#@+node:ekr.20040916073636:@thin ConceptualSort.py
#@<< docstring >>
#@+node:ekr.20050912175951:<< docstring >>
'''This plugin is enhances the EditAttributes.py plugin. It puts a command in
Outline called ConceptualSort. This will prompt you for a concept to sort by.
This gives the user some more flexibility in how they want to arrange their
nodes. Nodes without the attribute in question go to the bottom of the sort. :)
The dialog has been redone. The user can:
- Select which attribute he wants to sort on by clicking on the Attribute box.
- Select the type of sort he wants by clicking on the radio buttons:
- Normal.
- Reversed. Like normal but the results are reversed.
- Used defined. For advanced users. The text box is where a user can type in
their own python code to sort the nodes-attributes. There is no need for a
def. That gets appended to the beginning of the code. It prototype looks
def( a, b, att ):
where a and b are nodes and att is dictionary of the nodes and the respective
value of the selected attribute. There is no need to indent on the first level
since indentation is added at compile time.'''
#@-node:ekr.20050912175951:<< docstring >>
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4
#@<< about this plugin >>
#@+node:ekr.20040916073636.1:<< about this plugin >>
# This plugin is to be used with the EditAttributes.py plugin. What it does
# is:
# 1. Puts a command in Outline called ConceptualSort. This will prompt you for
# a concept to sort by.
# 2. It will sort by uA's in all the siblings of the current node.
# This gives the user some more flexibility in how they want to arrange their
# nodes. Nodes without the attribute in question go to the bottom of the sort.
# :)
# Version .2 improvements:
# - Now supports level 0
# New features:
# 1. The dialog has been redone. The user can:
# a. Select which attribute he wants to sort on by clicking on the Attribute
# box.
# b. Select the type of sort he wants by clicking on the radio buttons. which
# are
# 1. Normal. just like the previous version
# 2. Reversed. Like normal but the results are reversed.
# 3. Used defined. For advanced users. The text box is where a user can type
# in their own python code to sort the nodes-attributes. There is no need for
# a def. That gets appended to the beginning of the code. It prototype looks
# like:
# def( a, b, att ):
# where a and b are nodes and att is dictionary of the nodes and the
# respective value of the selected attribute.
# There is no need to indent on the first level since indentation is added at
# compile time. :)
#@-node:ekr.20040916073636.1:<< about this plugin >>
__version__ = "0.4"
#@<< version history >>
#@+node:ekr.20040916075741:<< version history >>
# 0.3 EKR:
# - Converted to outline.
# - Style improvements.
# - Changes for 4.2 code base in hit().
# - Use 'new' instead of 'start2' hook.
# 0.4 EKR:
# - Changed 'new_c' logic to 'c' logic.
#@-node:ekr.20040916075741:<< version history >>
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20040916073636.2:<< imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
Tk = g.importExtension('Tkinter',pluginName=__name__,verbose=True,required=True)
Pmw = g.importExtension("Pmw", pluginName=__name__,verbose=True,required=True)
import weakref
#@-node:ekr.20040916073636.2:<< imports >>
def init ():
