#@+node:edream.110203113231.741:@thin add_directives.py
"""Support new @direcives"""
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4
__version__ = "1.2"
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
directives = "markup", # A tuple with one string.
def init ():
ok = True # not g.app.unitTesting:
# Register the handlers...
# leoPlugins.registerHandler("scan-directives",scanPluginDirectives)
return ok
def addPluginDirectives (tag,keywords):
"""Add all new directives to g.globalDirectiveList"""
global directives
for s in directives:
if s.startswith('@'): s = s[1:]
if s not in g.globalDirectiveList:
# g.trace(s)
#@+node:edream.110203113231.743:scanPluginDirectives (no longer used)
def scanPluginDirectives (tag, keywords):
"""Add a tuple (d,v,s,k) to list for every directive d found"""
global directives
keys = ("c","p","s","theDict","pluginsList")
c,p,s,theDict,pluginsList = [keywords.get(key) for key in keys]
for d in directives:
if d in theDict:
# Point k at whatever follows the directive.
s = theDict.get(d)
kind = d
#@-node:edream.110203113231.743:scanPluginDirectives (no longer used)
#@-node:edream.110203113231.741:@thin add_directives.py