Here is defined the Table class (common).
:Author: Ivan Vilata i Balaguer
:Contact: ivan@selidor.net
:Created: 2007-02-15
:License: BSD
:Revision: $Id: _table_common.py 3853 2008-10-28 20:06:22Z faltet $
from tables.path import joinPath,splitPath
def _indexNameOf(node):
return '_i_%s' % node._v_name
def _indexPathnameOf(node):
nodeParentPath = splitPath(node._v_pathname)[0]
return joinPath(nodeParentPath, _indexNameOf(node))
def _indexPathnameOfColumn(table, colpathname):
return joinPath(_indexPathnameOf(table), colpathname)
def _tableColumnPathnameOfIndex(indexpathname):
names = indexpathname.split("/")
for i, name in enumerate(names):
if name.startswith('_i_'):
tablepathname = "/".join(names[:i])+"/"+name[3:]
colpathname = "/".join(names[i+1:])
return (tablepathname, colpathname)
# The next are versions that work with just paths (i.e. we don't need
# a node instance for using them, which can be critical in certain
# situations)
def _indexNameOf_(nodeName):
return '_i_%s' % nodeName
def _indexPathnameOf_(nodePath):
nodeParentPath, nodeName = splitPath(nodePath)
return joinPath(nodeParentPath, _indexNameOf_(nodeName))
def _indexPathnameOfColumn_(tablePath, colpathname):
return joinPath(_indexPathnameOf_(tablePath), colpathname)