#@+node:mork.20041018162155.1:@thin EditAttributes.py
#@<< docstring >>
#@+node:ekr.20050226091502:<< docstring >>
'''A plugin that lets the user to associate text with a specific node.
Summon it by pressing button-2 or button-3 on an icon Box in the outline. This
will create an attribute editor where the user can add, remove and edit
attributes. Since attributes use the underlying tnode, clones will share the
attributes of one another.'''
#@-node:ekr.20050226091502:<< docstring >>
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:mork.20041018162155.2:<< imports >>
# import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.plugins.tkGui as tkGui
leoTkinterFrame = tkGui.leoTkinterFrame
Pmw = g.importExtension('Pmw',pluginName=__name__,verbose=True,required=True)
#@-node:mork.20041018162155.2:<< imports >>
__version__ = ".5"
#@<< version history >>
#@+node:ekr.20050226091502.1:<< version history >>
# 0.3 EKR: Base on version 0.2 from Leo User.
# - Minor changes: new/different section names.
# - Use g.importExtension to import PMW.
# - Added init function.
# 0.4 EKR:
# - Corrected dispatch logic in newCreateCanvas.
# - Corrected AttrEditor.__init__ so the Pmw.Dialog is a child of
# c.frame.top.
# (Without this the dialog hangs).
#@-node:ekr.20050226091502.1:<< version history >>
def init ():
# At present there is a problem with the interaction of this plugin and the chapters2 plugin.
ok = Pmw is not None # and 'chapters2' not in leoPlugins.loadedModules
if not ok: return
if g.app.gui is None:
ok = g.app.gui.guiName() == "tkinter"
if ok:
g.plugin_signon( __name__ )
return ok
#@+node:mork.20041018162155.3:class AttrEditor
class AttrEditor:
#@ @+others
def __init__ (self,c,p):
self.c = c
v = p.v
self.uAs = v.unknownAttributes = getattr(v,'unknownAttributes',{})
self.dialog = Pmw.Dialog(c.frame.top, ## Required.
buttons = ('Add Attribute','Remove Attribute','Close'),
title = v.h,
command = self.buttonCommands)
group = Pmw.Group(self.dialog.interior(),tag_text=p.h)
def buttonCommands( self, name ):
if name == 'Add Attribute': return self.add()
elif name == 'Remove Attribute': return self.rmv()
def _mkGui( self, frame ):
c = self.c
group = Pmw.Group( frame , tag_text = "Attributes")
group.pack( side = 'left' )
lb = self.lb = Pmw.ScrolledListBox( group.interior() ,
listbox_background = 'white', listbox_foreground = 'blue',
listbox_selectbackground = '#FFE7C6',
listbox_selectforeground = 'blue',
selectioncommand = self.selcommand )
bk = self.uAs.keys()
lb.setlist( bk )
e = self.attEnt = Pmw.EntryField( group.interior(), entry_background = 'white',
entry_foreground = 'blue' ,
labelpos = 'n', label_text= 'New Attribute:' )
self.tx = Pmw.ScrolledText( frame, text_background = 'white', text_foreground = 'blue',
labelpos = 'n', label_text = 'Current Attribute Value' )
self.tx.pack( side = 'right' )
w = self.tx.component( 'text' )
c.bind(w,'<Key>', self.setText )
if bk:
lb.setvalue( bk[ 0 ] )
def setText( self, event):
if event.char == '': return
cs = self.lb.getcurselection()
if len( cs ) == 0: return
cs = cs[ 0 ]
txt = self.tx.get( '1.0', 'end -1c' )
self.uAs[ cs ] = txt + event.char
def selcommand( self ):
cs = self.lb.getcurselection()
if len( cs ) != 0: cs = cs[ 0 ]
else: return
txt = self.uAs[ cs ]
self.tx.delete( '1.0', 'end' )
self.tx.insert( '1.0' ,txt)
def add( self ):
txt = self.attEnt.getvalue()
if txt.strip() == '': return
self.attEnt.delete( 0, 'end' )
self.uAs[ txt ] = ''
bk = self.uAs.keys()
self.lb.setlist( bk )
self.lb.setvalue( txt )
self.tx.delete( '1.0', 'end' )
def rmv( self ):
cs = self.lb.curselection()
if len( cs ) != 0 : cs = cs[ 0 ]
else: return
del self.uAs[ self.lb.get( cs ) ]
bk = self.uAs.keys()
self.lb.setlist( bk )
self.tx.delete( '1.0', 'end' )
#@-node:mork.20041018162155.3:class AttrEditor
olCreateCanvas = leoTkinterFrame.createCanvas
def newCreateCanvas (self,parentFrame,pageName=None):
# g.trace('editAttributes plugin',pageName)
c = self.c
if pageName:
# Support the chapters2 plugin.
can = olCreateCanvas(self,parentFrame,pageName=pageName)
can = olCreateCanvas(self,parentFrame)
def hit (event,self=self):
c = self.c
tree = c.frame.tree
iddict = tree.iconIds
# g.printDict(iddict)
can = event.widget
x = can.canvasx(event.x)
y = can.canvasy(event.y)
olap = can.find_overlapping(x,y,x,y)
# g.trace(olap)
id = olap [1]
if olap:
data = iddict.get(id)
if data:
p, junk = data
return AttrEditor(c,p)
return can
tkGui.leoTkinterFrame.createCanvas = newCreateCanvas
#@-node:mork.20041018162155.1:@thin EditAttributes.py