#@+node:ekr.20060328125248:@thin mod_scripting.py
#@<< docstring >>
#@+node:ekr.20060328125248.1:<< docstring >>
"""A plugin to create script buttons and @button, @command, @plugin and @script
This plugin puts buttons in the icon area. Depending on settings the plugin will
create the 'Run Script', the 'Script Button' and the 'Debug Script' buttons.
The 'Run Script' button is simply another way of doing the Execute Script
command: it executes the selected text of the presently selected node, or the
entire text if no text is selected.
The 'Script Button' button creates *another* button in the icon area every time
you push it. The name of the button is the headline of the presently selected
node. Hitting this *newly created* button executes the button's script.
For example, to run a script on any part of an outline do the following:
1. Select the node containing the script.
2. Press the scriptButton button. This will create a new button.
3. Select the node on which you want to run the script.
4. Push the *new* button.
That's all.
For every @button node, this plugin creates two new minibuffer commands: x and
delete-x-button, where x is the 'cleaned' name of the button. The 'x' command is
equivalent to pushing the script button.
**New in Leo 4.4.4**: You can specify **global buttons** in leoSettings.leo or
myLeoSettings.leo by putting @button nodes as children of an @buttons node in an
@settings trees. Such buttons are included in all open .leo (in a slightly
different color). Actually, you can specify global buttons in any .leo file, but
@buttons nodes affect all later opened .leo files so usually you would define
global buttons in leoSettings.leo or myLeoSettings.leo.
The cleaned name of an @button node is the headline text of the button with:
- Leading @button or @command removed,
- @key and all following text removed,
- @args and all following text removed,
- all non-alphanumeric characters converted to a single '-' characters.
Thus, cleaning headline text converts it to a valid minibuffer command name.
You can delete a script button by right-clicking on it, or by
executing the delete-x-button command.
The 'Debug Script' button runs a script using an external debugger.
This plugin optionally scans for @button nodes, @command, @plugin nodes and
@script nodes whenever a .leo file is opened.
- @button nodes create script buttons.
- @command nodes create minibuffer commands.
- @plugin nodes cause plugins to be loaded.
- @script nodes cause a script to be executed when opening a .leo file.
Such nodes may be security risks. This plugin scans for such nodes only if the
corresponding atButtonNodes, atPluginNodes, and atScriptNodes constants are set
to True in this plugin.
You can specify the following options in leoSettings.leo. See the node:
@settings-->Plugins-->scripting plugin. Recommended defaults are shown.
- @bool scripting-at-button-nodes = True
True: adds a button for every @button node.
- @bool scripting-at-commands-nodes = True
True: define a minibuffer command for every @command node.
- @bool scripting-at-plugin-nodes = False
True: dynamically loads plugins in @plugins nodes when a window is created.
- @bool scripting-at-script-nodes = False
True: dynamically executes script in @script nodes when a window is created. DANGEROUS!
- @bool scripting-create-debug-button = False
True: create Debug Script button.
- @bool scripting-create-run-script-button = False
True: create Run Script button.
Note: The plugin creates the press-run-script-button regardless of this setting.
- @bool scripting-create-script-button-button = True
True: create Script Button button in icon area.
Note: The plugin creates the press-script-button-button regardless of this setting.
- @int scripting-max-button-size = 18
The maximum length of button names: longer names are truncated.
You can bind key shortcuts to @button and @command nodes as follows:
@button name @key=shortcut
This binds the shortcut to the script in the script button. The button's name is
'name', but you can see the full headline in the status line when you move the
mouse over the button.
@command name @key=shortcut
This creates a new minibuffer command and binds shortcut to it. As with @buffer
nodes, the name of the command is the cleaned name of the headline.
This plugin is based on ideas from e's dynabutton plugin, quite possibly the
most brilliant idea in Leo's history.
You can run the script with sys.argv initialized to string values using @args.
