# License: BSD
# Created: October 14, 2002
# Author: Francesc Alted - faltet@pytables.com
# $Id: leaf.py 3905 2008-11-13 12:22:18Z faltet $
"""Here is defined the Leaf class.
See Leaf class docstring for more info.
Misc variables:
import sys
import warnings
import math
import numpy
import tables
from tables.flavor import (check_flavor,internal_flavor
alias_map as flavor_alias_map )
from tables import hdf5Extension
from tables.node import Node
from tables.filters import Filters
from tables.utils import byteorders,idx2long,lazyattr,SizeType
from tables.utilsExtension import whichLibVersion
from tables.exceptions import PerformanceWarning
from tables import utilsExtension
__version__ = "$Revision: 3905 $"
def csformula(expectedsizeinMB):
"""Return the fitted chunksize for expectedsizeinMB."""
# For a basesize of 8 KB, this will return:
# 8 KB for datasets <= 1 MB
# 1 MB for datasets >= 10 TB
basesize = 8*1024 # 8 KB is a good minimum
return basesize * int(2**math.log10(expectedsizeinMB))
def limit_es(expectedsizeinMB):
"""Protection against creating too small or too large chunks."""
if expectedsizeinMB < 1: # < 1 MB
expectedsizeinMB = 1
elif expectedsizeinMB > 10**7: # > 10 TB
expectedsizeinMB = 10**7
return expectedsizeinMB
def calc_chunksize(expectedsizeinMB):
"""Compute the optimum HDF5 chunksize for I/O purposes.
Rational: HDF5 takes the data in bunches of chunksize length to
write the on disk. A BTree in memory is used to map structures on
disk. The more chunks that are allocated for a dataset the larger
the B-tree. Large B-trees take memory and causes file storage
overhead as well as more disk I/O and higher contention for the meta
data cache. You have to balance between memory and I/O overhead
(small B-trees) and time to access to data (big B-trees).
The tuning of the chunksize parameter affects the performance and
the memory consumed. This is based on my own experiments and, as
always, your mileage may vary.
expectedsizeinMB = limit_es(expectedsizeinMB)
zone = int(math.log10(expectedsizeinMB))
expectedsizeinMB = 10**zone
chunksize = csformula(expectedsizeinMB)
return chunksize
class Leaf(Node):
Abstract base class for all PyTables leaves.
A leaf is a node (see the `Node` class) which hangs from a group
(see the `Group` class) but, unlike a group, it can not have any
further children below it (i.e. it is an end node).
This definition includes all nodes which contain actual data
(datasets handled by the `Table`, `Array`, `CArray`, `EArray` and
`VLArray` classes) and unsupported nodes (the `UnImplemented` class)
--these classes do in fact inherit from `Leaf`.
Public instance variables
The following instance variables are provided in addition to those
in `Node`:
The byte ordering of the leaf data *on disk*.
The HDF5 chunk size for chunked leaves (a tuple).
This is read-only because you cannot change the chunk size of a
leaf once it has been created.
Filter properties for this leaf --see `Filters`.
The type of the data object read from this leaf.
It can be any of 'numpy', 'numarray', 'numeric' or 'python' (the
set of supported flavors depends on which packages you have
installed on your system).
You can (and are encouraged to) use this property to get, set
and delete the ``FLAVOR`` HDF5 attribute of the leaf. When the
leaf has no such attribute, the default flavor is used.
The dimension along which iterators work.
Its value is 0 (i.e. the first dimension) when the dataset is
not extendable, and `Leaf.extdim` (where available) for
extendable ones.
The length of the main dimension of the leaf data.
The number of rows that fit in internal input buffers.
You can change this to fine-tune the speed or memory
requirements of your application.
The shape of data in the leaf.
Public instance variables -- aliases
The following instance variables are just easier-to-write aliases to
their `Node` counterparts (indicated between parentheses):
The associated `AttributeSet` instance (`Node._v_attrs`).
The name of this node in its parent group (`Node._v_name`).
A node identifier (may change from run to run).
A description for this node (`Node._v_title`).
