""" This test unit checks node atributes that are persistent (AttributeSet).
import sys
import unittest
import os
import re
import tempfile
import warnings
import numpy
from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal,assert_almost_equal
from tables.parameters import NODE_CACHE_SLOTS
from tables import *
from tables.tests import common
from tables.tests.common import allequal,PyTablesTestCase
from tables.exceptions import DataTypeWarning
# To delete the internal attributes automagically
unittest.TestCase.tearDown = common.cleanup
class Record(IsDescription):
var1 = StringCol(itemsize=4) # 4-character String
var2 = IntCol() # integer
var3 = Int16Col() # short integer
var4 = FloatCol() # double (double-precision)
var5 = Float32Col() # float (single-precision)
class CreateTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# Create an instance of HDF5 Table
self.file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
self.fileh = openFile(
self.file, mode = "w", NODE_CACHE_SLOTS=self.nodeCacheSlots)
self.root = self.fileh.root
# Create a table object
self.table = self.fileh.createTable(self.root, 'atable',
Record, "Table title")
# Create an array object
self.array = self.fileh.createArray(self.root, 'anarray',
[1], "Array title")
# Create a group object
self.group = self.fileh.createGroup(self.root, 'agroup',
"Group title")
def tearDown(self):
def test01_setAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting large string attributes (File methods)"""
attrlength = 2048
# Try to put a long string attribute on a group object
attr = self.fileh.setNodeAttr(self.root.agroup,
"attr1", "p" * attrlength)
# Now, try with a Table object
attr = self.fileh.setNodeAttr(self.root.atable,
"attr1", "a" * attrlength)
# Finally, try with an Array object
attr = self.fileh.setNodeAttr(self.root.anarray,
"attr1", "n" * attrlength)
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(
self.file, mode = "r+", NODE_CACHE_SLOTS=self.nodeCacheSlots)
self.root = self.fileh.root
assert self.fileh.getNodeAttr(self.root.agroup, 'attr1') == \
"p" * attrlength
assert self.fileh.getNodeAttr(self.root.atable, 'attr1') == \
"a" * attrlength
assert self.fileh.getNodeAttr(self.root.anarray, 'attr1') == \
"n" * attrlength
def test02_setAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting large string attributes (Node methods)"""
attrlength = 2048
# Try to put a long string attribute on a group object
self.root.agroup._f_setAttr('attr1', "p" * attrlength)
# Now, try with a Table object
self.root.atable.setAttr('attr1', "a" * attrlength)
# Finally, try with an Array object
self.root.anarray.setAttr('attr1', "n" * attrlength)
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(
self.file, mode = "r+", NODE_CACHE_SLOTS=self.nodeCacheSlots)
self.root = self.fileh.root
assert self.root.agroup._f_getAttr('attr1') == "p" * attrlength
assert self.root.atable.getAttr("attr1") == "a" * attrlength
assert self.root.anarray.getAttr("attr1") == "n" * attrlength
def test03_setAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting large string attributes (AttributeSet methods)"""
attrlength = 2048
# Try to put a long string attribute on a group object
self.group._v_attrs.attr1 = "p" * attrlength
# Now, try with a Table object
self.table.attrs.attr1 = "a" * attrlength
# Finally, try with an Array object
self.array.attrs.attr1 = "n" * attrlength
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(
self.file, mode = "r+", NODE_CACHE_SLOTS=self.nodeCacheSlots)
self.root = self.fileh.root
# This should work even when the node cache is disabled
assert self.root.agroup._v_attrs.attr1 == "p" * attrlength
assert self.root.atable.attrs.attr1 == "a" * attrlength
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.attr1 == "n" * attrlength
def test04_listAttributes(self):
"""Checking listing attributes """
# With a Group object
self.group._v_attrs.pq = "1"
