#@+node:ajones.20070122153625:@thin expfolder.py
#@<< docstring >>
#@+node:ajones.20070122153625.1:<< docstring >>
'''Makes @expfolder expandable representations of folders in the filesystem.
Double clicking on the icon of an @expfolder heading reads the files in the directory at the path specified and creates child nodes for each file in the subfolder. Subdirectories are made into child @expfolder nodes so the tree can be easily traversed. If files have extensions specified in the expfolder.ini file they are made into @text nodes so the content of the files can be easily loaded into leo and edited. Double clicking a second time will delete all child nodes and refresh the directory listing. If there are any changed @text nodes contained inside you will be prompted about saving them.
The textextensions field on the expfolder Properties page contains a list of extensions which will be made into @text nodes, seperated by spaces.
For the @text and @expfolder nodes to interact correctly, the textnode plugin must load before the expfolder plugin. This can be set using the Plugin Manager's Plugin Load Order pane.
#@-node:ajones.20070122153625.1:<< docstring >>
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
import os
import os.path
if g.isPython3:
import configparser as ConfigParser
import ConfigParser
from leo.plugins.textnode import savetextnode
__version__ = "1.0"
textexts = []
def init():
leoPlugins.registerHandler("icondclick1", on_icondclick)
fileName = os.path.join(g.app.loadDir,"../","plugins","expfolder.ini")
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
textexts.extend(config.get("Main", "TextExtensions").split())
#g.es("textexts =", str(textexts))
return 1
def on_icondclick(tag, keywords):
c = keywords.get("c")
p = keywords.get("p")
h = p.h
if g.match_word(h,0,"@expfolder"):
if p.hasChildren():
result = g.app.gui.runAskYesNoDialog(c, "Reread?", "Reread contents of folder "+h[11:]+"?")
if result == "no":
kids = []
for cp in p.subtree():
if cp.isDirty() and g.match_word(cp.h, 0, "@text"):
if kids != []:
result = g.app.gui.runAskYesNoDialog(c, "Reread?", "Save changed @text nodes?")
if result == "yes":
for kid in kids:
savetextnode(c, kid)
# delete children
while p.firstChild():
#changed = c.isChanged()
dir = h[11:]
dirs = []
files = []
for file in os.listdir(dir):
path = os.path.join(dir, file)
if os.path.isdir(path):
#g.es('dirs: '+str(dirs))
#g.es('files: '+str(files))
for f in files:
pn = p.insertAsNthChild(0)
if os.path.splitext(f)[1] in textexts:
c.setHeadString(pn, "@text "+f)
c.setHeadString(pn, f)
for d in dirs:
pn = p.insertAsNthChild(0)
c.setHeadString(pn, "@expfolder "+d)
#@-node:ajones.20070122153625:@thin expfolder.py