#@+node:tbrown.20090513125417.5244:@thin interact.py
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4
#@+node:tbrown.20090603104805.4937:interact declarations
"""Add buttons so leo can interact with command line environments.
Currently implements `bash` shell and `psql` (postresql SQL db shell).
Single-line commands can be entered in the headline with a blank body,
multi-line commands can be entered in the body with a descriptive
title in the headline. Press the `bash` or `psql` button to send
the command to the appropriate interpreter.
The output from the command is **always** stored in a new node added
as the first child of the command node. For multi-line commands
this new node is selected. For single-line command this new node
is not shown, instead the body text of the command node is updated
to reflect the most recent output. Comment delimiter magic is used
to allow single-line and multi-line commands to maintain their
single-line and multi-line flavors.
Both the new child nodes and the updated body text of single-line
commands are timestamped.
For the `bash` button the execution directory is either the directory
containing the `.leo` file, or any other path as specified by ancestor
`@path` nodes.
Currently the `psql` button just connects to the default database. ";"
is required at the end of SQL statements.
Requires `pexpect` module.
# 0.1 by Terry Brown, 2009-05-12
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
from mod_scripting import scriptingController
import pexpect
import time
import os
#@-node:tbrown.20090603104805.4937:interact declarations
def init():
leoPlugins.registerHandler('after-create-leo-frame', onCreate)
return True
def onCreate(tag, keywords):
#@+node:tbrown.20090603104805.4940:class Interact
class Interact(object):
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, c):
self.c = c
def available(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def run(self, p):
raise NotImplementedError
def buttonText(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def statusText(self):
raise NotImplementedError
#@-node:tbrown.20090603104805.4940:class Interact
#@+node:tbrown.20090603104805.4946:class InteractPSQL
class InteractPSQL(Interact):
prompt = '__psql-leo__'
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, c):
Interact.__init__(self, c)
prompts = ' '.join(['--set PROMPT%d=%s'%(i,self.prompt) for i in range(1,4)])
prompts += ' --pset pager=off'
self._available = True
self.psqlLink = pexpect.spawn('psql %s'%prompts)
self.leftover = ''
for i in self.psqlReader(self.psqlLink):
pass # eat the initial output as it isn't interesting
except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect:
self._available = False
def available(self):
return self._available
def buttonText(self):
return "psql"
def statusText(self):
return "send headline or body to psql session"
def run(self, p):
c = self.c
q = p.b
if not q.strip() or p.b.strip().startswith('--- '):
q = p.h
if p.h.strip().startswith('--'):
q = None
if q is None:
g.es('No valid / uncommented query')
ans = []
for d in self.psqlReader(self.psqlLink):
if d.strip():
if len(ans) > maxlen:
del ans[maxlen-10]
ans[maxlen-10] = ' ... skipping ...'
n = p.insertAsNthChild(0)
n.h = '-- ' + time.asctime()
n.b = '\n'.join(ans)
if p.b.strip().startswith('--- ') or not p.b.strip():
p.b = '-'+n.h+'\n\n'+n.b
def psqlReader(self, proc):
cnt = 0
timeout = False
while not timeout:
dat = []
dat = self.leftover + proc.read_nonblocking(size=10240,timeout=1)
self.leftover = ''
#X print dat
if not(dat.endswith('\n')):
if '\n' in dat:
dat, self.leftover = dat.rsplit('\n',1)
self.leftover = dat
dat = None
if dat:
dat = dat.split("\n")
except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
timeout = True
#X if self.leftover == self.prompt:
#X timeout = True
if dat:
for d in dat:
cnt += 1
#X if d == self.prompt:
#X timeout = True
#X else:
yield d.replace(self.prompt,'# ') # '%4d: %s' % (cnt,d)
#@-node:tbrown.20090603104805.4946:class InteractPSQL
#@+node:tbrown.20090603104805.4953:class InteractBASH
class InteractBASH(Interact):
prompt = '__bash-leo__'
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, c):
Interact.__init__(self, c)
self._available = True
self.bashLink = pexpect.spawn('bash -i')
# stop bash emitting chars for long lines
self.bashLink.send("PS1='> '\n")
self.bashLink.send("unalias ls\n")
self.leftover = ''
for i in self.bashReader(self.bashLink):
pass # eat the initial output as it isn't interesting
# and in includes chrs leo can't encode currently
except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect:
self._available = False
def buttonText(self):
return "bash"
def statusText(self):
return "send headline or body to bash session"
def available(self):
return self._available
def run(self, p):
c = self.c
q = p.b
if not q.strip() or p.b.strip().startswith('### '):
q = p.h
if p.h.strip().startswith('#'):
q = None
if q is None:
g.es('No valid / uncommented statement')
path = self.getPath(c, p)
if not path:
path = os.path.dirname(c.fileName())
if path:
self.bashLink.send('cd %s\n' % path)
ans = []
for d in self.bashReader(self.bashLink):
if d.strip():
if len(ans) > maxlen:
del ans[maxlen-10]
ans[maxlen-10] = ' ... skipping ...'
n = p.insertAsNthChild(0)
n.h = '## ' + time.asctime()
n.b = '\n'.join(ans)
if p.b.strip().startswith('### ') or not p.b.strip():
p.b = '#'+n.h+'\n\n'+n.b
def bashReader(self, proc):
cnt = 0
timeout = False
while not timeout:
dat = []
dat = self.leftover + proc.read_nonblocking(size=10240,timeout=1)
self.leftover = ''
#X print dat
if not(dat.endswith('\n')):
if '\n' in dat:
dat, self.leftover = dat.rsplit('\n',1)
self.leftover = dat
dat = None
if dat:
dat = dat.split("\n")
except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
timeout = True
#X if self.leftover == self.prompt:
#X timeout = True
if dat:
for d in dat:
cnt += 1
#X if d == self.prompt:
#X timeout = True
#X else:
yield d.replace(self.prompt,'# ') # '%4d: %s' % (cnt,d)
def getPath(self, c, p):
for n in p.self_and_parents():
if n.h.startswith('@path'):
return None # must have a full fledged @path in parents
aList = g.get_directives_dict_list(p)
path = c.scanAtPathDirectives(aList)
return path
#@-node:tbrown.20090603104805.4953:class InteractBASH
#@+node:tbrown.20090603104805.4961:class InteractController
class InteractController:
"""quickMove binds to a controller, adds menu entries for
creating buttons, and creates buttons as needed
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, c):
self.c = c
#X table = (
#X ("Add To First Child Button",None,self.addToFirstChildButton),
#X ("Add To Last Child Button",None,self.addToLastChildButton),
#X )
#X c.frame.menu.createMenuItemsFromTable('Outline', table)
def addToFirstChildButton (self,event=None):
def addToLastChildButton (self,event=None):
def addButton(self, class_):
'''Add a button for an interact class.'''
c = self.c ; p = c.p
sc = scriptingController(c)
mb = InteractButton(c, class_)
if mb.available():
b = sc.createIconButton(
text = mb.interactor.buttonText(),
command = mb.run,
shortcut = None,
statusLine = mb.interactor.statusText(),
bg = "LightBlue",
#@-node:tbrown.20090603104805.4961:class InteractController
#@+node:tbrown.20090603104805.4966:class InteractButton
class InteractButton:
"""contains target data and function for moving node"""
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, c, class_):
self.c = c
self.interactor = class_(c)
def run(self):
'''Move the current position to the last child of self.target.'''
c = self.c
p = c.p
def available(self):
return self.interactor.available()
#@-node:tbrown.20090603104805.4966:class InteractButton
#@-node:tbrown.20090513125417.5244:@thin interact.py