self.group._v_attrs.qr = "2"
self.group._v_attrs.rs = "3"
if common.verbose:
print "Attribute list:", self.group._v_attrs._f_list()
# Now, try with a Table object
self.table.attrs.a = "1"
self.table.attrs.c = "2"
self.table.attrs.b = "3"
if common.verbose:
print "Attribute list:", self.table.attrs._f_list()
# Finally, try with an Array object
self.array.attrs.k = "1"
self.array.attrs.j = "2"
self.array.attrs.i = "3"
if common.verbose:
print "Attribute list:", self.array.attrs._f_list()
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(
self.file, mode = "r+", NODE_CACHE_SLOTS=self.nodeCacheSlots)
self.root = self.fileh.root
agroup = self.root.agroup
assert agroup._v_attrs._f_list("user") == \
["pq", "qr", "rs"]
assert agroup._v_attrs._f_list("sys") == \
assert agroup._v_attrs._f_list("all") == \
['CLASS', 'TITLE', 'VERSION', "pq", "qr", "rs"]
atable = self.root.atable
assert atable.attrs._f_list() == ["a", "b", "c"]
assert atable.attrs._f_list("sys") == \
assert atable.attrs._f_list("all") == \
"a", "b", "c"]
anarray = self.root.anarray
assert anarray.attrs._f_list() == ["i", "j", "k"]
assert anarray.attrs._f_list("sys") == \
assert anarray.attrs._f_list("all") == \
"i", "j", "k"]
def test05_removeAttributes(self):
"""Checking removing attributes """
# With a Group object
self.group._v_attrs.pq = "1"
self.group._v_attrs.qr = "2"
self.group._v_attrs.rs = "3"
# delete an attribute
del self.group._v_attrs.pq
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(
self.file, mode = "r+", NODE_CACHE_SLOTS=self.nodeCacheSlots)
self.root = self.fileh.root
agroup = self.root.agroup
if common.verbose:
print "Attribute list:", agroup._v_attrs._f_list()
# Check the local attributes names
assert agroup._v_attrs._f_list() == ["qr", "rs"]
if common.verbose:
print "Attribute list in disk:", \
# Check the disk attribute names
assert agroup._v_attrs._f_list("all") == \
['CLASS', 'TITLE', 'VERSION', "qr", "rs"]
# delete an attribute (__delattr__ method)
del agroup._v_attrs.qr
if common.verbose:
print "Attribute list:", agroup._v_attrs._f_list()
# Check the local attributes names
assert agroup._v_attrs._f_list() == ["rs"]
if common.verbose:
print "Attribute list in disk:", \
# Check the disk attribute names
assert agroup._v_attrs._f_list("all") == \
['CLASS', 'TITLE', 'VERSION', "rs"]
def test05b_removeAttributes(self):
"""Checking removing attributes (using File.delNodeAttr()) """
# With a Group object
self.group._v_attrs.pq = "1"
self.group._v_attrs.qr = "2"
self.group._v_attrs.rs = "3"
# delete an attribute
self.fileh.delNodeAttr(self.group, "pq")
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(
self.file, mode = "r+", NODE_CACHE_SLOTS=self.nodeCacheSlots)
self.root = self.fileh.root
agroup = self.root.agroup
if common.verbose:
print "Attribute list:", agroup._v_attrs._f_list()
# Check the local attributes names
assert agroup._v_attrs._f_list() == ["qr", "rs"]
if common.verbose:
print "Attribute list in disk:", \
# Check the disk attribute names
assert agroup._v_attrs._f_list("all") == \
['CLASS', 'TITLE', 'VERSION', "qr", "rs"]
# delete an attribute (File.delNodeAttr method)
self.fileh.delNodeAttr(self.root, "qr", "agroup")
if common.verbose:
print "Attribute list:", agroup._v_attrs._f_list()
# Check the local attributes names
assert agroup._v_attrs._f_list() == ["rs"]
if common.verbose:
print "Attribute list in disk:", \
# Check the disk attribute names
assert agroup._v_attrs._f_list("all") == \
['CLASS', 'TITLE', 'VERSION', "rs"]
def test06_removeAttributes(self):
"""Checking removing system attributes """
# remove a system attribute
if common.verbose:
print "Before removing CLASS attribute"
print "System attrs:", self.group._v_attrs._v_attrnamessys
del self.group._v_attrs.CLASS
assert self.group._v_attrs._f_list("sys") == \
if common.verbose:
print "After removing CLASS attribute"
print "System attrs:", self.group._v_attrs._v_attrnamessys
