#@+node:ekr.20050328092641.4:@thin Library.py
#@<< docstring >>
#@+node:ekr.20050912180445:<< docstring >>
'''A plugin to store Leo trees in database files. This should help people
develop templates that they want to reuse between Leo projects. For example, Id
like a template of many Java interfaces to be easily accessable.
This plugin creates three menu items in the Plugins:Library menu:
- Show Dialog
Shows a dialog that allows you to insert parts of a Leo outline into the
database. You can also remove previously stored outlines or insert stored
outlines into the present outline.
- Show Status
Shows the status of the database and various options.
- Close Database
Closes the database.
**Warning**: your database files may not be OS independent.
#@-node:ekr.20050912180445:<< docstring >>
#@@language python
__version__ = ".5"
#@<< version history >>
#@+node:ekr.20050328092641.6:<< version history >>
#@<< versions before .5 >>
#@+node:ekr.20060108172052:<< versions before .5 >>
# 0.0 created by the plugin guy & posted to the Leo forums.
# 0.2 EKR:
# - Converted to outline.
# - Used g.os_path methods instead of os.path methods to support unicode.
# - Removed start2 hook.
# .025 e
# - add startup/shutdown and config options using plugin_menu
# - from some ideas fleshed out in forum
# - no sense to opening a db untill Library first clicked.
# .027 e
# - refactor class Library methods to be all classmethods.
# this saves creating one instance per leo or any instance at all!
# - reuse dialog if already open, destroy on close leo
# - appears to do the right thing if you click Outline->Library again,
# that is, add/insert goes from/to the place you expect it to.
# .028 e, still testing. posted url to forum
# - not sure how to get it to switch leo's w/o Clicking menu
# like if you click on another leo while keeping the dialog open.
# there doesn't seem to be a reliable way to know the active leo.
# spell checker did this ok somehow with one dialog
# by hooking on select node and change body. a last resort.
# - py2.2 doesn't want to open a new or existing library22.dbm
# it appears to create a zero len file then next errors
# because it can't open an existing zero len library22.dbm
# fails on a good library.dbm created in py2.4
# you'll feel better after you upgrade anyway.
# - rudimentart support for @setting Library_lib*= same as but overrides
# the ini
# - fixed the false start of seperating library,libpath,extension
# -libN= where N can be any aschii chars in ini or @setting, (N is 0..5
# only)
# - default/ translates to leo/plugins/ ~/ is g.app.homeDir/
# - not sure it should respect Leo's don't create non existing
# directories
# - add dropdown for multiple libraries, select between them
# - you can edit the first entry, "libN {path}" to overwrite defaults.
# - it might be better to enable some extra lib entries and pick between
# them.
# - if you mess with the format here or the ini or the @setting:
# - I continue to hope the worst that can happen on a bad entry is
# nothing.
# - no provisions yet to update the @settings or ini on exit.
# .029 e, http://rclick.netfirms.com/Library.htm
# - preserve users clipboard on paste item from database into outline
# on click the dialog is *not* recreated,
# changed = change *title
#@-node:ekr.20060108172052:<< versions before .5 >>
# .5 EKR: Rewrote using per-commander classes (essential!)
# - Removed all calls to g.top.
# - Added c argument to all cmd_ functions.
# - Created global dbs and libraries dicts.
# - Used settings, not ini files.
# **Note: the present code handle's unicode just fine (the old docstring was
# wrong).
# - Put the 'Show Dialog' menu item with the other items in the
# Plugins:Library menu.
#@-node:ekr.20050328092641.6:<< version history >>
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20050328092641.7:<< imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
import anydbm
import whichdb
import zlib
Tk = g.importExtension('Tkinter',pluginName=__name__,verbose=True)
Pmw = g.importExtension("Pmw", pluginName=__name__,verbose=True)
#@-node:ekr.20050328092641.7:<< imports >>
libraries = {} # Keys are commanders, values are Library objects.
dbs = {} # Keys are full paths. values are databases.
validlibs = ['lib0', 'lib1', 'lib2', 'lib3', 'lib4', 'lib5',]
#@+node:ekr.20060108171207:Moduel-level functions
def init():
ok = Tk and Pmw and zlib and not g.app.unitTesting
if ok:
if g.app.gui is None:
g.app.createTkGui(__file__ )
ok = g.app.gui.guiName() == "tkinter"
if ok:
leoPlugins.registerHandler("after-create-leo-frame", onCreate)
leoPlugins.registerHandler("close-frame", onCloseFrame)
g.plugin_signon(__name__ )
return ok
def onCreate (tag,keywords):
c = keywords.get('c')
if c and c.exists:
global libraries
libraries[c] = Library(c)
def onCloseFrame (tag,keywords):
c = keywords.get('c')
if not c or not c.exists: return
global libraries
lib = libraries.get(c)
if lib:
del libraries [c]
#@+node:ekr.20050328092641.28:cmd_ methods
def cmd_Close_Database(c):
lib = libraries.get(c)
if lib: lib.destroySelf()
def cmd_Show_Dialog (c):
lib = libraries.get(c)
if lib: lib.showDialog()
def cmd_Show_Status(c):
lib = libraries.get(c)
if lib: lib.showStatus()
#@-node:ekr.20050328092641.28:cmd_ methods
#@-node:ekr.20060108171207:Moduel-level functions
#@+node:ekr.20050328092641.8:class Library
class Library(object):
'''This class presents an interface through which a Libray can be used.
It also provides a gui dialog to interact with the Library.
all methods are now classmethods
the commander that is last retrieved from keywordstheoneused. import
#@ @+others
#@+node:ekr.20060108184110:Birth & death
def __init__ (self,c):
self.c = c
self.db = None
self.lib = c.config.getString('library_lib') or 'default'
self.path = None
self.dialog = None
self.verbose = c.config.getBool('library_verbose')
# Create the db.
if self.db is not None:
def createDialog (self):
c = self.c
title = c.shortFileName()
self.dialog = Pmw.Dialog(buttons=('Close',),title=title)
butbox = self.dialog.component('buttonbox')
close = butbox.button(0)
hull = self.dialog.component('hull')
sh = hull.winfo_screenheight() / 4
sw = hull.winfo_screenwidth() / 4
frame = Tk.Frame(hull)
words = [('lib',self.lib),]
for s in validlibs:
setting = 'library_%s' % s
word = c.config.getString(setting)
if word: words.append((s,word),)
words.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x[0],y[0]))
self.dropdown = Pmw.ComboBox(frame,
selectioncommand = self.changeLibs,
scrolledlist_items = words,
dropdown = 1,
def destroySelf (self):
if self.dialog:
self.dialog = None
#@-node:ekr.20060108184110:Birth & death
def trace(self,*args,**keys):
if self.verbose:
keys ['color'] = 'blue'
def insert (self):
c = self.c
item = self.lbox.getvalue()
if not item: return
item = item [0]
s = self.retrieve(item)
#preserve the users clippboard
stext = g.app.gui.getTextFromClipboard()
def delete (self):
c = self.c
item = self.lbox.getvalue()
if item:
item = item [0]
def addCurrentNode (self):
c = self.c ; p = c.p
hs = str(p.h)
s = c.fileCommands.putLeoOutline()
def addList (self,frame):
self.lbox = Pmw.ScrolledListBox(frame)
lb = self.lbox.component('listbox')
frame2 = Tk.Frame(frame)
insert = Tk.Button(frame2,text='Insert into outline')
remove = Tk.Button(frame2,text='Remove from list')
add = Tk.Button(frame2,text='Add Current Node to list')
#@+node:ekr.20050328092641.19:changeLibs & helper
def changeLibs (self,event):
"""whatevr is selected currently a tupple (libN, path)
user can edit it in and screw it up probably
if not (event and len(event) == 2 and event [0] in validlibs):
g.es('non usable libN in libN {path}',color='red')
lib = self.fixdefault(event[0],event[1])
except Exception:
g.es('non usable path in libN {path}',color='red')
self.trace('Library: newlib=%s' % lib)
self.lib = lib
if self.dialog:
self.dialog = self.createDialog()
def fixdefault (self,libN,libname):
if libname == 'default': libname = 'default/library.dbm'
if libname.find('default') != -1:
pluginspath = g.os_path_join(g.app.loadDir,'../',"plugins")
libname = g.os_path_normpath(g.os_path_abspath(
# setattr(libconfig,libN,libname)
elif libname.find('~') != -1:
libname = g.os_path_normpath(g.os_path_abspath(
# setattr(libconfig,libN,libname)
return libname
#@-node:ekr.20050328092641.19:changeLibs & helper
def setListContents (self):
items = self.names()
def showDialog (self):
c = self.c
if c and c.exists and self.db is not None:
if not self.dialog:
def showStatus (self):
w = whichdb.whichdb(self.path)
except Exception:
w = None
g.es('whichdb is %s at %s'%(w, self.path))
def add (self,name,data):
data = g.toEncodedString(data,reportErrors=True)
data = zlib.compress(data,9)
self.db [name] = data
def names (self):
return self.db.keys()
def remove (self,name):
del self.db [name]
def retrieve (self,name):
data = self.db [name]
data = zlib.decompress(data)
return g.toUnicode(data,reportErrors=True)
def shutdown (self):
'''Close self.db.'''
db = self.db
if db is None: return
if hasattr(db,'isOpen') and db.isOpen():
if hasattr(db,'synch'): db.synch()
if hasattr(db,'close'): db.close()
self.db = None
def startup (self):
path = self.lib ; global dbs, libraries
# 'r' and 'w' fail if the database doesn't exist.
# 'c' creates it only if it doesn't exist.
# 'n' always creates a new database.
if dbs.has_key(path):
self.db = dbs [path]
self.trace('Library reusing: %s' % path)
elif g.os_path_exists(path):
self.db = anydbm.open(path,"rw")
self.trace('Library reopening: %s' % path)
dbs [path] = self.db
self.trace('Library creating: %s' % path)
self.db = anydbm.open(path,"c")
self.path = path
except Exception as err:
g.es('Library: Exception creating database: %s' % (err,))
ok = (self.path and self.db and
hasattr(self.db,'isOpen') and self.db.isOpen() and hasattr(self.db,'sync'))
if ok:
dbs [path] = self.db
g.es('problem starting Library: %s' % (path))
return ok
#@-node:ekr.20050328092641.8:class Library
#@-node:ekr.20050328092641.4:@thin Library.py