#@+node:ekr.20081121105001.12:@thin cursesGui.py
# Things not found in the GUI 'interface' classes (in leoFrame.py, leoGui.py,
# etc)
# are labeled: # undoc: where the AttributeError comes from ; other
# implementations of method
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20081121105001.13:<< imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoChapters as leoChapters
import leo.core.leoColor as leoColor
import leo.core.leoGui as leoGui
import leo.core.leoKeys as leoKeys
import leo.core.leoFrame as leoFrame
import leo.core.leoMenu as leoMenu
import leo.core.leoNodes as leoNodes
#@-node:ekr.20081121105001.13:<< imports >>
#@<< TODO >>
#@+node:ekr.20081121105001.14:<< TODO >>
# Body text:
# Is the "signature" of the typing event right?
# What does the InsertPoint do when text is inserted and deleted?
# What does the SelectionRange do, period?
# What about mouse input? What does createBindings() do?
# What does set_focus() do?
# What does the GUI need to do for Leo's undo features?
# What about that minibuffer thing? (I've never used it.)
# When should runMainLoop return?
# What kind of newlines does the body text control get? How should it treat
# them?
# Headline editing?
# Body text selection.
# (Strip trailing whitespace from this file. :P)
# < < Random cruft >>
# Pay attention to being direct and code-terse.
# Not at all user-friendly.
# Comments in the body reflect current status only.
# Ideally, comments in the body go away as the "leoGUI interface" improves.
# Written on a hundred-column terminal. :S
#@-node:ekr.20081121105001.14:<< TODO >>
__version__ = '0.2'
#@<< version history >>
#@+node:ekr.20081121105001.15:<< version history >>
# 0.1: Initial checkin, converted to Leo outline(!) by EKR.
# 0.2: EKR:
# - Fixed several crashers related to Leo 4.x code base.
# - textBodyCtrl is now just leoFrame.stringTextWidget.
# - Improved main input loop.
# - You can now enter menu accelerators instead of menu indices in the menu
# menu.
#@-node:ekr.20081121105001.15:<< version history >>
if g.isPython3: get_input = input
else: get_input = raw_input
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -2
def init ():
ok = not g.app.gui and not g.app.unitTesting # Not Ok for unit testing!
if ok:
g.app.gui = textGui()
g.app.root = g.app.gui.createRootWindow()
elif g.app.gui and not g.app.unitTesting:
s = "Can't install text gui: previous gui installed"
return ok
def underline(s, idx):
if idx < 0 or idx > len(s) - 1:
return s
return s[:idx] + '&' + s[idx:]
#@+node:ekr.20081121105001.18:class textGui
class textGui(leoGui.leoGui):
#@ @+others
def __init__(self):
leoGui.leoGui.__init__(self, "text")
self.frames = []
self.killed = False
# TODO leoTkinterFrame finishCreate g.app.windowList.append(f) - use that?
def createKeyHandlerClass (self,c,useGlobalKillbuffer=True,useGlobalRegisters=True):
# import leo.core.leoKeys as leoKeys # Do this here to break a circular dependency.
return leoKeys.keyHandlerClass(c,useGlobalKillbuffer,useGlobalRegisters)
def createLeoFrame(self, title):
ret = textFrame(self, title)
return ret
def createRootWindow(self):
pass # N/A
def destroySelf (self):
self.killed = True
def finishCreate(self):
def isTextWidget (self,w):
'''Return True if w is a Text widget suitable for text-oriented commands.'''
return w and isinstance(w,leoFrame.baseTextWidget)
def oops(self):
g.pr("textGui oops", g.callers(), "should be implemented")
def runMainLoop(self):
def runOpenFileDialog(self, title, filetypes, defaultextension, multiple=False):
import os
initialdir = g.app.globalOpenDir or g.os_path_abspath(os.getcwd())
if g.isPython3: get_input = input
else: get_input = raw_input
ret = get_input("Open which %s file (from %s?) > " % (repr(filetypes), initialdir))
if multiple:
return [ret,]
return ret
def get_focus(self,c):
def set_focus(self,c,w):
#@+node:ekr.20081121105001.30:text_run & helper
def text_run(self):
frame_idx = 0
if g.isPython3: get_input = input
else: get_input = raw_input
while not self.killed:
# Frames can come and go.
if frame_idx > len(self.frames) - 1:
frame_idx = 0
f = self.frames[frame_idx]
s = get_input('Do what? (menu,key,body,frames,tree,quit) > ')
except Exception:
def doChoice(self,f,s):
if s in ('m','menu'):
elif s in ('k','key'):
elif s in ('b','body'):
elif s in ('f','frames'):
for i, f in enumerate(self.frames):
g.pr(i, ')', f.getTitle())
s = get_input('Operate on which frame? > ')
s = int(s)
except ValueError:
s = -1
if s >= 0 and s <= len(self.frames) - 1:
frame_idx = s
elif s in ('t','tree'):
elif s in ('q','quit'):
self.killed = True
#@-node:ekr.20081121105001.30:text_run & helper
def widget_name(self, w):
if isinstance(w, textBodyCtrl):
return 'body'
return leoGui.leoGui.widget_name(self, w)
#@-node:ekr.20081121105001.18:class textGui
#@+node:ekr.20081121105001.33:class textFrame
class textFrame(leoFrame.leoFrame):
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, gui, title):
leoFrame.leoFrame.__init__(self, gui)
self.title = title # Per leoFrame.__init__
# From leoTkinterFrame.py
def createFirstTreeNode (self):
f = self ; c = f.c
v = leoNodes.vnode(context=c)
p = leoNodes.position(v)
# New in Leo 4.5: p.moveToRoot would be wrong: the node hasn't been linked yet.
c.setRootPosition(p) # New in 4.4.2.
# f = self ; c = f.c
# t = leoNodes.tnode()
# v = leoNodes.vnode(context=c,t=t)
# p = leoNodes.position(v)
# v.initHeadString("NewHeadline")
# p.moveToRoot(oldRoot=None)
# c.setRootPosition(p) # New in 4.4.2.
# c.editPosition(p)
def deiconify(self): pass # N/A
def lift(self): pass # N/A
def destroySelf (self):
def finishCreate(self, c):
f = self ; f.c = c
f.tree = textTree(self)
f.body = textBody(frame=self, parentFrame=None)
f.log = textLog(frame=self, parentFrame=None)
f.menu = textLeoMenu(self)
if f.body.use_chapters:
c.chapterController = leoChapters.chapterController(c)
# (*after* setting self.log)
c.setLog() # writeWaitingLog hangs without this(!)
# So updateRecentFiles will update our menus.
def setInitialWindowGeometry(self): pass # N/A
def setMinibufferBindings(self):
def setTopGeometry(self, w, h, x, y):
pass # N/A
def text_key(self):
c = self.c ; k = c.k ; w = self.body.bodyCtrl
if g.isPython3: get_input = input
else: get_input = raw_input
key = get_input('Keystroke > ')
if not key: return
class leoTypingEvent:
def __init__ (self,c,w,char,keysym):
self.c = c
self.char = char
self.keysym = keysym
self.leoWidget = w
self.widget = w
# Leo uses widget_name(event.widget) to decide if a 'default' keystroke belongs
# to typing in the body text, in the tree control, or whereever.
# Canonicalize the setting.
char = key
stroke = c.k.shortcutFromSetting(char)
e = leoTypingEvent(c,w,char,stroke)
def update(self): pass
def resizePanesToRatio(self, ratio, ratio2): pass # N/A
#@-node:ekr.20081121105001.33:class textFrame
#@+node:ekr.20081121105001.43:class textBody
class textBody(leoFrame.leoBody):
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, frame, parentFrame):
leoFrame.leoBody.__init__(self, frame, parentFrame)
c = frame.c ; name = 'body'
self.bodyCtrl = textBodyCtrl(c,name)
self.colorizer = leoColor.nullColorizer(self.c)
# undoc: newLeoCommanderAndFrame -> c.finishCreate -> k.finishCreate -> k.completeAllBindings -> k.makeMasterGuiBinding -> 2156 w.bind ; nullBody
def bind(self, bindStroke, callback):
# Quiet, please.
# TODO Tkinter onBodyChanged undo call and many others. =(
def setEditorColors(self, bg, fg): pass # N/A
def createBindings(self, w=None): pass
def text_show(self):
w = self.bodyCtrl
g.pr('--- body ---')
#@-node:ekr.20081121105001.43:class textBody
#@+node:ekr.20081121105001.48:class textBodyCtrl (stringTextWidget)
class textBodyCtrl (leoFrame.stringTextWidget):
#@-node:ekr.20081121105001.48:class textBodyCtrl (stringTextWidget)
#@+node:ekr.20081121105001.49:class textMenuCascade
class textMenuCascade:
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, menu, label, underline):
self.menu = menu
self.label = label
self.underline = underline
def display(self):
ret = underline(self.label, self.underline)
if len(self.menu.entries) == 0:
ret += ' [Submenu with no entries]'
return ret
#@-node:ekr.20081121105001.49:class textMenuCascade
#@+node:ekr.20081121105001.52:class textMenuEntry
class textMenuEntry:
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, label, underline, accel, callback):
self.label = label
self.underline = underline
self.accel = accel
self.callback = callback
def display(self):
return "%s %s" % (underline(self.label, self.underline), self.accel,)
#@-node:ekr.20081121105001.52:class textMenuEntry
#@+node:ekr.20081121105001.55:class textMenuSep
class textMenuSep:
#@ @+others
def display(self):
return '-' * 5
#@-node:ekr.20081121105001.55:class textMenuSep
#@+node:ekr.20081121105001.57:class textLeoMenu (leoMenu)
class textLeoMenu(leoMenu.leoMenu):
#@ @+others
#@+node:ekr.20081121105001.58:ctor (textLeoMenu)
def __init__ (self,frame):
self.entries = []
self.c = frame.c
# Init the base class
#@-node:ekr.20081121105001.58:ctor (textLeoMenu)
def createMenuBar(self, frame):
self._top_menu = textLeoMenu(frame)
def new_menu(self, parent,tearoff=False):
if tearoff != False: raise NotImplementedError(repr(tearoff))
