import sys
import numpy
from tables.numexpr import interpreter,expressions
typecode_to_kind = {'b': 'bool', 'i': 'int', 'l': 'long', 'f': 'float',
'c': 'complex', 's': 'str', 'n' : 'none'}
kind_to_typecode = {'bool': 'b', 'int': 'i', 'long': 'l', 'float': 'f',
'complex': 'c', 'str': 's', 'none' : 'n'}
type_to_kind = expressions.type_to_kind
kind_to_type = expressions.kind_to_type
class ASTNode(object):
"""Abstract Syntax Tree node.
astType -- type of node (op, constant, variable, raw, or alias)
astKind -- the type of the result (bool, float, etc.)
value -- value associated with this node.
An opcode, numerical value, a variable name, etc.
children -- the children below this node
reg -- the register assigned to the result for this node.
cmpnames = ['astType', 'astKind', 'value', 'children']
def __init__(self, astType='generic', astKind='unknown',
value=None, children=()):
self.astType = astType
self.astKind = astKind
self.value = value
self.children = tuple(children)
self.reg = None
def __eq__(self, other):
if self.astType == 'alias':
self = self.value
if other.astType == 'alias':
other = other.value
if not isinstance(other, ASTNode):
return False
for name in self.cmpnames:
if getattr(self, name) != getattr(other, name):
return False
return True
def __hash__(self):
if self.astType == 'alias':
self = self.value
hashval = 0
for name in self.cmpnames:
hashval ^= hash(getattr(self, name))
return hashval
def __str__(self):
return 'AST(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' % (self.astType, self.astKind,
self.value, self.children, self.reg)
def __repr__(self): return '<AST object at %s>' % id(self)
def key(self):
return (self.astType, self.astKind, self.value, self.children)
def typecode(self):
return kind_to_typecode[self.astKind]
def postorderWalk(self):
for c in self.children:
for w in c.postorderWalk():
yield w
yield self
def allOf(self, *astTypes):
astTypes = set(astTypes)
for w in self.postorderWalk():
if w.astType in astTypes:
yield w
def expressionToAST(ex):
"""Take an expression tree made out of expressions.ExpressionNode,
and convert to an AST tree.
This is necessary as ExpressionNode overrides many methods to act
like a number.
this_ast = ASTNode(ex.astType, ex.astKind, ex.value,
[expressionToAST(c) for c in ex.children])
return this_ast
def sigPerms(s):
"""Generate all possible signatures derived by upcasting the given
codes = 'bilfc'
if not s:
yield ''
elif s[0] in codes:
start = codes.index(s[0])
for x in codes[start:]:
for y in sigPerms(s[1:]):
yield x + y
elif s[0] == 's': # numbers shall not be cast to strings
for y in sigPerms(s[1:]):
yield 's' + y
yield s
def typeCompileAst(ast):
"""Assign appropiate types to each node in the AST.
Will convert opcodes and functions to appropiate upcast version,
and add "cast" ops if needed.
children = list(ast.children)
if ast.astType == 'op':
retsig = ast.typecode()
basesig = ''.join(x.typecode() for x in list(ast.children))
# Find some operation that will work on an acceptable casting of args.
for sig in sigPerms(basesig):
value = ast.value + '_' + retsig + sig
if value in interpreter.opcodes:
for sig in sigPerms(basesig):
funcname = ast.value + '_' + retsig + sig
if funcname in interpreter.funccodes:
value = 'func_%s' % (retsig+sig)
children += [ASTNode('raw', 'none',
raise NotImplementedError(
"couldn't find matching opcode for '%s'"
% (ast.value + '_' + retsig+basesig))
# First just cast constants, then cast variables if necessary:
for i, (have, want) in enumerate(zip(basesig, sig)):
if have != want:
kind = typecode_to_kind[want]
if children[i].astType == 'constant':
children[i] = ASTNode('constant', kind, children[i].value)
opname = "cast"
children[i] = ASTNode('op', kind, opname, [children[i]])
value = ast.value
children = ast.children
new_ast = ASTNode(ast.astType, ast.astKind, value,
[typeCompileAst(c) for c in children])
return new_ast
class Register(object):
"""Abstraction for a register in the VM.
node -- the AST node this corresponds to
temporary -- True if this isn't an input or output
immediate -- not a register, but an immediate value
n -- the physical register number.
