# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#@+node:ekr.20080201143145:@thin ipython.py
#@<< docstring >>
#@+node:ekr.20080201151802:<< docstring >>
''' The ipython plugin provides two-way communication (a bridge) between Leo
scripts and IPython running in the console from whichLeowaslaunched. import
Using this bridge, scripts running in Leo can affect IPython, and vice versa.
In particular, scripts running in IPython can alter Leo outlines!
There are too many details to cover in this docstring. For full details,
see: LeoDocs.leo or http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/IPythonBridge.html
#@-node:ekr.20080201151802:<< docstring >>
__version__ = '0.9'
#@<< version history >>
#@+node:ekr.20080201143145.2:<< version history >>
# v 0.1: Ideas by Ville M. Vainio, code by EKR.
# v 0.2 EKR: Use g.getScript to synthesize scripts.
# v 0.3 EKR:
# - Moved all code from scripts to this plugin.
# - Added leoInterface and leoInterfaceResults classes.
# - Added createNode function for use by the interface classes.
# - Created minibuffer commands.
# - c.ipythonController is now an official ivar.
# - Docstring now references Chapter 21 of Leo's Users Guide.
# v 0.4 EKR:
# - Disable the command lockout logic for the start-ipython command.
# - (In leoSettings.leo): add shortcuts for ipython commands.
# - The init top-level function now requires the tkinter gui.
# v 0.5 VMV & EKR: Added leoInterfaceResults.__getattr__.
# v 0.6 EKR:
# - Inject leox into the user_ns in start-ipython.
# As a result, there is no need for init_ipython and it has been removed.
# v 0.7 EKR:
# - changed execute-ipython-script to push-to-ipython.
# - Disabled trace of script in push-to-ipython.
# v 0.8 VMV and EKR:
# - This version is based on mods made by VMV.
# - EKR: set sys.argv = [] in startIPython before calling any IPython api.
# This prevents IPython from trying to load the .leo file.
# v 0.9 EKR: tell where the commands are coming from.
#@-node:ekr.20080201143145.2:<< version history >>
#@<< to do >>
#@+node:ekr.20080203092534:<< to do >>
# - Read the docs re saving and restoring the IPython namespace.
# - Is it possible to start IPShellEmbed automatically?
# Calling IPShellEmbed.ipshell() blocks, so it can't be done
# outside the event loop. It might be possible to do this in
# an idle-time handler.
# If it is possible several more settings would be possible.
#@-node:ekr.20080203092534:<< to do >>
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20080201143145.3:<< imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
import sys
import_ok = True
import IPython.ipapi
except ImportError:
g.es_print('ipython plugin: can not import IPython.ipapi',color='red')
import_ok = False
#@-node:ekr.20080201143145.3:<< imports >>
# Globals
# IPython IPApi instance. Global, because only one can exist through the whole leo session
gIP = None
#@+node:ekr.20080201144219:Module-level functions
def init ():
if not import_ok: return
# This plugin depends on the properties of the Tk event loop.
# It may work for other gui's, but this is not guaranteed.
#if g.app.gui is None:
# g.app.createTkGui(__file__)
if g.app.gui and g.app.gui.guiName() == 'qt' and not g.app.useIpython:
g.pr('ipython.py plugin disabled ("leo --ipython" enables it)')
return False
# since tk and qt are the only ones used currently, we are not too picky
ok = True
#ok = g.app.gui.guiName() in ("tkinter","qt")
if ok:
# Call onCreate after the commander and the key handler exist.
return ok
def onCreate (tag, keys):
c = keys.get('c')
if not c:
# Inject the controller into the commander.
c.ipythonController = ipythonController(c)
from leo.external import ipy_leo
except ImportError:
st = ipy_leo._request_immediate_connect
except AttributeError:
if st:
#@-node:ekr.20080201144219:Module-level functions
#@+node:ekr.20080201143145.6:class ipythonController
class ipythonController:
'''A per-commander controller that manages the
singleton IPython ipshell instance.'''
#@ @+others
def __init__ (self,c):
self.c = c
def createCommands(self):
'''Create all of the ipython plugin's minibuffer commands.'''
c = self.c ; k = c.k
table = (
('start-ipython', self.startIPython),
('push-to-ipython', self.pushToIPythonCommand),
shortcut = None
if not g.app.unitTesting:
g.es('ipython plugin...',color='purple')
for commandName,func in table:
k.registerCommand (commandName,shortcut,func,pane='all',verbose=True)
def startIPython(self,event=None):
'''The start-ipython command'''
c = self.c
global gIP
from leo.external import ipy_leo
except ImportError:
self.error("Error importing ipy_leo")
if gIP:
# if we are already running, just inject a new commander for current document
leox = leoInterface(c,g) # inject leox into the namespace.
api = IPython.ipapi
leox = leoInterface(c,g) # inject leox into the namespace.
existing_ip = api.get()
if existing_ip is None:
args = c.config.getString('ipython_argv')
if args is None:
argv = ['leo.py']
# force str instead of unicode
argv = [str(s) for s in args.split()]
if g.app.gui.guiName() == 'qt':
# qt ui takes care of the coloring (using scintilla)
if '-colors' not in argv:
sys.argv = argv
self.message('Creating IPython shell.')
ses = api.make_session()
gIP = ses.IP.getapi()
#if g.app.gui.guiName() == 'qt' and not g.app.useIpython:
if 0:
# disable this code for now - --ipython is the one recommended way of using qt + ipython
g.es('IPython launch failed. Start Leo with argument "--ipython" on command line!')
# import ipy_qt.qtipywidget
# g.es('IPython launch failed. Start Leo with argument "--ipython" on command line!')
# raise
import textwrap
self.qtwidget = ipy_qt.qtipywidget.IPythonWidget()
Qt IPython widget (for Leo). Commands entered on box below.
If you want the classic IPython text console, start leo with 'launchLeo.py --gui=qt --ipython'
# To reuse an old IPython session, you need to launch Leo from IPython by doing:
# import IPython.Shell
# IPython.Shell.hijack_tk()
# %run leo.py (in leo/leo/src)
# Obviously you still need to run launch-ipython (Alt-Shift-I) to make
# the document visible for ILeo
self.message('Reusing existing IPython shell')
gIP = existing_ip
ipy_leo_m = gIP.load('leo.external.ipy_leo')
c.inCommand = False # Disable the command lockout logic, just as for scripts.
# start mainloop only if it's not running already
if existing_ip is None and g.app.gui.guiName() != 'qt':
# Does not return until IPython closes!
except Exception:
self.error('exception creating IPython shell')
def pushToIPythonCommand(self,event=None):
'''The push-to-ipython command.
IPython must be started, but need not be inited.'''
#@+node:ekr.20080204075924:error & message
def error (self,s):
def message (self,s):
#@-node:ekr.20080204075924:error & message
def pushToIPython (self,script=None):
''' Push the node to IPython'''
if not gIP:
self.startIPython() # Does not return
if script:
c = self.c ; p = c.p
push = gIP.user_ns['_leo'].push
c.inCommand = False # Disable the command lockout logic
def started (self):
return gIP
#@-node:ekr.20080201143145.6:class ipythonController
#@+node:ekr.20080204103804.3:class leoInterface
class leoInterface:
'''A class to allow full access to Leo from Ipython. import
An instance of this class called leox is typically injected
into IPython's user_ns namespace by the init-ipython-command.'''
def __init__(self,c,g,tag='@ipython-results'):
self.c, self.g = c,g
#@-node:ekr.20080204103804.3:class leoInterface
#@-node:ekr.20080201143145:@thin ipython.py