#@+node:ekr.20080707101341.1:@thin ../modes/forth.py
# Hand-written Leo colorizer control file for forth mode.
# This file is in the public domain.
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
#@<< define mode rules >>
#@+node:ekr.20080707101341.2:<< define mode rules >>
# Rules for forth_main ruleset.
def forth_block_comment_rule(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_span(s, i, kind="comment2", begin="(", end=")",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=True, # Require word.
no_escape=False, no_line_break=False, no_word_break=False)
def forth_comment_rule(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_eol_span(s, i, kind="comment1", seq="\\",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=True, # Require word
delegate="", exclude_match=False)
def forth_keyword_rule(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_keywords(s, i)
def forth_string_rule(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_span(s, i, kind="literal1", begin="\"", end="\"",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=True, # Require word
no_escape=False, no_line_break=False, no_word_break=False)
# ==========================
if 0:
def forth_rule0(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_eol_span(s, i, kind="comment1", seq="#",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False,
delegate="", exclude_match=False)
def forth_rule1(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_span(s, i, kind="literal2", begin="\"\"\"", end="\"\"\"",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False,
no_escape=False, no_line_break=False, no_word_break=False)
def forth_rule2(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_span(s, i, kind="literal2", begin="'''", end="'''",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False,
no_escape=False, no_line_break=False, no_word_break=False)
def forth_rule3(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_span(s, i, kind="literal1", begin="\"", end="\"",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False,
no_escape=False, no_line_break=False, no_word_break=False)
def forth_rule4(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_span(s, i, kind="literal1", begin="'", end="'",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False,
no_escape=False, no_line_break=False, no_word_break=False)
def forth_rule5(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_seq(s, i, kind="operator", seq="=",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False, delegate="")
def forth_rule6(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_seq(s, i, kind="operator", seq="!",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False, delegate="")
def forth_rule7(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_seq(s, i, kind="operator", seq=">=",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False, delegate="")
def forth_rule8(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_seq(s, i, kind="operator", seq="<=",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False, delegate="")
def forth_rule9(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_seq(s, i, kind="operator", seq="+",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False, delegate="")
def forth_rule10(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_seq(s, i, kind="operator", seq="-",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False, delegate="")
def forth_rule11(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_seq(s, i, kind="operator", seq="/",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False, delegate="")
def forth_rule12(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_seq(s, i, kind="operator", seq="*",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False, delegate="")
def forth_rule13(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_seq(s, i, kind="operator", seq=">",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False, delegate="")
def forth_rule14(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_seq(s, i, kind="operator", seq="<",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False, delegate="")
def forth_rule15(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_seq(s, i, kind="operator", seq="%",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False, delegate="")
def forth_rule16(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_seq(s, i, kind="operator", seq="&",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False, delegate="")
def forth_rule17(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_seq(s, i, kind="operator", seq="|",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False, delegate="")
def forth_rule18(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_seq(s, i, kind="operator", seq="^",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False, delegate="")
def forth_rule19(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_seq(s, i, kind="operator", seq="~",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False, delegate="")
def forth_rule20(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_mark_previous(s, i, kind="function", pattern="(",
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False, exclude_match=True)
def forth_rule21(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_keywords(s, i)
#@-node:ekr.20080707101341.2:<< define mode rules >>
#@<< define mode data >>
#@+node:ekr.20080707101341.3:<< define mode data >>
# Properties for forth mode.
properties = {
# "indentNextLines": "\\s*[^#]{3,}:\\s*(#.*)?",
"lineComment": "\\",
# Attributes dict for forth_main ruleset.
forth_main_attributes_dict = {
"default": "null",
"digit_re": "",
# "escape": "\\",
"highlight_digits": "false",
"ignore_case": "false",
"no_word_sep": "",
# Dictionary of attributes dictionaries for forth mode.
attributesDictDict = {
"forth_main": forth_main_attributes_dict,
# Keywords dict for forth_main ruleset.
forth_main_keywords_dict = {} # Created by extendForth class.
# Dictionary of keywords dictionaries for forth mode.
keywordsDictDict = {
"forth_main": forth_main_keywords_dict,
# Rules dict for forth_main ruleset.
# This is extended by extendForth.
rulesDict = {
'(': [forth_block_comment_rule],
'\\': [forth_comment_rule],
'"': [forth_string_rule],
# x.rulesDictDict for forth mode.
rulesDictDict = {
"forth_main": rulesDict,
# Import dict for forth mode.
importDict = {}
#@-node:ekr.20080707101341.3:<< define mode data >>
#@<< define extendForth class >>
#@+node:ekr.20080707101341.4:<< define extendForth class >>
class extendForth:
'''A helper class to extend the mode tables from @data forth-x settings.'''
#@ @+others
def __init__ (self):
self.c = None # set by pre_init_mode function.
# g.trace('modes/forth.py:extendForth')
# Default forth keywords: extended by @data forth-words
# Forth words to be rendered in boldface: extended by @data forth-bold-words
self.boldwords = [ ]
# Forth bold-italics words: extended by @data forth-bold-italic-words
# Note: on some boxen, bold italics may show in plain bold.
self.bolditalicwords = [ ]
# Forth words that define brackets: extended by @data forth-delimiter-pairs
self.brackets = [] # Helper: a list of tuples.
self.brackets1 = []
self.brackets2 = []
# Words which define other words: extended by forth-defwords
self.definingwords = []
# Forth words to be rendered in italics: extended by forth-italic-words
self.italicwords = []
# Default keywords: extended by @data forth-keywords
self.keywords = []
# "variable", "constant", "code", "end-code",
# "dup", "2dup", "swap", "2swap", "drop", "2drop",
# "r>", ">r", "2r>", "2>r",
# "if", "else", "then",
# "begin", "again", "until", "while", "repeat",
# "v-for", "v-next", "exit",
# "meta", "host", "target", "picasm", "macro",
# "needs", "include",
# "'", "[']",
# # ":", # Now a defining word.
# ";",
# "@", "!", ",", "1+", "+", "-",
# "<", "<=", "=", ">=", ">",
# "invert", "and", "or",
# Forth words which start strings: extended by @data forth-string-word-pairs
self.stringwords = []
self.stringwords1 = []
self.stringwords2 = []
self.verbose = False # True: tell when extending forth words.