None if no number assigned yet.
def __init__(self, astnode, temporary=False):
self.node = astnode
self.temporary = temporary
self.immediate = False
self.n = None
def __str__(self):
if self.temporary:
name = 'Temporary'
name = 'Register'
return '%s(%s, %s, %s)' % (name, self.node.astType,
self.node.astKind, self.n,)
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
class Immediate(Register):
"""Representation of an immediate (integer) operand, instead of
a register.
def __init__(self, astnode):
Register.__init__(self, astnode)
self.immediate = True
def __str__(self):
return 'Immediate(%d)' % (self.node.value,)
def stringToExpression(s, types, context):
"""Given a string, convert it to a tree of ExpressionNode's.
old_ctx = expressions._context.get_current_context()
# first compile to a code object to determine the names
c = compile(s, '<expr>', 'eval')
# make VariableNode's for the names
names = {}
for name in c.co_names:
if name == "None":
names[name] = None
elif name == "True":
names[name] = True
elif name == "False":
names[name] = False
t = types.get(name, float)
names[name] = expressions.VariableNode(name, type_to_kind[t])
# now build the expression
ex = eval(c, names)
if expressions.isConstant(ex):
ex = expressions.ConstantNode(ex, expressions.getKind(ex))
elif not isinstance(ex, expressions.ExpressionNode):
raise TypeError("unsupported expression type: %s" % type(ex))
return ex
def isReduction(ast):
return ast.value.startswith('sum_') or ast.value.startswith('prod_')
def getInputOrder(ast, input_order=None):
"""Derive the input order of the variables in an expression.
variables = {}
for a in ast.allOf('variable'):
variables[a.value] = a
variable_names = set(variables.keys())
if input_order:
if variable_names != set(input_order):
raise ValueError("input names don't match those found in expression")
ordered_names = input_order
ordered_names = list(variable_names)
ordered_variables = [variables[v] for v in ordered_names]
return ordered_variables
def convertConstantToKind(x, kind):
return kind_to_type[kind](x)
def getConstants(ast):
const_map = {}
for a in ast.allOf('constant'):
const_map[(a.astKind, a.value)] = a
ordered_constants = const_map.keys()
constants_order = [const_map[v] for v in ordered_constants]
constants = [convertConstantToKind(a.value, a.astKind)
for a in constants_order]
return constants_order, constants
def sortNodesByOrder(nodes, order):
order_map = {}
for i, (_, v, _) in enumerate(order):
order_map[v] = i
dec_nodes = [(order_map[n.value], n) for n in nodes]
return [a[1] for a in dec_nodes]
def assignLeafRegisters(inodes, registerMaker):
"""Assign new registers to each of the leaf nodes.
leafRegisters = {}
for node in inodes:
key = node.key()
if key in leafRegisters:
node.reg = leafRegisters[key]
node.reg = leafRegisters[key] = registerMaker(node)
def assignBranchRegisters(inodes, registerMaker):
"""Assign temporary registers to each of the branch nodes.
for node in inodes:
node.reg = registerMaker(node, temporary=True)
def collapseDuplicateSubtrees(ast):
"""common subexpression elimination.
seen = {}
aliases = []
for a in ast.allOf('op'):
if a in seen:
target = seen[a]
a.astType = 'alias'
a.value = target
a.children = ()
seen[a] = a
# Set values and registers so optimizeTemporariesAllocation
# doesn't get confused
for a in aliases:
while a.value.astType == 'alias':
a.value = a.value.value
a.reg = a.value.reg
def optimizeTemporariesAllocation(ast):
"""Attempt to minimize the number of temporaries needed, by
reusing old ones.
nodes = list(x for x in ast.postorderWalk() if x.reg.temporary)
users_of = dict((n.reg, set()) for n in nodes)
if nodes and nodes[-1] is not ast:
for c in ast.children:
if c.reg.temporary:
for n in reversed(nodes):
for c in n.children:
if c.reg.temporary:
unused = {'bool' : set(), 'int' : set(), 'long': set(),
'float' : set(), 'complex' : set(), 'str': set()}
for n in nodes:
for reg, users in users_of.iteritems():
if n in users:
if not users:
if unused[n.astKind]:
reg = unused[n.astKind].pop()
users_of[reg] = users_of[n.reg]
n.reg = reg
def setOrderedRegisterNumbers(order, start):
"""Given an order of nodes, assign register numbers.
for i, node in enumerate(order):
node.reg.n = start + i
return start + len(order)
def setRegisterNumbersForTemporaries(ast, start):
"""Assign register numbers for temporary registers, keeping track of
aliases and handling immediate operands.
seen = 0
signature = ''
aliases = []
for node in ast.postorderWalk():
if node.astType == 'alias':
node = node.value
if node.reg.immediate:
node.reg.n = node.value
reg = node.reg
if reg.n < 0:
reg.n = start + seen
seen += 1
signature += reg.node.typecode()
for node in aliases:
node.reg = node.value.reg
return start + seen, signature
def convertASTtoThreeAddrForm(ast):
"""Convert an AST to a three address form.