def test07_renameAttributes(self):
"""Checking renaming attributes """
# With a Group object
self.group._v_attrs.pq = "1"
self.group._v_attrs.qr = "2"
self.group._v_attrs.rs = "3"
# rename an attribute
self.group._v_attrs._f_rename("pq", "op")
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(
self.file, mode = "r+", NODE_CACHE_SLOTS=self.nodeCacheSlots)
self.root = self.fileh.root
agroup = self.root.agroup
if common.verbose:
print "Attribute list:", agroup._v_attrs._f_list()
# Check the local attributes names (alphabetically sorted)
assert agroup._v_attrs._f_list() == ["op", "qr", "rs"]
if common.verbose:
print "Attribute list in disk:", agroup._v_attrs._f_list("all")
# Check the disk attribute names (not sorted)
assert agroup._v_attrs._f_list("all") == \
['CLASS', 'TITLE', 'VERSION', "op", "qr", "rs"]
def test08_renameAttributes(self):
"""Checking renaming system attributes """
if common.verbose:
print "Before renaming CLASS attribute"
print "All attrs:", self.group._v_attrs._v_attrnames
# rename a system attribute
self.group._v_attrs._f_rename("CLASS", "op")
if common.verbose:
print "After renaming CLASS attribute"
print "All attrs:", self.group._v_attrs._v_attrnames
# Check the disk attribute names (not sorted)
agroup = self.root.agroup
assert agroup._v_attrs._f_list("all") == \
['TITLE', 'VERSION', "op"]
def test09_overwriteAttributes(self):
"""Checking overwriting attributes """
# With a Group object
self.group._v_attrs.pq = "1"
self.group._v_attrs.qr = "2"
self.group._v_attrs.rs = "3"
# overwrite attributes
self.group._v_attrs.pq = "4"
self.group._v_attrs.qr = 2
self.group._v_attrs.rs = [1,2,3]
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(
self.file, mode = "r+", NODE_CACHE_SLOTS=self.nodeCacheSlots)
self.root = self.fileh.root
agroup = self.root.agroup
if common.verbose:
print "Value of Attribute pq:", agroup._v_attrs.pq
# Check the local attributes names (alphabetically sorted)
assert agroup._v_attrs.pq == "4"
assert agroup._v_attrs.qr == 2
assert agroup._v_attrs.rs == [1,2,3]
if common.verbose:
print "Attribute list in disk:", \
# Check the disk attribute names (not sorted)
assert agroup._v_attrs._f_list("all") == \
['CLASS', 'TITLE', 'VERSION', "pq", "qr", "rs"]
def test10a_copyAttributes(self):
"""Checking copying attributes """
# With a Group object
self.group._v_attrs.pq = "1"
self.group._v_attrs.qr = "2"
self.group._v_attrs.rs = "3"
# copy all attributes from "/agroup" to "/atable"
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(
self.file, mode = "r+", NODE_CACHE_SLOTS=self.nodeCacheSlots)
self.root = self.fileh.root
atable = self.root.atable
if common.verbose:
print "Attribute list:", atable._v_attrs._f_list()
# Check the local attributes names (alphabetically sorted)
assert atable._v_attrs._f_list() == ["pq", "qr", "rs"]
if common.verbose:
print "Complete attribute list:", atable._v_attrs._f_list("all")
# Check the disk attribute names (not sorted)
assert atable._v_attrs._f_list("all") == \
"pq", "qr", "rs"]
def test10b_copyAttributes(self):
"""Checking copying attributes (copyNodeAttrs)"""
# With a Group object
self.group._v_attrs.pq = "1"
self.group._v_attrs.qr = "2"
self.group._v_attrs.rs = "3"
# copy all attributes from "/agroup" to "/atable"
self.fileh.copyNodeAttrs(self.group, self.root.atable)
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(
self.file, mode = "r+", NODE_CACHE_SLOTS=self.nodeCacheSlots)
self.root = self.fileh.root
atable = self.root.atable
if common.verbose:
print "Attribute list:", atable._v_attrs._f_list()
# Check the local attributes names (alphabetically sorted)
assert atable._v_attrs._f_list() == ["pq", "qr", "rs"]
if common.verbose:
print "Complete attribute list:", atable._v_attrs._f_list("all")
# Check the disk attribute names (not sorted)
assert atable._v_attrs._f_list("all") == \
"pq", "qr", "rs"]
def test11a_getitem(self):
"""Checking the __getitem__ interface."""