Public methods
* close([flush])
* copy([newparent][, newname][, overwrite][, createparents][, **kwargs])
* delAttr(name)
* flush()
* getAttr(name)
* isVisible()
* move([newparent][, newname][, overwrite])
* remove()
* rename(newname)
* truncate(size)
* setAttr(name, value)
* _f_close([flush])
* __len__()
# Properties
# ~~~~~~~~~~
# Node property aliases
# `````````````````````
# These are a little hard to override, but so are properties.
attrs = Node._v_attrs
title = Node._v_title
# Read-only node property aliases
# ```````````````````````````````
name = property(
lambda self: self._v_name, None, None,
"The name of this node in its parent group (a string)." )
chunkshape = property(
lambda self: self._v_chunkshape, None, None,
The HDF5 chunk size for chunked leaves (a tuple).
This is read-only because you cannot change the chunk size of a
leaf once it has been created.
""" )
objectID = property(
lambda self: self._v_objectID, None, None,
"A node identifier (may change from run to run)." )
# Lazy read-only attributes
# `````````````````````````
def filters(self):
"""Filter properties for this leaf."""
return Filters._from_leaf(self)
# Other properties
# ````````````````
def _getmaindim(self):
if self.extdim < 0:
return 0 # choose the first dimension
return self.extdim
maindim = property(
_getmaindim, None, None,
The dimension along which iterators work.
Its value is 0 (i.e. the first dimension) when the dataset is
not extendable, and `Leaf.extdim` (where available) for
extendable ones.
""" )
def _setflavor(self, flavor):
self._v_attrs.FLAVOR = self._flavor = flavor # logs the change
def _delflavor(self):
del self._v_attrs.FLAVOR
self._flavor = internal_flavor
flavor = property(
lambda self: self._flavor, _setflavor, _delflavor,
The representation of data read from this leaf.
It can be any of 'numpy', 'numarray', 'numeric' or 'python' (the
set of supported flavors depends on which packages you have
installed on your system).
You can (and are encouraged to) use this property to get, set
and delete the ``FLAVOR`` HDF5 attribute of the leaf. When the
leaf has no such attribute, the default flavor is used.
""" )
# Special methods
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def __init__(self, parentNode, name,
new=False, filters=None,
byteorder=None, _log=True):
self._v_new = new
"""Is this the first time the node has been created?"""
self.nrowsinbuf = None
The number of rows that fits in internal input buffers.
You can change this to fine-tune the speed or memory
requirements of your application.
self._flavor = None
"""Private storage for the `flavor` property."""
if new:
# Get filter properties from parent group if not given.
if filters is None:
filters = parentNode._v_filters
self.__dict__['filters'] = filters # bypass the property
if byteorder not in (None, 'little', 'big'):
raise ValueError(
"the byteorder can only take 'little' or 'big' values "
"and you passed: %s" % byteorder)
self.byteorder = byteorder
"""The byte ordering of the leaf data *on disk*."""
# Existing filters need not be read since `filters`
# is a lazy property that automatically handles their loading.
super(Leaf, self).__init__(parentNode, name, _log)
def __len__(self):
Return the length of the main dimension of the leaf data.
Please note that this may raise an ``OverflowError`` on 32-bit
platforms for datasets having more than 2**31-1 rows. This is a
limitation of Python that you can work around by using the
``nrows`` or ``shape`` attributes.
return self.nrows
def __str__(self):
"""The string representation for this object is its pathname in
the HDF5 object tree plus some additional metainfo.
# Get this class name
classname = self.__class__.__name__
# The title
title = self._v_title
# The filters
filters = ""
if self.filters.fletcher32:
filters += ", fletcher32"
if self.filters.complevel:
if self.filters.shuffle:
filters += ", shuffle"
filters += ", %s(%s)" % (self.filters.complib,
return "%s (%s%s%s) %r" % \
(self._v_pathname, classname, self.shape, filters, title)
# Private methods
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def _g_postInitHook(self):
Code to be run after node creation and before creation logging.
