#@+node:ekr.20040916084945:@thin macros.py
#@<< docstring >>
#@+node:ekr.20061102090532:<< docstring >>
Creates new nodes containing parameterized section references.
For a discussion of this plugin, see:
This plugin adds nodes under the currently selected tree that are to act as
section references. To do so, go the Outline menu and select the
'Parameterize Section Reference' command. This plugin looks for a top level node called
'Parameterized Nodes'. If it finds a headline that matches the section reference
it adds a node/nodes to the current tree.
To see this in action, do the following:
0. **Important**: in the examples below, type << instead of < < and
type >> instead of > >. Docstrings can not contain section references!
1. Create a node called 'Parameterized Nodes', with a sub-node called < < Meow > >.
The body of < < Meow > > should have the text::
I mmmm sooo happy I could < < 1$ > >. But I dont know if I have all the < < 2$ > >
money in the world.
2. In a node called A, type::
< < meow( purrrrrr, zzooot ) > > (leave the cursor at the end of the line)
3. In a node called B, type::
< < meow ( spit or puke, blinkin ) > > (leave the cursor at the end of the line)
4. Leave the cursor in Node A at the designated point.
5. Go to Outline and select Parameterize Section Reference.
The plugin searches the outline, goes to level one and finds a Node with the Headline,
"Parameterized Nodes". It looks for nodes under that headline with the the headline
< < meow > >. It then creates this node structure under Node A:
< < meow ( purrrrrr, zzooot ) > >
< <2$> >
< <1$> >
6. Examine the new subnodes of Node A.
< < meow ( purrrrrr, zzooot ) > > contains the body text of the < < meow > > node.
< < 1$ > > contains the word purrrrrr.
< < 2$ > > contains the word zzooot.
7. Go to Node B, and leave the cursor at the designated point.
Go to Outline Menu and select Parameterize Section Reference command.
8. Examine the new subnodes of Node B.
It's a lot easier to use than to explain!
#@-node:ekr.20061102090532:<< docstring >>
__version__ = "1.8"
#@<< version history >>
#@+node:ekr.20040916091520:<< version history >>
# 1.2 EKR:
# - Converted to outline.
# - Use g.angleBrackets to enclose lines with < < and > >.
# - Use new instead of start2 hook.
# - onCreate creates a new class for each commander.
# - Removed all globals.
# 1.3 EKR: Changed 'new_c' logic to 'c' logic.
# 1.4 EKR: Replaced tree.begin/endUpdate by c.beginEndUpdate.
# 1.5 EKR: Added event param to parameterize.
# 1.6 EKR: imported leoNodes and changed tnode to leoNodes.tnode.
# 1.7 Rich Ries: improved the docstring.
# 1.8 EKR: Add the menu only for the tkinter gui.
#@-node:ekr.20040916091520:<< version history >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
# import leo.core.leoNodes as leoNodes
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
import re
def init ():
# Ok for unit testing: adds command to Outline menu.
leoPlugins.registerHandler( ('new','open2') ,onCreate)
def onCreate(tag,keywords):
c = keywords.get("c")
if c:
#@+node:ekr.20040916091520.2:class paramClass
class paramClass:
#@ @+others
def __init__ (self,c):
self.c = c
self.body = c.frame.body
self.params = None
self.pattern = g.angleBrackets(r'\w*?\(([^,]*?,)*?([^,])+?\)') + '$'
self.regex = re.compile(self.pattern)
if g.app.gui.guiName() == 'tkinter':
def parameterize (self,event=None):
c = self.c
tree = c.frame.tree
body = c.frame.body
w = body.bodyCtrl
current = c.currentVnode()
if not self.params:
self.params = self.findParameters(current)
if not self.params: return
sr = body.getAllText()
sr = sr.split('\n')
t = str(g.app.gui.getInsertPoint(w)).split('.')
sr = sr [int(t[0]) -1]
sr = sr [: int(t[1])]
sr = sr.rstrip()
match = self.regex.search(sr)
if not match: return
sr = sr [match.start(): match.end()]
for z in range(current.numberOfChildren()):
child = current.nthChild(z)
if child.headString == sr:
pieces = sr.split('(',1)
searchline = pieces [0] + ">>"
pieces [1] = pieces [1].rstrip('>')
pieces [1] = pieces [1].rstrip(')')
sections = pieces [1].split(',')
node = None
for z in range(self.params.numberOfChildren()):
child = self.params.nthChild(z)
if child.matchHeadline(searchline):
node = child
bodys = node.b
# tn = leoNodes.tnode(bodys,sr)
v = current.insertAsNthChild(0) #,tn)
for z in range(0,len(sections)):
head = g.angleBrackets(str(z+1)+"$")
bod = sections [z]
# t = leoNodes.tnode(bod,head)
v.insertAsNthChild(0) #,t)
def findParameters (self,v):
tag = "Parameterized Nodes"
if v.level() != 0:
rnode = self.findParameters( v.parent())
bnode = v
while bnode:
if bnode.h == tag:
return bnode
bnode = bnode.back()
nnode = v
while nnode:
if nnode.h == tag:
return nnode
nnode = nnode.next()
return None
def addMenu(self):
c = self.c
table = ("Parameterize Section Reference",None,self.parameterize),
#@-node:ekr.20040916091520.2:class paramClass
#@-node:ekr.20040916084945:@thin macros.py