attrs = self.group._v_attrs
attrs.pq = "1"
self.assert_(attrs['pq'] == "1")
def test11b_setitem(self):
"""Checking the __setitem__ interface."""
attrs = self.group._v_attrs
attrs['pq'] = "2"
self.assert_(attrs['pq'] == "2")
def test11c_delitem(self):
"""Checking the __delitem__ interface."""
attrs = self.group._v_attrs
attrs.pq = "1"
del attrs['pq']
self.assert_('pq' not in attrs._f_list())
def test11d_KeyError(self):
"""Checking that KeyError is raised in __getitem__/__delitem__."""
attrs = self.group._v_attrs
self.assertRaises(KeyError, attrs.__getitem__, 'pq')
self.assertRaises(KeyError, attrs.__delitem__, 'pq')
class NotCloseCreate(CreateTestCase):
close = False
nodeCacheSlots = NODE_CACHE_SLOTS
class CloseCreate(CreateTestCase):
close = True
nodeCacheSlots = NODE_CACHE_SLOTS
class NoCacheNotCloseCreate(CreateTestCase):
close = False
nodeCacheSlots = 0
class NoCacheCloseCreate(CreateTestCase):
close = True
nodeCacheSlots = 0
class DictCacheNotCloseCreate(CreateTestCase):
close = False
nodeCacheSlots = -NODE_CACHE_SLOTS
class DictCacheCloseCreate(CreateTestCase):
close = True
nodeCacheSlots = -NODE_CACHE_SLOTS
class TypesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# Create an instance of HDF5 Table
self.file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "w")
self.root = self.fileh.root
# Create an array object
self.array = self.fileh.createArray(self.root, 'anarray',
[1], "Array title")
# Create a group object
self.group = self.fileh.createGroup(self.root, 'agroup',
"Group title")
def tearDown(self):
def test00a_setBoolAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting Bool attributes (scalar, Python case)"""
self.array.attrs.pq = True
self.array.attrs.qr = False
self.array.attrs.rs = True
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
print "pq -->", self.array.attrs.pq
print "qr -->", self.array.attrs.qr
print "rs -->", self.array.attrs.rs
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.pq == True
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.qr == False
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.rs == True
def test00b_setBoolAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting Bool attributes (scalar, NumPy case)"""
self.array.attrs.pq = numpy.bool_(True)
self.array.attrs.qr = numpy.bool_(False)
self.array.attrs.rs = numpy.bool_(True)
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
print "pq -->", self.array.attrs.pq
print "qr -->", self.array.attrs.qr
print "rs -->", self.array.attrs.rs
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
assert isinstance(self.root.anarray.attrs.pq, numpy.bool_)
assert isinstance(self.root.anarray.attrs.qr, numpy.bool_)
assert isinstance(self.root.anarray.attrs.rs, numpy.bool_)
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.pq == True
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.qr == False
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.rs == True
def test00c_setBoolAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting Bool attributes (NumPy, 0-dim case)"""
self.array.attrs.pq = numpy.array(True)
self.array.attrs.qr = numpy.array(False)
self.array.attrs.rs = numpy.array(True)
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
print "pq -->", self.array.attrs.pq
print "qr -->", self.array.attrs.qr
print "rs -->", self.array.attrs.rs
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.pq == True
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.qr == False
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.rs == True
def test00d_setBoolAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting Bool attributes (NumPy, multidim case)"""
self.array.attrs.pq = numpy.array([True])
self.array.attrs.qr = numpy.array([[False]])
self.array.attrs.rs = numpy.array([[True, False],[True, False]])
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
print "pq -->", self.array.attrs.pq
print "qr -->", self.array.attrs.qr
print "rs -->", self.array.attrs.rs
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