Three address form is (op, reg1, reg2, reg3), where reg1 is the
destination of the result of the instruction.
I suppose this should be called three register form, but three
address form is found in compiler theory.
program = []
for node in ast.allOf('op'):
children = node.children
instr = (node.value, node.reg) \
+ tuple([c.reg for c in children])
return program
def compileThreeAddrForm(program):
"""Given a three address form of the program, compile it a string that
the VM understands.
def nToChr(reg):
if reg is None:
return '\xff'
elif reg.n < 0:
raise ValueError("negative value for register number %s" % (reg.n,))
return chr(reg.n)
def quadrupleToString(opcode, store, a1=None, a2=None):
cop = chr(interpreter.opcodes[opcode])
cs = nToChr(store)
ca1 = nToChr(a1)
ca2 = nToChr(a2)
return cop + cs + ca1 + ca2
def toString(*args):
while len(args) < 4:
args += (None,)
opcode, store, a1, a2 = args[0:4]
s = quadrupleToString(opcode, store, a1, a2)
l = [s]
args = args[4:]
while args:
s = quadrupleToString('noop', *args[:3])
args = args[3:]
return ''.join(l)
prog_str = ''.join([toString(*t) for t in program])
return prog_str
context_info = [
('optimization', ('none', 'moderate', 'aggressive'), 'aggressive'),
def getContext(map):
context = {}
for name, allowed, default in context_info:
value = map.pop(name, default)
if value in allowed:
context[name] = value
raise ValueError("'%s' must be one of %s" % (name, allowed))
if map:
raise ValueError("Unknown keyword argument '%s'" % map.popitem()[0])
return context
def precompile(ex, signature=(), copy_args=(), **kwargs):
"""Compile the expression to an intermediate form.
types = dict(signature)
input_order = [name for (name, type) in signature]
context = getContext(kwargs)
if isinstance(ex, str):
ex = stringToExpression(ex, types, context)
# the AST is like the expression, but the node objects don't have
# any odd interpretations
ast = expressionToAST(ex)
# Add a copy for strided or unaligned unidimensional arrays
for a in ast.postorderWalk():
if a.astType == "variable" and a.value in copy_args:
newVar = ASTNode(*a.key())
a.astType, a.value, a.children = ('op', 'copy', (newVar,))
if ex.astType not in ('op'):
ast = ASTNode('op', value='copy', astKind=ex.astKind, children=(ast,))
ast = typeCompileAst(ast)
reg_num = [-1]
def registerMaker(node, temporary=False):
reg = Register(node, temporary=temporary)
reg.n = reg_num[0]
reg_num[0] -= 1
return reg
assignLeafRegisters(ast.allOf('raw'), Immediate)
assignLeafRegisters(ast.allOf('variable', 'constant'), registerMaker)
assignBranchRegisters(ast.allOf('op'), registerMaker)
input_order = getInputOrder(ast, input_order)
constants_order, constants = getConstants(ast)
if isReduction(ast):
ast.reg.temporary = False
ast.reg.temporary = False
r_output = 0
ast.reg.n = 0
r_inputs = r_output + 1
r_constants = setOrderedRegisterNumbers(input_order, r_inputs)
r_temps = setOrderedRegisterNumbers(constants_order, r_constants)
r_end, tempsig = setRegisterNumbersForTemporaries(ast, r_temps)
threeAddrProgram = convertASTtoThreeAddrForm(ast)
input_names = tuple([a.value for a in input_order])
signature = ''.join(types.get(x, float).__name__[0] for x in input_names)
return threeAddrProgram, signature, tempsig, constants, input_names
def numexpr(ex, signature=(), copy_args=(), **kwargs):
"""Compile an expression built using E.<variable> variables to a function.
ex can also be specified as a string "2*a+3*b".