This method gets or sets the flavor of the leaf.
super(Leaf, self)._g_postInitHook()
if self._v_new: # set flavor of new node
if self._flavor is None:
self._flavor = internal_flavor
else: # flavor set at creation time, do not log
if self._v_file.params['PYTABLES_SYS_ATTRS']:
self._v_attrs._g__setattr('FLAVOR', self._flavor)
else: # get flavor of existing node (if any)
if self._v_file.params['PYTABLES_SYS_ATTRS']:
flavor = getattr(self._v_attrs, 'FLAVOR', internal_flavor)
self._flavor = flavor_alias_map.get(flavor, flavor)
self._flavor = internal_flavor
def _calc_chunkshape(self, expectedrows, rowsize, itemsize):
"""Calculate the shape for the HDF5 chunk."""
# In case of a scalar shape, return the unit chunksize
if self.shape == ():
return (SizeType(1),)
# Compute the chunksize
MB = 1024 * 1024
expectedsizeinMB = (expectedrows * rowsize) / MB
chunksize = calc_chunksize(expectedsizeinMB)
maindim = self.maindim
# Compute the chunknitems
chunknitems = chunksize // itemsize
# Safeguard against itemsizes being extremely large
if chunknitems == 0:
chunknitems = 1
chunkshape = list(self.shape)
# Check whether trimming the main dimension is enough
chunkshape[maindim] = 1
newchunknitems = numpy.prod(chunkshape, dtype=SizeType)
if newchunknitems <= chunknitems:
chunkshape[maindim] = chunknitems // newchunknitems
# No, so start trimming other dimensions as well
for j in xrange(len(chunkshape)):
# Check whether trimming this dimension is enough
chunkshape[j] = 1
newchunknitems = numpy.prod(chunkshape, dtype=SizeType)
if newchunknitems <= chunknitems:
chunkshape[j] = chunknitems // newchunknitems
# Ops, we ran out of the loop without a break
# Set the last dimension to chunknitems
chunkshape[-1] = chunknitems
return tuple(SizeType(s) for s in chunkshape)
def _calc_nrowsinbuf(self, chunkshape, rowsize, itemsize):
"""Calculate the number of rows that fits on a PyTables buffer."""
params = self._v_file.params
# Compute the nrowsinbuf
chunksize = numpy.prod(chunkshape, dtype=SizeType) * itemsize
buffersize = chunksize * params['CHUNKTIMES']
nrowsinbuf = buffersize // rowsize
# Safeguard against row sizes being extremely large
if nrowsinbuf == 0:
nrowsinbuf = 1
# If rowsize is too large, issue a Performance warning
maxrowsize = params['BUFFERTIMES'] * buffersize
if rowsize > maxrowsize:
The Leaf ``%s`` is exceeding the maximum recommended rowsize (%d bytes);
be ready to see PyTables asking for *lots* of memory and possibly slow
I/O. You may want to reduce the rowsize by trimming the value of
dimensions that are orthogonal (and preferably close) to the main
dimension of this leave. Alternatively, in case you have specified a
very small/large chunksize, you may want to increase/decrease it."""
% (self._v_pathname, maxrowsize),
# It is difficult to forsee the level of code nesting to reach user code.
#f = sys._getframe(8)
###Caller --> %s (%s:%s)"""
# f.f_code.co_name,
# f.f_code.co_filename, f.f_lineno,),
return nrowsinbuf
# This method is appropriate for calls to __getitem__ methods
def _processRange(self, start, stop, step, dim=None, warn_negstep=True):
if dim is None:
nrows = len(self) # self.shape[self.maindim]
nrows = self.shape[dim]
if warn_negstep and step and step < 0 :
raise ValueError("slice step cannot be negative")
# In order to convert possible numpy.integer values to long ones
# F. Alted 2006-05-02
if start is not None: start = idx2long(start)
if stop is not None: stop = idx2long(stop)
if step is not None: step = idx2long(step)
