#@+node:edream.110403140857.8:@thin color_markup.py
#@<< docstring >>
#@+node:ekr.20050912182434:<< docstring >>
'''Handle coloring for markup in doc parts and Python triple-double-quoted strings.
Important notes:
- The add_directives.py plugin must be enabled for this plugin to work.
- At present, this plugin does *not* work with the threading_colorizer plugin.
- The wiki text must be
1. in the range of an ``@markup wiki`` directive **and**
2. in a Leo doc part (starting with '@') **or** a Python triple-quoted string.
- This plugin adds commands to the Edit:Edit Body menu.
The currently supported markups are:
''text'' # write text in italics
__text__ # write text in bold
~~<color>:text~~ # write text in the color specified by <color> (e.g. blue, grey, etc)
{picture file=filename} # load the picture indicated by filename.
http://url # Underline the url: double clicking the url will open it in the default browser.
https://url # Underline the url: double clicking the url will open it in the default browser.
- Note 1: italics and bold markups can be nested, e.g.
''__text__'' # write text in italics and bold
Just remember to terminate the tags in the order they were opened.
- Note 2: URLs must be terminated by a space.
By default, once the text has been markup up, the actual tags (e.g. __ for bold) are not displayed anymore. You can choose to display them selecting "Show Invisibles" from theEditmenu. import
#@-node:ekr.20050912182434:<< docstring >>
#@<< example >>
#@+node:edream.110403140857.5:<< example >>
#@@markup wiki
# (this turns on a doc section; a '@ ' would do too)
# This should be ''italic'' text
# This should be __bold__ text
# This text should be ~~pink:colored in pink~~, ~~blue:this one in blue~~.
# This text should be ''__both bold and italic__''.
# Leo's homepage is at http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/front.html
# You can also have wiki markups in python triple-double-quoted strings:
if 0:
def __dummy():
"""This is a __very important__ function."""
return None
#@-node:edream.110403140857.5:<< example >>
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20050101090207.3:<< imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
import tkFileDialog
Tk = g.importExtension('Tkinter', pluginName=__name__,verbose=True)
tkColorChooser = g.importExtension('tkColorChooser',pluginName=__name__,verbose=True)
import PIL
except ImportError:
PIL = None
import os
import string # zfill does not exist in Python 2.2.1
#@-node:ekr.20050101090207.3:<< imports >>
__version__ = "1.8"
#@<< version history >>
#@+node:ekr.20050311104330:<< version history >>
# Initial version DS: 10/29/03.
# - Added documentation.
# - Added menu entries to tag selected text and to start/end wiki tagging.
# 1.3, October 29, 2003:
# - Fixed bug in the creation of the wiki menu.
# - Added support for clickable http tags.
# 1.4, November 4, 2003:
# - Put import tkinter in a try/except block.
# - Made changes for 4.1 g.app.gui architecture. (More work needed).
# 1.5 EKR:
# - Use only 'new' and 'open2' hooks.
# - imported tkColorChooser.
# 1.6 EKR:
# - Removed call to g.top.
# - Used positions and p args instead of vnodes and v args.
# - Added to docs: text to be colored must be in range of ``@markup wiki``
# kdirective
# 1.7 EKR:
# - Improved docstring.
# - Added support for 4.3 code base and new colorizer.
# - Added support for PIL if it exists: this allows many more kinds of images.
# 1.8 EKR: fixed crasher in getUrl.
#@-node:ekr.20050311104330:<< version history >>
wikiColoredText = None
def init ():
ok = Tk and tkColorChooser # Ok for unit tests.
if ok:
if g.app.gui is None:
ok = g.app.gui.guiName() == "tkinter"
if ok:
if not g.app.unitTesting and not g.app.batchMode:
g.pr("wiki markup enabled")
# default value for color-tagged wiki text
global wikiColoredText
wikiColoredText = "blue"
leoPlugins.registerHandler("color-optional-markup", colorWikiMarkup)
leoPlugins.registerHandler("init-color-markup", initAnyMarkup)
#leoPlugins.registerHandler("bodykey1", onBodykey1)
leoPlugins.registerHandler("bodydclick1", onBodydclick1)
leoPlugins.registerHandler(('new','open2'), onCreate)
return ok
def initAnyMarkup (tag,keywords):
"""initialize colorer.markup_string
The colorer completely recolors the body pane when this changes"""
keys = ("colorer","v")
colorer,v = [keywords.get(key) for key in keys]
c = colorer.c
if not c or not c.exists or not v: return
# underline means hyperlinks
c.frame.body.tag_configure("http",underline=1) # EKR: 11/4/03
c.frame.body.tag_configure("https",underline=1) # EKR: 11/4/03
dict = c.scanAllDirectives(p=v) # v arg is essential.
