#@+node:edream.110203113231.876:@thin read_only_nodes.py
#@<< docstring >>
#@+node:ekr.20050912052854:<< docstring >>
'''A plugin to create and update @read-only nodes.
Here's my first attempt at customizing leo. I wanted to have the ability to
import files in "read-only" mode, that is, in a mode where files could only
be read by leo (not tangled), and also kept in sync with the content on the
The reason for this is for example that I have external programs that generate
resource files. I want these files to be part of a leo outline, but I don't
want leo to tangle or in any way modify them. At the same time, I want them
to be up-to-date in the leo outline.
So I coded the directive plugin. It has the following characteristics:
- It reads the specified file and puts it into the node content.
- If the @read-only directive was in the leo outline already, and the file content
on disk has changed from whatstoredtheoutlineitmarksthenodeas import
changed and prints a "changed" message to the log window; if, on the other hand,
the file content has _not_ changed, the file is simply read and the node is
not marked as changed.
- When you write a @read-only directive, the file content is added to the node
immediately, i.e. as soon as you press Enter (no need to call a menu
entry to import the content).
- If you want to refresh/update the content of the file, just edit the headline
and press Enter. The file is reloaded, and if in the meantime it has changed,
a "change" message is sent to the log window.
- The body text of a @read-only file cannot be modified in leo.
The syntax to access files in @read-only via ftp/http is the following::
@read-only http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc0791.txt
@read-only ftp://ftp.someserver.org/filepath
If FTP authentication (username/password) is required, it can be specified as follows::
@read-only ftp://username:password@ftp.someserver.org/filepath
For more details, see the doc string for the class FTPurl.
Davide Salomoni
#@-node:ekr.20050912052854:<< docstring >>
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4
# Contributed by Davide Salomoni <dsalomoni@yahoo.com>
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20050311091110.1:<< imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
if g.isPython3:
import io
StringIO = io.StringIO
import cStringIO
StringIO = cStringIO.StringIO
import ftplib
import os
import urllib
if g.isPython3:
import urllib.parse as urlparse
import urlparse
from formatter import AbstractFormatter,DumbWriter
from htmllib import HTMLParser
import tkFileDialog
except ImportError:
tkFileDialog = None
#@-node:ekr.20050311091110.1:<< imports >>
__version__ = '1.8'
#@<< version history >>
#@+node:ekr.20050311091110:<< version history >>
# 1.6 EKR:
# - Changed 'new_c' logic to 'c' logic.
# - Added init function.
# 1.7 EKR:
# - Use 'new' and 'open2' hooks.
# 1.8 EKR:
# - Moved documentation into docstring so it is visible from the plugins
# manager.
#@-node:ekr.20050311091110:<< version history >>
def init ():
ok = tkFileDialog and not g.app.unitTesting # Not Ok for unit testing.
if ok:
if g.app.gui is None:
ok = g.app.gui.guiName() == "tkinter"
if ok:
leoPlugins.registerHandler(('new','open2'), on_open)
leoPlugins.registerHandler("bodykey1", on_bodykey1)
leoPlugins.registerHandler("headkey2", on_headkey2)
if 0: # doesn't work: the cursor stops blinking.
leoPlugins.registerHandler("select1", on_select1)
leoPlugins.registerHandler("select2", on_select2)
return ok
#@+node:edream.110203113231.879:class FTPurl
class FTPurl:
"""An FTP wrapper class to store/retrieve files using an FTP URL.
To create a connection, call the class with the constructor:
FTPurl(url[, mode])
The url should have the following syntax:
If username and password are left out, the connection is made using
username=anonymous and password=realuser@host (for more information,
see the documentation of module ftplib).
The mode can be '' (default, for ASCII mode) or 'b' (for binary mode).
This class raises an IOError exception if something goes wrong.
#@ @+others
def __init__(self, ftpURL, mode=''):
parse = urlparse.urlparse(ftpURL)
if parse[0] != 'ftp':
raise IOError("error reading %s: malformed ftp URL" % ftpURL)
# ftp URL; syntax: ftp://[username:password@]hostname/filename
self.mode = mode
authIndex = parse[1].find('@')
if authIndex == -1:
auth = None
ftphost = parse[1]
auth = parse[1][:authIndex]
ftphost = parse[1][authIndex+1:]
self.ftp = ftplib.FTP(ftphost)
if auth == None:
# the URL has username/password
pwdIndex = auth.find(':')
if pwdIndex == -1:
raise IOError("error reading %s: malformed ftp URL" % ftpURL)
user = auth[:pwdIndex]
password = auth[pwdIndex+1:]
self.ftp.login(user, password)
self.path = parse[2][1:]
self.filename = os.path.basename(self.path)
self.dirname = os.path.dirname(self.path)
self.isConnectionOpen = 1
self.currentLine = 0
def read(self):
"""Read the filename specified in the constructor and return it as a string.
