# coding: utf-8
#@+node:tbrown.20070117104409:@thin quickMove.py
#@<< docstring >>
#@+node:tbrown.20070117104409.1:<< docstring >>
"""Create buttons to quickly move nodes to other nodes
Quickly move nodes from around the tree to one or more target nodes.
Adds 'Move/Clone/Copy To Last Child Button' and 'Move/Clone/Copy To First Child
Button' commands to the Move submenu on the Outline menu, and the context menu,
if contextmenu.py is enabled.
Select a node 'Foo' and then use the 'To Last Child Button' command. The adds a
'to Foo' button to the button bar. Now select another node and click the 'to
Foo' button. The selected node will be moved or cloned to the last child of the
node 'Foo'.
'To First Child Button' works the same way, except that moved nodes are inserted
as the first child of the target node.
#@-node:tbrown.20070117104409.1:<< docstring >>
__version__ = '0.7'
#@<< version history >>
#@+node:tbrown.20070117104409.6:<< version history >>
# 0.1 by Terry Brown, 2007-01-12
# 0.2 EKR:
# - Revised docstring.
# - Use positions and position methods rather than vnodes.
# - Use checkMoveWithParentWithWarning.
# - Support undo.
# - Clearer command names.
# 0.3 EKR: Various small mods suggested by Terry.
# 0.4 EKR: Added checkMove method.
# 0.5 EKR: Added c arg to p.visNext & p.visBack.
# 0.6 TNB: Store vnodes rather than positions, vnodes are more durable
# 0.7 TNB: Added "clone to" as well as "move to"
#@-node:tbrown.20070117104409.6:<< version history >>
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:tbrown.20070117104409.2:<< imports >>
import types
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
from mod_scripting import scriptingController
if g.app.gui.guiName() == "qt":
# for the right click context menu
from PyQt4 import QtCore
#@-node:tbrown.20070117104409.2:<< imports >>
#@+node:tbrown.20070117104409.3:init and onCreate
def init():
leoPlugins.registerHandler('after-create-leo-frame', onCreate)
return True
def onCreate(tag, keywords):
#@-node:tbrown.20070117104409.3:init and onCreate
#@+node:tbrown.20070117104409.4:class quickMove
class quickMove(object):
"""quickMove binds to a controller, adds menu entries for
creating buttons, and creates buttons as needed
flavors = [
# name first/last long short
('move', True, "Move", "to"),
('copy', True, "Copy", "to"),
('clone', True, "Clone", "to"),
('bkmk', True, "Bookmark", "to"),
('linkTo', False, "Link", "to"),
('linkFrom', False, "Link", "from"),
('jump', False, "Jump to", ""),
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, c):
self.table = (
("Make Buttons Here Permanent",None,self.permanentButton),
("Clear Permanent Buttons Here",None,self.clearButton),
self.imps = [] # implementations, (func,name,text)
self.txts = {} # get short from name, for permanent buttons
# filled in below
# build callables for imp list
for name, first_last, long, short in quickMove.flavors:
self.txts[name] = short
if first_last:
todo = [(True, 'first'), (False, 'last')]
todo = [(None, '')]
for ftrue, which in todo:
def func(self=self, ftrue=ftrue, name=name, event=None):
self.addButton(first=ftrue, type_=name)
# func = types.MethodType(func, None, quickMove)
fname = 'func_'+name+'_'+short+'_' +which
# setattr(quickMove, fname, func)
if which:
which = " "+which.title()+" Child"
self.imps.append((func, fname, long+" "+short+which+" Button"))
self.c = c
c.quickMove = self
self.buttons = []
for nd in c.all_unique_nodes():
if 'quickMove' in nd.u:
for rec in nd.u['quickMove']:
if len(rec) != 2:
continue # silently drop old style permanent button
first,type_ = rec
c.frame.menu.createNewMenu('Move', 'Outline')
self.local_imps = [] # make table for createMenuItemsFromTable()
for func, name, text in self.imps:
self.local_imps.append((text, None, func))
c.frame.menu.createMenuItemsFromTable('Move', self.table)
if g.app.gui.guiName() == "qt":
def __del__(self, c):
if g.app.gui.guiName() == "qt":
def addButton (self, first, type_="move", v=None):
'''Add a button that creates a target for future moves.'''