# g.trace('rulesDict...\n',g.dictToString(rulesDict),tag='rulesDict...')
#@+node:ekr.20080707101341.6:init & helper
def init (self):
'''Set our ivars from settings.'''
c = self.c
table = (
(self.definingwords, "forth-defwords"),
(self.brackets, "forth-delimiter-pairs"),
(self.keywords, "forth-words"),
(self.stringwords, "forth-string-word-pairs"),
(self.boldwords, "forth-bold-words"),
(self.bolditalicwords, "forth-bold-italic-words"),
(self.italicwords, "forth-italic-words"),
# Add entries from @data nodes (if they exist) to the corresponding lists.
for (ivarList, setting) in table:
extras = []
aList = c.config.getData(setting)
if aList:
for s in aList:
s = s.strip()
if s and s[0] != '\\':
# g.trace(setting,s)
if extras:
if self.verbose:
if not g.app.unitTesting and not g.app.batchMode:
g.pr("Found extra forth %s" % message + ": " + " ".join(extras))
# Create brackets1/2 and stringwords1/2 lists.
table2 = (
("brackets", "@data forth-delimiter-pairs"),
("stringwords", "@data forth-string-word-pairs"),
for (ivar, setting) in table2:
self.splitList (ivar,setting)
# g.trace('keywords',self.keywords)
def splitList (self,ivar,setting):
'''Process lines containing pairs of entries
in a list whose *name* is ivar.
Put the results in ivars whose names are ivar1 and ivar2.'''
result1 = [] ; result2 = []
aList = getattr(self,ivar)
# Look for pairs. Comments have already been removed.
for s in aList:
pair = s.split(' ')
if len(pair) == 2 and pair[0].strip() and pair[1].strip():
g.es_print('%s: ignoring line: %s' % (setting,s))
# Set the ivars.
name1 = '%s1' % ivar
name2 = '%s2' % ivar
setattr(self,name1, result1)
setattr(self,name2, result2)
if 0:
#@-node:ekr.20080707101341.6:init & helper
#@+node:ekr.20080707101341.8:createBracketRules & helper
def createBracketRules (self):
for z in self.brackets1:
func = self.createBracketRule(z)
def createBracketRule (self,begin):
i = self.brackets1.index(begin)
end = self.brackets2[i]
def forth_bracket_rule(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_span(s, i, kind="bracketRange", begin=begin, end=end,
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=True, # Require word.
no_escape=False, no_line_break=False, no_word_break=True) # Require word.
return forth_bracket_rule
#@-node:ekr.20080707101341.8:createBracketRules & helper
#@+node:ekr.20080707101341.9:createDefiningWordRules & helper
def createDefiningWordRules (self):
for z in self.definingwords:
func = self.createDefiningWordRule(z)
def createDefiningWordRule (self,word):
def forth_defining_word_rule(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_word_and_regexp(s, i,
kind1="keyword2", # defining word
kind2="keyword3", # bold
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=False,
return forth_defining_word_rule
#@-node:ekr.20080707101341.9:createDefiningWordRules & helper
def createKeywords (self):
'''Create the mode keyword table and
entries in the rulesDict for the forth_keyword_rule'''
global forth_main_keywords_dict
global forth_keyword_rule
table = (
(self.keywords, 'keyword1'),
# (self.definingwords, 'keyword2'), # Done in createDefiningWordRules.
(self.boldwords, 'keyword3'),
(self.bolditalicwords, 'keyword4'),
(self.italicwords, 'keyword5'),
(self.stringwords, 'string'),
d = forth_main_keywords_dict
for keywordList,kind in table:
for z in keywordList:
# Create the entry in the keyword table.
if kind == 'string':
func = self.createStringRule(d,z)
func = forth_keyword_rule
# Always make the entry.
d [z] = kind
def createStringRule (self,d,pair):
'''Create an entry in d for a string keyword.'''
aList = pair.split(' ')
if len(aList) != 2:
g.trace('can not happen: expecting pair of forth strings:',pair)
begin,end = aList
def forth_string_word_rule(colorer, s, i):
return colorer.match_span(s, i, kind="literal1", begin=begin.strip(), end=end.strip(),
at_line_start=False, at_whitespace_end=False, at_word_start=True, # Require word.
no_escape=False, no_line_break=False, no_word_break=False) # Don't require ending word.
return forth_string_word_rule
def extendRulesDict (self,ch,func):
global rulesDict
# Extend the rulesDict entry for the first character of z.
aList = rulesDict.get(ch,[])
if func not in aList:
rulesDict[ch] = aList
# g.trace(z,kind)
#@-node:ekr.20080707101341.4:<< define extendForth class >>
e = extendForth()
def pre_init_mode(c):
# g.trace('modes/forth.py',c)
e.c = c
#@-node:ekr.20080707101341.1:@thin ../modes/forth.py