions = [
Extension( "tables.utilsExtension",
sources=[ pyrex_extfiles['utilsExtension'],
"src/H5ATTR.c" ],
extra_compile_args=CFLAGS ),
Extension( "tables.hdf5Extension",
sources=[ pyrex_extfiles['hdf5Extension'],
"src/H5ATTR.c" ],
extra_compile_args=CFLAGS ),
Extension( "tables.tableExtension",
sources=[ pyrex_extfiles['tableExtension'],
extra_compile_args=CFLAGS ),
Extension( "tables._comp_lzo",
sources=[ pyrex_extfiles['_comp_lzo'],
"src/H5Zlzo.c" ],
extra_compile_args=CFLAGS ),
Extension( "tables._comp_bzip2",
sources=[ pyrex_extfiles['_comp_bzip2'],
"src/H5Zbzip2.c" ],
extra_compile_args=CFLAGS ),
Extension( "tables.numexpr.interpreter",
depends=[ "tables/numexpr/interp_body.c",
"tables/numexpr/missing_posix_functions.inc" ],
extra_compile_args=CFLAGS ),
if 'lrucacheExtension' in pyrex_extnames:
Extension( "tables.lrucacheExtension",
extra_compile_args=CFLAGS ) )
if 'indexesExtension' in pyrex_extnames:
Extension( "tables.indexesExtension",
sources = [ pyrex_extfiles['indexesExtension'],
"src/idx-opt.c" ],
extra_compile_args=CFLAGS ) )
classifiers = """\
Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Intended Audience :: Developers
Intended Audience :: Information Technology
Intended Audience :: Science/Research
License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
Programming Language :: Python
Topic :: Database
Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows
Operating System :: Unix
setup(name = name,
version = VERSION,
description = 'Hierarchical datasets for Python',
long_description = """\
PyTables is a package for managing hierarchical datasets and
designed to efficently cope with extremely large amounts of
data. PyTables is built on top of the HDF5 library and the
NumPy package and features an object-oriented interface
that, combined with C-code generated from Pyrex sources,
makes of it a fast, yet extremely easy to use tool for
interactively save and retrieve large amounts of data.
classifiers = filter(None, classifiers.split("\n")),
author = 'Francesc Alted, Ivan Vilata, et al.',
author_email = 'pytables@pytables.org',
maintainer = 'Francesc Alted',
maintainer_email = 'pytables@pytables.org',
url = 'http://www.pytables.org/',
license = 'http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php',
download_url = "http://www.pytables.org/download/stable/tables-%s.tar.gz" % VERSION,
platforms = ['any'],
ext_modules = extensions,
cmdclass = cmdclass,
data_files = data_files,