#@+node:TL.20090225102340.32:@thin nodeActions.py
#@<< docstring >>
#@+node:TL.20080507213950.3:<< docstring >>
""" A Leo plugin that permits the definition of actions for double-clicking on
nodes. Written by TL. Derived from the fileActions plugin. Distributed under the same licence as Leo.
When a node is double-clicked, the nodeActions plugin checks for a match of the clicked node's headline text with a list of patterns and, if a match occurs, the script associated with the pattern is executed.
Detailed documentations is provided in the "Plugins" section of the Leo Users Guide (Chapter 12).
#@-node:TL.20080507213950.3:<< docstring >>
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4
__version__ = "0.4"
#@<< version history >>
#@+node:TL.20080507213950.4:<< version history >>
# 0.2 : 02-Mar-09 : TL : Support for 'X', 'V', and '>' directives added
# 0.1 : 27-Feb-09 : TL : Initial code (modified from FileActions plugin)
#@-node:TL.20080507213950.4:<< version history >>
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20040915110738.1:<< imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
import fnmatch
import os
import re
import sys
import tempfile
#@-node:ekr.20040915110738.1:<< imports >>
atFileTypes = [
"@file", "@thin", "@file-thin", "@thinfile",
"@asis", "@file-asis","@silentfile",
"@nosent","@file-nosent", "@nosentinelsfile",
"@shadow", "@edit",
def onIconDoubleClickNA(tag, keywords):
c = keywords.get("c")
p = keywords.get("p")
if not c or not p:
return None
if doNodeAction(p,c):
return True #Action was taken - Stop other double-click handlers from running
return None #No action taken - Let other double-click handlers run
def init():
g.es("nodeActions: Init", color='blue')
ok = not g.app.unitTesting # Dangerous for unit testing.
if ok:
leoPlugins.registerHandler("icondclick1", onIconDoubleClickNA)
return ok
def doNodeAction(pClicked, c):
hClicked = pClicked.h.strip()
messageLevel = c.config.getInt('nodeActions_message_level')
#0 = log no messages
#1 = log 'triggered', 'matched patterns', 'no match'
#2 = log 1 & 'event passed'
#3 = log 1,2 & 'no match to pattern'
#4 = log 1,2,3, & any code debugging messages
# matched pattern's 'directives' and '@file saved' settings
if messageLevel >= 1:
g.es( "nodeActions: triggered" )
if messageLevel >= 4:
g.es( "nA: Global nodeActions_save_atFile_nodes=", \
c.config.getBool('nodeActions_save_atFile_nodes'), color='blue')
#Find the "nodeActions" node
pNA = g.findNodeAnywhere(c,"nodeActions")
if not pNA:
pNA = g.findNodeAnywhere(c,"NodeActions")
if pNA:
#Found "nodeActions" node
foundPattern = False
passEventExternal = False #No pass to next plugin after pattern matched
#Check all children pattern nodes under the "nodeActions" node
for pScript in pNA.children():
#Don't trigger on double click of a nodeActions' pattern node
if pClicked == pScript:
pattern = pScript.h.strip() #Pattern node's header
if messageLevel >= 4:
g.es( "nA: Checking pattern '" + pattern, color='blue' )
#if directives exist, parse them and set directive flags for later use
directiveExists = re.search( " \[[V>X],?[V>X]?,?[V>X]?]$", pattern )
if directiveExists:
directives = directiveExists.group(0)
directives = "[]"
#What directives exist?
useRegEx = re.search("X", directives) != None
passEventInternal = re.search("V", directives) != None
if not passEventExternal: #don't disable once enabled.
