#@+node:ekr.20041117062700:@thin leoConfig.py
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4
#@@pagewidth 70
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20041227063801:<< imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoGui as leoGui
import sys
import zipfile
#@-node:ekr.20041227063801:<< imports >>
#@<< class parserBaseClass >>
#@+node:ekr.20041119203941.2:<< class parserBaseClass >>
class parserBaseClass:
"""The base class for settings parsers."""
#@ << parserBaseClass data >>
#@+node:ekr.20041121130043:<< parserBaseClass data >>
# These are the canonicalized names. Case is ignored, as are '_' and '-' characters.
basic_types = [
# Headlines have the form @kind name = var
control_types = [
'buttons','menus', # New in Leo 4.4.4.
'menuat', 'popup', # New in Leo 4.4.8.
# Keys are settings names, values are (type,value) tuples.
settingsDict = {}
#@-node:ekr.20041121130043:<< parserBaseClass data >>
#@ @+others
#@+node:ekr.20041119204700: ctor (parserBaseClass)
def __init__ (self,c,localFlag):
self.c = c
self.localFlag = localFlag
# True if this is the .leo file being opened,
# as opposed to myLeoSettings.leo or leoSettings.leo.
self.recentFiles = [] # List of recent files.
self.shortcutsDict = {}
# Keys are cononicalized shortcut names, values are bunches.
self.openWithList = []
# A list of dicts containing 'name','shortcut','command' keys.
# Keys are canonicalized names.
self.dispatchDict = {
'abbrev': self.doAbbrev, # New in 4.4.1 b2.
'bool': self.doBool,
'buttons': self.doButtons, # New in 4.4.4
'color': self.doColor,
'commands': self.doCommands, # New in 4.4.8.
'data': self.doData, # New in 4.4.6
'directory': self.doDirectory,
'enabledplugins': self.doEnabledPlugins,
'font': self.doFont,
'if': self.doIf,
# 'ifgui': self.doIfGui, # Removed in 4.4 b3.
'ifhostname': self.doIfHostname,
'ifplatform': self.doIfPlatform,
'ignore': self.doIgnore,
'int': self.doInt,
'ints': self.doInts,
'float': self.doFloat,
'menus': self.doMenus, # New in 4.4.4
'menuat': self.doMenuat,
'popup': self.doPopup, # New in 4.4.8
'mode': self.doMode, # New in 4.4b1.
'openwith': self.doOpenWith, # New in 4.4.3 b1.
'path': self.doPath,
'page': self.doPage,
'ratio': self.doRatio,
# 'shortcut': self.doShortcut, # Removed in 4.4.1 b1.
'shortcuts': self.doShortcuts,
'string': self.doString,
'strings': self.doStrings,
self.debug_count = 0
#@-node:ekr.20041119204700: ctor (parserBaseClass)
#@+node:ekr.20080514084054.4:computeModeName (parserBaseClass)
def computeModeName (self,name):
s = name.strip().lower()
j = s.find(' ')
if j > -1: s = s[:j]
if s.endswith('mode'):
s = s[:-4].strip()
if s.endswith('-'):
s = s[:-1]
i = s.find('::')
if i > -1:
# The actual mode name is everything up to the "::"
# The prompt is everything after the prompt.
s = s[:i]
modeName = s + '-mode'
return modeName
#@-node:ekr.20080514084054.4:computeModeName (parserBaseClass)
#@+node:ekr.20060102103625:createModeCommand (parserBaseClass)
def createModeCommand (self,modeName,name,modeDict):
modeName = 'enter-' + modeName.replace(' ','-')
i = name.find('::')
if i > -1:
# The prompt is everything after the '::'
prompt = name[i+2:].strip()
modeDict ['*command-prompt*'] = prompt
# g.trace('modeName',modeName,'*command-prompt*',prompt)
# Save the info for k.finishCreate and k.makeAllBindings.
d = g.app.config.modeCommandsDict
# New in 4.4.1 b2: silently allow redefinitions of modes.
d [modeName] = modeDict
#@-node:ekr.20060102103625:createModeCommand (parserBaseClass)
def error (self,s):
# Does not work at present because we are using a null Gui.
#@+node:ekr.20041120094940:kind handlers (parserBaseClass)
def doAbbrev (self,p,kind,name,val):
d = {}
s = p.b
lines = g.splitLines(s)
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if line and not g.match(line,0,'#'):
name,val = self.parseAbbrevLine(line)
if name: d [val] = name
self.set (p,'abbrev','abbrev',d)
def doBool (self,p,kind,name,val):
if val in ('True','true','1'):
elif val in ('False','false','0'):
def doButtons (self,p,kind,name,val):
'''Handle an @buttons tree.'''
aList = [] ; c = self.c ; tag = '@button'
for p in p.unique_subtree():
h = p.h
if g.match_word(h,0,tag):
# We can not assume that p will be valid when it is used.
script = g.getScript(c,p,useSelectedText=False,forcePythonSentinels=True,useSentinels=True)
# g.trace(g.listToString([h for h,script in aList]))
# This setting is handled differently from most other settings,
# because the last setting must be retrieved before any commander exists.
g.app.config.atCommonButtonsList = aList
g.app.config.buttonsFileName = c and c.shortFileName() or '<no settings file>'
def doCommands (self,p,kind,name,val):
'''Handle an @commands tree.'''
aList = [] ; c = self.c ; tag = '@command'
for p in p.subtree():
h = p.h
if g.match_word(h,0,tag):
# We can not assume that p will be valid when it is used.
script = g.getScript(c,p,useSelectedText=False,forcePythonSentinels=True,useSentinels=True)
# g.trace(g.listToString(aList))
# This setting is handled differently from most other settings,
# because the last setting must be retrieved before any commander exists.
g.app.config.atCommonCommandsList = aList
def doColor (self,p,kind,name,val):
# At present no checking is done.
val = val.lstrip('"').rstrip('"')
val = val.lstrip("'").rstrip("'")
def doData (self,p,kind,name,val):
s = p.b
lines = g.splitLines(s)
data = [z.strip() for z in lines if z.strip() and not z.startswith('#')]
#@+node:ekr.20041120094940.3:doDirectory & doPath
def doDirectory (self,p,kind,name,val):
# At present no checking is done.
doPath = doDirectory
#@-node:ekr.20041120094940.3:doDirectory & doPath
def doEnabledPlugins (self,p,kind,name,val):
c = self.c
s = p.b
# This setting is handled differently from all other settings,
# because the last setting must be retrieved before any commander exists.
# g.trace('len(s)',len(s))
# Set the global config ivars.
g.app.config.enabledPluginsString = s
g.app.config.enabledPluginsFileName = c and c.shortFileName() or '<no settings file>'
def doFloat (self,p,kind,name,val):
val = float(val)
except ValueError:
def doFont (self,p,kind,name,val):
trace = False
if trace: g.trace(p and p.h,kind,name,self.c.mFileName)
d = self.parseFont(p)
# Set individual settings.
for key in ('family','size','slant','weight'):
data = d.get(key)
if data is not None:
name,val = data
setKind = key
if trace and val not in (None,'none','None'): g.trace(key,val)
def doIf(self,p,kind,name,val):
g.trace("'if' not supported yet")
return None
#@+node:ekr.20041121125416:doIfGui (can never work)
# Alas, @if-gui can't be made to work. The problem is that
# plugins can set
# g.app.gui, but plugins need settings so the leoSettings.leo
# files must be parsed
# before g.app.gui.guiName() is known.
if 0:
def doIfGui (self,p,kind,name,val):
if not g.app.gui or not g.app.gui.guiName():
s = '@if-gui has no effect: g.app.gui not defined yet'
return "skip"
elif g.app.gui.guiName().lower() == name.lower():
return None
return "skip"
#@-node:ekr.20041121125416:doIfGui (can never work)
def doIfHostname (self,p,kind,name,val):
"""headline: @ifhostname bob,!harry,joe
Logical AND with the comma-separated list of host names, NO SPACES.