pluginsList = dict.get("pluginsList")
if pluginsList:
for kind,v,s in pluginsList:
if kind == "markup" and s:
colorer.markup_string = s
colorer.markup_string = "unknown" # default
#@+node:edream.110403140857.17:onBodydclick1 & allies
def onBodydclick1(tag,keywords):
"""Handle double clicks on a hyperlink."""
c = keywords.get("c")
url = getUrl(c, "http", "https")
# g.trace(c,'url',url)
if url:
import webbrowser
g.es("exception opening " + url)
def getUrl(c, *tags):
"""See if the current text belongs to a hyperlink tag and, if so, return the url."""
w = c.frame.body.bodyCtrl ; s = w.getAllText()
selStart,selEnd = w.getSelectionRange()
selStart = w.toGuiIndex(selStart,s)
selEnd = w.toGuiIndex(selEnd,s)
for tag in tags:
hyperlink = w.tag_prevrange(tag,selEnd)
if hyperlink:
hyperStart,hyperEnd = hyperlink
if selStart==selEnd:
# kludge: only react on single chars, not on selections
if w.compare(hyperStart,"<=",selStart) and w.compare(selStart,"<=",hyperEnd):
url = w.get(hyperStart,hyperEnd)
return url
return None
#@-node:edream.110403140857.17:onBodydclick1 & allies
def onCreate (tag,keywords):
"""Create menu entries under Edit->Edit Body to insert wiki tags."""
c = keywords.get('c')
if not c: return
editBodyMenuName = "Edit Body..."
wikiMenuName = "&Wiki Tags..."
if c.frame.menu.getMenu(wikiMenuName):
return # wiki menu already created
editBodyMenu = c.frame.menu.getMenu(editBodyMenuName)
separator = (("-",None,None),)
wikiMenu = c.frame.menu.createNewMenu(wikiMenuName,editBodyMenuName)
#@ << define menu callbacks >>
#@+node:ekr.20060108113303:<< define menu callbacks >>
def doWikiBoldCallback (event,c=c):
def doWikiItalicCallback (event,c=c):
def doWikiPictureCallback (event,c=c):
def doWikiColorCallback (event,c=c):
def doWikiChooseColorCallback (event,c=c):
#@-node:ekr.20060108113303:<< define menu callbacks >>
newEntries = (
#("Insert Pict&ure...", "Alt+Shift+U", doWikiPictureCallback),
("Choose Co&lor...","Alt+Shift+L",doWikiChooseColorCallback),
#@+node:edream.110403140857.10:colorWikiMarkup & helper
def colorWikiMarkup (tag,keywords):
keys = ("colorer","v","s","i","j","colortag")
colorer,v,s,i,j,colortag = [keywords.get(key) for key in keys]
c = colorer.c
dict = c.scanAllDirectives(p=v) # v arg is essential.
pluginsList = dict.get("pluginsList")
if pluginsList:
for kind,v,s2 in pluginsList:
if kind == "markup" and s2 == 'wiki':
return True # We have colored the text.
# g.trace('**not colored')
return None # We have not colored the text.
def doWikiText (colorer,s,i,end,colortag):
firsti = i
# Note: for old colorizer, must use index(i) and index(j) to get proper indices.
# g.trace(i,end,colortag) # ,repr(s[i:end]))
while i < end:
#@ << set first to a tuple describing the first tag to be handled >>
#@+node:edream.110403140857.12:<< set first to a tuple describing the first tag to be handled >>
first = None
for tag,delim1,delim2 in (
("picture","{picture file=","}"),
n1 = s.find(delim1,i,end)
if n1 > -1:
n2 = s.find(delim2,n1+len(delim1),end)
if n2 > -1:
if not first or (first and n1 < first[1]):
first = tag,n1,n2,delim1,delim2
for tag,delim1 in (
k = s.find(delim1,i,end)
if k > -1:
k2 = k + len(delim1)
while k2 < len(s) and s[k2] not in (' ','\t','\n'):
k2 += 1
delim2 = s[k2]
if s[k:k2] and not first or (first and k < first[1]):
# g.trace('delim1',k,k2,s[k:k2])
first = tag,k,k2,delim1,delim2
#@-node:edream.110403140857.12:<< set first to a tuple describing the first tag to be handled >>
if first:
tag,n1,n2,delim1,delim2 = first
i = n2 + len(delim2)
#@ << handle the tag using n1,n2,delim1,delim2 >>
#@+node:edream.110403140857.13:<< handle the tag using n1,n2,delim1,delim2 >>
# g.trace(tag,i,n1,n2,s[n1:n2])
if tag =="picture":
colorer.tag("elide",n1,n2+len(delim2)) # Elide everything.