assert_array_equal(self.root.anarray.attrs.pq, numpy.array([True]))
assert_array_equal(self.root.anarray.attrs.qr, numpy.array([[False]]))
numpy.array([[True, False],[True, False]]))
def test01a_setIntAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting Int attributes (scalar, Python case)"""
self.array.attrs.pq = 1
self.array.attrs.qr = 2
self.array.attrs.rs = 3
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
print "pq -->", self.array.attrs.pq
print "qr -->", self.array.attrs.qr
print "rs -->", self.array.attrs.rs
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
assert isinstance(self.root.anarray.attrs.pq, numpy.int_)
assert isinstance(self.root.anarray.attrs.qr, numpy.int_)
assert isinstance(self.root.anarray.attrs.rs, numpy.int_)
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.pq == 1
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.qr == 2
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.rs == 3
def test01b_setIntAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting Int attributes (scalar, NumPy case)"""
# 'UInt64' not supported on Win
checktypes = ['Int8', 'Int16', 'Int32', 'Int64',
'UInt8', 'UInt16', 'UInt32']
for dtype in checktypes:
setattr(self.array.attrs, dtype, numpy.array(1, dtype=dtype))
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
for dtype in checktypes:
print "type, value-->", dtype, getattr(self.array.attrs, dtype)
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
for dtype in checktypes:
assert_array_equal(getattr(self.array.attrs, dtype),
numpy.array(1, dtype=dtype))
def test01c_setIntAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting Int attributes (unidimensional NumPy case)"""
# 'UInt64' not supported on Win
checktypes = ['Int8', 'Int16', 'Int32', 'Int64',
'UInt8', 'UInt16', 'UInt32']
for dtype in checktypes:
setattr(self.array.attrs, dtype, numpy.array([1,2], dtype=dtype))
# Check the results
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
for dtype in checktypes:
if common.verbose:
print "type, value-->", dtype, getattr(self.array.attrs, dtype)
assert_array_equal(getattr(self.array.attrs, dtype),
numpy.array([1,2], dtype=dtype))
def test01d_setIntAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting Int attributes (bidimensional NumPy case)"""
# 'UInt64' not supported on Win
checktypes = ['Int8', 'Int16', 'Int32', 'Int64',
'UInt8', 'UInt16', 'UInt32']
for dtype in checktypes:
setattr(self.array.attrs, dtype,
numpy.array([[1,2],[2,3]], dtype=dtype))
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
# Check the results
for dtype in checktypes:
if common.verbose:
print "type, value-->", dtype, getattr(self.array.attrs, dtype)
assert_array_equal(getattr(self.array.attrs, dtype),
numpy.array([[1,2],[2,3]], dtype=dtype))
def test02a_setFloatAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting Float (double) attributes"""
# With a Table object
self.array.attrs.pq = 1.0
self.array.attrs.qr = 2.0
self.array.attrs.rs = 3.0
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
print "pq -->", self.array.attrs.pq
print "qr -->", self.array.attrs.qr
print "rs -->", self.array.attrs.rs
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
assert isinstance(self.root.anarray.attrs.pq, numpy.float_)
assert isinstance(self.root.anarray.attrs.qr, numpy.float_)
assert isinstance(self.root.anarray.attrs.rs, numpy.float_)
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.pq == 1.0
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.qr == 2.0
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.rs == 3.0
def test02b_setFloatAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting Float attributes (scalar, NumPy case)"""
checktypes = ['Float32', 'Float64']
for dtype in checktypes:
setattr(self.array.attrs, dtype,
numpy.array(1.1, dtype=dtype))
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
for dtype in checktypes:
print "type, value-->", dtype, getattr(self.array.attrs, dtype)
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
for dtype in checktypes:
#assert getattr(self.array.attrs, dtype) == 1.1
# In order to make Float32 tests pass. This is legal, not a trick.
assert_almost_equal(getattr(self.array.attrs, dtype), 1.1)
def test02c_setFloatAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting Float attributes (unidimensional NumPy case)"""
checktypes = ['Float32', 'Float64']
for dtype in checktypes:
setattr(self.array.attrs, dtype,
numpy.array([1.1,2.1], dtype=dtype))
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
for dtype in checktypes:
print "type, value-->", dtype, getattr(self.array.attrs, dtype)
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
for dtype in checktypes:
assert_array_equal(getattr(self.array.attrs, dtype),
numpy.array([1.1,2.1], dtype=dtype))
def test02d_setFloatAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting Int attributes (bidimensional NumPy case)"""
checktypes = ['Float32', 'Float64']
for dtype in checktypes:
setattr(self.array.attrs, dtype,
numpy.array([[1.1,2.1],[2.1,3.1]], dtype=dtype))
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
for dtype in checktypes:
print "type, value-->", dtype, getattr(self.array.attrs, dtype)
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
for dtype in checktypes:
assert_array_equal(getattr(self.array.attrs, dtype),
numpy.array([[1.1,2.1],[2.1,3.1]], dtype=dtype))
def test03_setObjectAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting Object attributes"""
# With a Table object
self.array.attrs.pq = [1.0, 2]
self.array.attrs.qr = (1,2)
self.array.attrs.rs = {"ddf":32.1, "dsd":1}
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
print "pq -->", self.array.attrs.pq
print "qr -->", self.array.attrs.qr
print "rs -->", self.array.attrs.rs
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.pq == [1.0, 2]
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.qr == (1,2)
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.rs == {"ddf":32.1, "dsd":1}
def test04a_setStringAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting string attributes (scalar case)"""
self.array.attrs.pq = 'foo'
self.array.attrs.qr = 'bar'
self.array.attrs.rs = 'baz'
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
print "pq -->", self.array.attrs.pq
print "qr -->", self.array.attrs.qr
print "rs -->", self.array.attrs.rs
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
assert isinstance(self.root.anarray.attrs.pq, numpy.string_)
assert isinstance(self.root.anarray.attrs.qr, numpy.string_)
assert isinstance(self.root.anarray.attrs.rs, numpy.string_)
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.pq == 'foo'
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.qr == 'bar'
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.rs == 'baz'
def test04b_setStringAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting string attributes (unidimensional 1-elem case)"""
self.array.attrs.pq = numpy.array(['foo'])
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
print "pq -->", self.array.attrs.pq
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
def test04c_setStringAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting string attributes (empty unidimensional 1-elem case)"""
self.array.attrs.pq = numpy.array([''])
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
print "pq -->", self.array.attrs.pq
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
if common.verbose:
print "pq -->", self.array.attrs.pq
def test04d_setStringAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting string attributes (unidimensional 2-elem case)"""
self.array.attrs.pq = numpy.array(['foo', 'bar3'])
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
print "pq -->", self.array.attrs.pq
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
numpy.array(['foo', 'bar3']))
def test04e_setStringAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting string attributes (empty unidimensional 2-elem case)"""
self.array.attrs.pq = numpy.array(['', ''])
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
print "pq -->", self.array.attrs.pq
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
numpy.array(['', '']))