The order of the input variables and their types can be specified using the
signature parameter, which is a list of (name, type) pairs.
threeAddrProgram, inputsig, tempsig, constants, input_names = \
precompile(ex, signature, copy_args, **kwargs)
program = compileThreeAddrForm(threeAddrProgram)
return interpreter.NumExpr(inputsig, tempsig, program, constants,
def disassemble(nex):
"""Given a NumExpr object, return a list which is the program
rev_opcodes = {}
for op in interpreter.opcodes:
rev_opcodes[interpreter.opcodes[op]] = op
r_constants = 1 + len(nex.signature)
r_temps = r_constants + len(nex.constants)
def getArg(pc, offset):
arg = ord(nex.program[pc+offset])
op = rev_opcodes.get(ord(nex.program[pc]))
code = op.split('_')[1][offset-1]
if arg == 255:
return None
if code != 'n':
if arg == 0:
return 'r0'
elif arg < r_constants:
return 'r%d[%s]' % (arg, nex.input_names[arg-1])
elif arg < r_temps:
return 'c%d[%s]' % (arg, nex.constants[arg - r_constants])
return 't%d' % (arg,)
return arg
source = []
for pc in range(0, len(nex.program), 4):
op = rev_opcodes.get(ord(nex.program[pc]))
dest = getArg(pc, 1)
arg1 = getArg(pc, 2)
arg2 = getArg(pc, 3)
source.append( (op, dest, arg1, arg2) )
return source
def getType(a):
kind = a.dtype.kind
if kind == 'b':
return bool
if kind in 'iu':
if a.dtype.itemsize > 4:
return long # ``long`` is for integers of more than 32 bits
return int
if kind == 'f':
return float
if kind == 'c':
return complex
if kind == 'S':
return str
raise ValueError("unkown type %s" %
def getExprNames(text, context):
ex = stringToExpression(text, {}, context)
ast = expressionToAST(ex)
input_order = getInputOrder(ast, None)
return [a.value for a in input_order]
_names_cache = {}
_numexpr_cache = {}
def evaluate(ex, local_dict=None, global_dict=None, **kwargs):
"""Evaluate a simple array expression elementwise.
ex is a string forming an expression, like "2*a+3*b". The values for "a"
and "b" will by default be taken from the calling function's frame
(through use of sys._getframe()). Alternatively, they can be specifed
using the 'local_dict' or 'global_dict' arguments.
Not all operations are supported, and only real
constants and arrays of floats currently work.
if not isinstance(ex, str):
raise ValueError("must specify expression as a string")
# Get the names for this expression
expr_key = (ex, tuple(sorted(kwargs.items())))
if expr_key not in _names_cache:
if len(_names_cache) > 256:
for key in _names_cache.keys()[:10]:
del _names_cache[key]
context = getContext(kwargs)
_names_cache[expr_key] = getExprNames(ex, context)
names = _names_cache[expr_key]
# Get the arguments based on the names.
call_frame = sys._getframe(1)
if local_dict is None:
local_dict = call_frame.f_locals
if global_dict is None:
global_dict = call_frame.f_globals
arguments = []
copy_args = []
for name in names:
a = local_dict[name]
except KeyError:
a = global_dict[name]
b = numpy.asarray(a)
# Byteswapped arrays are dealt with in the extension
# All the opcodes can deal with strided arrays directly as
# long as they are undimensional (strides in other
# dimensions are dealt within the extension), so we don't
# need a copy for the strided case.
if not b.flags.aligned:
# For the unaligned case, we have two cases:
if b.ndim == 1:
# For unidimensional arrays we can use the copy opcode
# because it can deal with unaligned arrays as long
# as they are unidimensionals with a possible stride
# (very common case for recarrays). This can be up to
# 2x faster than doing a copy using NumPy.
# For multimensional unaligned arrays do a plain copy.
# We could refine more this and do a plain copy only
# in the case that strides doesn't exist in dimensions
# other than the last one (whose case is supported by
# the copy opcode).
b = b.copy()
# Create a signature
signature = [(name, getType(arg)) for (name, arg) in zip(names, arguments)]
# Look up numexpr if possible. copy_args *must* be added to the key,
# just in case a non-copy expression is already in cache.
numexpr_key = expr_key + (tuple(signature),) + tuple(copy_args)
compiled_ex = _numexpr_cache[numexpr_key]
except KeyError:
if len(_numexpr_cache) > 256:
for key in _numexpr_cache.keys()[:10]:
del _numexpr_cache[key]
compiled_ex = _numexpr_cache[numexpr_key] = \
numexpr(ex, signature, copy_args, **kwargs)
return compiled_ex(*arguments)