#@+node:timo.20050213160555:@thin bibtex.py
#@<< docstring >>
#@+node:ekr.20050912175750:<< docstring >>
r'''This plugin manages BibTeX files with Leo. Create a bibliographic database by
putting '@bibtex filename' in a headline. Entries are added as nodes, with
'@entrytype key' as the headline, and the contents of the entry in body text.
The plugin will automatically insert a template for the entry in the body pane
when a new entry is created (hooked to pressing enter when typing the headline
text). The templates are defined in dictionary 'templates' in the \<\<globals\>\>
section, by default containing all required fields for every entry.
The file is written by double-clicking the node. Thus the following outline::
-@bibtex biblio.bib
+@book key
author = {A. Uthor},
year = 1999
will be written in the file 'biblio.bib' as::
author = {A. Uthor},
year= 1999}
Strings are defined in @string nodes and they can contain multiple entries.
All @string nodes are written at the start of the file. Thus the following
-@bibtext biblio.bib
j1 = {Journal1}
+@article AUj1
author = {A. Uthor},
journal = j1
j2 = {Journal2}
j3 = {Journal3}
Will be written as::
@string{j1 = {Journal1}}
@string{j2 = {Journal2}}
@string{j3 = {Journal3}}
author = {A. Uthor},
journal = j1}
No error checking is made on the syntax. The entries can be organised under
nodes --- if the headline doesn't start with '@', the headline and body text are
ignored, but the child nodes are parsed as usual.
BibTeX files can be imported by creating an empty node with '@bibtex filename'
in the headline. Double-clicking it will read the file 'filename' and parse it
into a @bibtex tree. No syntax checking is made, 'filename' is expected to be a
valid BibTeX file.
#@-node:ekr.20050912175750:<< docstring >>
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4
# By Timo Honkasalo: contributed under the same license as Leo.py itself.
__version__ = "0.4" # Set version for the plugin handler.
#@<< change log >>
#@+node:timo.20050213160555.2:<<change log>>
# Change log
# ==========
# 0.1
# ---
# - @bibtex nodes introduced, writing the contents in a BibTeX format.
# Timo Honkasalo 2005/02/13
# 0.2
# ---
# - Importing BibTeX files added.
# Timo Honkasalo 2005/02/14
# 0.3
# ---
# - Automatic inserting of templates when new entries are created.
# Timo Honkasalo 2005/02/15
# 0.4
# ---
# - Some changes in writeTreeAsBibTex (better format), added entrytypes in
# globals.
# - Greatly simplified and enhanced the performance of readBibTexFileIntoTree.
# - Fixed parsing of files in readBibTexFileIntoTree: they are now split at
# '\n@' (whitespace stripped) instead of '@', so that fields may contain '@'
# (like a 'mailto' field most likely would).
# - Changed <<write template>> to move cursor to the entry point of first
# field (16 columns right).
# - Bugfix: templates now include commas after each field
# Timo Honkasalo 2005/03/02
#@-node:timo.20050213160555.2:<<change log>>
#@<< imports >>
# import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
# import os
#@<< globals >>
templates = {'@article':'author = {},\ntitle = {},\njournal = {},\nyear = ',
'@book':'author = {},\ntitle = {},\npublisher = {},\nyear = ',
'@booklet':'title = {}',
'@conference':'author = {},\ntitle = {},\nbooktitle = {},\nyear = ',
'@inbook':'author = {},\ntitle = {},\nchapter = {},\npublisher = {},\nyear = ',
'@incollection':'author = {},\ntitle = {},\nbooktitle = {},\npublisher = {},\nyear = ',
'@inproceedings':'author = {},\ntitle = {},\nbooktitle = {},\nyear = ',
'@manual':'title = {},',
'@mastersthesis':'author = {},\ntitle = {},\nschool = {},\nyear = ',
'@phdthesis':'author = {},\ntitle = {},\nschool = {},\nyear = ',
'@proceedings':'title = {},\nyear = ',
'@techreport':'author = {},\ntitle = {},\ninstitution = {},\nyear = ',
'@unpublished':'author = {},\ntitle = {},\nnote = {}'
entrytypes = list(templates.keys())
#@<< to do >>
#@+node:timo.20050213185039:<<to do>>
# To do list (in approximate order of importance):
# - Translating between non-ascii characters and LaTeX code when
# reading/writing
# - Checking for duplicate keys
# - Checking for missing commas when writing the file
# - Customisable config file (for defining the templates)
# - Easy access to the tree as a Python object for scripting (maybe
# Pybliographer)
# - Import/write in BibTeXml format
# - Sorting by chosen fields
# - Import/write in other bibliographic formats
# - Expanding strings
# - Syntax checking
# - Syntax highligting
#@-node:timo.20050213185039:<<to do>>
def init():
ok = not g.app.unitTesting
if ok:
# Register the handlers...
return ok
# this does not check for proper filename syntax.
# path is the current dir, or the place @folder points to
# this should probably be changed to @path or so.
def onIconDoubleClick(tag,keywords):
"""Read or write a bibtex file when the node is double-clicked.