def test04f_setStringAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting string attributes (bidimensional 4-elem case)"""
self.array.attrs.pq = numpy.array([['foo', 'foo2'],
['foo3', 'foo4']])
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
print "pq -->", self.array.attrs.pq
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
numpy.array([['foo', 'foo2'],
['foo3', 'foo4']]))
def test05a_setComplexAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting Complex (python) attributes"""
# With a Table object
self.array.attrs.pq = 1.0+2j
self.array.attrs.qr = 2.0+3j
self.array.attrs.rs = 3.0+4j
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
print "pq -->", self.array.attrs.pq
print "qr -->", self.array.attrs.qr
print "rs -->", self.array.attrs.rs
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
assert isinstance(self.root.anarray.attrs.pq, numpy.complex_)
assert isinstance(self.root.anarray.attrs.qr, numpy.complex_)
assert isinstance(self.root.anarray.attrs.rs, numpy.complex_)
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.pq == 1.0+2j
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.qr == 2.0+3j
assert self.root.anarray.attrs.rs == 3.0+4j
def test05b_setComplexAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting Complex attributes (scalar, NumPy case)"""
checktypes = ['complex64', 'complex128']
for dtype in checktypes:
setattr(self.array.attrs, dtype,
numpy.array(1.1+2j, dtype=dtype))
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
for dtype in checktypes:
print "type, value-->", dtype, getattr(self.array.attrs, dtype)
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
for dtype in checktypes:
#assert getattr(self.array.attrs, dtype) == 1.1+2j
# In order to make Complex32 tests pass.
assert_almost_equal(getattr(self.array.attrs, dtype), 1.1+2j)
def test05c_setComplexAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting Complex attributes (unidimensional NumPy case)"""
checktypes = ['Complex32', 'Complex64']
for dtype in checktypes:
setattr(self.array.attrs, dtype,
numpy.array([1.1,2.1], dtype=dtype))
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
for dtype in checktypes:
print "type, value-->", dtype, getattr(self.array.attrs, dtype)
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
for dtype in checktypes:
assert_array_equal(getattr(self.array.attrs, dtype),
numpy.array([1.1,2.1], dtype=dtype))
def test05d_setComplexAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting Int attributes (bidimensional NumPy case)"""
checktypes = ['Complex32', 'Complex64']
for dtype in checktypes:
setattr(self.array.attrs, dtype,
numpy.array([[1.1,2.1],[2.1,3.1]], dtype=dtype))
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
for dtype in checktypes:
print "type, value-->", dtype, getattr(self.array.attrs, dtype)
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
for dtype in checktypes:
assert_array_equal(getattr(self.array.attrs, dtype),
numpy.array([[1.1,2.1],[2.1,3.1]], dtype=dtype))
def test06a_setUnicodeAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting unicode attributes (scalar case)"""
self.array.attrs.pq = u'para\u0140lel'
self.array.attrs.qr = u'bar'
self.array.attrs.rs = u'baz'
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
if sys.platform != 'win32':
# It seems that Windows cannot print this
print "pq -->", self.array.attrs.pq
print "qr -->", self.array.attrs.qr
print "rs -->", self.array.attrs.rs
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
assert isinstance(self.array.attrs.pq, numpy.unicode_)
assert isinstance(self.array.attrs.qr, numpy.unicode_)
assert isinstance(self.array.attrs.rs, numpy.unicode_)
assert self.array.attrs.pq == u'para\u0140lel'
assert self.array.attrs.qr == u'bar'
assert self.array.attrs.rs == u'baz'
def test06b_setUnicodeAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting unicode attributes (unidimensional 1-elem case)"""
self.array.attrs.pq = numpy.array([u'para\u0140lel'])
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
print "pq -->", self.array.attrs.pq
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
def test06c_setUnicodeAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting unicode attributes (empty unidimensional 1-elem case)"""