# I don't know what the 'parent' argument is for; neither does the wx GUI.
### return textMenu()
menu = textLeoMenu(parent or self.frame)
menu.entries = []
return menu
def add_cascade(self, parent, label, menu, underline):
# g.trace('parent',parent)
if parent == None:
parent = self._top_menu
parent.entries.append(textMenuCascade(menu, label, underline,))
### def add_command(self, menu, label, underline, command, accelerator=''):
def add_command(self,**keys):
# ?
# underline - Offset into label. For those who memorised Alt, F, X rather than Alt+F4.
# accelerator - For display only; these are implemented by Leo's key handling.
menu = self
# g.trace(keys)
def doNothingCallback():
label = keys.get('label') or 'no label'
underline = keys.get('underline') or 0
accelerator = keys.get('accelerator') or ''
command = keys.get('command') or doNothingCallback
entry = textMenuEntry(label, underline, accelerator, command)
def add_separator(self, menu):
def delete_range (self,*args,**keys):
def show_menu(self):
last_menu = self._top_menu
while True:
entries = last_menu.entries
for i, entry in enumerate(entries):
g.pr(i, ')', entry.display())
g.pr(len(last_menu.entries), ')', '[Prev]')
which = get_input('Which menu entry? > ')
which = which.strip()
if not which: continue
n = int(which)
except ValueError:
# Look for accelerator character.
ch = which[0].lower()
for n,z in enumerate(entries):
if hasattr(z,'underline') and ch == z.label[z.underline].lower():
else: continue
if n == len(entries):
if n < 0 or n > len(entries) - 1:
menu = entries[n]
if isinstance(menu, textMenuEntry):
if isinstance(menu, textMenuCascade):
last_menu = menu.menu
#@-node:ekr.20081121105001.57:class textLeoMenu (leoMenu)
#@+node:ekr.20081121105001.66:class textLog
class textLog(leoFrame.leoLog):
# undoc: leoKeys.py makeAllBindings c.frame.log.setTabBindings('Log') ; nullLog
#@ @+others
def setTabBindings(self, tabName):
def put(self, s, color=None, tabName='log'):
def putnl(self, tabName='log'):
# < < HACK Quiet, oops. >>
def createControl(self, parentFrame): pass
def setFontFromConfig(self): pass # N/A
def setColorFromConfig(self): pass
#@-node:ekr.20081121105001.66:class textLog
#@+node:ekr.20081121105001.72:class textTree
class textTree(leoFrame.leoTree):
# undoc: k.makeAllBindings ; nullTree
#@ @+others
def setBindings(self):
#@+node:ekr.20081121105001.74:begin/endUpdate & redraw/now
def beginUpdate(self):
pass # N/A
def endUpdate(self,flag=True,scroll=True):
if flag:
def redraw(self,scroll=True):
def redraw_now(self,scroll=True,forceDraw=True):
if forceDraw:
#@-node:ekr.20081121105001.74:begin/endUpdate & redraw/now
def __init__(self, frame):
# undoc: openWithFileName -> treeWantsFocusNow -> c.frame.tree.canvas
self.canvas = None
leoFrame.leoTree.__init__(self, frame)
def select(self,p,scroll=True):
# TODO Much more here: there's four hooks and all sorts of other things called in the TK version.
c = self.c ; frame = c.frame
body = w = c.frame.body.bodyCtrl
# This is also where the body-text control is given the text of the selected node...
# Always do this. Otherwise there can be problems with trailing hewlines.
# and something to do with undo?
#@+node:ekr.20081121105001.78:editLabel & edit_widget
def editLabel(self,p,selectAll=False):
pass # N/A?
def edit_widget(self,p):
return None
#@-node:ekr.20081121105001.78:editLabel & edit_widget
#@+node:ekr.20081121105001.79:text_draw_tree & helper
def text_draw_tree (self):
# g.trace(g.callers())
g.pr('--- tree ---')
def draw_tree_helper (self,p,indent):
for p in p.self_and_siblings():
if p.hasChildren():
box = g.choose(p.isExpanded(),'+','-')
box = ' '
icons = '%s%s%s%s' % (
g.choose(p.v.t.hasBody(),'b',' '),
g.choose(p.isMarked(),'m',' '),
g.choose(p.isCloned(),'@',' '),
g.choose(p.isDirty(),'*',' '))
g.pr(" " * indent * 2, icons, box, p.h)
if p.isExpanded() and p.hasChildren():
#@-node:ekr.20081121105001.79:text_draw_tree & helper
#@-node:ekr.20081121105001.72:class textTree
#@-node:ekr.20081121105001.12:@thin cursesGui.py