descends this node iff:
h = os.environ('HOSTNAME')
h == 'bob' and h != 'harry' and h == 'joe'"""
h = g.computeMachineName()
names = name.split(',')
for n in names:
if (n[0] == '!' and h == n[1:]) or (h != n):
# g.trace('skipping', name)
return 'skip'
return None
def doIfPlatform (self,p,kind,name,val):
if sys.platform.lower() == name.lower():
return None
return "skip"
def doIgnore(self,p,kind,name,val):
return "skip"
def doInt (self,p,kind,name,val):
val = int(val)
except ValueError:
def doInts (self,p,kind,name,val):
'''We expect either:
@ints [val1,val2,...]aName=val
@ints aName[val1,val2,...]=val'''
name = name.strip() # The name indicates the valid values.
i = name.find('[')
j = name.find(']')
# g.trace(kind,name,val)
if -1 < i < j:
items = name[i+1:j]
items = items.split(',')
name = name[:i]+name[j+1:].strip()
# g.trace(name,items)
items = [int(item.strip()) for item in items]
except ValueError:
items = []
kind = "ints[%s]" % (','.join([str(item) for item in items]))
val = int(val)
except ValueError:
if val not in items:
self.error("%d is not in %s in %s" % (val,kind,name))
# g.trace(repr(kind),repr(name),val)
# At present no checking is done.
#@+node:ekr.20070925144337.2:doMenus & helpers (ParserBaseClass)
def doMenus (self,p,kind,name,val):
c = self.c ; aList = [] ; tag = '@menu' ; trace = False and g.isPython3
p = p.copy() ; after = p.nodeAfterTree()
if trace: g.trace('******',p.h,'after',after and after.h)
while p and p != after:
self.debug_count += 1
h = p.h
if g.match_word(h,0,tag):
name = h[len(tag):].strip()
if name:
for z in aList:
name2,junk,junk = z
if name2 == name:
self.error('Replacing previous @menu %s' % (name))
aList2 = []
kind = '%s %s' % (tag,name)
# g.trace('localFlag',self.localFlag,c)
if self.localFlag:
if not g.app.unitTesting and not g.app.silentMode:
s = 'using menus from: %s' % c.shortFileName()
g.app.config.menusList = aList
g.app.config.menusFileName = c and c.shortFileName() or '<no settings file>'
def doItems (self,p,aList):
trace = False and g.isPython3
if trace: g.trace(p.h)
p = p.copy()
after = p.nodeAfterTree()
if trace: g.trace(self.debug_count,p.h,'after',after and after.h)
while p and p != after:
self.debug_count += 1
h = p.h
# if trace:
# if p.h==after.h:
# val = p != after
# g.trace('*' * 10, 'terminating via headString',p,after)
# return
# g.trace(self.debug_count,h)
# if self.debug_count >= 1000:
# g.trace('*'*10,'terminating!') ; return
for tag in ('@menu','@item'):
if g.match_word(h,0,tag):
itemName = h[len(tag):].strip()
if itemName:
if tag == '@menu':
aList2 = []
kind = '%s %s' % (tag,itemName)
kind = tag
head = itemName
body = p.b
# g.trace('***skipping***',p.h)
def dumpMenuList (self,aList,level=0):
for z in aList:
kind,val,val2 = z
if kind == '@item':
#@-node:ekr.20070925144337.2:doMenus & helpers (ParserBaseClass)
#@+node:ekr.20060102103625.1:doMode (ParserBaseClass)
def doMode(self,p,kind,name,val):
'''Parse an @mode node and create the enter-<name>-mode command.'''
c = self.c ; k = c.k ; name1 = name
# g.trace('%20s' % (name),c.fileName())
modeName = self.computeModeName(name)
# Create a local shortcutsDict.
old_d = self.shortcutsDict
d = self.shortcutsDict = {}
s = p.b
lines = g.splitLines(s)
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if line and not g.match(line,0,'#'):
name,bunch = self.parseShortcutLine(line)
if not name:
# An entry command: put it in the special *entry-commands* key.
aList = d.get('*entry-commands*',[])
d ['*entry-commands*'] = aList
elif bunch is not None:
# A regular shortcut.
bunch.val = k.strokeFromSetting(bunch.val)
bunch.pane = modeName
bunchList = d.get(name,[])
# Important: use previous bindings if possible.
key2,bunchList2 = c.config.getShortcut(name)
bunchList3 = [b for b in bunchList2 if b.pane != modeName]
if bunchList3:
# g.trace('inheriting',[b.val for b in bunchList3])
d [name] = bunchList
# Restore the global shortcutsDict.
self.shortcutsDict = old_d
# Create the command, but not any bindings to it.
#@-node:ekr.20060102103625.1:doMode (ParserBaseClass)
#@+node:ekr.20070411101643.1:doOpenWith (ParserBaseClass)
def doOpenWith (self,p,kind,name,val):
# g.trace('kind',kind,'name',name,'val',val,'c',self.c)
d = self.parseOpenWith(p)
name = kind = 'openwithtable'
#@-node:ekr.20070411101643.1:doOpenWith (ParserBaseClass)
def doPage(self,p,kind,name,val):
pass # Ignore @page this while parsing settings.
def doRatio (self,p,kind,name,val):
val = float(val)
if 0.0 <= val <= 1.0:
except ValueError:
#@+node:ekr.20041120105609:doShortcuts (ParserBaseClass)
def doShortcuts(self,p,kind,name,val,s=None):
c = self.c ; d = self.shortcutsDict ; k = c.k
trace = False or c.config.getBool('trace_bindings_verbose')
munge = k.shortcutFromSetting
if s is None: s = p.b
lines = g.splitLines(s)
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if line and not g.match(line,0,'#'):
name,bunch = self.parseShortcutLine(line)
# if name in ('save-file','enter-tree-save-file-mode'): g.pdb()
if bunch is not None:
if bunch.val not in (None,'none','None'):
# A regular shortcut.
bunchList = d.get(name,[])
if bunch.pane in ('kill','Kill'):
if trace: g.trace('****** killing binding:',bunch.val,'to',name)
bunchList = [z for z in bunchList
if munge(z.val) != munge(bunch.val)]
# g.trace(bunchList)
if trace: g.trace('%6s %20s %s' % (bunch.pane,bunch.val,name))
d [name] = bunchList
#@-node:ekr.20041120105609:doShortcuts (ParserBaseClass)
def doString (self,p,kind,name,val):
# At present no checking is done.
def doStrings (self,p,kind,name,val):
'''We expect one of the following:
@strings aName[val1,val2...]=val
@strings [val1,val2,...]aName=val'''
name = name.strip()
i = name.find('[')
j = name.find(']')
if -1 < i < j:
items = name[i+1:j]
items = items.split(',')
items = [item.strip() for item in items]
name = name[:i]+name[j+1:].strip()
kind = "strings[%s]" % (','.join(items))
# g.trace(repr(kind),repr(name),val)
# At present no checking is done.
#@+node:bobjack.20080324141020.4:doPopup & helper
def doPopup (self,p,kind,name,val):
Handle @popup menu items in @settings trees.
popupName = name
popupType = val
c = self.c ; aList = [] ; tag = '@menu'
#g.trace(p, kind, name, val, c)
aList = []
p = p.copy()
if not hasattr(g.app.config, 'context_menus'):
g.app.config.context_menus = {}
#if popupName in g.app.config.context_menus:
#g.pr('*** duplicate popup ***', popupName)
g.app.config.context_menus[popupName] = aList
def doPopupItems (self,p,aList):
p = p.copy() ; after = p.nodeAfterTree()
while p and p != after:
h = p.h
for tag in ('@menu','@item'):
if g.match_word(h,0,tag):
itemName = h[len(tag):].strip()
if itemName:
if tag == '@menu':
aList2 = []
kind = '%s' % itemName
body = p.b
aList.append((kind + '\n' + body, aList2),)
kind = tag
head = itemName
body = p.b
# g.trace('***skipping***',p.h)
#@-node:bobjack.20080324141020.4:doPopup & helper
def doMenuat (self,p,kind,name,val):
if g.app.config.menusList:
g.es_print("Patching menu tree: " + name)
# get the patch fragment
patch = []
if p.hasChildren():
# self.doMenus(p.copy().firstChild(),kind,name,val,storeIn=patch)
# setup
parts = name.split()
if len(parts) != 3:
targetPath,mode,source = parts
if not targetPath.startswith('/'): targetPath = '/'+targetPath
ans = self.patchMenuTree(g.app.config.menusList, targetPath)
if ans:
g.es_print("Patching ("+mode+' '+source+") at "+targetPath)
list_, idx = ans
if mode not in ('copy', 'cut'):
if source != 'clipboard':
use = patch # [0][1]
if isinstance(self.clipBoard, list):
use = self.clipBoard
use = [self.clipBoard]
if mode == 'replace':
list_[idx] = use.pop(0)
while use:
idx += 1
list_.insert(idx, use.pop(0))
elif mode == 'before':
while use:
list_.insert(idx, use.pop())
elif mode == 'after':
while use:
list_.insert(idx+1, use.pop())
elif mode == 'cut':
self.clipBoard = list_[idx]
del list_[idx]
elif mode == 'copy':
self.clipBoard = list_[idx]
else: # append
g.es_print("ERROR: didn't find menu path " + targetPath)
g.es_print("ERROR: @menuat found but no menu tree to patch")
def getName(self, val, val2=None):
if val2 and val2.strip(): val = val2
val = val.split('\n',1)[0]
for i in "*.-& \t\n":
val = val.replace(i,'')
return val.lower()
def dumpMenuTree (self,aList,level=0,path=''):
for z in aList:
kind,val,val2 = z
if kind == '@item':
name = self.getName(val, val2)
g.es_print('%s %s (%s) [%s]' % (' '*(level+0), val, val2, path+'/'+name))
name = self.getName(kind.replace('@menu ',''))
g.es_print('%s %s... [%s]' % (' '*(level), kind, path+'/'+name))
def patchMenuTree(self, orig, targetPath, path=''):
for n,z in enumerate(orig):
kind,val,val2 = z
if kind == '@item':
name = self.getName(val, val2)
curPath = path+'/'+name
if curPath == targetPath:
g.es_print('Found '+targetPath)
return orig, n
name = self.getName(kind.replace('@menu ',''))
curPath = path+'/'+name
if curPath == targetPath:
g.es_print('Found '+targetPath)
return orig, n
ans = self.patchMenuTree(val, targetPath, path=path+'/'+name)
if ans:
return ans
return None
#@-node:ekr.20041120094940:kind handlers (parserBaseClass)
def munge(self,s):
return g.app.config.canonicalizeSettingName(s)
def oops (self):
g.pr("parserBaseClass oops:",
"must be overridden in subclass")
def fontSettingNameToFontKind (self,name):
s = name.strip()
if s:
for tag in ('_family','_size','_slant','_weight'):
if s.endswith(tag):
return tag[1:]
return None
#@+node:ekr.20041213082558.1:parseFont & helper
def parseFont (self,p):
d = {
'comments': [],
'family': None,
'size': None,
'slant': None,
'weight': None,
s = p.b
lines = g.splitLines(s)
for line in lines:
comments = d.get('comments')
d['comments'] = '\n'.join(comments)
return d
def parseFontLine (self,line,d):
s = line.strip()
if not s: return
s = str(s)
except UnicodeError:
if g.match(s,0,'#'):
s = s[1:].strip()
comments = d.get('comments')
d['comments'] = comments
# name is everything up to '='
i = s.find('=')
if i == -1:
name = s ; val = None
name = s[:i].strip()
val = s[i+1:].strip()
val = val.lstrip('"').rstrip('"')
val = val.lstrip("'").rstrip("'")
fontKind = self.fontSettingNameToFontKind(name)
if fontKind:
d[fontKind] = name,val # Used only by doFont.
#@-node:ekr.20041213082558.1:parseFont & helper
def parseHeadline (self,s):
"""Parse a headline of the form @kind:name=val
Return (kind,name,val)."""
kind = name = val = None
if g.match(s,0,'@'):
i = g.skip_id(s,1,chars='-')
kind = s[1:i].strip()
if kind:
# name is everything up to '='
j = s.find('=',i)
if j == -1:
name = s[i:].strip()
name = s[i:j].strip()
# val is everything after the '='
val = s[j+1:].strip()
# g.trace("%50s %10s %s" %(name,kind,val))
return kind,name,val
#@+node:ekr.20070411101643.2:parseOpenWith & helper
def parseOpenWith (self,p):
d = {'command': None,}
s = p.b
lines = g.splitLines(s)
for line in lines:
return d
def parseOpenWithLine (self,line,d):
s = line.strip()
if not s: return
s = str(s)
except UnicodeError:
if not g.match(s,0,'#'):
d['command'] = s
#@-node:ekr.20070411101643.2:parseOpenWith & helper
#@+node:ekr.20041120112043:parseShortcutLine (g.app.config)
def parseShortcutLine (self,s):
'''Parse a shortcut line. Valid forms:
--> entry-command
settingName = shortcut
settingName ! paneName = shortcut
command-name -> mode-name = binding
command-name -> same = binding
name = val = nextMode = None ; nextMode = 'none'
i = g.skip_ws(s,0)
if g.match(s,i,'-->'): # New in 4.4.1 b1: allow mode-entry commands.
j = g.skip_ws(s,i+3)
i = g.skip_id(s,j,'-')
entryCommandName = s[j:i]
return None,g.Bunch(entryCommandName=entryCommandName)
j = i
i = g.skip_id(s,j,'-') # New in 4.4: allow Emacs-style shortcut names.
name = s[j:i]
if not name: return None,None
# New in Leo 4.4b2.
i = g.skip_ws(s,i)
if g.match(s,i,'->'): # New in 4.4: allow pane-specific shortcuts.
j = g.skip_ws(s,i+2)
i = g.skip_id(s,j)
nextMode = s[j:i]
i = g.skip_ws(s,i)
if g.match(s,i,'!'): # New in 4.4: allow pane-specific shortcuts.
j = g.skip_ws(s,i+1)
i = g.skip_id(s,j)
pane = s[j:i]
if not pane.strip(): pane = 'all'
else: pane = 'all'
i = g.skip_ws(s,i)
if g.match(s,i,'='):
i = g.skip_ws(s,i+1)
val = s[i:]
# New in 4.4: Allow comments after the shortcut.
# Comments must be preceded by whitespace.
comment = ''
if val:
i = val.find('#')
if i > 0 and val[i-1] in (' ','\t'):
# comment = val[i:].strip()
val = val[:i].strip()
# g.trace(pane,name,val,s)
return name,g.bunch(nextMode=nextMode,pane=pane,val=val)
#@-node:ekr.20041120112043:parseShortcutLine (g.app.config)
#@+node:ekr.20060608222828:parseAbbrevLine (g.app.config)
def parseAbbrevLine (self,s):
'''Parse an abbreviation line:
command-name = abbreviation
return (command-name,abbreviation)
i = j = g.skip_ws(s,0)
i = g.skip_id(s,i,'-') # New in 4.4: allow Emacs-style shortcut names.
name = s[j:i]
if not name: return None,None
i = g.skip_ws(s,i)
if not g.match(s,i,'='): return None,None
i = g.skip_ws(s,i+1)
val = s[i:].strip()
# Ignore comments after the shortcut.
i = val.find('#')
if i > -1: val = val[:i].strip()
if val: return name,val
else: return None,None
#@-node:ekr.20060608222828:parseAbbrevLine (g.app.config)
#@+node:ekr.20041120094940.9:set (parserBaseClass)
def set (self,p,kind,name,val):
"""Init the setting for name to val."""
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
if trace: g.trace(kind,name,val)
c = self.c ; key = self.munge(name)
# if kind and kind.startswith('setting'): g.trace("settingsParser %10s %15s %s" %(kind,val,name))
d = self.settingsDict
bunch = d.get(key)
if bunch:
# g.trace(key,bunch.val,bunch.path)
path = bunch.path
if c.os_path_finalize(c.mFileName) != c.os_path_finalize(path):
g.es("over-riding setting:",name,"from",path)
# N.B. We can't use c here: it may be destroyed!
# if key == 'shortcut':
# g.trace('*****',key,val)
d [key] = g.Bunch(path=c.mFileName,kind=kind,val=val,tag='setting')
#@-node:ekr.20041120094940.9:set (parserBaseClass)
#@+node:ekr.20041227071423:setShortcut (ParserBaseClass)
def setShortcut (self,name,bunchList):
c = self.c
# None is a valid value for val.
key = c.frame.menu.canonicalizeMenuName(name)
rawKey = key.replace('&','')
if 0:
for b in bunchList:
g.trace('%20s %45s %s' % (b.val,rawKey,b.pane))
#@-node:ekr.20041227071423:setShortcut (ParserBaseClass)
#@+node:ekr.20041119204700.1:traverse (parserBaseClass)
def traverse (self):
c = self.c
p = g.app.config.settingsRoot(c)
if not p:
# g.trace('no settings tree for %s' % c)
return None
self.settingsDict = {}
self.shortcutsDict = {}
after = p.nodeAfterTree()
while p and p != after:
result = self.visitNode(p)
# if g.isPython3:
# g.trace(result,p.h)
# if p.h == 'Menus': g.pdb()
if result == "skip":
# g.es_print('skipping settings in',p.h,color='blue')
return self.settingsDict
#@-node:ekr.20041119204700.1:traverse (parserBaseClass)
def valueError (self,p,kind,name,val):
"""Give an error: val is not valid for kind."""
self.error("%s is not a valid %s for %s" % (val,kind,name))
#@+node:ekr.20041119204700.3:visitNode (must be overwritten in subclasses)
def visitNode (self,p):
#@-node:ekr.20041119204700.3:visitNode (must be overwritten in subclasses)
#@-node:ekr.20041119203941.2:<< class parserBaseClass >>
#@+node:ekr.20041119203941:class configClass
class configClass:
"""A class to manage configuration settings."""
#@ << class data >>
#@+node:ekr.20041122094813:<< class data >> (g.app.config)
# This contains only the "interesting" defaults.
# Ints and bools default to 0, floats to 0.0 and strings to "".
defaultBodyFontSize = g.choose(sys.platform=="win32",9,12)
defaultLogFontSize = g.choose(sys.platform=="win32",8,12)
defaultMenuFontSize = g.choose(sys.platform=="win32",9,12)
defaultTreeFontSize = g.choose(sys.platform=="win32",9,12)
defaultsDict = {'_hash':'defaultsDict'}
defaultsData = (
# compare options...
# find/change options...
# Prefs panel.
# ("default_target_language","language","python"),
("target_language","language","python"), # Bug fix: 6/20,2005.
# Syntax coloring options...
# Defaults for colors are handled by leoColor.py.
# Window options...
#@+node:ekr.20041118062709:define encodingIvarsDict
encodingIvarsDict = {'_hash':'encodingIvarsDict'}
encodingIvarsData = (
# Upper case for compatibility with previous versions.
# Defaults to None so it doesn't override better defaults.
#@-node:ekr.20041118062709:define encodingIvarsDict
# Each of these settings sets the corresponding ivar.
# Also, the c.configSettings settings class inits the corresponding commander ivar.
ivarsDict = {'_hash':'ivarsDict'}
ivarsData = (
# For compatibility with previous versions.
# "" for compatibility with previous versions.
# Make sure we don't alter an illegal leoConfig.txt file!
("target_language","language","python"), # Bug fix: added: 6/20/2005.
# New in 4.3: use_plugins = True by default.
# use_pysco can not be set by 4.3: config processing happens too late.
# ("use_psyco","bool",False),
# "char","word","line","node"
# List of dictionaries to search. Order not too important.
dictList = [ivarsDict,encodingIvarsDict,defaultsDict]
# Keys are commanders. Values are optionsDicts.
localOptionsDict = {}
localOptionsList = []
# Keys are setting names, values are type names.
warningsDict = {} # Used by get() or allies.
#@-node:ekr.20041122094813:<< class data >> (g.app.config)
#@ @+others
#@+node:ekr.20041117083202:Birth... (g.app.config)
#@+node:ekr.20041117062717.2:ctor (configClass)
def __init__ (self):
# g.trace('g.app.config')
self.atCommonButtonsList = [] # List of info for common @buttons nodes.
self.atCommonCommandsList = [] # List of info for common @commands nodes.
self.buttonsFileName = ''
self.configsExist = False # True when we successfully open a setting file.
self.defaultFont = None # Set in gui.getDefaultConfigFont.
self.defaultFontFamily = None # Set in gui.getDefaultConfigFont.
self.enabledPluginsFileName = None
self.enabledPluginsString = ''
self.globalConfigFile = None # Set in initSettingsFiles
self.homeFile = None # Set in initSettingsFiles
self.inited = False
self.menusList = []
self.menusFileName = ''
self.modeCommandsDict = {}
# For use by @mode logic. Keys are command names, values are g.Bunches.
# A special key: *mode-prompt* it the prompt to be given.
self.myGlobalConfigFile = None
self.myHomeConfigFile = None
self.machineConfigFile = None
self.recentFilesFiles = [] # List of g.Bunches describing .leoRecentFiles.txt files.
self.write_recent_files_as_needed = False # Will be set later.
self.silent = g.app.silentMode
# g.trace('c.config.silent',self.silent)
# Inited later...
self.panes = None
self.sc = None
self.tree = None
#@-node:ekr.20041117062717.2:ctor (configClass)
def initDicts (self):
# Only the settings parser needs to search all dicts.
self.dictList = [self.defaultsDict]
for key,kind,val in self.defaultsData:
self.defaultsDict[self.munge(key)] = g.Bunch(
for key,kind,val in self.ivarsData:
self.ivarsDict[self.munge(key)] = g.Bunch(
for key,kind,val in self.encodingIvarsData:
self.encodingIvarsDict[self.munge(key)] = g.Bunch(
#@+node:ekr.20041117065611.2:initIvarsFromSettings & helpers
def initIvarsFromSettings (self):
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
if trace: g.trace('-' * 20,g.callers())
for ivar in self.encodingIvarsDict:
if ivar != '_hash':
for ivar in self.ivarsDict:
if ivar != '_hash':
def initEncoding (self,key):
'''Init g.app.config encoding ivars during initialization.'''
# N.B. The key is munged.
bunch = self.encodingIvarsDict.get(key)
encoding = bunch.encoding
ivar = bunch.ivar
# g.trace('g.app.config',ivar,encoding)
if encoding and not g.isValidEncoding(encoding):
g.es("g.app.config: bad encoding:","%s: %s" % (ivar,encoding))
def initIvar(self,key):
'''Init g.app.config ivars during initialization.
This does NOT init the corresponding commander ivars.
Such initing must be done in setIvarsFromSettings.'''
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
# N.B. The key is munged.
bunch = self.ivarsDict.get(key)
ivar = bunch.ivar # The actual name of the ivar.
val = bunch.val
if trace: g.trace('g.app.config',ivar,key,val)
#@-node:ekr.20041117065611.2:initIvarsFromSettings & helpers
def initRecentFiles (self):
self.recentFiles = []
def initSettingsFiles (self):
"""Set self.globalConfigFile, self.homeFile, self.myGlobalConfigFile,
self.myHomeConfigFile, and self.machineConfigFile."""
settingsFile = 'leoSettings.leo'
mySettingsFile = 'myLeoSettings.leo'
machineConfigFile = g.computeMachineName() + 'LeoSettings.leo'
# New in Leo 4.5 b4: change homeDir to homeLeoDir
for ivar,theDir,fileName in (
('globalConfigFile', g.app.globalConfigDir, settingsFile),
('homeFile', g.app.homeLeoDir, settingsFile),
('myGlobalConfigFile', g.app.globalConfigDir, mySettingsFile),
#non-prefixed names take priority over prefixed names
('myHomeConfigFile', g.app.homeLeoDir, g.app.homeSettingsPrefix + mySettingsFile),
('myHomeConfigFile', g.app.homeLeoDir, mySettingsFile),
('machineConfigFile', g.app.homeLeoDir, g.app.homeSettingsPrefix + machineConfigFile),
('machineConfigFile', g.app.homeLeoDir, machineConfigFile),
# The same file may be assigned to multiple ivars:
# readSettingsFiles checks for such duplications.
path = g.os_path_join(theDir,fileName)
if g.os_path_exists(path):
#if the path does not exist, only set to None if the ivar isn't already set.
#dan: IMO, it's better to set the defaults to None in configClass.__init__().
# This avoids the creation of ivars in odd (non __init__) places.
#setattr(self,ivar, getattr(self,ivar,None))
if 0:
g.trace('global file:',self.globalConfigFile)
g.trace('home file:',self.homeFile)
g.trace('myGlobal file:',self.myGlobalConfigFile)
g.trace('myHome file:',self.myHomeConfigFile)
#@-node:ekr.20041117083202:Birth... (g.app.config)
#@+node:ekr.20041117081009:Getters... (g.app.config)
#@+node:ekr.20041123070429:canonicalizeSettingName (munge)
def canonicalizeSettingName (self,name):
if name is None:
return None
name = name.lower()
for ch in ('-','_',' ','\n'):
name = name.replace(ch,'')
return g.choose(name,name,None)
munge = canonicalizeSettingName
#@-node:ekr.20041123070429:canonicalizeSettingName (munge)
# This was not used prior to Leo 4.5.
def findSettingsPosition (self,c,setting):
"""Return the position for the setting in the @settings tree for c."""
munge = self.munge
root = self.settingsRoot(c)
if not root:
return c.nullPosition()
setting = munge(setting)
for p in root.subtree():
#BJ munge will return None if a headstring is empty
h = munge(p.h) or ''
if h.startswith(setting):
return p.copy()
return c.nullPosition()
#@+node:ekr.20051011105014:exists (g.app.config)
def exists (self,c,setting,kind):
'''Return true if a setting of the given kind exists, even if it is None.'''
if c:
d = self.localOptionsDict.get(c.hash())
if d:
junk,found = self.getValFromDict(d,setting,kind)
if found: return True
for d in self.localOptionsList:
junk,found = self.getValFromDict(d,setting,kind)
if found: return True
for d in self.dictList:
junk,found = self.getValFromDict(d,setting,kind)
if found: return True
# g.trace('does not exist',setting,kind)
return False
#@-node:ekr.20051011105014:exists (g.app.config)
#@+node:ekr.20041117083141:get & allies (g.app.config)
def get (self,c,setting,kind):
"""Get the setting and make sure its type matches the expected type."""
isLeoSettings = c and c.shortFileName().endswith('leoSettings.leo')
# New in Leo 4.6. Use settings in leoSettings.leo *last*.
if c and not isLeoSettings:
d = self.localOptionsDict.get(c.hash())
if d:
val,junk = self.getValFromDict(d,setting,kind)
if val is not None:
# if setting == 'targetlanguage':
# g.trace(c.shortFileName(),setting,val,g.callers())
return val
for d in self.localOptionsList:
val,junk = self.getValFromDict(d,setting,kind)
if val is not None:
kind = d.get('_hash','<no hash>')
# if setting == 'targetlanguage':
# g.trace(kind,setting,val,g.callers())
return val
for d in self.dictList:
val,junk = self.getValFromDict(d,setting,kind)
if val is not None:
kind = d.get('_hash','<no hash>')
# if setting == 'targetlanguage':
# g.trace(kind,setting,val,g.callers())
return val
# New in Leo 4.6. Use settings in leoSettings.leo *last*.
if c and isLeoSettings:
d = self.localOptionsDict.get(c.hash())
if d:
val,junk = self.getValFromDict(d,setting,kind)
if val is not None:
# if setting == 'targetlanguage':
# g.trace(c.shortFileName(),setting,val,g.callers())
return val
return None
def getValFromDict (self,d,setting,requestedType,warn=True):
'''Look up the setting in d. If warn is True, warn if the requested type
does not (loosely) match the actual type.
returns (val,exists)'''
bunch = d.get(self.munge(setting))
if not bunch: return None,False
# g.trace(setting,requestedType,bunch.toString())
val = bunch.val
if g.isPython3:
isNone = val in ('None','none','',None)
isNone = val in (
if not self.typesMatch(bunch.kind,requestedType):
# New in 4.4: make sure the types match.
# A serious warning: one setting may have destroyed another!
# Important: this is not a complete test of conflicting settings:
# The warning is given only if the code tries to access the setting.
if warn:
g.es_print('warning: ignoring',bunch.kind,'',setting,'is not',requestedType,color='red')
g.es_print('there may be conflicting settings!',color='red')
return None, False
# elif val in (u'None',u'none','None','none','',None):
elif isNone:
return None, True # Exists, but is None
# g.trace(setting,val)
return val, True
def typesMatch (self,type1,type2):
Return True if type1, the actual type, matches type2, the requeseted type.
The following equivalences are allowed:
- None matches anything.
- An actual type of string or strings matches anything *except* shortcuts.
- Shortcut matches shortcuts.
shortcuts = ('shortcut','shortcuts',)
return (
type1 == None or type2 == None or
type1.startswith('string') and type2 not in shortcuts or
type1 == 'int' and type2 == 'size' or
(type1 in shortcuts and type2 in shortcuts) or
type1 == type2
#@-node:ekr.20041117083141:get & allies (g.app.config)
def getAbbrevDict (self,c):
"""Search all dictionaries for the setting & check it's type"""
d = self.get(c,'abbrev','abbrev')
return d or {}
def getBool (self,c,setting,default=None):
'''Return the value of @bool setting, or the default if the setting is not found.'''
val = self.get(c,setting,"bool")
if val in (True,False):
return val
return default
def getButtons (self):
'''Return a list of tuples (x,y) for common @button nodes.'''
return g.app.config.atCommonButtonsList
def getColor (self,c,setting):
'''Return the value of @color setting.'''
return self.get(c,setting,"color")
def getCommonAtCommands (self):
'''Return the list of tuples (headline,script) for common @command nodes.'''
return g.app.config.atCommonCommandsList
def getData (self,c,setting):
'''Return a list of non-comment strings in the body text of @data setting.'''
return self.get(c,setting,"data")
def getDirectory (self,c,setting):
'''Return the value of @directory setting, or None if the directory does not exist.'''
theDir = self.getString(c,setting)
if g.os_path_exists(theDir) and g.os_path_isdir(theDir):
return theDir
return None
def getEnabledPlugins (self):
'''Return the body text of the @enabled-plugins node.'''
return g.app.config.enabledPluginsString
def getFloat (self,c,setting):
'''Return the value of @float setting.'''
val = self.get(c,setting,"float")
val = float(val)
return val
except TypeError:
return None
#@+node:ekr.20041117062717.13:getFontFromParams (config)
def getFontFromParams(self,c,family,size,slant,weight,defaultSize=12):
"""Compute a font from font parameters.
Arguments are the names of settings to be use.
Default to size=12, slant="roman", weight="normal".
Return None if there is no family setting so we can use system default fonts."""
family = self.get(c,family,"family")
if family in (None,""):
family = self.defaultFontFamily
size = self.get(c,size,"size")
if size in (None,0): size = defaultSize
slant = self.get(c,slant,"slant")
if slant in (None,""): slant = "roman"
weight = self.get(c,weight,"weight")
if weight in (None,""): weight = "normal"
# g.trace(g.callers(3),family,size,slant,weight,g.shortFileName(c.mFileName))
return g.app.gui.getFontFromParams(family,size,slant,weight)
#@-node:ekr.20041117062717.13:getFontFromParams (config)
def getInt (self,c,setting):
'''Return the value of @int setting.'''
val = self.get(c,setting,"int")
val = int(val)
return val
except TypeError:
return None
def getLanguage (self,c,setting):
'''Return the setting whose value should be a language known to Leo.'''
language = self.getString(c,setting)
# g.trace(setting,language)
return language
#@+node:ekr.20070926070412:getMenusList (c.config)
def getMenusList (self,c):
'''Return the list of entries for the @menus tree.'''
aList = self.get(c,'menus','menus')
# g.trace(aList and len(aList) or 0)
return aList or g.app.config.menusList
#@-node:ekr.20070926070412:getMenusList (c.config)
def getOpenWith (self,c):
'''Return a list of dictionaries corresponding to @openwith nodes.'''
val = self.get(c,'openwithtable','openwithtable')
return val
def getRatio (self,c,setting):
'''Return the value of @float setting.
Warn if the value is less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0.'''
val = self.get(c,setting,"ratio")
val = float(val)
if 0.0 <= val <= 1.0:
return val
return None
except TypeError:
return None
def getRecentFiles (self):
'''Return the list of recently opened files.'''
return self.recentFiles
#@+node:ekr.20080917061525.3:getSettingSource (g.app.config)
def getSettingSource (self,c,setting):
'''return the name of the file responsible for setting.'''
aList = [self.localOptionsDict.get(c.hash())]
for d in aList:
if d:
bunch = d.get(setting)
if bunch is not None:
return bunch.path,bunch.val
return 'unknown setting',None
#@-node:ekr.20080917061525.3:getSettingSource (g.app.config)
#@+node:ekr.20041117062717.14:getShortcut (config)
def getShortcut (self,c,shortcutName):
'''Return rawKey,accel for shortcutName'''
key = c.frame.menu.canonicalizeMenuName(shortcutName)
key = key.replace('&','') # Allow '&' in names.
bunchList = self.get(c,key,"shortcut")
# g.trace('bunchList',bunchList)
if bunchList:
bunchList = [bunch for bunch in bunchList
if bunch.val and bunch.val.lower() != 'none']
return key,bunchList
return key,[]
#@-node:ekr.20041117062717.14:getShortcut (config)
def getString (self,c,setting):
'''Return the value of @string setting.'''
return self.get(c,setting,"string")
def settingsRoot (self,c):
'''Return the position of the @settings tree.'''
# g.trace(c,c.rootPosition())
for p in c.all_unique_positions():
if p.h.rstrip() == "@settings":
return p.copy()
return c.nullPosition()
#@-node:ekr.20041117081009:Getters... (g.app.config)
#@+node:ekr.20041118084146:Setters (g.app.config)
#@+node:ekr.20041118084146.1:set (g.app.config) To be deleted??
def set (self,c,setting,kind,val):
'''Set the setting. Not called during initialization.'''
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
found = False ; key = self.munge(setting)
if trace: g.trace(setting,kind,val)
if c:
d = self.localOptionsDict.get(c.hash())
if d: found = True
if not found:
theHash = c.hash()
for d in self.localOptionsList:
hash2 = d.get('_hash')
if theHash == hash2:
found = True ; break
if not found:
d = self.dictList [0]
d[key] = g.Bunch(setting=setting,kind=kind,val=val,tag='setting')
if 0:
dkind = d.get('_hash','<no hash: %s>' % c.hash())
#@-node:ekr.20041118084146.1:set (g.app.config) To be deleted??
def setString (self,c,setting,val):
#@+node:ekr.20041228042224:setIvarsFromSettings (g.app.config)
def setIvarsFromSettings (self,c):
'''Init g.app.config ivars or c's ivars from settings. import
- Called from readSettingsFileswithcNonetoinitg.app.configivars. import
- Called from c.__init__toinitcorrespondingcommmanderivars. import
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
verbose = True
# Ingore temporary commanders created by readSettingsFiles.
if self.inited:
if trace:
if c:
g.trace('=' * 10, 'inited',c.shortFileName(),g.callers(4))
tag = '<no c: called at end of readSettingsFiles>'
g.trace('=' * 10, 'inited',tag,g.callers(1))
if trace and verbose: g.trace('*' * 10,'not inited. do nothing')
d = self.ivarsDict
keys = list(d.keys())
for key in keys:
if key != '_hash':
bunch = d.get(key)
if bunch:
ivar = bunch.ivar # The actual name of the ivar.
kind = bunch.kind
val = self.get(c,key,kind) # Don't use bunch.val!
if c:
if trace: g.trace("%20s %s = %s" % (
if trace: g.trace("%20s %s = %s" % (
#@-node:ekr.20041228042224:setIvarsFromSettings (g.app.config)
#@+node:ekr.20041201080436:appendToRecentFiles (g.app.config)
def appendToRecentFiles (self,files):
files = [theFile.strip() for theFile in files]
# g.trace(files)
def munge(name):
name = name or ''
return g.os_path_normpath(name).lower()
for name in files:
# Remove all variants of name.
for name2 in self.recentFiles[:]:
if munge(name) == munge(name2):
#@-node:ekr.20041201080436:appendToRecentFiles (g.app.config)
#@-node:ekr.20041118084146:Setters (g.app.config)
#@+node:ekr.20041117093246:Scanning @settings (g.app.config)
#@+node:ekr.20041120064303:readSettingsFiles & helpers (g.app.config)
def readSettingsFiles (self,fileName,verbose=True):
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
seen = []
self.write_recent_files_as_needed = False # Will be set later.
#@ << define localDirectory, localConfigFile & myLocalConfigFile >>
#@+node:ekr.20061028082834:<< define localDirectory, localConfigFile & myLocalConfigFile >>
# This can't be done in initSettingsFiles because
# the local directory does not yet exist.
localDirectory = g.os_path_dirname(fileName)
# Set the local leoSettings.leo file.
localConfigFile = g.os_path_join(localDirectory,'leoSettings.leo')
if not g.os_path_exists(localConfigFile):
localConfigFile = None
# Set the local myLeoSetting.leo file.
myLocalConfigFile = g.os_path_join(localDirectory,'myLeoSettings.leo')
if not g.os_path_exists(myLocalConfigFile):
myLocalConfigFile = None
#@-node:ekr.20061028082834:<< define localDirectory, localConfigFile & myLocalConfigFile >>
if trace: g.trace(g.callers(5))
table = (
# New in Leo 4.6: the -c file is in *addition* to other config files.
# Init settings from leoSettings.leo and myLeoSettings.leo files.
for path,localFlag in table:
if path:
path = g.os_path_realpath(g.os_path_finalize(path))
# Bug fix: 6/3/08: make sure we mark files seen no matter how they are specified.
isZipped = path and zipfile.is_zipfile(path)
isLeo = isZipped or (path and path.endswith('.leo'))
if isLeo and path and path.lower() not in seen and g.os_path_exists(path):
if verbose and not g.app.unitTesting and not self.silent and not g.app.batchMode:
s = 'reading settings in %s' % path
# This occurs early in startup, so use the following instead of g.es_print.
if not g.isPython3:
s = g.toEncodedString(s,'ascii')
c = self.openSettingsFile(path)
if c:
self.write_recent_files_as_needed = c.config.getBool(
if 0:
# This is useless. setIvarsFromSettings does nothing
# until the self.inited flag is True.
g.trace('?' * 20,c)
# self.createMyLeoSettingsFile(myLocalConfigFile)
self.inited = True
def openSettingsFile (self,path):
theFile,isZipped = g.openLeoOrZipFile(path)
if not theFile: return None
# Similar to g.openWithFileName except it uses a null gui.
# Changing g.app.gui here is a major hack.
oldGui = g.app.gui
g.app.gui = leoGui.nullGui("nullGui")
c,frame = g.app.newLeoCommanderAndFrame(
ok = frame.c.fileCommands.open(
theFile,path,readAtFileNodesFlag=False,silent=True) # closes theFile.
c.openDirectory = frame.openDirectory = g.os_path_dirname(path)
g.app.gui = oldGui
return ok and c
def updateSettings (self,c,localFlag):
d = self.readSettings(c,localFlag)
if d:
d['_hash'] = theHash = c.hash()
if localFlag:
self.localOptionsDict[theHash] = d
if 0: # Good trace.
if localFlag:
g.trace(d and list(d.keys()))
#@-node:ekr.20041120064303:readSettingsFiles & helpers (g.app.config)
# Called to read all leoSettings.leo files.
# Also called when opening an .leo file to read @settings tree.
def readSettings (self,c,localFlag):
"""Read settings from a file that may contain an @settings tree."""
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
if trace: g.trace('=' * 20, c and c.fileName())
# Create a settings dict for c for set()
if c and self.localOptionsDict.get(c.hash()) is None:
self.localOptionsDict[c.hash()] = {}
parser = settingsTreeParser(c,localFlag)
d = parser.traverse()
return d
#@-node:ekr.20041117093246:Scanning @settings (g.app.config)
#@+node:ekr.20050424114937.1:Reading and writing .leoRecentFiles.txt (g.app.config)
#@+node:ekr.20070224115832:readRecentFiles & helpers
def readRecentFiles (self,localConfigFile):
'''Read all .leoRecentFiles.txt files.'''
# The order of files in this list affects the order of the recent files list.
seen = []
localConfigPath = g.os_path_dirname(localConfigFile)
for path in (
g.app.homeLeoDir, # was homeDir
if path:
path = g.os_path_realpath(g.os_path_finalize(path))
if path and path not in seen:
ok = self.readRecentFilesFile(path)
if ok: seen.append(path)
if not seen and self.write_recent_files_as_needed:
def createRecentFiles (self):
'''Trye to reate .leoRecentFiles.txt in
- the users home directory first,
- Leo's config directory second.'''
for theDir in (g.app.homeLeoDir,g.app.globalConfigDir): # homeLeoDir was g.app.homeDir.
if theDir:
fileName = g.os_path_join(theDir,'.leoRecentFiles.txt')
f = open(fileName,'w')
except Exception:
g.es_print('can not create',fileName,color='red')
def readRecentFilesFile (self,path):
fileName = g.os_path_join(path,'.leoRecentFiles.txt')
ok = g.os_path_exists(fileName)
if ok:
if g.isPython3:
f = open(fileName,encoding='utf-8',mode='r')
f = open(fileName,'r')
except IOError:
g.trace('can not open',fileName)
return False
if not g.unitTesting and not self.silent:
g.pr(('reading %s' % fileName))
lines = f.readlines()
if lines and self.munge(lines[0])=='readonly':
lines = lines[1:]
if lines:
lines = [g.toUnicode(g.os_path_normpath(line)) for line in lines]
return ok
#@-node:ekr.20070224115832:readRecentFiles & helpers
#@+node:ekr.20050424114937.2:writeRecentFilesFile & helper
recentFileMessageWritten = False
def writeRecentFilesFile (self,c):
'''Write the appropriate .leoRecentFiles.txt file.'''
tag = '.leoRecentFiles.txt'
if g.app.unitTesting:
localFileName = c.fileName()
if localFileName:
localPath,junk = g.os_path_split(localFileName)
localPath = None
written = False
for path in (localPath,g.app.globalConfigDir,g.app.homeLeoDir): # homeLeoDir was homeDir.
if path:
fileName = g.os_path_join(path,tag)
if g.os_path_exists(fileName):
ok = self.writeRecentFilesFileHelper(fileName)
if not self.recentFileMessageWritten:
if ok:
g.pr('wrote recent file: %s' % fileName)
written = True
g.pr('failed to recent file: %s' % (fileName),color='red')
# Bug fix: Leo 4.4.6: write *all* recent files.
if written:
self.recentFileMessageWritten = True
pass # g.trace('----- not found: %s' % g.os_path_join(localPath,tag))
def writeRecentFilesFileHelper (self,fileName):
# g.trace(g.toUnicode(fileName))
# Don't update the file if it begins with read-only.
theFile = None
theFile = open(fileName)
lines = theFile.readlines()
if lines and self.munge(lines[0])=='readonly':
# g.trace('read-only: %s' %fileName)
return False
except IOError:
# The user may have erased a file. Not an error.
if theFile: theFile.close()
theFile = None
if g.isPython3:
theFile = open(fileName,encoding='utf-8',mode='w')
theFile = open(fileName,mode='w')
if self.recentFiles:
s = '\n'.join(self.recentFiles)
s = '\n'
if not g.isPython3:
s = g.toEncodedString(s,reportErrors=True)
except IOError:
if 1: # The user may have erased a file. Not an error.
g.es_print('error writing',fileName,color='red')
return False
except Exception:
g.es('unexpected exception writing',fileName,color='red')
if g.unitTesting: raise
return False
if theFile:
return True
return False
#@-node:ekr.20050424114937.2:writeRecentFilesFile & helper
#@-node:ekr.20050424114937.1:Reading and writing .leoRecentFiles.txt (g.app.config)
#@+node:ekr.20070418073400:g.app.config.printSettings & helper
def printSettings (self,c):
'''Prints the value of every setting, except key bindings and commands and open-with tables.
The following letters indicate where the active setting came from import
- D indicates default settings.
- F indicates the file being loaded,
- L indicates leoSettings.leo,
- M indicates myLeoSettings.leo,
settings = {} # Keys are setting names, values are (letter,val)
if c:
d = self.localOptionsDict.get(c.hash())
for d in self.localOptionsList:
for d in self.dictList:
result = []
for key in sorted(settings):
data = settings.get(key)
letter,val = data
# g.pr('%45s = %s %s' % (key,letter,val))
result.append('%s %s = %s\n' % (letter,key,val))
# Use a single g.es statement.
def printSettingsHelper(self,settings,d,letter=None):
suppressKind = ('shortcut','shortcuts','openwithtable')
suppressKeys = (None,'_hash','shortcut')
if d:
#@ << set letter >>
#@+node:ekr.20070418084502:<< set letter >>
theHash = d.get('_hash').lower()
if letter:
elif theHash.endswith('myleosettings.leo'):
letter = '[M]'
elif theHash.endswith('leosettings.leo'):
letter = ' ' * 3
letter = '[D]'
# g.trace(letter,theHash)
#@-node:ekr.20070418084502:<< set letter >>
for key in d:
if key not in suppressKeys and key not in settings:
bunch = d.get(key)
if bunch.kind not in suppressKind:
settings[key] = (letter,bunch.val)
#@-node:ekr.20070418073400:g.app.config.printSettings & helper
#@-node:ekr.20041119203941:class configClass
#@+node:ekr.20041119203941.3:class settingsTreeParser (parserBaseClass)
class settingsTreeParser (parserBaseClass):
'''A class that inits settings found in an @settings tree.
Used by read settings logic.'''
#@ @+others
def __init__ (self,c,localFlag=True):
# Init the base class.
#@+node:ekr.20041119204714:visitNode (settingsTreeParser)
def visitNode (self,p):
"""Init any settings found in node p."""
# g.trace(p.h)
munge = g.app.config.munge
kind,name,val = self.parseHeadline(p.h)
kind = munge(kind)
if g.isPython3:
isNone = val in ('None','none','',None)
isNone = val in (
if kind is None: # Not an @x node. (New in Leo 4.4.4)
if kind == "settings":
# elif kind in self.basic_types and val in (u'None',u'none','None','none','',None):
elif kind in self.basic_types and isNone:
# None is valid for all basic types.
elif kind in self.control_types or kind in self.basic_types:
f = self.dispatchDict.get(kind)
if f:
return f(p,kind,name,val)
except Exception:
g.pr("*** no handler",kind)
return None
#@-node:ekr.20041119204714:visitNode (settingsTreeParser)
#@-node:ekr.20041119203941.3:class settingsTreeParser (parserBaseClass)
#@-node:ekr.20041117062700:@thin leoConfig.py