If the constructor specifies no filename, or if the URL ends with '/',
return the list of files in the URL directory.
if self.filename=='' or self.path[-1]=='/':
return self.dir()
if self.mode == '': # mode='': ASCII mode
slist = []
self.ftp.retrlines('RETR %s' % self.path, slist.append)
s = '\n'.join(slist)
else: # mode='b': binary mode
file = StringIO()
self.ftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' % self.path, file.write)
s = file.getvalue()
return s
exception, msg, tb = sys.exc_info()
raise IOError(msg)
def readline(self):
"""Read one entire line from the remote file."""
except AttributeError:
self.lst = self.read().splitlines(1)
if self.currentLine < len(self.lst):
s = self.lst[self.currentLine]
self.currentLine = self.currentLine + 1
return s
return ''
def write(self, s):
"""write(s) stores the string s to the filename specified in the
if self.filename == '':
raise IOError('filename not specified')
file = StringIO(s)
if self.mode == '': # mode='': ASCII mode
self.ftp.storlines('STOR %s' % self.path, file)
else: # mode='b': binary mode
self.ftp.storbinary('STOR %s' % self.path, file)
exception, msg, tb = sys.exc_info()
raise IOError(msg)
def seek(offset=0):
self.currentLine = 0 # we don't support fancy seeking via FTP
def flush():
pass # no fancy stuff here.
def dir(self, path=None):
"""Issue a LIST command passing the specified argument and return output as a string."""
s = []
if path == None:
path = self.dirname
listcmd = 'LIST %s' % path
self.ftp.retrlines(listcmd.rstrip(), s.append)
return '\n'.join(s)
exception, msg, tb = sys.exc_info()
raise IOError(msg)
def exists(self, path=None):
"""Return 1 if the specified path exists. If path is omitted, the current file name is tried."""
if path == None:
path = self.filename
s = self.dir(path)
if s.lower().find('no such file') == -1:
return 1
return 0
def checkParams(self):
if self.mode not in ('','b'):
raise IOError('invalid mode: %s' % self.mode)
if not self.isConnectionOpen:
raise IOError('ftp connection closed')
def close(self):
"""Close an existing FTPurl connection."""
del self.ftp
self.isConnectionOpen = 0
#@-node:edream.110203113231.879:class FTPurl
# Alas, these do not seem to work on XP:
# disabling the body text _permanently_ stops the cursor from blinking.
def enable_body(body):
global insertOnTime,insertOffTime
if body.cget("state") == "disabled":
except: g.es_exception()
def disable_body(body):
global insertOnTime,insertOffTime
if body.cget("state") == "normal":
insertOnTime = body.cget("insertontime")
insertOffTime = body.cget("insertofftime")
except: g.es_exception()
#@+node:edream.110203113231.894:insert_read_only_node (FTP version)
# Sets v's body text from the file with the given name.
# Returns True if the body text changed.
def insert_read_only_node (c,v,name):
if name=="":
name = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(
filetypes=[("All files", "*")]
c.setHeadString(v,"@read-only %s" % name)
parse = urlparse.urlparse(name)
if parse[0] == 'ftp':
file = FTPurl(name) # FTP URL
elif parse[0] == 'http':
file = urllib.urlopen(name) # HTTP URL
file = open(name,"r") # local file
g.es("..." + name)
new = file.read()
except IOError as msg:
# g.es("error reading %s: %s" % (name, msg))
# g.es("...not found: " + name)
c.setBodyString(v,"") # Clear the body text.
return True # Mark the node as changed.
ext = os.path.splitext(parse[2])[1]
if ext.lower() in ['.htm', '.html']:
#@ << convert HTML to text >>
#@+node:edream.110203113231.895:<< convert HTML to text >>
fh = StringIO()
fmt = AbstractFormatter(DumbWriter(fh))
# the parser stores parsed data into fh (file-like handle)
parser = HTMLParser(fmt)
# send the HTML text to the parser
# now replace the old string with the parsed text
new = fh.getvalue()
# finally, get the list of hyperlinks and append to the end of the text
hyperlinks = parser.anchorlist
numlinks = len(hyperlinks)
if numlinks > 0:
hyperlist = ['\n\n--Hyperlink list follows--']
for i in range(numlinks):
hyperlist.append("\n[%d]: %s" % (i+1,hyperlinks[i])) # 3/26/03: was i.
new = new + ''.join(hyperlist)
#@-node:edream.110203113231.895:<< convert HTML to text >>
previous = v.b
changed = (g.toUnicode(new) != g.toUnicode(previous))
if changed and previous != "":
g.es("changed: %s" % name) # A real change.
return changed
#@-node:edream.110203113231.894:insert_read_only_node (FTP version)
# scan the outline and process @read-only nodes.
def on_open (tag,keywords):
c = keywords.get("c")
if not c: return
v = c.rootVnode()
g.es("scanning for @read-only nodes...",color="blue")
while v:
h = v.h
if g.match_word(h,0,"@read-only"):
changed = insert_read_only_node(c,v,h[11:])
g.es("changing %s" % v.h,color="red")
if changed:
if not v.isDirty():
if not c.isChanged():
v = v.threadNext()
# override the body key handler if we are in an @read-only node.
def on_bodykey1 (tag,keywords):
c = keywords.get("c")
v = keywords.get("v")
h = v.h
if g.match_word(h,0,"@read-only"):
# The following code causes problems with scrolling and syntax coloring.
# Its advantage is that it makes clear that the text can't be changed,
# but perhaps that is obvious anyway...
if 0: # Davide Salomoni requests that this code be eliminated.
# An @read-only node: do not change its text.
body = c.frame.body.bodyCtrl
return 1 # Override the body key event handler.
# update the body text when we press enter
def on_headkey2 (tag,keywords):
c = keywords.get("c")
v = keywords.get("v")
h = v.h
ch = keywords.get("ch")
if ch == '\r' and g.match_word(h,0,"@read-only"):
# on-the-fly update of @read-only directives
changed = insert_read_only_node(c,v,h[11:])
def on_select1 (tag,keywords):
# Doesn't work: the cursor doesn't start blinking.
# Enable the body text so select will work properly.
c = keywords.get("c")
def on_select2 (tag,keywords):
c = keywords.get("c")
v = c.currentVnode()
h = v.h
if g.match_word(h,0,"@read-only"):
#@-node:edream.110203113231.876:@thin read_only_nodes.py