#@+node:ville.20091204224145.5355:@thin codewisecompleter.py
#@<< docstring >>
#@+node:ville.20091204224145.5356:<< docstring >>
''' This plugin uses ctags to provide autocompletion list
- Exuberant Ctags:
- You need to create ctags file to ~/.leo/tags. Example::
cd ~/.leo
ctags -R /usr/lib/python2.5 ~/leo-editor ~/my-project
- Enter text you want to complete and press alt+0 to show completions
(or bind/execute ctags-complete command yourself).
Exuberant Ctags supports wide array of programming languages. It does not
do type inference, so you need to remember at least the start
of the function yourself. That is, attempting to complete 'foo->'
is useless, but 'foo->ba' will work (provided you don't have 2000
functions/methods starting with 'ba'. 'foo->' portion is ignored in completion
#@-node:ville.20091204224145.5356:<< docstring >>
__version__ = '0.2'
#@<< version history >>
#@+node:ville.20091204224145.5357:<< version history >>
# 0.1 EKR: place helpers as children of callers.
# 0.2 EKR: Don't crash if the ctags file doesn't exist.
#@-node:ville.20091204224145.5357:<< version history >>
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:ville.20091204224145.5358:<< imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
import os
import re
from PyQt4.QtGui import QCompleter
from PyQt4 import QtCore
from PyQt4 import QtGui
except ImportError:
# no qt available - some functionality should still exist
#@-node:ville.20091204224145.5358:<< imports >>
# Global variables
tagLines = []
# The saved contents of the tags file.
# This is used only if keep_tag_lines is True
keep_tag_lines = True
# True: Read the tags file only once, keeping
# the contents of the tags file in memory.
# This might stress the garbage collector.
# False: Read the tags file each time it is needed,
# in a separate process, and return the
# results of running grep on the file.
# This saves lots of memory, but reads the
# tags file many times.
#@+node:ville.20091204224145.5359:init & helper
def init ():
global tagLines
ok = g.app.gui.guiName() == "qt"
if ok:
return ok
#@-node:ville.20091204224145.5359:init & helper
#@+node:ville.20091205173337.10141:class ContextSniffer
class ContextSniffer:
""" Class to analyze surrounding context and guess class
For simple dynamic code completion engines
def __init__(self):
# var name => list of classes
self.vars = {}
def declare(self, var, klass):
vars = self.vars.get(var, [])
if not vars:
self.vars[var] = vars
def push_declarations(self, body):
for l in body.splitlines():
l = l.lstrip()
if not l.startswith('#'):
l = l.lstrip('#')
parts = l.split(':')
if len(parts) != 2:
self.declare(parts[0].strip(), parts[1].strip())
def set_small_context(self, body):
""" Set immediate function """
#@-node:ville.20091205173337.10141:class ContextSniffer
#@+node:ville.20091205173337.10142:class guessing heuristics
def get_current_line(w):
s = w.getAllText() ; ins = w.getInsertPoint()
i,j = g.getLine(s,ins)
head, tail = s[i:ins], s[ins:j]
return head, tail
def get_attr_target_python(text):
""" a.b.foob """
m = re.match(r"(\S+(\.\w+)*)\.(\w*)$", text.lstrip())
return m
def guess_class(c, p, varname):
""" given var name (self, c, ..) return the applicable classes
if varname == 'p':
return ['position']
if varname == 'c':
return ['baseCommands']
if varname == 'self':
for par in p.parents():
h = par.h
m = re.search('class\s+(\w+)', h)
if m:
return [m.group(1)]
# alright, have to do 'real' analysis
sn = ContextSniffer()
cl = sn.vars.get(varname, [])
return cl
#@-node:ville.20091205173337.10142:class guessing heuristics
#@+node:ville.20091204224145.5361:onCreate & helper
def onCreate (tag, keys):
c = keys.get('c')
if not c: return
def install_codewise_completer(c):
'codewise-suggest',None, codewise_suggest)
#@-node:ville.20091204224145.5361:onCreate & helper
#@+node:ville.20091204224145.5363:codewise_complete & helpers (for Qt)
def codewise_complete(event):
c = event.get('c')
p = c.p
w = event['mb_event'].widget
# w : leoQTextEditWidget
head, tail = get_current_line(w)
m = get_attr_target_python(head)
obj = m.group(1)
prefix = m.group(3)
klasses = guess_class(c,p, obj)
body = c.frame.top.ui.richTextEdit
tc = body.textCursor()
txt = tc.selectedText()
if not klasses:
hits = codewise_lookup(txt)
hits = codewise_lookup_methods(klasses, prefix)
cpl = c.frame.top.completer = QCompleter(hits)
f = mkins(cpl, body)
cpl.connect(cpl, QtCore.SIGNAL("activated(QString)"), f)
def mkins(completer, body):
def insertCompletion(completion):
cmpl = g.u(completion).split(None,1)[0]
tc = body.textCursor()
extra = len(cmpl) - completer.completionPrefix().length()
return insertCompletion
#@-node:ville.20091204224145.5363:codewise_complete & helpers (for Qt)
def codewise_lookup_methods(klasses, prefix):
trace = False ; verbose = False
hits = (z.split(None,1) for z in os.popen('codewise m %s' % klasses[0]) if z.strip())
desc = []
for h in hits:
s = h[0]
#ctags patterns need radical cleanup
if h[1].strip().startswith('/'):
sig = h[1].strip()[2:-4].strip()
sig = h[1].strip()
desc.append(s + '\t' + sig)
aList = list(set(desc))
return aList
def codewise_lookup(prefix):
trace = False ; verbose = False
hits = (z.split(None,1) for z in os.popen('codewise f %s' % prefix) if z.strip())
desc = []
for h in hits:
s = h[0]
sig = h[1].strip()[2:-4].strip()
desc.append(s + '\t' + sig)
aList = list(set(desc))
return aList
def codewise_suggest(event):
c = event.get('c')
p = c.p
w = event['mb_event'].widget
# w : leoQTextEditWidget
head, tail = get_current_line(w)
m = get_attr_target_python(head)
obj = m.group(1)
prefix = m.group(3)
klasses = guess_class(c,p, obj)
#body = c.frame.top.ui.richTextEdit
#tc = body.textCursor()
#txt = tc.selectedText()
if not klasses:
hits = codewise_lookup(txt)
hits = codewise_lookup_methods(klasses, prefix)
realhits = (h for h in hits if h.startswith(prefix))
g.es(" Completions:")
for h in realhits:
#cpl = c.frame.top.completer = QCompleter(hits)
#f = mkins(cpl, body)
#cpl.connect(cpl, QtCore.SIGNAL("activated(QString)"), f)
#@-node:ville.20091204224145.5355:@thin codewisecompleter.py