Write the @bibtex tree as bibtex file when the root node is double-clicked.
If it has no child nodes, read bibtex file."""
v = keywords.get("p") or keywords.get("v")
c = keywords.get("c")
h = v.h.strip()
if g.match_word(h,0,"@bibtex"):
fname = h[8:]
if v.hasChildren():
#@ << write bibtex file >>
#@+node:timo.20050213160555.6:<< write bibtex file >>
bibFile = file(fname,'w')
writeTreeAsBibTex(bibFile, v, c)
g.es('written: '+str(fname))
#@-node:timo.20050213160555.6:<< write bibtex file >>
#@ << read bibtex file >>
#@+node:timo.20050214174623:<< read bibtex file >>
g.es('reading: ' + str(fname))
bibFile = file(fname,'r')
except IOError:
g.es('IOError: file not found')
readBibTexFileIntoTree(bibFile, c)
#@-node:timo.20050214174623:<< read bibtex file >>
def onHeadKey(tag,keywords):
"""Write template for the entry in body pane.
If body pane is empty, get template for the entry from a dictionary 'templates ' and write it in the body pane."""
# checking for duplicate keys will be also done in this function (to be implemented).
v = keywords.get("p") or keywords.get("v")
c = keywords.get("c")
h = v.h.strip()
ch = keywords.get("ch")
if (ch == '\r') and (h[:h.find(' ')] in templates.keys()) and (not v.b):
for p in v.parents():
if p.h[:8] == '@bibtex ':
#@ << write template >>
#@+node:timo.20050215232157:<< write template >>
c.setBodyString(v,templates[h[:h.find(' ')]])
#@-node:timo.20050215232157:<< write template >>
def writeTreeAsBibTex(bibFile, vnode, c):
"""Write the tree under vnode to the file bibFile"""
# body text of @bibtex node is ignored
dict = c.scanAllDirectives(p=vnode)
encoding = dict.get("encoding",None)
if encoding == None:
encoding = g.app.config.default_derived_file_encoding
strings = ''
entries = ''
# iterate over nodes in this tree
for v in vnode.subtree():
h = v.h
h = g.toEncodedString(h,encoding,reportErrors=True)
if h.lower() == '@string':
typestring = '@string'
typestring = h[:h.find(' ')].lower()
if typestring in entrytypes:
s = v.b
s = g.toEncodedString(s,encoding,reportErrors=True)
if h == '@string': # store string declarations in strings
for i in s.split('\n'):
if i and (not i.isspace()):
strings = strings + '@string{' + i + '}\n'
else: # store other stuff in entries
entries = entries + typestring + '{' + h[h.find(' ')+1:]+ ',\n' + s + '}\n\n'
if strings:
bibFile.write(strings + '\n\n')
def readBibTexFileIntoTree(bibFile, c):
"""Read BibTeX file and parse it into @bibtex tree
The file is split at '\n@' and each section is divided into headline
('@string' in strings and '@entrytype key' in others) and body text
(without outmost braces). These are stored in biblist, which is a list
of tuples ('headline', 'body text') for each entry, all the strings in
the first element. For each element of biblist, a vnode is created and
headline and body text put into place."""
entrylist = biblist = []
strings = ''
rawstring = '\n'
# read 'bibFile' by lines, strip leading whitespace and store as one
# string into 'rawstring'. Split 'rawstring' at '\n@' get a list of entries.
for i in [o.lstrip() for o in bibFile.readlines()]:
rawstring = rawstring + i
for i in rawstring.split('\n@')[1:]:
if i[:6] == 'string': # store all @string declarations into 'strings'
strings = strings + i[7:].strip()[:-1] + '\n'
else: # store all alse into 'entrylist'
entrylist.append(('@' + i[:i.find(',')].replace('{',' ').replace('(',
' ').replace('\n',''), i[i.find(',')+1:].rstrip().lstrip('\n')[:-1]))
if strings:
biblist.append(('@string', strings))
biblist = biblist + entrylist
p = c.p
for i in biblist:
v = p.insertAsLastChild()
#@-node:timo.20050213160555:@thin bibtex.py