# (start, stop, step) = slice(start, stop, step).indices(nrows)
# The next function is a substitute for slice().indices in order to
# support full 64-bit integer for slices even in 32-bit machines.
# F. Alted 2005-05-08
(start, stop, step) = utilsExtension.getIndices(
slice(start, stop, step), long(nrows) )
return (start, stop, step)
# This method is appropiate for calls to read() methods
def _processRangeRead(self, start, stop, step, warn_negstep=True):
nrows = self.nrows
if start is None and stop is None:
start = 0
stop = nrows
if start is not None and stop is None:
# Protection against start greater than available records
# nrows == 0 is a special case for empty objects
if nrows > 0 and start >= nrows:
raise IndexError( "start of range (%s) is greater than "
"number of rows (%s)" % (start, nrows) )
step = 1
if start == -1: # corner case
stop = nrows
stop = start + 1
# Finally, get the correct values (over the main dimension)
start, stop, step = self._processRange(
start, stop, step, warn_negstep=warn_negstep)
return (start, stop, step)
def _g_copy(self, newParent, newName, recursive, _log=True, **kwargs):
# Compute default arguments.
start = kwargs.pop('start', None)
stop = kwargs.pop('stop', None)
step = kwargs.pop('step', None)
title = kwargs.pop('title', self._v_title)
filters = kwargs.pop('filters', self.filters)
chunkshape = kwargs.pop('chunkshape', self.chunkshape)
copyuserattrs = kwargs.pop('copyuserattrs', True)
stats = kwargs.pop('stats', None)
if chunkshape == 'keep':
chunkshape = self.chunkshape # Keep the original chunkshape
elif chunkshape == 'auto':
chunkshape = None # Will recompute chunkshape
# Fix arguments with explicit None values for backwards compatibility.
if title is None: title = self._v_title
if filters is None: filters = self.filters
# Create a copy of the object.
(newNode, bytes) = self._g_copyWithStats(
newParent, newName, start, stop, step,
title, filters, chunkshape, _log, **kwargs)
# Copy user attributes if requested (or the flavor at least).
if copyuserattrs == True:
elif 'FLAVOR' in self._v_attrs:
if self._v_file.params['PYTABLES_SYS_ATTRS']:
newNode._v_attrs._g__setattr('FLAVOR', self._flavor)
newNode._flavor = self._flavor # update cached value
# Update statistics if needed.
if stats is not None:
stats['leaves'] += 1
stats['bytes'] += bytes
return newNode
def _g_fix_byteorder_data(self, data, dbyteorder):
"Fix the byteorder of data passed in constructors."
dbyteorder = byteorders[dbyteorder]
# If self.byteorder has not been passed as an argument of
# the constructor, then set it to the same value of data.
if self.byteorder is None:
self.byteorder = dbyteorder
# Do an additional in-place byteswap of data if the in-memory
# byteorder doesn't match that of the on-disk. This is the only
# place that we have to do the conversion manually. In all the
# other cases, it will be HDF5 the responsible of doing the
# byteswap properly.
if dbyteorder in ['little', 'big']:
if dbyteorder != self.byteorder:
# if data is not writeable, do a copy first
if not data.flags.writeable:
data = data.copy()
# Fix the byteorder again, no matter which byteorder have
# specified the user in the constructor.
self.byteorder = "irrelevant"
return data
# Public methods
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Tree manipulation
# `````````````````
def remove(self):
Remove this node from thehierarchy. import
This method has the behavior described in `Node._f_remove()`.
Please note that there is no ``recursive`` flag since leaves
do not have child nodes.
def rename(self, newname):
Rename this node in place.
This method has the behavior described in `Node._f_rename()`.
def move( self, newparent=None, newname=None,
overwrite=False, createparents=False ):
Move or rename this node.
This method has the behavior described in `Node._f_move()`.
self._f_move(newparent, newname, overwrite, createparents)
def copy( self, newparent=None, newname=None,
overwrite=False, createparents=False, **kwargs ):
Copy this node and return the new one.
This method has the behavior described in `Node._f_copy()`.
Please note that there is no ``recursive`` flag since leaves
do not have child nodes. In addition, this method recognises
the following keyword arguments:
The new title for the destination. If omitted or
``None``, the original title is used.