For example:
@button test-args @args = a,b,c
will set sys.argv to [u'a',u'b',u'c']
#@-node:ekr.20060328125248.1:<< docstring >>
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20060328125248.2:<< imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
import leo.core.leoGui as leoGui
# May be set in init
Pmw = None
# import os
import string
import sys
#@-node:ekr.20060328125248.2:<< imports >>
__version__ = '2.5'
#@<< version history >>
#@+node:ekr.20060328125248.3:<< version history >>
# 2.1 EKR: Support common @button nodes in @settings trees.
# 2.2 EKR: Bug fix: use g.match_word rather than s.startswith to discover
# names.
# This prevents an 's' button from being created from @buttons nodes.
# 2.3 bobjack:
# - added 'event' parameter to deleteButtonCallback to support rClick
# menus
# - exposed the scripting contoller class as
# g.app.gui.ScriptingControllerClass
# 2.4 bobjack:
# - exposed the scripting controller instance as
# c.theScriptingController
# 2.5 EKR: call c.outerUpdate in callbacks.
#@-node:ekr.20060328125248.3:<< version history >>
def init ():
if g.app.gui is None:
# g.app.createTkGui(__file__)
if g.app.gui.guiName() == 'tkinter':
global Pmw
Pmw = g.importExtension('Pmw',pluginName=__name__,verbose=True)
# This plugin is now gui-independent.
ok = g.app.gui and g.app.gui.guiName() in ('qt','tkinter','wxPython','nullGui')
if ok:
sc = 'ScriptingControllerClass'
if (not hasattr(g.app.gui, sc)
or getattr(g.app.gui, sc) is leoGui.nullScriptingControllerClass):
setattr(g.app.gui, sc, scriptingController)
# Note: call onCreate _after_ reading the .leo file.
# That is, the 'after-create-leo-frame' hook is too early!
return ok
def onCreate (tag, keys):
"""Handle the onCreate event in the mod_scripting plugin."""
c = keys.get('c')
if c:
# g.trace('mod_scripting',c)
sc = g.app.gui.ScriptingControllerClass(c)
c.theScriptingController = sc
#@+node:ekr.20060328125248.6:class scriptingController
class scriptingController:
#@ @+others
#@+node:ekr.20060328125248.7: ctor
def __init__ (self,c,iconBar=None):
self.c = c
self.gui = c.frame.gui
getBool = c.config.getBool
self.scanned = False
kind = c.config.getString('debugger_kind') or 'idle'
self.buttonsDict = {} # Keys are buttons, values are button names (strings).
self.debuggerKind = kind.lower()
self.atButtonNodes = getBool('scripting-at-button-nodes')
# True: adds a button for every @button node.
self.atCommandsNodes = getBool('scripting-at-commands-nodes')
# True: define a minibuffer command for every @command node.
self.atPluginNodes = getBool('scripting-at-plugin-nodes')
# True: dynamically loads plugins in @plugins nodes when a window is created.
self.atScriptNodes = getBool('scripting-at-script-nodes')
# True: dynamically executes script in @script nodes when a window is created. DANGEROUS!
self.createDebugButton = getBool('scripting-create-debug-button')
# True: create Debug Script button.
self.createRunScriptButton = getBool('scripting-create-run-script-button')
# True: create Run Script button.
self.createScriptButtonButton = getBool('scripting-create-script-button-button')
# True: create Script Button button.
self.maxButtonSize = c.config.getInt('scripting-max-button-size')
# Maximum length of button names.
if not iconBar:
self.iconBar = c.frame.getIconBarObject()
self.iconBar = iconBar
#@-node:ekr.20060328125248.7: ctor
#@+node:ekr.20060328125248.8:createAllButtons & helpers
def createAllButtons (self):
'''Scans the outline looking for @button, @command, @plugin and @script nodes.'''
c = self.c
if self.scanned: return # Not really needed, but can't hurt.
self.scanned = True
# First, create standard buttons.
if self.createRunScriptButton:
if self.createScriptButtonButton:
if self.createDebugButton:
# Next, create common buttons and commands.
# Last, scan for user-defined nodes.
def startswith(p,s):
return g.match_word(p.h,0,s)
for p in c.all_positions():
if self.atButtonNodes and startswith(p,'@button'):
if self.atCommandsNodes and startswith(p,'@command'):
if self.atPluginNodes and startswith(p,'@plugin'):
if self.atScriptNodes and startswith(p,'@script'):
#@+node:ekr.20080312071248.1:createCommonButtons & helper
def createCommonButtons (self):
c = self.c
buttons = c.config.getButtons()
# g.trace(buttons,c,g.callers(11))
if buttons:
for z in buttons:
h,script = z
shortcut = self.getShortcut(h)
if not g.app.unitTesting and not g.app.batchMode:
g.es('global @button',self.cleanButtonText(h).lower(),
'',shortcut or '',color='purple')
#@+node:ekr.20070926084600:handleAtButtonSetting & helper
def handleAtButtonSetting (self,h,script):
'''Create a button in the icon area for a common @button node in an @setting tree.
An optional @key=shortcut defines a shortcut that is bound to the button's script.
The @key=shortcut does not appear in the button's name, but
it *does* appear in the status line shown when the mouse moves over the button.'''
c = self.c
shortcut = self.getShortcut(h)
statusLine = 'Global script button'
if shortcut:
statusLine = '%s = %s' % (statusLine,shortcut)
b = self.createAtButtonFromSettingHelper(h,script,statusLine,shortcut)
#@+node:ekr.20070926085149:createAtButtonFromSettingHelper & callback
def createAtButtonFromSettingHelper (self,h,script,statusLine,shortcut,bg='LightSteelBlue2'):
'''Create a button from anbuttonnode. import
- Calls createIconButton to do all standard button creation tasks.
- Binds button presses to a callback that executes the script.
c = self.c ; k = c.k
buttonText = self.cleanButtonText(h)
args = self.getArgs(h)
# We must define the callback *after* defining b, so set both command and shortcut to None here.
b = self.createIconButton(text=h,command=None,shortcut=None,statusLine=statusLine,bg=bg)
if not b: return None
# Now that b is defined we can define the callback.
# Yes, the callback *does* use b (to delete b if requested by the script).
def atSettingButtonCallback (event=None,self=self,b=b,c=c,script=script,buttonText=buttonText):
self.executeScriptFromSettingButton (args,b,script,buttonText)
if c.exists: c.outerUpdate()
# At last we can define the command and use the shortcut.
return b
#@+node:ekr.20070926085149.1:executeScriptFromSettingButton (mod_scripting)
def executeScriptFromSettingButton (self,args,b,script,buttonText):
'''Called from callbacks to execute the script in node p.'''
c = self.c
if c.disableCommandsMessage:
g.app.scriptDict = {}
# Remove the button if the script asks to be removed.
if g.app.scriptDict.get('removeMe'):
g.es("Removing '%s' button at its request" % buttonText)
if 0: # Do *not* set focus here: the script may have changed the focus.
#@-node:ekr.20070926085149.1:executeScriptFromSettingButton (mod_scripting)
#@-node:ekr.20070926085149:createAtButtonFromSettingHelper & callback
#@-node:ekr.20070926084600:handleAtButtonSetting & helper
#@-node:ekr.20080312071248.1:createCommonButtons & helper
#@+node:ekr.20080312071248.2:createCommonCommands (mod_scripting)
def createCommonCommands (self):
c = self.c ; k = c.k
aList = c.config.getCommands()
if not aList: return
# g.trace(g.listToString(aList))
for z in aList:
h,script = z
shortcut = self.getShortcut(h)
args = self.getArgs(h)
def commonCommandCallback (event=None,script=script):
if not g.app.unitTesting and not g.app.batchMode:
g.es('global @command',self.cleanButtonText(h).lower(),
'',shortcut or '',color='purple')
#@-node:ekr.20080312071248.2:createCommonCommands (mod_scripting)
#@+node:ekr.20060328125248.20:createRunScriptIconButton 'run-script' & callback
def createRunScriptIconButton (self):
'''Create the 'run-script' button and the run-script command.'''
command = self.runScriptCommand,
statusLine='Run script in selected node',
#@+node:ekr.20060328125248.21:runScriptCommand (mod_scripting)
def runScriptCommand (self,event=None):
'''Called when user presses the 'run-script' button or executes the run-script command.'''
c = self.c
p = c.p
h = p.h
args = self.getArgs(h)
if 0:
# Do not assume the script will want to remain in this commander.
#@-node:ekr.20060328125248.21:runScriptCommand (mod_scripting)
#@-node:ekr.20060328125248.20:createRunScriptIconButton 'run-script' & callback
#@+node:ekr.20060522105937:createDebugIconButton 'debug-script' & callback
def createDebugIconButton (self):
'''Create the 'debug-script' button and the debug-script command.'''
statusLine='Debug script in selected node',
def runDebugScriptCommand (self,event=None):
'''Called when user presses the 'debug-script' button or executes the debug-script command.'''