passEventExternal = re.search(">", directives) != None
#Remove the directives from the end of the pattern (if they exist)
pattern = re.sub( " \[.*]$", "", pattern, 1)
if messageLevel >= 4:
g.es( "nA: Pattern='" + pattern + "' " \
+ "(after directives removed)", color='blue' )
#Keep copy of pattern without directives for message log
patternOriginal = pattern
#if pattern begins with "@files" and clicked node is an @file type node
# then replace "@files" in pattern with clicked node's @file type
patternBeginsWithAtFiles = re.search( "^@files ", pattern )
clickedAtFileTypeNode = False #assume @file type node not clicked
if patternBeginsWithAtFiles:
#Check if first word in clicked header is in list of @file types
firstWordInClickedHeader = hClicked.split()[0]
if firstWordInClickedHeader in atFileTypes:
clickedAtFileTypeNode = True #Tell "write @file type nodes" code
#Replace "@files" in pattern with clicked node's @file type
pattern = re.sub( "^@files", firstWordInClickedHeader, pattern)
if messageLevel >= 4:
g.es( "nA: Pattern='" + pattern + "' " \
+ "(after @files substitution)", color='blue' )
#Check for pattern match to clicked node's header
if useRegEx:
match = re.search(pattern, hClicked)
match = fnmatch.fnmatchcase(hClicked, pattern)
if match:
if messageLevel >= 1:
g.es( "nA: Matched pattern '" + patternOriginal + "'"
, color='blue' )
if messageLevel >= 4:
g.es( "nA: Directives: X=",useRegEx, "V=",passEventInternal, \
">=",passEventExternal, color='blue')
#if @file type node, save node to disk (if configured)
if clickedAtFileTypeNode:
if c.config.getBool('nodeActions_save_atFile_nodes'):
#Problem - No way found to just save clicked node, saving all
c.requestRedrawFlag = True
if messageLevel >= 3:
g.es( "nA: Saved '" + hClicked + "'", color='blue' )
#Run the script
applyNodeAction(pScript, pClicked, c)
#Indicate that at least one pattern was matched
foundPattern = True
#Don't trigger more patterns unless enabled in patterns' headline
if passEventInternal == False:
if messageLevel >= 3:
g.es("nA: Did not match `" + patternOriginal + "'", color='blue')
#Finished checking headline against patterns
if not foundPattern:
#no match to any pattern, always pass event to next plugin
if messageLevel >= 1:
g.es("nA: No patterns matched to """ + hClicked + '"', color='blue')
return False #TL - Inform onIconDoubleClick that no action was taken
elif passEventExternal == True:
#last matched pattern has directive to pass event to next plugin
if messageLevel >= 2:
g.es("nA: Event passed to next plugin", color='blue')
return False #TL - Inform onIconDoubleClick to pass double-click event
#last matched pattern did not have directive to pass event to plugin
if messageLevel >= 2:
g.es("nA: Event not passed to next plugin", color='blue')
return True #TL - Inform onIconDoubleClick to not pass double-click
if messageLevel >= 1:
g.es("nA: The ""nodeActions"" node does not exist", \
return False #TL - Inform onIconDoubleClick that no action was taken
def applyNodeAction(pScript, pClicked, c):
script = g.getScript(c, pScript)
if script:
working_directory = os.getcwd()
file_directory = c.frame.openDirectory
script += '\n'
#Redirect output
if c.config.redirect_execute_script_output_to_log_pane:
g.redirectStdout() # Redirect stdout
g.redirectStderr() # Redirect stderr
namespace = {
'c':c, 'g':g,
'pClicked': pClicked,
'pScript' : pScript,
'shellScriptInWindowNA': shellScriptInWindowNA }
# exec script in namespace
#Unredirect output
if c.config.redirect_execute_script_output_to_log_pane:
#Unredirect output
if c.config.redirect_execute_script_output_to_log_pane:
g.es("exception in NodeAction plugin")
def shellScriptInWindowNA(c,script):
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
#@ << write script to temporary MacOS file >>
#@+node:TL.20080507213950.14:<< write script to temporary MacOS file >>
handle, path = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True)
directory = c.frame.openDirectory
script = ("cd %s\n" % directory) + script + '\n' + ("rm -f %s\n" % path)
os.write(handle, script)
#@-node:TL.20080507213950.14:<< write script to temporary MacOS file >>
os.system("open -a /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app " + path)
elif sys.platform == 'win32':
g.es("shellScriptInWindow not ready for Windows",color='red')
#@ << write script to temporary Unix file >>
#@+node:TL.20080507213950.15:<< write script to temporary Unix file >>
handle, path = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True)
directory = c.frame.openDirectory
script = ("cd %s\n" % directory) + script + '\n' + ("rm -f %s\n" % path)
os.write(handle, script)
#@-node:TL.20080507213950.15:<< write script to temporary Unix file >>
os.system("xterm -e sh " + path)
#@-node:TL.20090225102340.32:@thin nodeActions.py