#@+node:EKR.20040517075715.1:@thin mod_tempfname.py
"""Replace Commands.openWithTempFilePath to create alternate temporary
directory paths. Two alternates are supported. Default method creates temporary
files with a filename that begins with the headline text, and
located in a "username_Leo" subdirectory of the temporary
directory. The "LeoTemp" prefix is omitted. If 'open_with_clean_filenames' is
set to true then subdirectories mirror the node's hierarchy in Leo. Either method
makes it easier to see which temporary file is related to which outline node."""
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
import leo.core.leoCommands as leoCommands
import getpass
import os
import tempfile
__version__ = "1.3"
def init():
ok = not g.app.unitTesting
# Not Ok for unit testing: it changes Leo's core.
if ok:
# Register the handlers...
leoPlugins.registerHandler("start2", onStart)
return ok
def onStart (tag,keywords):
# g.trace("replacing openWithTempFilePath")
def openWithTempFilePath (self,v,ext):
"""Return the path to the temp file corresponding to v and ext.
Replaces the Commands method."""
#TL: Added support creating temporary directory structure based on node's
# hierarchy in Leo's outline.
c = self
if c.config.getBool('open_with_clean_filenames'):
atFileFound = False #Track when first ancestor @file found
#Build list of all of node's parents
ancestor = []
p = c.p
while p:
hs = p.isAnyAtFileNode() #Get file name if we're at a @file node
if not hs:
hs = p.h #Otherwise, use the entire header
#@file type node
if c.config.getBool('open_with_uses_derived_file_extensions'):
#Leo configured to use node's derived file's extension
if(atFileFound == False):
atFileFound = True #no need to look any more.
#Found first ancestor @file node in outline
atFileBase,atFileExt = g.os_path_splitext(hs)
if(p == c.p):
#node to edit is an @file, Move ext from hs to ext
hs = atFileBase
if atFileExt: #It has an extension
ext = atFileExt #use it
#Remove unsupported directory & file name characters
#if(os.name == "dos" or os.name == "nt"):
if 1:
hsClean = ""
for ch in hs:
if ch in g.string.whitespace: #Convert tabs to spaces
hsClean += ' '
elif ch in ('\\','/',':','|','<','>','*', '"'): #Not allowed in Dos/Windows
hsClean += '_'
elif ch in ('"'): #Leo code can't handle the "
hsClean += '\'' #replace with '
hsClean += ch
#Windows directory and file names can't end with a period
if hsClean.endswith( '.' ):
hsClean += '_'
hsClean = g.sanitize_filename(hs)
#Add node's headstring (filtered) to the list of ancestors
p = p.parent()
#Put temporary directory structure under <tempdir>\Leo<uniqueId> directory
ancestor.append( "Leo" + str(id(v)))
#Build temporary directory
td = os.path.abspath(tempfile.gettempdir())
#Loop through all of node's ancestors
while len(ancestor) > 1:
#Add each ancestor of node from nearest to farthest
td = os.path.join(td, ancestor.pop()) #Add next subdirectory
if not os.path.exists(td):
#Add filename with extension to the path (last entry in ancestor list)
name = ancestor.pop() + ext
#Use old method for unsupported operating systems
leoTempDir = getpass.getuser() + "_" + "Leo"
leoTempDir = "LeoTemp"
g.es("Could not retrieve your user name.")
g.es("Temporary files will be stored in: %s" % leoTempDir)
td = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(tempfile.gettempdir()), leoTempDir)
if not os.path.exists(td):
name = g.sanitize_filename(v.h) + '_' + str(id(v)) + ext
path = os.path.join(td,name)
return path
#@-node:EKR.20040517075715.1:@thin mod_tempfname.py