c = self.c ; p = c.p
script = g.getScript(c,p,useSelectedText=True,useSentinels=False)
if script:
#@ << set debugging if debugger is active >>
#@+node:ekr.20060523084441:<< set debugging if debugger is active >>
if self.debuggerKind == 'winpdb':
import rpdb2
debugging = rpdb2.g_debugger is not None
except ImportError:
debugging = False
elif self.debuggerKind == 'idle':
# import idlelib.Debugger.py as Debugger
# debugging = Debugger.interacting
debugging = True
debugging = False
#@-node:ekr.20060523084441:<< set debugging if debugger is active >>
if debugging:
#@ << create leoScriptModule >>
#@+node:ekr.20060524073716:<< create leoScriptModule >>
target = g.os_path_join(g.app.loadDir,'leoScriptModule.py')
f = None
f = file(target,'w')
f.write('# A module holding the script to be debugged.\n')
if self.debuggerKind == 'idle':
# This works, but uses the lame pdb debugger.
f.write('import pdb\n')
f.write('pdb.set_trace() # Hard breakpoint.\n')
elif self.debuggerKind == 'winpdb':
f.write('import rpdb2\n')
f.write('if rpdb2.g_debugger is not None: # don\'t hang if the debugger isn\'t running.\n')
f.write(' rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger(pwd="",fAllowUnencrypted=True) # Hard breakpoint.\n')
# f.write('# Remove all previous variables.\n')
f.write('# Predefine c, g and p.\n')
f.write('import leo.core.leoGlobals as g\n')
f.write('c = g.app.scriptDict.get("c")\n')
f.write('p = c.p\n')
f.write('# Actual script starts here.\n')
f.write(script + '\n')
if f: f.close()
#@-node:ekr.20060524073716:<< create leoScriptModule >>
g.app.scriptDict ['c'] = c
if 'leoScriptModule' in sys.modules.keys():
del sys.modules ['leoScriptModule'] # Essential.
import leo.core.leoScriptModule as leoScriptModule
g.es('No debugger active',color='blue')
#@-node:ekr.20060522105937:createDebugIconButton 'debug-script' & callback
#@+node:ekr.20060328125248.22:createScriptButtonIconButton 'script-button' & callback
def createScriptButtonIconButton (self):
'''Create the 'script-button' button and the script-button command.'''
command = self.addScriptButtonCommand,
statusLine='Make script button from selected node',
def addScriptButtonCommand (self,event=None):
'''Called when the user presses the 'script-button' button or executes the script-button command.'''
c = self.c ; p = c.p; h = p.h
buttonText = self.getButtonText(h)
shortcut = self.getShortcut(h)
statusLine = "Run Script: %s" % buttonText
if shortcut:
statusLine = statusLine + " @key=" + shortcut
b = self.createAtButtonHelper(p,h,statusLine,shortcut,bg='MistyRose1',verbose=True)
#@-node:ekr.20060328125248.22:createScriptButtonIconButton 'script-button' & callback
#@+node:ekr.20060328125248.12:handleAtButtonNode @button
def handleAtButtonNode (self,p):
'''Create a button in the icon area for an @button node.
An optional @key=shortcut defines a shortcut that is bound to the button's script.
The @key=shortcut does not appear in the button's name, but
it *does* appear in the statutus line shown when the mouse moves over the button.'''
c = self.c ; h = p.h
shortcut = self.getShortcut(h)
statusLine = 'Local script button'
if shortcut:
statusLine = '%s = %s' % (statusLine,shortcut)
# This helper is also called by the script-button callback.
if not g.app.unitTesting and not g.app.batchMode:
g.es('local @command',self.cleanButtonText(h).lower(),
'',shortcut or '', color='purple')
b = self.createAtButtonHelper(p,h,statusLine,shortcut,verbose=False)
# g.trace('p',p,'b',b)
#@-node:ekr.20060328125248.12:handleAtButtonNode @button
#@+node:ekr.20060328125248.10:handleAtCommandNode @command (mod_scripting)
def handleAtCommandNode (self,p):
'''Handle @command name [@key[=]shortcut].'''
c = self.c ; k = c.keyHandler ; h = p.h
if not h.strip(): return
#@ << get the commandName and optional shortcut >>
#@+node:ekr.20060328125248.11:<< get the commandName and optional shortcut >>
tag = '@command' ; shortcut = None
i = h.find('@key')
if i > -1:
commandName = h[len(tag):i].strip()
j = g.skip_ws(h,i+len('@key'))
if g.match(h,j,'='): # Make the equal sign optional.
j += 1
shortcut = h[j:].strip()
commandName = h[len(tag):].strip()
#@-node:ekr.20060328125248.11:<< get the commandName and optional shortcut >>
args = self.getArgs(h)
def atCommandCallback (event=None,args=args,c=c,p=p.copy()):
# The 'end-of-script command messes up tabs.
if not g.app.unitTesting and not g.app.batchMode:
g.es('local @command',self.cleanButtonText(commandName).lower(),
'',shortcut or '', color='purple')
#@-node:ekr.20060328125248.10:handleAtCommandNode @command (mod_scripting)
#@+node:ekr.20060328125248.13:handleAtPluginNode @plugin
def handleAtPluginNode (self,p):
'''Handle @plugin nodes.'''
c = self.c
tag = "@plugin"
h = p.h
# Get the name of the module.
theFile = h[len(tag):].strip()
if theFile[-3:] == ".py":
theFile = theFile[:-3]
theFile = g.toUnicode(theFile)
if not self.atPluginNodes:
g.es("disabled @plugin: %s" % (theFile),color="blue")
elif theFile in g.app.loadedPlugins:
g.es("plugin already loaded: %s" % (theFile),color="blue")
plugins_path = g.os_path_join(g.app.loadDir,"..","plugins")
theModule = g.importFromPath(theFile,plugins_path,
if theModule:
g.es("plugin loaded: %s" % (theFile),color="blue")
g.es("can not load plugin: %s" % (theFile),color="blue")
#@-node:ekr.20060328125248.13:handleAtPluginNode @plugin
#@+node:ekr.20060328125248.14:handleAtScriptNode @script (mod_scripting)
def handleAtScriptNode (self,p):
'''Handle @script nodes.'''
c = self.c
tag = "@script"
h = p.h
name = h[len(tag):].strip()
args = self.getArgs(h)
if self.atScriptNodes:
g.es("executing script %s" % (name),color="blue")
g.es("disabled @script: %s" % (name),color="blue")
if 0:
# Do not assume the script will want to remain in this commander.
#@-node:ekr.20060328125248.14:handleAtScriptNode @script (mod_scripting)
#@-node:ekr.20060328125248.8:createAllButtons & helpers
def cleanButtonText (self,s):
'''Clean the text following @button or @command so that it is a valid name of a minibuffer command.'''
# Strip @...@button.
while s.startswith('@'):
s = s[1:]
if g.match_word(s,0,'button'):
s = s[6:]
for tag in ('@key','@args'):
i = s.find(tag)
if i != -1:
s = s[:i].strip()
if 1: # Not great, but spaces, etc. interfere with tab completion.
chars = g.toUnicode(string.ascii_letters + string.digits)
aList = [g.choose(ch in chars,ch,'-') for ch in g.toUnicode(s)]
s = ''.join(aList)
s = s.replace('--','-')
while s.startswith('-'):
s = s[1:]
while s.endswith('-'):
s = s[:-1]
return s
#@+node:ekr.20060328125248.24:createAtButtonHelper & callback
def createAtButtonHelper (self,p,h,statusLine,shortcut,bg='LightSteelBlue1',verbose=True):
'''Create a button from anbuttonnode. import
- Calls createIconButton to do all standard button creation tasks.
- Binds button presses to a callback that executes the script in node p.
c = self.c ; k = c.k
buttonText = self.cleanButtonText(h)
# We must define the callback *after* defining b, so set both command and shortcut to None here.
b = self.createIconButton(text=h,command=None,shortcut=None,statusLine=statusLine,bg=bg)
if not b: return None
# Now that b is defined we can define the callback.
# Yes, executeScriptFromButton *does* use b (to delete b if requested by the script).
def atButtonCallback (event=None,self=self,p=p.copy(),b=b,c=c,buttonText=buttonText):
self.executeScriptFromButton (p,b,buttonText)
if c.exists: c.outerUpdate()
# At last we can define the command and use the shortcut.
return b
#@+node:ekr.20060328125248.28:executeScriptFromButton (mod_scripting)
def executeScriptFromButton (self,p,b,buttonText):
'''Called from callbacks to execute the script in node p.'''
c = self.c
if c.disableCommandsMessage:
g.app.scriptDict = {}
h = p.h
args = self.getArgs(h)
# Remove the button if the script asks to be removed.
if g.app.scriptDict.get('removeMe'):
g.es("Removing '%s' button at its request" % buttonText)
if 0: # Do *not* set focus here: the script may have changed the focus.
#@-node:ekr.20060328125248.28:executeScriptFromButton (mod_scripting)
#@-node:ekr.20060328125248.24:createAtButtonHelper & callback
#@+node:ekr.20060522104419.1:createBalloon (gui-dependent)
def createBalloon (self,w,label):
'Create a balloon for a widget.'
if self.gui.guiName() == 'tkinter':
balloon = Pmw.Balloon(w,initwait=100)
if w and balloon:
#@-node:ekr.20060522104419.1:createBalloon (gui-dependent)
def createIconButton (self,text,command,shortcut,statusLine,bg):
'''Create an icon button. All icon buttons get created using this utility.
- Creates the actual button and its balloon.
- Adds the button to buttonsDict.
- Registers command with the shortcut.
- Creates x amd delete-x-button commands, where x is the cleaned button name.
- Binds a right-click in the button to a callback that deletes the button.'''
c = self.c ; k = c.k
# Create the button and add it to the buttons dict.
commandName = self.cleanButtonText(text).lower()
# Truncate only the text of the button, not the command name.
truncatedText = self.truncateButtonText(commandName)
if not truncatedText.strip():
g.es_print('%s ignored: no cleaned text' % (text.strip() or ''),color='red')
return None
# Command may be None.
b = self.iconBar.add(text=truncatedText,command=command,bg=bg)
if not b: return None
self.buttonsDict[b] = truncatedText
if statusLine:
# Register the command name if it exists.
if command:
# Define the callback used to delete the button.
def deleteButtonCallback(event=None,self=self,b=b):
self.deleteButton(b, event=event)
if self.gui.guiName() == 'tkinter':
# Bind right-clicks to deleteButton.
# Register the delete-x-button command.
deleteCommandName= 'delete-%s-button' % commandName
# Reporting this command is way too annoying.
return b
#@+node:ekr.20060929131245:definePressButtonCommand (no longer used)
def definePressButtonCommand (self,buttonText,atButtonCallback,shortcut=None):
'''Define the press-x-button command, were x is the cleaned button text.
Called to create the run-script, script-button and debug-script buttons.'''
# This will use any shortcut defined in an @shortcuts node if no shortcut is defined.
# New in Leo 4.4.2: Just use the (cleaned) name of the button text
c = self.c ; k = c.k
buttonText = self.cleanButtonText(buttonText).lower()
# if shortcut: shortcut = k.canonicalizeShortcut(shortcut)
#@-node:ekr.20060929131245:definePressButtonCommand (no longer used)
def deleteButton(self,button,**kw):
"""Delete the given button.
This is called from callbacks, it is not a callback."""
w = button
if button and self.buttonsDict.get(w):
del self.buttonsDict[w]
def getArgs (self,h):
args = [] ; tag = '@args'
i = h.find(tag)
if i > -1:
j = g.skip_ws(h,i+len(tag))
if g.match(h,j,'='):
s = h[j+1:].strip()
args = s.split(',')
args = [z.strip() for z in args]
# g.trace('args',repr(args))
return args
def getButtonText(self,h):
'''Returns the button text found in the given headline string'''
tag = "@button"
if g.match_word(h,0,tag):
h = h[len(tag):].strip()
i = h.find('@key')
if i > -1:
buttonText = h[:i].strip()
buttonText = h
fullButtonText = buttonText
return buttonText
def getShortcut(self,h):
'''Returns the keyboard shortcut from the given headline string'''
shortcut = None
i = h.find('@key')
if i > -1:
j = g.skip_ws(h,i+len('@key'))
if g.match(h,j,'='):
shortcut = h[j+1:].strip()
return shortcut
def truncateButtonText (self,s):
if self.maxButtonSize > 10:
s = s[:self.maxButtonSize]
if s.endswith('-'):
s = s[:-1]
return s.strip()
#@-node:ekr.20060328125248.6:class scriptingController
#@-node:ekr.20060328125248:@thin mod_scripting.py