Specifying this parameter overrides the original filter
properties in the source node. If specified, it must be
an instance of the `Filters` class. The default is to
copy the filter properties from thesourcenode. import
You can prevent the user attributes from beingcopiedby import
setting this parameter to ``False``. The default is to
copy them.
`start`, `stop`, `step`
Specify the range of rows to be copied; the default is to
copy all the rows.
The chunkshape of the new leaf. It supports a couple of
special values. A value of 'keep' means that the chunkshape
will be the same than original leaf (this is the default).
A value of 'auto' means that a new shape will be computed
automatically in order to ensure best performance when
accessing the dataset through the main dimension. Any other
value should be an integer or a tuple matching the
dimensions of the leaf.
This argument may be used to collect statistics on the
copy process. When used, it should be a dictionary whith
keys ``'groups'``, ``'leaves'`` and ``'bytes'`` having a
numeric value. Their values will be incremented to
reflect the number of groups, leaves and bytes,
respectively, that have been copied during the operation.
.. Warning:: Note that unknown parameters passed to this method
will be ignored, so may want to double check the spell of
these (i.e. if you write them incorrectly, they will most
probably be ignored).
return self._f_copy(
newparent, newname, overwrite, createparents, **kwargs )
def truncate(self, size):
"""Truncate the main dimension to be `size` rows.
If the main dimension previously was larger than this `size`,
the extra data is lost. If the main dimension previously was
shorter, it is extended, and the extended part is filled with
the default values.
The truncation operation can only be applied to *enlargeable*
datasets, else a `TypeError` will be raised.
.. Warning:: If you are using the HDF5 1.6.x series, and due to
limitations of them, `size` must be greater than zero
(i.e. the dataset can not be completely emptied). A
`ValueError` will be issued if you are using HDF5 1.6.x and
try to pass a zero size to this method. HDF5 1.8.x doesn't
undergo this problem.
# A non-enlargeable arrays (Array, CArray) cannot be truncated
if self.extdim < 0:
raise TypeError("non-enlargeable datasets cannot be truncated")
if (size > 0 or
(size == 0 and whichLibVersion("hdf5")[1] >= "1.8.0")):
raise ValueError("""
`size` must be greater than 0 if you are using HDF5 < 1.8.0.
With HDF5 1.8.0 and higher, `size` can also be 0 or greater.""")
def isVisible(self):
Is this node visible?
This method has the behavior described in `Node._f_isVisible()`.
return self._f_isVisible()
# Attribute handling
# ``````````````````
def getAttr(self, name):
Get a PyTables attribute from thisnode. import
This method has the behavior described in `Node._f_getAttr()`.
return self._f_getAttr(name)
def setAttr(self, name, value):
Set a PyTables attribute for this node.
This method has the behavior described in `Node._f_setAttr()`.
self._f_setAttr(name, value)
def delAttr(self, name):
Delete a PyTables attribute from thisnode. import
This method has the behavior described in `Node._f_delAttr()`.
# Data handling
# `````````````
def flush(self):
Flush pending data to disk.
Saves whatever remaining buffered data to disk. It also
releases I/O buffers, so if you are filling many datasets in the
same PyTables session, please call ``flush()`` extensively so as
to help PyTables to keep memory requirements low.
def _f_close(self, flush=True):
Close this node in the tree.
This method has the behavior described in `Node._f_close()`.
Besides that, the optional argument `flush` tells whether to
flush pending data to disk or not before closing.
if not self._v_isopen:
return # the node is already closed or not initialized
# Only do a flush in case the leaf has an IO buffer. The
# internal buffers of HDF5 will be flushed afterwards during the
# self._g_close() call. Avoiding an unnecessary flush()
# operation accelerates the closing for the unbuffered leaves.
if flush and hasattr(self, "_v_iobuf"):
# Close the dataset and release resources
# Close myself as a node.
super(Leaf, self)._f_close()
def close(self, flush=True):
Close this node in the tree.
This method is completely equivalent to `Leaf._f_close()`.
## Local Variables:
## mode: python
## py-indent-offset: 4
## tab-width: 4
## fill-column: 72
## End: