#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3320:@thin leoNodes.py
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4
#@@pagewidth 70
use_zodb = False
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20060904165452.1:<< imports >>
if use_zodb:
# It may be important to import ZODB first.
import ZODB
import ZODB.FileStorage
except ImportError:
ZODB = None
ZODB = None
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
if g.app and g.app.use_psyco:
# g.pr("enabled psyco classes",__file__)
try: from psyco.classes import *
except ImportError: pass
import time
import re
import itertools
#@-node:ekr.20060904165452.1:<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1991:class nodeIndices
# Indices are Python dicts containing 'id','loc','time' and 'n' keys.
class nodeIndices (object):
"""A class to implement global node indices (gnx's)."""
#@ @+others
def __init__ (self,id):
"""ctor for nodeIndices class"""
self.userId = id
self.defaultId = id
# A Major simplification: Only assign the timestamp once.
self.lastIndex = 0
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1993:areEqual (no longer used)
def areEqual (self,gnx1,gnx2):
"""Return True if all fields of gnx1 and gnx2 are equal"""
# works whatever the format of gnx1 and gnx2.
# This should never throw an exception.
return gnx1 == gnx2
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.1993:areEqual (no longer used)
# These are used by the fileCommands read/write code.
def getDefaultId (self):
"""Return the id to be used by default in all gnx's"""
return self.defaultId
def setDefaultId (self,theId):
"""Set the id to be used by default in all gnx's"""
self.defaultId = theId
def getNewIndex (self):
'''Create a new gnx.'''
self.lastIndex += 1
d = (self.userId,self.timeString,self.lastIndex)
# g.trace(d)
return d
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1996:isGnx (not used)
def isGnx (self,gnx):
theId,t,n = gnx
return t != None
except Exception:
return False
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.1996:isGnx (not used)
def scanGnx (self,s,i):
"""Create a gnx from its string representation"""
if not g.isString(s):
g.es("scanGnx: unexpected index type:",type(s),'',s,color="red")
return None,None,None
s = s.strip()
theId,t,n = None,None,None
i,theId = g.skip_to_char(s,i,'.')
if g.match(s,i,'.'):
i,t = g.skip_to_char(s,i+1,'.')
if g.match(s,i,'.'):
i,n = g.skip_to_char(s,i+1,'.')
# Use self.defaultId for missing id entries.
if theId == None or len(theId) == 0:
theId = self.defaultId
# Convert n to int.
if n:
try: n = int(n)
except Exception: pass
return theId,t,n
def setTimestamp (self):
"""Set the timestamp string to be used by getNewIndex until further notice"""
self.timeString = time.strftime(
"%Y%m%d%H%M%S", # Help comparisons; avoid y2k problems.
# g.trace(self.timeString,self.lastIndex,g.callers(4))
setTimeStamp = setTimestamp
def toString (self,index):
"""Convert a gnx (a tuple) to its string representation"""
theId,t,n = index
if n in (None,0,'',):
return "%s.%s" % (theId,t)
return "%s.%s.%d" % (theId,t,n)
except Exception:
if not g.app.unitTesting:
g.trace('unusual gnx',repr(index),g.callers())
theId,t,n = self.getNewIndex()
if n in (None,0,'',):
return "%s.%s" % (theId,t)
return "%s.%s.%d" % (theId,t,n)
except Exception:
g.trace('double exception: returning original index')
return repr(index)
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.1991:class nodeIndices
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.889:class position
#@<< about the position class >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.890:<< about the position class >>
# A position marks the spot in a tree traversal. A position p
# consists of a vnode
# p.v, a child index p._childIndex, and a stack of tuples
# (v,childIndex), one for
# each ancestor **at the spot in tree traversal. Positions p has a
# unique set of
# parents.
# The p.moveToX methods may return a null (invalid) position p with
# p.v = None.
# The tests "if p" or "if not p" are the _only_ correct way to test
# whether a
# position p is valid. In particular, tests like "if p is None" or
# "if p is not
# None" will not work properly.
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.890:<< about the position class >>
# Positions should *never* be saved by the ZOBD.
class position (object):
#@ @+others
#@+node:ekr.20040228094013: p.ctor & other special methods...
#@+node:ekr.20080416161551.190: p.__init__
def __init__ (self,v,childIndex=0,stack=None,trace=False):
'''Create a new position with the given childIndex and parent stack.'''
# To support ZODB the code must set v._p_changed = 1
# whenever any mutable vnode object changes.
self._childIndex = childIndex
self.v = v
# New in Leo 4.5: stack entries are tuples (v,childIndex).
if stack:
self.stack = stack[:] # Creating a copy here is safest and best.
self.stack = []
g.app.positions += 1
# if g.app.tracePositions and trace: g.trace(g.callers())
self.txtOffset = None # see self.textOffset()
#@-node:ekr.20080416161551.190: p.__init__
#@+node:ekr.20080920052058.3:p.__eq__ & __ne__
def __eq__(self,p2):
"""Return True if two postions are equivalent."""
p1 = self
# Don't use g.trace: it might call p.__eq__ or p.__ne__.
# print ('p.__eq__: %s %s' % (
# p1 and p1.v and p1.h,p2 and p2.v and p2.h))
if p2 is None or p2.v is None:
return p1.v is None
return ( p1.v == p2.v and
p1._childIndex == p2._childIndex and
p1.stack == p2.stack )
def __ne__(self,p2):
"""Return True if two postions are not equivalent."""
return not self.__eq__(p2) # For possible use in Python 2.x.
#@-node:ekr.20080920052058.3:p.__eq__ & __ne__
#@+node:ekr.20091210082012.6230:p.__ge__ & __le__& __lt__
def __ge__ (self,other):
return self.__eq__(other) or self.__gt__(other)
def __le__ (self,other):
return self.__eq__(other) or self.__lt__(other)
def __lt__ (self,other):
return not self.__eq__(other) and not self.__gt__(other)
#@-node:ekr.20091210082012.6230:p.__ge__ & __le__& __lt__
def __gt__ (self,other):
'''Return True if self appears after other in outline order.'''
stack1,stack2 = self.stack,other.stack
n1,n2 = len(stack1),len(stack2) ; n = min(n1,n2)
# Compare the common part of the stacks.
for item1,item2 in zip(stack1,stack2):
v1,x1 = item1 ; v2,x2 = item2
if x1 > x2: return True
elif x1 < x2: return False
# Finish the comparison.
if n1 == n2:
x1,x2 = self._childIndex,other._childIndex
return x1 > x2
elif n1 < n2:
x1 = self._childIndex; v2,x2 = other.stack[n]
return x1 > x2
return True
#@+node:ekr.20040117170612:p.__getattr__ (no longer used)
# No longer used. All code must now be aware of the one-node world.
# def __getattr__ (self,attr):
# """Convert references to p.t into references to p.v."""
# if attr=="t":
# return self.v
# else:
# # New in 4.3: _silently_ raise the attribute error.
# # This allows plugin code to use hasattr(p,attr) !
# if 0:
# print("unknown position attribute: %s" % attr)
# import traceback ; traceback.print_stack()
# raise AttributeError(attr)
#@-node:ekr.20040117170612:p.__getattr__ (no longer used)
#@+node:ekr.20040117173448:p.__nonzero__ & __bool__
# Tests such as 'if p' or 'if not p' are the _only_ correct ways
# to test whether a position p is valid.
# In particular, tests like 'if p is None' or 'if p is not None'
# will not work properly.
if g.isPython3:
def __bool__ ( self):
"""Return True if a position is valid."""
# Tracing this appears to cause unbounded prints.
# print("__bool__",self.v and self.v.cleanHeadString())
return self.v is not None
def __nonzero__ ( self):
"""Return True if a position is valid."""
# if g.app.trace: "__nonzero__",self.v
# g.trace(repr(self))
return self.v is not None
#@-node:ekr.20040117173448:p.__nonzero__ & __bool__
#@+node:ekr.20040301205720:p.__str__ and p.__repr__
def __str__ (self):
p = self
if p.v:
return "<pos %d childIndex: %d lvl: %d [%d] %s>" % (
return "<pos %d [%d] None>" % (id(p),len(p.stack))
__repr__ = __str__
#@-node:ekr.20040301205720:p.__str__ and p.__repr__
def archivedPosition (self,root_p=None):
'''Return a representation of a position suitable for use in .leo files.'''
p = self
if root_p is None:
aList = [z._childIndex for z in p.self_and_parents()]
aList = []
for z in p.self_and_parents():
if z == root_p:
# g.trace(aList)
return aList
# Using this routine can generate huge numbers of temporary positions during a tree traversal.
def copy (self):
""""Return an independent copy of a position."""
# if g.app.tracePositions: g.trace(g.callers())
return position(self.v,self._childIndex,self.stack,trace=False)
def dumpLink (self,link):
return g.choose(link,link,"<none>")
def dump (self,label=""):
p = self
if p.v:
p.v.dump() # Don't print a label
def key (self):
p = self
# For unified nodes we must include a complete key,
# so we can distinguish between clones.
result = []
for z in p.stack:
v,childIndex = z
result.append('%s:%s' % (id(v),childIndex))
result.append('%s:%s' % (id(p.v),p._childIndex))
return '.'.join(result)
#@-node:ekr.20040228094013: p.ctor & other special methods...
#@+node:ekr.20090128083459.75:p.b property
def __get_b(self):
p = self
return p.bodyString()
def __set_b(self,val):
p = self ; c = p.v and p.v.context
if c:
c.setBodyString(p, val)
# Don't redraw the screen: p.b must be fast.
# c.redraw_after_icons_changed()
b = property(
__get_b, __set_b,
doc = "position body string property")
#@-node:ekr.20090128083459.75:p.b property
#@+node:ekr.20090128083459.76:p.h property
def __get_h(self):
p = self
return p.headString()
def __set_h(self,val):
p = self ; c = p.v and p.v.context
if c:
# Don't redraw the screen: p.h must be fast.
# c.redraw_after_head_changed()
h = property(
__get_h, __set_h,
doc = "position headline string property")
#@-node:ekr.20090128083459.76:p.h property
#@+node:ekr.20090215165030.3:p.gnx property
def __get_gnx(self):
p = self
return g.app.nodeIndices.toString(p.v.fileIndex)
gnx = property(
__get_gnx, # __set_gnx,
doc = "position gnx property")
#@-node:ekr.20090215165030.3:p.gnx property
#@+node:ekr.20040306210951:p.vnode proxies
def anyAtFileNodeName (self): return self.v.anyAtFileNodeName()
def atAutoNodeName (self): return self.v.atAutoNodeName()
def atEditNodeName (self): return self.v.atEditNodeName()
def atFileNodeName (self): return self.v.atFileNodeName()
def atNoSentinelsFileNodeName (self): return self.v.atNoSentinelsFileNodeName()
# def atRawFileNodeName (self): return self.v.atRawFileNodeName()
def atShadowFileNodeName (self): return self.v.atShadowFileNodeName()
def atSilentFileNodeName (self): return self.v.atSilentFileNodeName()
def atThinFileNodeName (self): return self.v.atThinFileNodeName()
# New names, less confusing
atNoSentFileNodeName = atNoSentinelsFileNodeName
atAsisFileNodeName = atSilentFileNodeName
def isAnyAtFileNode (self): return self.v.isAnyAtFileNode()
def isAtAllNode (self): return self.v.isAtAllNode()
def isAtAutoNode (self): return self.v.isAtAutoNode()
def isAtAutoRstNode (self): return self.v.isAtAutoRstNode()
def isAtEditNode (self): return self.v.isAtEditNode()
def isAtFileNode (self): return self.v.isAtFileNode()
def isAtIgnoreNode (self): return self.v.isAtIgnoreNode()
def isAtNoSentinelsFileNode (self): return self.v.isAtNoSentinelsFileNode()
def isAtOthersNode (self): return self.v.isAtOthersNode()
# def isAtRawFileNode (self): return self.v.isAtRawFileNode()
def isAtSilentFileNode (self): return self.v.isAtSilentFileNode()
def isAtShadowFileNode (self): return self.v.isAtShadowFileNode()
def isAtThinFileNode (self): return self.v.isAtThinFileNode()
# New names, less confusing:
isAtNoSentFileNode = isAtNoSentinelsFileNode
isAtAsisFileNode = isAtSilentFileNode
# Utilities.
def matchHeadline (self,pattern): return self.v.matchHeadline(pattern)
#@+node:ekr.20040306220230:p.Headline & body strings
def bodyString (self):
return self.v.bodyString()
def headString (self):
return self.v.headString()
def cleanHeadString (self):
return self.v.cleanHeadString()
#@-node:ekr.20040306220230:p.Headline & body strings
#@+node:ekr.20040306214401:p.Status bits
def isDirty (self): return self.v.isDirty()
def isExpanded (self): return self.v.isExpanded()
def isMarked (self): return self.v.isMarked()
def isOrphan (self): return self.v.isOrphan()
def isSelected (self): return self.v.isSelected()
def isTopBitSet (self): return self.v.isTopBitSet()
def isVisited (self): return self.v.isVisited()
def status (self): return self.v.status()
#@-node:ekr.20040306214401:p.Status bits
#@-node:ekr.20040306210951:p.vnode proxies
#@+node:ekr.20040306214240.2:p.children & parents
# This used to be time-critical code.
def childIndex(self):
p = self
return p._childIndex
def directParents (self):
return self.v.directParents()
#@+node:ekr.20040306214240.3:p.hasChildren & p.numberOfChildren
def hasChildren (self):
p = self
return len(p.v.children) > 0
hasFirstChild = hasChildren
def numberOfChildren (self):
p = self
return len(p.v.children)
#@-node:ekr.20040306214240.3:p.hasChildren & p.numberOfChildren
#@-node:ekr.20040306214240.2:p.children & parents
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.915:p.getX & vnode compatibility traversal routines
# These methods are useful abbreviations.
# Warning: they make copies of positions, so they should be used _sparingly_
def getBack (self): return self.copy().moveToBack()
def getFirstChild (self): return self.copy().moveToFirstChild()
def getLastChild (self): return self.copy().moveToLastChild()
def getLastNode (self): return self.copy().moveToLastNode()
# def getLastVisible (self): return self.copy().moveToLastVisible()
def getNext (self): return self.copy().moveToNext()
def getNodeAfterTree (self): return self.copy().moveToNodeAfterTree()
def getNthChild (self,n): return self.copy().moveToNthChild(n)
def getParent (self): return self.copy().moveToParent()
def getThreadBack (self): return self.copy().moveToThreadBack()
def getThreadNext (self): return self.copy().moveToThreadNext()
# New in Leo 4.4.3 b2: add c args.
def getVisBack (self,c): return self.copy().moveToVisBack(c)
def getVisNext (self,c): return self.copy().moveToVisNext(c)
# These are efficient enough now that iterators are the normal way to traverse the tree!
back = getBack
firstChild = getFirstChild
lastChild = getLastChild
lastNode = getLastNode
# lastVisible = getLastVisible # New in 4.2 (was in tk tree code).
next = getNext
nodeAfterTree = getNodeAfterTree
nthChild = getNthChild
parent = getParent
threadBack = getThreadBack
threadNext = getThreadNext
visBack = getVisBack
visNext = getVisNext
# New in Leo 4.4.3:
hasVisBack = visBack
hasVisNext = visNext
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.915:p.getX & vnode compatibility traversal routines
def hasBack(self):
p = self
return p.v and p._childIndex > 0
def hasNext(self):
p = self
parent_v = p._parentVnode()
# Returns None if p.v is None.
return p.v and parent_v and p._childIndex+1 < len(parent_v.children)
except Exception:
g.trace('*** Unexpected exception')
return None
def hasParent(self):
p = self
return p.v and len(p.stack) > 0
def hasThreadBack(self):
p = self
return p.hasParent() or p.hasBack() # Much cheaper than computing the actual value.
#@+node:ekr.20080416161551.193:hasThreadNext (the only complex hasX method)
def hasThreadNext (self):
p = self
if not p.v: return False
if p.hasChildren() or p.hasNext(): return True
n = len(p.stack) -1
while n >= 0:
v,childIndex = p.stack[n]
# See how many children v's parent has.
if n == 0:
parent_v = v.context.hiddenRootNode
parent_v,junk = p.stack[n-1]
if len(parent_v.children) > childIndex+1:
# v has a next sibling.
return True
n -= 1
return False
#@-node:ekr.20080416161551.193:hasThreadNext (the only complex hasX method)
def findRootPosition (self):
p = self.copy()
while p.hasParent():
while p.hasBack():
return p
def isAncestorOf (self, p2):
p = self ; v = p.v
for z in p2.stack:
v2,junk = z
if v2 == v:
return True
return False
def isCloned (self):
p = self
return p.v.isCloned()
def isRoot (self):
p = self
return not p.hasParent() and not p.hasBack()
def isVisible (self,c):
p = self ; trace = False
limit,limitIsVisible = c.visLimit()
limit_v = limit and limit.v or None
if p.v == limit_v:
if trace: g.trace('*** at limit','limitIsVisible',limitIsVisible,p.h)
return limitIsVisible
# It's much easier with a full stack.
n = len(p.stack)-1
while n >= 0:
progress = n
# v,n = p.vParentWithStack(v,p.stack,n)
v,junk = p.stack[n]
if v == limit_v: # We are at a descendant of limit.
if trace: g.trace('*** descendant of limit',
if limitIsVisible:
return limit.isExpanded()
else: # Ignore the expansion state of @chapter nodes.
return True
if not v.isExpanded():
if trace: g.trace('*** non-limit parent is not expanded:',v._headString,p.h)
return False
n -= 1
assert progress > n
return True
#@+node:ekr.20080416161551.197:p.level & simpleLevel
def level (self):
'''Return the number of p's parents.'''
p = self
return p.v and len(p.stack) or 0
simpleLevel = level
#@-node:ekr.20080416161551.197:p.level & simpleLevel
def textOffset(self):
See http://tinyurl.com/5nescw for details
p = self
# caching of p.textOffset, we need to calculate it only once
if p.txtOffset is not None:
return p.txtOffset
p.txtOffset = 0
# walk back from the current position
for cursor in p.self_and_parents():
# we also need the parent, the "text offset" is relative to it
parent = cursor.parent()
if parent == None: # root reached
parent_bodyString = parent.b
if parent_bodyString == '': # organizer node
parent_lines = parent_bodyString.split('\n')
# check out if the cursor node is a section
cursor_is_section = False
cursor_headString = cursor.h
if cursor_headString.startswith('<<'):
cursor_is_section = True # section node
for line in parent_lines:
if cursor_is_section == True:
# find out the section in the bodyString of the parent
pos = line.find(cursor_headString)
# otherwise find the "@others" directive in the bodyString of the parent
pos = line.find('@others')
if pos > 0:
# break the iteration over lines if something is found
if pos > 0:
p.txtOffset += pos
if parent.v.isAnyAtFileNode(): # do not scan upper
return p.txtOffset
#@+node:ekr.20040306220634:p.Vnode proxies
#@+node:ekr.20040306220634.9:p.Status bits
# Clone bits are no longer used.
# Dirty bits are handled carefully by the position class.
def clearMarked (self): return self.v.clearMarked()
def clearOrphan (self): return self.v.clearOrphan()
def clearVisited (self): return self.v.clearVisited()
def contract (self): return self.v.contract()
def expand (self): return self.v.expand()
def initExpandedBit (self): return self.v.initExpandedBit()
def initMarkedBit (self): return self.v.initMarkedBit()
def initStatus (self, status): return self.v.initStatus(status)
def setMarked (self): return self.v.setMarked()
def setOrphan (self): return self.v.setOrphan()
def setSelected (self): return self.v.setSelected()
def setVisited (self): return self.v.setVisited()
#@-node:ekr.20040306220634.9:p.Status bits
#@+node:ekr.20040306220634.8:p.computeIcon & p.setIcon
def computeIcon (self):
return self.v.computeIcon()
def setIcon (self):
pass # Compatibility routine for old scripts
#@-node:ekr.20040306220634.8:p.computeIcon & p.setIcon
def setSelection (self,start,length):
return self.v.setSelection(start,length)
#@-node:ekr.20040306220634:p.Vnode proxies
#@+node:ekr.20040315034158:p.setBodyString & setHeadString
def setBodyString (self,s):
p = self
return p.v.setBodyString(s)
initBodyString = setBodyString
setTnodeText = setBodyString
scriptSetBodyString = setBodyString
def initHeadString (self,s):
p = self
def setHeadString (self,s):
p = self
# Note: p.setDirty is expensive.
# We can't change this because Leo's core uses
# p.setDirty and c.setDirty interchangeably.
#@-node:ekr.20040315034158:p.setBodyString & setHeadString
#@+node:ekr.20040312015908:p.Visited bits
# Compatibility routine for scripts.
def clearVisitedInTree (self):
for p in self.self_and_subtree():
def clearAllVisitedInTree (self):
for p in self.self_and_subtree():
#@-node:ekr.20040312015908:p.Visited bits
#@+node:ekr.20040305162628:p.Dirty bits
def clearDirty (self):
p = self
def findAllPotentiallyDirtyNodes(self):
p = self
return p.v.findAllPotentiallyDirtyNodes()
def inAtIgnoreRange (self):
"""Returns True if position p or one of p's parents is an @ignore node."""
p = self
for p in p.self_and_parents():
if p.isAtIgnoreNode():
return True
return False
def setAllAncestorAtFileNodesDirty (self,setDescendentsDirty=False):
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
verbose = False
p = self
dirtyVnodeList = []
# Calculate all nodes that are joined to p or parents of such nodes.
nodes = p.findAllPotentiallyDirtyNodes()
if setDescendentsDirty:
# N.B. Only mark _direct_ descendents of nodes.
# Using the findAllPotentiallyDirtyNodes algorithm would mark way too many nodes.
for p2 in p.subtree():
# Only @thin nodes need to be marked.
if p2.v not in nodes and p2.isAtThinFileNode():
if trace and verbose:
for v in nodes:
print (v.isDirty(),v.isAnyAtFileNode(),v)
dirtyVnodeList = [v for v in nodes
if not v.isDirty() and v.isAnyAtFileNode()]
changed = len(dirtyVnodeList) > 0
for v in dirtyVnodeList:
if trace: g.trace("position",dirtyVnodeList,g.callers(5))
return dirtyVnodeList
def setDirty (self,setDescendentsDirty=True):
'''Mark a node and all ancestor @file nodes dirty.'''
p = self ; dirtyVnodeList = []
# g.trace(p.h,g.callers(4))
if not p.v.isDirty():
# Important: this must be called even if p.v is already dirty.
# Typing can change the @ignore state!
dirtyVnodeList2 = p.setAllAncestorAtFileNodesDirty(setDescendentsDirty)
return dirtyVnodeList
#@-node:ekr.20040305162628:p.Dirty bits
#@+node:ekr.20040315023430:p.File Conversion
# - convertTreeToString and moreHead can't be vnode methods
# because they uses level().
# - moreBody could be anywhere: it may as well be a postion
# method.
def convertTreeToString (self):
"""Convert a positions suboutline to a string in MORE format."""
p = self ; level1 = p.level()
array = []
for p in p.self_and_subtree():
body = p.moreBody()
if body:
array.append(body +'\n')
return ''.join(array)
def moreHead (self, firstLevel,useVerticalBar=False):
"""Return the headline string in MORE format."""
# useVerticalBar is unused, but it would be useful in over-ridden methods.
p = self
level = self.level() - firstLevel
plusMinus = g.choose(p.hasChildren(), "+", "-")
return "%s%s %s" % ('\t'*level,plusMinus,p.h)
# + test line
# - test line
# \ test line
# test line +
# test line -
# test line \
# More lines...
def moreBody (self):
"""Returns the body string in MORE format.
Inserts a backslash before any leading plus, minus or backslash."""
p = self ; array = []
lines = p.b.split('\n')
for s in lines:
i = g.skip_ws(s,0)
if i < len(s) and s[i] in ('+','-','\\'):
s = s[:i] + '\\' + s[i:]
return '\n'.join(array)
#@-node:ekr.20040315023430:p.File Conversion
def children(self):
'''Return all children of p.'''
p = self
p = p.firstChild()
while p:
yield p
raise StopIteration
# Compatibility with old code.
children_iter = children
def following_siblings(self):
Return all siblings that follow p, not including p.
p = self
p = p.copy() # Always include the original node.
p = p.next()
while p:
yield p
raise StopIteration
# Compatibility with old code.
following_siblings_iter = following_siblings
def nodes (self):
p = self
p = p.copy()
while p:
yield p.v
# Compatibility with old code.
tnodes_iter = nodes
vnodes_iter = nodes
def parents(self):
'''Return all parents of p.'''
p = self
p = p.parent()
while p:
yield p
raise StopIteration
# Compatibility with old code.
parents_iter = parents
def self_and_parents(self):
'''Return p and all parents of p.'''
p = self
p = p.copy()
while p:
yield p
raise StopIteration
# Compatibility with old code.
self_and_parents_iter = self_and_parents
def self_and_siblings(self):
'''Return all siblings of p including p.
p = self
p = p.copy()
while p.hasBack():
while p:
yield p
raise StopIteration
# Compatibility with old code.
self_and_siblings_iter = self_and_siblings
def self_and_subtree(self):
'''Return p's entire subtree, including p.'''
p = self
p = p.copy()
after = p.nodeAfterTree()
while p and p != after:
yield p
raise StopIteration
# Compatibility with old code.
self_and_subtree_iter = self_and_subtree
def subtree(self):
'''Return all descendants of p, not including p.'''
p = self
p = p.copy()
after = p.nodeAfterTree()
while p and p != after:
yield p
raise StopIteration
# Compatibility with old code.
subtree_iter = subtree
def unique_nodes (self):
p = self
p = p.copy()
seen = set()
while p:
if p.v in seen:
yield p.v
# Compatibility with old code.
unique_tnodes_iter = unique_nodes
unique_vnodes_iter = unique_nodes
def unique_subtree (self):
'''Return unique positions in p's entire subtree, including p.'''
p = self
p = p.copy()
after = p.nodeAfterTree()
seen = set()
while p and p != after:
if p.v in seen:
yield p
raise StopIteration
# Compatibility with old code.
subtree_with_unique_tnodes_iter = unique_subtree
subtree_with_unique_vnodes_iter = unique_subtree
#@+node:ekr.20040303175026:p.Moving, Inserting, Deleting, Cloning, Sorting
def clone (self):
"""Create a clone of back.
Returns the newly created position."""
p = self
p2 = p.copy() # Do *not* copy the vnode!
p2._linkAfter(p) # This should "just work"
return p2
#@+node:ekr.20040303175026.9:p.copyTreeAfter, copyTreeTo
# These used by unit tests and by the group_operations plugin.
def copyTreeAfter(self):
p = self
p2 = p.insertAfter()
return p2
def copyTreeFromSelfTo(self,p2):
p = self
p2.v._headString = p.h
p2.v._bodyString = p.b
# 2009/10/02: no need to copy arg to iter
for child in p.children():
child2 = p2.insertAsLastChild()
#@-node:ekr.20040303175026.9:p.copyTreeAfter, copyTreeTo
# This is the main delete routine.
# It deletes the receiver's entire tree from the screen.
# Because of the undo command we never actually delete vnodes or
# tnodes.
def doDelete (self,newNode=None):
"""Deletes position p from the outline."""
p = self
p.setDirty() # Mark @file nodes dirty!
# Adjust newNode._childIndex if newNode is a following sibling of p.
sib = p.copy()
while sib.hasNext():
if sib == newNode:
newNode._childIndex -= 1
def insertAfter (self):
"""Inserts a new position after self.
Returns the newly created position."""
p = self ; context = p.v.context
p2 = self.copy()
p2.v = vnode(context=context)
p2.v.iconVal = 0
return p2
def insertAsLastChild (self):
"""Inserts a new vnode as the last child of self.
Returns the newly created position."""
p = self
n = p.numberOfChildren()
return p.insertAsNthChild(n)
def insertAsNthChild (self,n):
"""Inserts a new node as the the nth child of self.
self must have at least n-1 children.
Returns the newly created position."""
p = self ; context = p.v.context
p2 = self.copy()
p2.v = vnode(context=context)
p2.v.iconVal = 0
return p2
def invalidOutline (self, message):
p = self
if p.hasParent():
node = p.parent()
node = p
g.alert("invalid outline: %s\n%s" % (message,node))
def moveAfter (self,a):
"""Move a position after position a."""
p = self # Do NOT copy the position!
# g.trace('before','p',p,p.stack,'\na',a,a.stack)
# g.trace('before','p',p,p.stack,'\na',a,a.stack)
return p
def moveToFirstChildOf (self,parent):
"""Move a position to the first child of parent."""
p = self # Do NOT copy the position!
return p
def moveToLastChildOf (self,parent):
"""Move a position to the last child of parent."""
p = self # Do NOT copy the position!
n = parent.numberOfChildren()
return p
def moveToNthChildOf (self,parent,n):
"""Move a position to the nth child of parent."""
p = self # Do NOT copy the position!
return p
def moveToRoot (self,oldRoot=None):
'''Moves a position to the root position.
Important: oldRoot must the previous root position if it exists.'''
p = self # Do NOT copy the position!
if oldRoot:
return p
# This routine checks the structure of the receiver's tree.
def validateOutlineWithParent (self,pv):
p = self
result = True # optimists get only unpleasant surprises.
parent = p.getParent()
childIndex = p._childIndex
# g.trace(p,parent,pv)
#@ << validate parent ivar >>
#@+node:ekr.20040303175026.14:<< validate parent ivar >>
if parent != pv:
p.invalidOutline( "Invalid parent link: " + repr(parent))
#@-node:ekr.20040303175026.14:<< validate parent ivar >>
#@ << validate childIndex ivar >>
#@+node:ekr.20040303175026.15:<< validate childIndex ivar >>
if pv:
if childIndex < 0:
p.invalidOutline ( "missing childIndex" + childIndex )
elif childIndex >= pv.numberOfChildren():
p.invalidOutline ( "missing children entry for index: " + childIndex )
elif childIndex < 0:
p.invalidOutline ( "negative childIndex" + childIndex )
#@-node:ekr.20040303175026.15:<< validate childIndex ivar >>
#@ << validate x ivar >>
#@+node:ekr.20040303175026.16:<< validate x ivar >>
if not p.v and pv:
self.invalidOutline ( "Empty t" )
#@-node:ekr.20040303175026.16:<< validate x ivar >>
# Recursively validate all the children.
for child in p.children():
r = child.validateOutlineWithParent(p)
if not r: result = False
return result
#@-node:ekr.20040303175026:p.Moving, Inserting, Deleting, Cloning, Sorting
# These routines change self to a new position "in place".
# That is, these methods must _never_ call p.copy().
# When moving to a nonexistent position, these routines simply
# set p.v = None,
# leaving the p.stack unchanged. This allows the caller to
# "undo" the effect of
# the invalid move by simply restoring the previous value of
# p.v.
# These routines all return self on exit so the following kind
# of code will work:
# after = p.copy().moveToNodeAfterTree()
def moveToBack (self):
"""Move self to its previous sibling."""
p = self ; n = p._childIndex
parent_v = p._parentVnode()
# Returns None if p.v is None.
# Do not assume n is in range: this is used by positionExists.
if parent_v and p.v and 0 < n <= len(parent_v.children):
p._childIndex -= 1
p.v = parent_v.children[n-1]
p.v = None
return p
def moveToFirstChild (self):
"""Move a position to it's first child's position."""
p = self
if p.v and p.v.children:
p.v = p.v.children[0]
p._childIndex = 0
p.v = None
return p
def moveToLastChild (self):
"""Move a position to it's last child's position."""
p = self
if p.v and p.v.children:
n = len(p.v.children)
p.v = p.v.children[n-1]
p._childIndex = n-1
p.v = None
return p
def moveToLastNode (self):
"""Move a position to last node of its tree.
N.B. Returns p if p has no children."""
p = self
# Huge improvement for 4.2.
while p.hasChildren():
return p
def moveToNext (self):
"""Move a position to its next sibling."""
p = self ; n = p._childIndex
parent_v = p._parentVnode()
# Returns None if p.v is None.
if not p.v: g.trace('parent_v',parent_v,'p.v',p.v)
if p.v and parent_v and len(parent_v.children) > n+1:
p._childIndex = n+1
p.v = parent_v.children[n+1]
p.v = None
return p
def moveToNodeAfterTree (self):
"""Move a position to the node after the position's tree."""
p = self
while p:
if p.hasNext():
return p
def moveToNthChild (self,n):
p = self
if p.v and len(p.v.children) > n:
p.v = p.v.children[n]
p._childIndex = n
p.v = None
return p
def moveToParent (self):
"""Move a position to its parent position."""
p = self
if p.v and p.stack:
p.v,p._childIndex = p.stack.pop()
p.v = None
return p
def moveToThreadBack (self):
"""Move a position to it's threadBack position."""
p = self
if p.hasBack():
return p
def moveToThreadNext (self):
"""Move a position to threadNext position."""
p = self
if p.v:
if p.v.children:
elif p.hasNext():
while p:
if p.hasNext():
break #found
# not found.
return p
def moveToVisBack (self,c):
"""Move a position to the position of the previous visible node."""
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
verbose = True
p = self ; limit,limitIsVisible = c.visLimit()
if trace and verbose:
if trace: g.trace('***entry','parent',p.parent(),'p',p,g.callers(5))
while p:
# Short-circuit if possible.
back = p.back()
if trace: g.trace(
'back',back,'hasChildren',bool(back and back.hasChildren()),
'isExpanded',bool(back and back.isExpanded()))
if back and back.hasChildren() and back.isExpanded():
elif back:
p.moveToParent() # Same as p.moveToThreadBack()
# if back and (not back.hasChildren() or not back.isExpanded()):
# p.moveToBack()
# else:
# p.moveToThreadBack()
if trace: g.trace(p.parent(),p)
if p:
if trace and verbose: g.trace('**p',p)
done,val = self.checkVisBackLimit(limit,limitIsVisible,p)
if done:
if trace and verbose: g.trace('done',p)
return val
if p.isVisible(c):
if trace and verbose: g.trace('isVisible',p)
return p
# assert not p.
return p
def checkVisBackLimit (self,limit,limitIsVisible,p):
'''Return done, return-val'''
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
c = p.v.context
if limit:
if limit == p:
if trace: g.trace('at limit',p)
if limitIsVisible and p.isVisible(c):
return True,p
return True,None
#return True,g.choose(limitIsVisible and p.isVisible(c),p,None)
elif limit.isAncestorOf(p):
return False,None
if trace: g.trace('outside limit tree',limit,p)
return True,None
return False,None
def moveToVisNext (self,c):
"""Move a position to the position of the next visible node."""
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
verbose = False
p = self ; limit,limitIsVisible = c.visLimit()
while p:
if trace: g.trace('1',p.h)
# if trace: g.trace('hasChildren %s, isExpanded %s %s' % (
# p.hasChildren(),p.isExpanded(),p.h))
# Short-circuit if possible.
if p.hasNext() and p.hasChildren() and p.isExpanded():
elif p.hasNext():
if trace: g.trace('2',p.h)
if p:
done,val = self.checkVisNextLimit(limit,p)
if done: return val
if p.isVisible(c):
return p.copy()
return p
def checkVisNextLimit (self,limit,p):
'''Return done, return-val'''
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
if limit:
# Unlike moveToVisBack, being at the limit does not terminate.
if limit == p:
return False, None
elif limit.isAncestorOf(p):
return False,None
if trace: g.trace('outside limit tree')
return True,None
return False,None
#@+node:ekr.20080423062035.1:p.Low level methods
# These methods are only for the use of low-level code
# in leoNodes.py, leoFileCommands.py and leoUndo.py.
def _adjustPositionBeforeUnlink (self,p2):
'''Adjust position p before unlinking p2.'''
# p will change if p2 is a previous sibling of p or
# p2 is a previous sibling of any ancestor of p.
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
p = self ; sib = p.copy()
if trace: g.trace('entry',p.stack)
# A special case for previous siblings.
# Adjust p._childIndex, not the stack's childIndex.
while sib.hasBack():
if sib == p2:
p._childIndex -= 1
if trace: g.trace('***new index: %s\n%s' % (
# Adjust p's stack.
stack = [] ; changed = False ; i = 0
while i < len(p.stack):
v,childIndex = p.stack[i]
p3 = position(v=v,childIndex=childIndex,stack=stack[:i])
while p3:
if p2.v == p3.v: # A match with the to-be-moved node?
changed = True
break # terminate only the inner loop.
i += 1
if changed:
if trace: g.trace('***new stack: %s\n%s' % (
p.stack = stack
def _linkAfter (self,p_after,adjust=True):
'''Link self after p_after.'''
p = self
parent_v = p_after._parentVnode()
# Returns None if p.v is None
# Init the ivars.
p.stack = p_after.stack[:]
p._childIndex = p_after._childIndex + 1
# Set the links.
child = p.v
n = p_after._childIndex+1
def _linkAsNthChild (self,parent,n,adjust=True):
p = self
parent_v = parent.v
# Init the ivars.
p.stack = parent.stack[:]
p._childIndex = n
child = p.v
def _parentVnode (self):
'''Return the parent vnode.
Return the hiddenRootNode if there is no other parent.'''
p = self
if p.v:
data = p.stack and p.stack[-1]
if data:
v, junk = data
return v
return p.v.context.hiddenRootNode
return None
def _linkAsRoot (self,oldRoot):
"""Link self as the root node."""
p = self
hiddenRootNode = p.v.context.hiddenRootNode
if oldRoot: oldRootNode = oldRoot.v
else: oldRootNode = None
# Init the ivars.
p.stack = []
p._childIndex = 0
parent_v = hiddenRootNode
child = p.v
if not oldRoot: parent_v.children = []
return p
def _unlink (self):
'''Unlink the receiver p from the tree.'''
p = self ; n = p._childIndex
parent_v = p._parentVnode()
# returns None if p.v is None
child = p.v
# Delete the child.
if (0 <= n < len(parent_v.children) and
parent_v.children[n] == child
# This is the only call to v._cutlink.
def badUnlink (self,parent_v,n,child):
if 0 <= n < len(parent_v.children):
g.trace('**can not happen: children[%s] != p.v' % (n))
g.trace('** callers:',g.callers())
if g.app.unitTesting: assert False, 'children[%s] != p.v'
g.trace('**can not happen: bad child index: %s, len(children): %s' % (
g.trace('** callers:',g.callers())
if g.app.unitTesting: assert False, 'bad child index: %s' % (n)
#@-node:ekr.20080423062035.1:p.Low level methods
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.889:class position
#@+node:ville.20090311190405.68:class poslist
class poslist(list):
""" List of positions
This behaves like a normal list, with the distinction that it
has select_h and select_b methods that can be used
to search through immediate children of the nodes.
#@ @+others
def select_h(self, regex, flags = re.IGNORECASE):
""" Find immediate child nodes of nodes in poslist with regex.
You can chain find_h / find_b with select_h / select_b like this
to refine an outline search::
pl = c.find_h('@thin.*py').select_h('class.*').select_b('import (.*)')
pat = re.compile(regex, flags)
res = poslist()
for p in self:
for child_p in p.children():
m = re.match(pat, child_p.h)
if m:
pc = child_p.copy()
pc.mo = m
return res
def select_b(self, regex, flags = re.IGNORECASE ):
""" Find all the nodes in poslist where body matches regex
You can chain find_h / find_b with select_h / select_b like this
to refine an outline search::
pl = c.find_h('@thin.*py').select_h('class.*').select_b('import (.*)')
pat = re.compile(regex, flags)
res = poslist()
for p in self:
m = re.finditer(pat, p.b)
t1,t2 = itertools.tee(m,2)
if g.isPython3:
first = t1.__next__()
first = t1.next()
# if does not raise StopIteration...
pc = p.copy()
pc.matchiter = t2
except StopIteration:
return res
#@-node:ville.20090311190405.68:class poslist
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3341:class vnode
if use_zodb and ZODB:
class baseVnode (ZODB.Persistence.Persistent):
class baseVnode (object):
class vnode (baseVnode):
#@ << vnode constants >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.951:<< vnode constants >>
# Define the meaning of status bits in new vnodes.
# Archived...
clonedBit = 0x01 # True: vnode has clone mark.
# unused 0x02
expandedBit = 0x04 # True: vnode is expanded.
markedBit = 0x08 # True: vnode is marked
orphanBit = 0x10 # True: vnode saved in .leo file, not derived file.
selectedBit = 0x20 # True: vnode is current vnode.
topBit = 0x40 # True: vnode was top vnode when saved.
# Not archived...
richTextBit = 0x080 # Determines whether we use <bt> or <btr> tags.
visitedBit = 0x100
dirtyBit = 0x200
writeBit = 0x400
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.951:<< vnode constants >>
#@ @+others
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3342:v.Birth & death
# To support ZODB, the code must set v._p_changed = 1 whenever
# v.unknownAttributes or any mutable vnode object changes.
def __init__ (self,context):
# The primary data: headline and body text.
self._headString = g.u('newHeadline')
self._bodyString = g.u('')
# Structure data...
self.children = [] # Ordered list of all children of this node.
self.parents = [] # Unordered list of all parents of this node.
# Other essential data...
self.fileIndex = g.app.nodeIndices.getNewIndex()
# The immutable file index for this vnode.
# New in Leo 4.6 b2: allocate gnx (fileIndex) immediately.
self.iconVal = 0 # The present value of the node's icon.
self.statusBits = 0 # status bits
# v.t no longer exists. All code must now be aware of the one-node world.
# self.t = self # For compatibility with scripts and plugins.
# Information that is never written to any file...
self.context = context # The context containing context.hiddenRootNode.
# Required so we can compute top-level siblings.
# It is named .context rather than .c to emphasize its limited usage.
self.insertSpot = None # Location of previous insert point.
self.scrollBarSpot = None # Previous value of scrollbar position.
self.selectionLength = 0 # The length of the selected body text.
self.selectionStart = 0 # The start of the selected body text.
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3345:v.__repr__ & v.__str__
def __repr__ (self):
return "<vnode %d:'%s'>" % (id(self),self.cleanHeadString())
__str__ = __repr__
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3345:v.__repr__ & v.__str__
def dumpLink (self,link):
return g.choose(link,link,"<none>")
def dump (self,label=""):
v = self
print('%s %s %s' % ('-'*10,label,v))
print('len(parents) %s' % len(v.parents))
print('len(children) %s' % len(v.children))
print('parents %s' % g.listToString(v.parents))
print('children%s' % g.listToString(v.children))
#@+node:ekr.20060910100316:v.__hash__ (only for zodb)
if use_zodb and ZODB:
def __hash__(self):
return self.__hash__()
#@-node:ekr.20060910100316:v.__hash__ (only for zodb)
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3342:v.Birth & death
def findAtFileName (self,names,h=''):
"""Return the name following one of the names in nameList.
