#@+node:ekr.20041021120118:@thin pretty_print.py
#@<< docstring >>
#@+node:ekr.20050912180735:<< docstring >>
'''A plugin that helps customize pretty printing. It creates a do-nothing subclass
of the default pretty printer. To customize, simply override in this file the
methods of the base prettyPrinter class in leoCommands.py. You would typically
want to override putNormalToken or its allies. Templates for these methods have
been provided. You may, however, override any methods you like. You could even
define your own class entirely, provided you implement the prettyPrintNode
#@-node:ekr.20050912180735:<< docstring >>
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20041021120859:<< imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoCommands as leoCommands
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
#@-node:ekr.20041021120859:<< imports >>
__version__ = "1.1" # 8/1/05: updated example code to match latest code in leoCommands.py.
oldPrettyPrinter = leoCommands.Commands.prettyPrinter
def init():
ok = not g.app.unitTesting # Not for unit testing: modifies core.
if ok:
leoCommands.Commands.prettyPrinter = myPrettyPrinter
return ok
#@+node:ekr.20041021120454:class myPrettyPrinter
class myPrettyPrinter(leoCommands.Commands.prettyPrinter):
'''An example subclass of Leo's prettyPrinter class.
Not all the base class methods are shown here:
just the ones you are likely to want to override.'''
#@ @+others
def __init__ (self,c):
# Init the base class.
self.tracing = False
# g.pr("Overriding class leoCommands.prettyPrinter")
#@+node:ekr.20041021123018.1:putNormalToken & allies
if 0: # The orignal code...
def putNormalToken (self,token5tuple):
t1,t2,t3,t4,t5 = token5tuple
self.name = token.tok_name[t1].lower() # The token type
self.val = t2 # the token string
self.srow,self.scol = t3 # row & col where the token begins in the source.
self.erow,self.ecol = t4 # row & col where the token ends in the source.
self.s = t5 # The line containing the token.
self.startLine = self.line != self.srow
self.line = self.srow
if self.startLine:
# Dispatch a helper function.
f = self.dispatchDict.get(self.name,self.oops)
#@-node:ekr.20041021123018.1:putNormalToken & allies
if 0: # The orignal code...
def doEndMarker (self):
if 0: # The orignal code...
def doErrorToken (self):
if self.val == '@':
# Preserve whitespace after @.
i = g.skip_ws(self.s,self.scol+1)
ws = self.s[self.scol+1:i]
if ws:
#@+node:ekr.20041021123018.4:doIndent & doDedent
if 0: # The orignal code...
def doDedent (self):
def doIndent (self):
#@-node:ekr.20041021123018.4:doIndent & doDedent
if 0: # The orignal code...
def doMultiLine (self):
# Ensure a blank before comments not preceded entirely by whitespace.
if self.val.startswith('#') and self.array:
prev = self.array[-1]
if prev and prev[-1] != ' ':
self.put(' ')
# These may span lines, so duplicate the end-of-line logic.
lines = g.splitLines(self.val)
for line in lines:
if line and line[-1] == '\n':
# Add a blank after the string if there is something in the last line.
if self.array:
line = self.array[-1]
if line.strip():
self.put(' ')
# Suppress start-of-line logic.
self.line = self.erow
if 0: # The orignal code...
def doName(self):
# Ensure whitespace or start-of-line precedes the name.
if self.array:
last = self.array[-1]
ch = last[-1]
outer = self.parenLevel == 0 and self.squareBracketLevel == 0
chars = '@ \t{([.'
if not outer: chars += ',=<>*-+&|/'
if ch not in chars:
self.array.append(' ')
self.array.append("%s " % self.val)
if self.prevName == "def": # A personal idiosyncracy.
self.array.append(' ') # Retain the blank before '('.
self.prevName = self.val
if 0: # The orignal code...
def doNewline (self):
# Remove trailing whitespace.
# This never removes trailing whitespace from multi-line tokens.
if self.array:
self.array[-1] = self.array[-1].rstrip()
if 0: # The orignal code...
def doNumber (self):
if 0: # The orignal code...
def doOp (self):
val = self.val
outer = self.lineParenLevel <= 0 or (self.parenLevel == 0 and self.squareBracketLevel == 0)
# New in Python 2.4: '@' is an operator, not an error token.
if self.val == '@':
# Preserve whitespace after @.
i = g.skip_ws(self.s,self.scol+1)
ws = self.s[self.scol+1:i]
if ws: self.array.append(ws)
elif val == '(':
# Nothing added; strip leading blank before function calls but not before Python keywords.
strip = self.lastName=='name' and not keyword.iskeyword(self.prevName)
self.parenLevel += 1 ; self.lineParenLevel += 1
elif val in ('=','==','+=','-=','!=','<=','>=','<','>','<>','*','**','+','&','|','/','//'):
# Add leading and trailing blank in outer mode.
s = g.choose(outer,' %s ','%s')
self.put(s % val)
elif val in ('^','~','{','['):
# Add leading blank in outer mode.
s = g.choose(outer,' %s','%s')
self.put(s % val)
if val == '[': self.squareBracketLevel += 1
elif val in (',',':','}',']',')'):
# Add trailing blank in outer mode.
s = g.choose(outer,'%s ','%s')
self.put(s % val)
if val == ']': self.squareBracketLevel -= 1
if val == ')':
self.parenLevel -= 1 ; self.lineParenLevel -= 1
# ----- no difference between outer and inner modes ---
elif val in (';','%'):
# Add leading and trailing blank.
self.put(' %s ' % val)
elif val == '>>':
# Add leading blank.
self.put(' %s' % val)
elif val == '<<':
# Add trailing blank.
self.put('%s ' % val)
elif val in ('-'):
# Could be binary or unary. Or could be a hyphen in a section name.
# Add preceding blank only for non-id's.
if outer:
if self.array:
prev = self.array[-1].rstrip()
if prev and prev[-1] not in string.digits + string.letters:
self.put(' %s' % val)
else: self.put(val)
else: self.put(val) # Try to leave whitespace unchanged.
if 0: # The orignal code...
def doStartLine (self):
before = self.s[0:self.scol]
i = g.skip_ws(before,0)
self.ws = self.s[0:i]
if self.ws:
if 0: # The orignal code...
def oops(self):
g.pr("unknown PrettyPrinting code: %s" % (self.name))
if 0: # The orignal code...
def trace(self):
if self.tracing:
g.trace("%10s: %s" % (
#@-node:ekr.20041021120454:class myPrettyPrinter
#@-node:ekr.20041021120118:@thin pretty_print.py