c = self.c ; p = c.p
if v is None:
v = p.v
sc = scriptingController(c)
mb = quickMoveButton(self,v,first,type_=type_)
b = sc.createIconButton(
text = txt + ":" + v.h, # createButton truncates text.
command = mb.moveCurrentNodeToTarget,
shortcut = None,
statusLine = 'Move current node to %s child of %s' % (g.choose(first,'first','last'),v.h),
bg = "LightBlue"
def permanentButton (self,event=None):
"""make buttons on this node permanent
WARNING: includes buttons deleted"""
c = self.c ; p = c.p
qm = c.quickMove
p.v.u['quickMove'] = []
for mover, button in qm.buttons:
if mover.target == p.v:
p.v.u['quickMove'].append((mover.first, mover.type_))
g.es('Set {0} buttons'.format(len(p.v.u['quickMove'])))
def clearButton (self,event=None):
"""clear permanent buttons specs from uA"""
c = self.c ; p = c.p
g.es('Removing {0} buttons'.format(len(p.v.u.get('quickMove',[]))))
if 'quickMove' in p.v.u:
del p.v.u['quickMove']
def popup(self, c, p, menu):
"""make popup menu entry"""
if c != self.c:
return # wrong commander
pathmenu = menu.addMenu("Move")
for name,dummy,command in self.local_imps:
a = pathmenu.addAction(name)
a.connect(a, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), command)
#@-node:tbrown.20070117104409.4:class quickMove
#@+node:tbrown.20070117104409.5:class quickMoveButton
class quickMoveButton:
"""contains target data and function for moving node"""
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, owner, target, first, type_):
self.c = owner.c
self.owner = owner
self.target = target
self.targetHeadString = target.h
self.first = first
self.type_ = type_
def moveCurrentNodeToTarget(self):
'''Move the current position to the last child of self.target.'''
c = self.c
p = c.p
p2 = c.vnode2position(self.target)
u = c.undoer
if not c.positionExists(p2):
g.es('Target no longer exists: %s' % self.targetHeadString,color='red')
if self.type_ in ('clone', 'move'): # all others are always valid?
if p.v == p2.v or not self.checkMove(p,p2):
g.es('Invalid move: %s' % (self.targetHeadString),color='red')
bunch = c.undoer.beforeMoveNode(p)
nxt = p.visNext(c) or p.visBack(c)
nxt = nxt.v
# store a vnode instead of position as positions are too easily lost
if self.type_ == 'clone':
p = p.clone()
if self.type_ in ('move', 'clone'):
if self.first:
elif self.type_ == 'bkmk':
unl = self.computeUNL(p) # before tree changes
if self.first:
nd = p2.insertAsNthChild(0)
nd = p2.insertAsLastChild()
nd.h = p.h
nd.b = unl
elif self.type_ == 'copy':
if self.first:
nd = p2.insertAsNthChild(0)
nd = p2.insertAsLastChild()
elif self.type_ in ('linkTo', 'linkFrom'):
blc = getattr(c, 'backlinkController', None)
if blc is None:
g.es("Linking requires backlink.py plugin")
if self.type_ == 'linkTo':
blc.vlink(p.v, p2.v)
blc.vlink(p2.v, p.v)
if self.type_ in ('bkmk', 'clone', 'copy', 'move'):
nxt = c.vnode2position(nxt)
elif self.type_ == 'jump':
nxt = c.vnode2position(self.target)
nxt = None # linkTo / linkFrom don't move
if nxt is not None and c.positionExists(nxt):
c.undoer.afterMoveNode(p,'Quick Move', bunch)
def checkMove (self,p,p2):
c = self.c
for z in p2.parents():
if z == p:
return False
return (
c.checkMoveWithParentWithWarning (p,p2,warningFlag=False) and
c.checkMoveWithParentWithWarning (p2,p,warningFlag=False)
def computeUNL(self, p):
p = p.copy()
heads = []
while p:
heads.insert(0, p.h)
p = p.parent()
return "@url "+"-->".join(heads)
#@-node:tbrown.20070117104409.5:class quickMoveButton
#@-node:tbrown.20070117104409:@thin quickMove.py