Return an empty string."""
# Allow h argument for unit testing.
if not h: h = self.headString()
if not g.match(h,0,'@'):
return ""
i = g.skip_id(h,1,'-')
word = h[:i]
if word in names and g.match_word(h,0,word):
name = h[i:].strip()
# g.trace(repr(word),repr(name))
return name
return ""
def anyAtFileNodeName (self):
"""Return the file name following an @file node or an empty string."""
names = (
"@thin", "@file-thin", "@thinfile",
"@asis", "@file-asis", "@silentfile",
"@nosent", "@file-nosent", "@nosentinelsfile",
return self.findAtFileName(names)
# These return the filename following @xxx, in v.headString.
# Return the the empty string if v is not an @xxx node.
def atAutoNodeName (self,h=None):
# # Prevent conflicts with autotrees plugin: don't allow @auto-whatever to match.
# return g.match_word(h,0,tag) and not g.match(h,0,tag+'-') and h[len(tag):].strip()
names = ("@auto","@auto-rst",)
return self.findAtFileName(names,h=h)
def atAutoRstNodeName (self,h=None):
names = ("@auto-rst",)
return self.findAtFileName(names,h=h)
def atEditNodeName (self):
names = ("@edit",)
return self.findAtFileName(names)
def atFileNodeName (self):
names = ("@file",)
return self.findAtFileName(names)
def atNoSentinelsFileNodeName (self):
names = ("@nosent", "@file-nosent", "@nosentinelsfile")
return self.findAtFileName(names)
def atShadowFileNodeName (self):
names = ("@shadow",)
return self.findAtFileName(names)
def atSilentFileNodeName (self):
names = ("@asis", "@file-asis", "@silentfile")
return self.findAtFileName(names)
def atThinFileNodeName (self):
names = ("@thin", "@file-thin", "@thinfile")
return self.findAtFileName(names)
# New names, less confusing
atNoSentFileNodeName = atNoSentinelsFileNodeName
atAsisFileNodeName = atSilentFileNodeName
def isAtAllNode (self):
"""Returns True if the receiver contains @others in its body at the start of a line."""
flag, i = g.is_special(self._bodyString,0,"@all")
return flag
def isAnyAtFileNode (self):
"""Return True if v is any kind of @file or related node."""
# This routine should be as fast as possible.
# It is called once for every vnode when writing a file.
h = self.headString()
return h and h[0] == '@' and self.anyAtFileNodeName()
#@+node:ekr.20040325073709:isAt...FileNode (vnode)
def isAtAutoNode (self):
return g.choose(self.atAutoNodeName(),True,False)
def isAtAutoRstNode (self):
return g.choose(self.atAutoRstNodeName(),True,False)
def isAtEditNode (self):
return g.choose(self.atEditNodeName(),True,False)
def isAtFileNode (self):
return g.choose(self.atFileNodeName(),True,False)
def isAtNoSentinelsFileNode (self):
return g.choose(self.atNoSentinelsFileNodeName(),True,False)
def isAtSilentFileNode (self): # @file-asis
return g.choose(self.atSilentFileNodeName(),True,False)
def isAtShadowFileNode (self):
return g.choose(self.atShadowFileNodeName(),True,False)
def isAtThinFileNode (self):
return g.choose(self.atThinFileNodeName(),True,False)
# New names, less confusing:
isAtNoSentFileNode = isAtNoSentinelsFileNode
isAtAsisFileNode = isAtSilentFileNode
#@-node:ekr.20040325073709:isAt...FileNode (vnode)
def isAtIgnoreNode (self):
"""Returns True if the receiver contains @ignore in its body at the start of a line."""
flag, i = g.is_special(self._bodyString, 0, "@ignore")
return flag
def isAtOthersNode (self):
"""Returns True if the receiver contains @others in its body at the start of a line."""
flag, i = g.is_special(self._bodyString,0,"@others")
return flag
def matchHeadline (self,pattern):
"""Returns True if the headline matches the pattern ignoring whitespace and case.
The headline may contain characters following the successfully matched pattern."""
v = self
h = g.toUnicode(v.headString())
h = h.lower().replace(' ','').replace('\t','')
pattern = g.toUnicode(pattern)
pattern = pattern.lower().replace(' ','').replace('\t','')
return h.startswith(pattern)
def bodyString (self):
# This message should never be printed and we want to avoid crashing here!
if g.isUnicode(self._bodyString):
return self._bodyString
g.internalError('not unicode:',repr(self._bodyString))
return g.toUnicode(self._bodyString)
getBody = bodyString
def firstChild (self):
v = self
return v.children and v.children[0]
#@+node:ekr.20040307085922:v.hasChildren & hasFirstChild
def hasChildren (self):
v = self
return len(v.children) > 0
hasFirstChild = hasChildren
#@-node:ekr.20040307085922:v.hasChildren & hasFirstChild
def lastChild (self):
v = self
return v.children and v.children[-1] or None
# childIndex and nthChild are zero-based.
def nthChild (self, n):
v = self
if 0 <= n < len(v.children):
return v.children[n]
return None
def numberOfChildren (self):
v = self
return len(v.children)
def directParents (self):
"""(New in 4.2) Return a list of all direct parent vnodes of a vnode.
This is NOT the same as the list of ancestors of the vnode."""
v = self
return v.parents
def hasBody (self):
'''Return True if this vnode contains body text.'''
s = self._bodyString
return s and len(s) > 0
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1581:v.headString & v.cleanHeadString
def headString (self):
"""Return the headline string."""
# This message should never be printed and we want to avoid crashing here!
if not g.isUnicode(self._headString):
g.internalError('not unicode',repr(self._headString))
# Make _sure_ we return a unicode string.
return g.toUnicode(self._headString)
def cleanHeadString (self):
s = self._headString
return g.toEncodedString(s,"ascii") # Replaces non-ascii characters by '?'
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.1581:v.headString & v.cleanHeadString
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3367:v.Status Bits
def isCloned (self):
return len(self.parents) > 1
def isDirty (self):
return (self.statusBits & self.dirtyBit) != 0
def isExpanded (self):
# g.trace( ( self.statusBits & self.expandedBit ) != 0, g.callers())
return ( self.statusBits & self.expandedBit ) != 0
def isMarked (self):
return ( self.statusBits & vnode.markedBit ) != 0
def isOrphan (self):
return ( self.statusBits & vnode.orphanBit ) != 0
def isSelected (self):
return ( self.statusBits & vnode.selectedBit ) != 0
def isTopBitSet (self):
return ( self.statusBits & self.topBit ) != 0
def isVisited (self):
return ( self.statusBits & vnode.visitedBit ) != 0
def isWriteBit (self):
v = self
return (v.statusBits & v.writeBit) != 0
def status (self):
return self.statusBits
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3367:v.Status Bits
#@+node:ekr.20090830051712.6151: v.Dirty bits
def clearDirty (self):
v = self
v.statusBits &= ~ v.dirtyBit
def findAllPotentiallyDirtyNodes(self):
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
v = self ; c = v.context
# Set the starting nodes.
nodes = []
newNodes = [v]
# Add nodes until no more are added.
while newNodes:
addedNodes = []
for v in newNodes:
for v2 in v.parents:
if v2 not in nodes and v2 not in addedNodes:
newNodes = addedNodes[:]
# Remove the hidden vnode.
if c.hiddenRootNode in nodes:
if trace: g.trace('removing hidden root',c.hiddenRootNode)
if trace: g.trace(nodes)
return nodes
# Unlike p.setAllAncestorAtFileNodesDirty,
# there is no setDescendentsDirty arg.
def setAllAncestorAtFileNodesDirty (self):
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
verbose = False
v = self
dirtyVnodeList = []
# Calculate all nodes that are joined to p or parents of such nodes.
nodes = v.findAllPotentiallyDirtyNodes()
if trace and verbose:
for v in nodes:
print (v.isDirty(),v.isAnyAtFileNode(),v)
dirtyVnodeList = [v for v in nodes
if not v.isDirty() and v.isAnyAtFileNode()]
changed = len(dirtyVnodeList) > 0
for v in dirtyVnodeList:
v.setDirty() # Do not call v.setDirty here!
if trace: g.trace("vnode",dirtyVnodeList)
return dirtyVnodeList
def setDirty (self):
self.statusBits |= self.dirtyBit
#@-node:ekr.20090830051712.6151: v.Dirty bits
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3386: v.Status bits
def clearClonedBit (self):
self.statusBits &= ~ self.clonedBit
def clearMarked (self):
self.statusBits &= ~ self.markedBit
def clearWriteBit (self):
self.statusBits &= ~ self.writeBit
def clearOrphan (self):
self.statusBits &= ~ self.orphanBit
def clearVisited (self):
self.statusBits &= ~ self.visitedBit
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3395:v.contract & expand & initExpandedBit
def contract(self):
# if self.context.p.v == self: g.trace(self,g.callers(4))
self.statusBits &= ~ self.expandedBit
def expand(self):
# g.trace(self,g.callers(4))
self.statusBits |= self.expandedBit
def initExpandedBit (self):
# g.trace(self._headString)
self.statusBits |= self.expandedBit
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3395:v.contract & expand & initExpandedBit
def initStatus (self, status):
self.statusBits = status
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3397:v.setClonedBit & initClonedBit
def setClonedBit (self):
self.statusBits |= self.clonedBit
def initClonedBit (self, val):
if val:
self.statusBits |= self.clonedBit
self.statusBits &= ~ self.clonedBit
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3397:v.setClonedBit & initClonedBit
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3398:v.setMarked & initMarkedBit
def setMarked (self):
self.statusBits |= self.markedBit
def initMarkedBit (self):
self.statusBits |= self.markedBit
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3398:v.setMarked & initMarkedBit
def setOrphan (self):
self.statusBits |= self.orphanBit
# This only sets the selected bit.
def setSelected (self):
self.statusBits |= self.selectedBit
# Compatibility routine for scripts
def setVisited (self):
self.statusBits |= self.visitedBit
def setWriteBit (self):
self.statusBits |= self.writeBit
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3386: v.Status bits
#@+node:ekr.20040315032144:v .setBodyString & v.setHeadString
def setBodyString (self,s):
# trace = False and not g.unitTesting
v = self
# if trace and v._bodyString != s:
# g.trace('v %s %s -> %s %s\nold: %s\nnew: %s' % (
# v.h, len(v._bodyString),len(s),g.callers(5),
# v._bodyString,s))
v._bodyString = g.toUnicode(s,reportErrors=True)
def setHeadString (self,s):
v = self
v._headString = g.toUnicode(s,reportErrors=True)
initBodyString = setBodyString
initHeadString = setHeadString
setHeadText = setHeadString
setTnodeText = setBodyString
#@-node:ekr.20040315032144:v .setBodyString & v.setHeadString
def setFileIndex (self, index):
self.fileIndex = index
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3385:v.computeIcon & setIcon
def computeIcon (self):
val = 0 ; v = self
if v.hasBody(): val += 1
if v.isMarked(): val += 2
if v.isCloned(): val += 4
if v.isDirty(): val += 8
return val
def setIcon (self):
pass # Compatibility routine for old scripts
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3385:v.computeIcon & setIcon
def setSelection (self, start, length):
v = self
v.selectionStart = start
v.selectionLength = length
#@+node:ekr.20080427062528.9:v.Low level methods
#@+node:ekr.20090706110836.6135:v._addLink & helper
def _addLink (self,childIndex,parent_v,adjust=True):
'''Adjust links after adding a link to v.'''
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
v = self
# Update parent_v.children & v.parents.
if trace: g.trace('*** added parent',parent_v,'to',v,
# Set zodb changed flags.
v._p_changed = 1
parent_v._p_changed = 1
# If v has only one parent, we adjust all
# the parents links in the descendant tree.
# This handles clones properly when undoing a delete.
if adjust:
if len(v.parents) == 1:
for child in v.children:
def _addParentLinks(self,parent):
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
v = self
if trace: g.trace(
'*** added parent',parent,'to',v,'len(parents)',len(v.parents))
if len(v.parents) == 1:
for child in v.children:
#@-node:ekr.20090706110836.6135:v._addLink & helper
def _cutLink (self,childIndex,parent_v):
'''Adjust links after cutting a link to v.'''
v = self
assert parent_v.children[childIndex]==v
del parent_v.children[childIndex]
v._p_changed = 1
parent_v._p_changed = 1
# If v has no more parents, we adjust all
# the parent links in the descendant tree.
# This handles clones properly when deleting a tree.
if len(v.parents) == 0:
for child in v.children:
def _cutParentLinks(self,parent):
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
v = self
if trace: g.trace('parent',parent,'v',v)
if len(v.parents) == 0:
for child in v.children:
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3425:v._linkAsNthChild (used by 4.x read logic)
def _linkAsNthChild (self,parent_v,n):
"""Links self as the n'th child of vnode pv"""
v = self # The child node.
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3425:v._linkAsNthChild (used by 4.x read logic)
#@-node:ekr.20080427062528.9:v.Low level methods
#@+node:ekr.20090130114732.5:v.b Property
def __get_b(self):
v = self
return v.bodyString()
def __set_b(self,val):
v = self
b = property(
__get_b, __set_b,
doc = "vnode body string property")
#@-node:ekr.20090130114732.5:v.b Property
#@+node:ekr.20090130125002.1:v.h property
def __get_h(self):
v = self
return v.headString()
def __set_h(self,val):
v = self
h = property(
__get_h, __set_h,
doc = "vnode headline string property")
#@-node:ekr.20090130125002.1:v.h property
#@+node:ekr.20090130114732.6:v.u Property
def __get_u(self):
v = self
if not hasattr(v,'unknownAttributes'):
v.unknownAttributes = {}
return v.unknownAttributes
def __set_u(self,val):
v = self
if val is None:
if hasattr(v,'unknownAttributes'):
elif type(val) == type({}):
v.unknownAttributes = val
raise ValueError
u = property(
__get_u, __set_u,
doc = "vnode unknownAttribute property")
#@-node:ekr.20090130114732.6:v.u Property
#@+node:ekr.20090215165030.1:v.gnx Property
def __get_gnx(self):
v = self
return g.app.nodeIndices.toString(v.fileIndex)
gnx = property(
__get_gnx, # __set_gnx,
doc = "vnode gnx property")
#@-node:ekr.20090215165030.1:v.gnx Property
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3341:class vnode
#@-node:ekr.20031218072017.3320:@thin leoNodes.py