filename = s[n1+len(delim1):n2]
filename = os.path.join(g.app.loadDir,filename)
filename = os.path.normpath(filename)
elif tag == "color":
#@ << parse and handle color field >>
#@+node:edream.110403140857.14:<< parse and handle color field >>
# Parse the color value.
j = n1+len(delim1)
n = s.find(":",j,n2)
if n2 > n > j > -1:
name = s[j:n]
if name[0] == '#' and len(name) > 1:
name = '#' + string.zfill(name[1:],6)
if name in colorer.color_tags_list:
# g.pr("entering", name)
c = colorer.c
except: # an invalid color name: elide nothing.
pass # g.es_exception()
#@-node:edream.110403140857.14:<< parse and handle color field >>
elif tag == "http" or tag == "https":
# look for nested bold or italic.
if tag == "bold":
delim3,delim4 = "''","''" # Look for nested italic.
delim3,delim4 = "__","__" # Look for nested bold.
n3 = s.find(delim3,n1+len(delim1),n2) ; n4 = -1
if n3 > -1:
n4 = s.find(delim4,n3+len(delim3),n2+len(delim2))
if n3 > -1 and n4 > -1:
# No nested tag.
#@-node:edream.110403140857.13:<< handle the tag using n1,n2,delim1,delim2 >>
else: i = end
# g.trace('tag',colortag,firsti,end)
#@-node:edream.110403140857.10:colorWikiMarkup & helper
def insertWikiPicture (colorer,filename,s,i):
'''Insert the picture with the given filename.'''
# g.trace(i,filename)
c = colorer.c ; p = c.p ; w = c.frame.body.bodyCtrl
if not p or not g.os_path_exists(filename):
# Create the image
if PIL: # Allow many kinds of images.
from PIL import Image,ImageTk
image = Image.open(filename)
photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)
else: # Allow only .gif or .pgm images.
photo = Tk.PhotoImage(master=g.app.root, file=filename)
image = None
index = colorer.index(i)
if filename in w.mark_names() and w.image_names():
# This isn't quite correct because
# it won't allow copies of the picture.
# g.trace('**picture exists',filename)
index = colorer.index(i)
# g.trace('**inserting picture',i,index)
image = c.frame.body.bodyCtrl.image_create(index,image=photo,padx=0)
# Keep references so images stay on the canvas.
# The reference to photo must appear, even though it is not used.
if not PIL:
g.es_print('PIL not loaded: wiki images must be .gif or .pgm files.',color='blue')
#@+node:edream.110403140857.19:Menu commands
def doWikiBold(c):
def doWikiItalic(c):
def doWikiColor(c):
global wikiColoredText
insertWikiMarkup(c,"~~%s:" % wikiColoredText,"~~")
def doWikiChooseColor(c):
global wikiColoredText
if c and c.exists:
rgb,val = tkColorChooser.askcolor(color=wikiColoredText)
if val:
wikiColoredText = val
def doWikiPicture(c):
if c and c.exists:
name = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(
title="Insert Picture",
filetypes=[("All files", "*")],
if name:
insertWikiMarkup(c,"{picture file=%s}" % name,"")
def insertWikiMarkup(c,leftTag,rightTag):
if not c or not c.exists: return
body = c.frame.body ; w = body.bodyCtrl
oldSel = w.getSelectionRange()
if oldSel:
#@ << apply markup to selection >>
#@+node:edream.110403140857.27:<< apply markup to selection >>
start,end = oldSel
w.insert(start, leftTag)
start,end = w.getSelectionRange()
w.insert(end, rightTag)
newSel = w.getSelectionRange()
#@-node:edream.110403140857.27:<< apply markup to selection >>
#@ << handle no selection >>
#@+node:edream.110403140857.28:<< handle no selection >>
# Note: this does not currently handle mixed nested tags,
# e.g. <b><i>text</b></i>. One should always close the
# tags in the order they were opened, as in <b><i>text</i></b>.
oldSel = body.getSelectionRange() # EKR: 11/04/03
nextChars = body.bodyCtrl.get(oldSel[0], "%s+%dc" % (oldSel[0],len(rightTag)))
if nextChars == rightTag:
# if the next chars are the right tag, just move beyond it
newPos = "%s+%dc" % (oldSel[0],len(rightTag))
# insert a pair of tags and set cursor between the tags
body.bodyCtrl.insert("insert", leftTag)
body.bodyCtrl.insert("insert", rightTag)
newPos = "%s+%dc" % (oldSel[0],len(leftTag))
body.setSelectionRange(newPos, newPos)
newSel = body.getSelectionRange()
#@-node:edream.110403140857.28:<< handle no selection >>
#@-node:edream.110403140857.19:Menu commands
#@-node:edream.110403140857.8:@thin color_markup.py