if not (Tk and Pmw): return False
# Ok for unit testing. add's menu.
if g.app.gui is None:
ok = g.app.gui.guiName() == "tkinter"
if ok:
leoPlugins.registerHandler(('new2','open2'), addCommand)
g.plugin_signon( __name__ )
return ok
#@+node:ekr.20040916074337:class CSFrontend:
class CSFrontend:
#@ @+others
def __init__( self , c ):
self.c = c
self.dialog = Pmw.Dialog( buttons = ( 'Cancel', 'Sort' ),
title = 'Conceptual Sort', command = self.execute )
hull = self.dialog.component( 'hull' )
f = Tk.Frame( hull )
f.pack( side = 'top' )
self.parent = p = c.currentVnode().parent()
children = self.children = []
self.hasparent = 1
if p:
nc = p.numberOfChildren()
for i in range( nc ):
children.append( p.nthChild( i ) )
p = c.rootVnode()
self.hasparent = 0
while p:
children.append( p )
p = p.next()
alist = list( self._makeAttrList( children ) )
self.omuatts = Pmw.OptionMenu( f, labelpos = 'n', label_text = 'Attribute:',
items = alist )
self.omuatts.pack( side = 'left')
self.rdbutts = Pmw.RadioSelect( f, buttontype = 'radiobutton', orient = 'vertical',
labelpos = 'n',
label_text = 'Sort type' ,
hull_borderwidth = 2,
hull_relief = 'ridge')
map( lambda a: self.rdbutts.add( a ), ( 'Normal', 'Reversed', 'User defined' ) )
self.rdbutts.setvalue( 'Normal' )
self.rdbutts.pack( side = 'right' )
self.stxt = Pmw.ScrolledText( hull,
labelpos = 'nw',
label_text = 'def user_sort( a, b , atts):',
usehullsize = 1,
hull_width = 200, hull_height = 100 )
txt = self.stxt.component( 'text' )
txt.configure( background = 'white', foreground = 'blue' )
self.stxt.pack( side = 'top' )
self.dialog.activate( globalMode = 'nograb' )
def _makeAttrList( self, nodes ):
atts = set()
for child in nodes:
if hasattr(child.v, 'unknownAttributes' ):
uAs = child.v.unknownAttributes.keys()
map( lambda a: atts.add( a ), uAs )
return atts
def execute( self, name ):
if name == 'Cancel':
self.targetAttr = self.omuatts.getvalue()
if self.targetAttr == '':
self.type = self.rdbutts.getvalue()
atts = buildAttList( self.children, self.targetAttr )
lcsort = lambda a, b, atts = atts: csort( a,b ,atts )
if self.type == 'Normal':
self.children.sort( lcsort )
elif self.type == 'Reversed':
self.children.sort( lcsort )
bcode = self.stxt.get( '1.0', 'end' )
bcode = bcode.split( '\n' )
bcode = map( lambda a: ' ' + a, bcode )
bcode = '\n'.join( bcode )
bcode = bcode + '\n'
header = 'def user_sort( a, b, atts):\n'
code = header + bcode
usort = compile( code, 'user_sort', 'exec' )
def lcsort2( a, b, atts =atts ):
z = {}
# exec usort in {}, z
rv = z[ 'user_sort' ]( a, b, atts )
return rv
self.children.sort( lcsort2 )
if self.hasparent:
move( self.c, self.children, self.parent )
root = self.c.rootVnode()
move2( self.c, self.children, root )
#@-node:ekr.20040916074337:class CSFrontend:
def getConcept( c ):
CSFrontend( c )
def move( c, children , parent):
for n, ch in enumerate( children ):
ch.moveToNthChildOf( parent, n )
def move2( c, children , oroot):
children[ 0 ].moveToRoot( oroot )
z1 = children[ 0 ]
for z in children[ 1: ]:
z.moveAfter( z1 )
z1 = z
def buildAttList( children, concept ):
atts = {}
for child in children:
atts[ child ] = None
if hasattr(child.v, 'unknownAttributes' ):
uA = child.v.unknownAttributes
atts[ child ] = uA.get( concept )
return atts
def getChildren( v ):
i = v.numberOfChildren()
children = []
for z in range( i ):
chi = v.nthChild( z )
children.append( chi )
return children
def csort( a, b, atdict ):
a1 = atdict[ a ]
b1 = atdict[ b ]
if a1 == None and b1 != None: return 1
elif a1 != None and b1 == None: return -1
elif a1 > b1: return 1
elif a1 < b1: return -1
else: return 0
def addCommand (tag,keywords):
c = keywords.get('c')
if not c or haveseen.has_key(c): return
table = (("Conceptual Sort",None,lambda c=c: getConcept(c)),)
men = c.frame.menu
haveseen = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
#@-node:ekr.20040916073636:@thin ConceptualSort.py