# The next raises a `TypeError` when unpickled. See:
# http://projects.scipy.org/numpy/ticket/1037
#self.array.attrs.pq = numpy.array([u''])
self.array.attrs.pq = numpy.array([u''], dtype="U1")
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
print "pq -->", self.array.attrs.pq
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
if common.verbose:
print "pq -->", `self.array.attrs.pq`
numpy.array([u''], dtype="U1"))
def test06d_setUnicodeAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting unicode attributes (unidimensional 2-elem case)"""
self.array.attrs.pq = numpy.array([u'para\u0140lel', u'bar3'])
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
print "pq -->", self.array.attrs.pq
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
numpy.array([u'para\u0140lel', u'bar3']))
def test06e_setUnicodeAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting unicode attributes (empty unidimensional 2-elem case)"""
self.array.attrs.pq = numpy.array(['', ''], dtype="U1")
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
print "pq -->", self.array.attrs.pq
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
numpy.array(['', ''], dtype="U1"))
def test06f_setUnicodeAttributes(self):
"""Checking setting unicode attributes (bidimensional 4-elem case)"""
self.array.attrs.pq = numpy.array([[u'para\u0140lel', 'foo2'],
['foo3', u'para\u0140lel4']])
# Check the results
if common.verbose:
print "pq -->", self.array.attrs.pq
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
self.array = self.fileh.root.anarray
numpy.array([[u'para\u0140lel', 'foo2'],
['foo3', u'para\u0140lel4']]))
class NotCloseTypesTestCase(TypesTestCase):
close = 0
class CloseTypesTestCase(TypesTestCase):
close = 1
class NoSysAttrsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# Create an instance of HDF5 Table
self.file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
self.fileh = openFile(
self.file, mode = "w", PYTABLES_SYS_ATTRS=False)
self.root = self.fileh.root
# Create a table object
self.table = self.fileh.createTable(self.root, 'atable',
Record, "Table title")
# Create an array object
self.array = self.fileh.createArray(self.root, 'anarray',
[1], "Array title")
# Create a group object
self.group = self.fileh.createGroup(self.root, 'agroup',
"Group title")
def tearDown(self):
def test00_listAttributes(self):
"""Checking listing attributes (no system attrs version)."""
# With a Group object
self.group._v_attrs.pq = "1"
self.group._v_attrs.qr = "2"
self.group._v_attrs.rs = "3"
if common.verbose:
print "Attribute list:", self.group._v_attrs._f_list()
# Now, try with a Table object
self.table.attrs.a = "1"
self.table.attrs.c = "2"
self.table.attrs.b = "3"
if common.verbose:
print "Attribute list:", self.table.attrs._f_list()
# Finally, try with an Array object
self.array.attrs.k = "1"
self.array.attrs.j = "2"
self.array.attrs.i = "3"
if common.verbose:
print "Attribute list:", self.array.attrs._f_list()
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(
self.file, mode = "r+")
self.root = self.fileh.root
agroup = self.root.agroup
assert agroup._v_attrs._f_list("user") == \
["pq", "qr", "rs"]
assert agroup._v_attrs._f_list("sys") == \
assert agroup._v_attrs._f_list("all") == \
["pq", "qr", "rs"]
atable = self.root.atable
assert atable.attrs._f_list() == ["a", "b", "c"]
assert atable.attrs._f_list("sys") == \
assert atable.attrs._f_list("all") == \
["a", "b", "c"]
anarray = self.root.anarray
assert anarray.attrs._f_list() == ["i", "j", "k"]
assert anarray.attrs._f_list("sys") == \
assert anarray.attrs._f_list("all") == \
["i", "j", "k"]
class NoSysAttrsNotClose(NoSysAttrsTestCase):
close = False
class NoSysAttrsClose(NoSysAttrsTestCase):
close = True
class UnsupportedAttrTypeTestCase(PyTablesTestCase):
def test00_unsupportedType(self):
"""Checking file with unsupported type."""
filename = self._testFilename('attr-u16.h5')
fileh = openFile(filename)
self.failUnlessWarns(DataTypeWarning, repr, fileh)
def suite():
theSuite = unittest.TestSuite()
niter = 1
for i in range(niter):
return theSuite
if __name__ == '__main__':
unittest.main( defaultTest='suite' )