#@+node:edream.111803100242:@thin rst.py
"""If a headline starts with @rst <filename>, double-clicking on it will
write a file in outline order, with the headlines converted to reStructuredText
section headings.
If the name of the <filename> has the extension .html, .htm or .tex, and if you have
docutils installed, it will generate HTML or LaTeX, respectively."""
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4
# By Josef Dalcolmo: contributed under the same licensed as Leo.py itself.
# EKR: The code now lets other plugins handle @folder and @url nodes.
import leoGlobals as g
import leoPlugins
import os
#@<< about this plugin >>
#@+node:edream.111803100242.1:<<about this plugin >>
# This plugin writes out @text nodes as a reStructuredText file.
# If the filename ends in .html, .htm or .tex and if you have docutils_ (a
# Python
# module) installed, then it will be written as HTML or LaTeX, respectively.
# Headlines are translated into reStructuredText headlines, e.g. underlined
# depending on the level and empty line separated from body text otherwise,
# text
# is written as it is. The "#" character is not used for underlining, so it
# may
# be used for a title as in::
# #####
# Title
# #####
# Otherwise, section underlining is discouraged, since it is automatically
# generated.
# .. _docutils: http://docutils.sourceforge.net
#@-node:edream.111803100242.1:<<about this plugin >>
#@<< change log >>
#@+node:edream.111803100242.2:<< change log >>
# Change log:
# - New tree types: @rst has been added.
# - EKR: The code now lets other plugins handle @folder and @url nodes.
# - HTML generation: @rst nodes can now generate HTML, if Python docutils_ are
# installed. Simply give the filename an extension .htm or .html. You can
# try
# this out by renaming the filename in this @rst tree.
# - underlines: I changed the order of the underline characters again. The ">"
# is
# doesn't really look good as an underline in my opinion, so I moved it to a
# very
# low level.
# - JD 2003-03-10 (rev 1.3): some more corrections to the unicode-> encoding
# translation.
# No only check for missing docutils (doesn't mask other errors any more).
# - JD 2003-03-11 (rev 1.4): separated out the file launching code to a
# different pluging.
# - 2003-11-02 Added generation of LaTeX files, just make the extension of the
# filename '.tex'. --Timo Honkasalo
# - JD 2004-09-09 changed 'v' to 'p' in onIconDoubleClick to support the new
# plugin API of Leo 4.2.
# - JD 2004-09-09 changed headline directive from @rst to @text to become
# compatible with the rst2 plugin.
# 1.7 EKR 2005-03-07 changed publish() to publish(argv=[''])
#@-node:edream.111803100242.2:<< change log >>
# by Josef Dalcolmo 2003-01-13
# this does not check for proper filename syntax.
# path is the current dir, or the place @folder points to
# this should probably be changed to @path or so.
def onIconDoubleClick(tag,keywords):
v = keywords.get("p") or keywords.get("v")
c = keywords.get("c")
# g.trace(c)
h = v.headString().strip()
if g.match_word(h,0,"@text"):
fname = h[5:]
ext = os.path.splitext(fname)[1].lower()
if ext in ('.htm','.html','.tex'):
#@ << write rST as HTML/LaTeX >>
#@+node:edream.111803100242.4:<< write rST as HTML/LaTeX >>
import docutils
except ImportError:
docutils = None
g.es('HTML/LaTeX generation requires docutils')
if docutils:
import StringIO
rstFile = StringIO.StringIO()
writeTreeAsRst(rstFile, fname, v, c)
rstText = rstFile.getvalue()
# Set the writer and encoding for the converted file
if ext in ('.html','.htm'):
#@ << convert rST to HTML/LaTeX >>
#@+node:edream.111803100242.5:<< convert rST to HTML/LaTeX >>
# this code snipped has been taken from code contributed by Paul Paterson 2002-12-05
from docutils.core import Publisher
from docutils.io import StringOutput,StringInput
pub = Publisher()
# Initialize the publisher
pub.source = StringInput(source=rstText)
pub.destination = StringOutput(pub.settings, encoding=enc)
pub.set_reader('standalone', None, 'restructuredtext')
output = pub.publish(argv=[''])
#@-node:edream.111803100242.5:<< convert rST to HTML/LaTeX >>
convertedFile = file(fname,'w')
g.es('written: '+str(fname))
#@-node:edream.111803100242.4:<< write rST as HTML/LaTeX >>
#@ << write rST file >>
#@+node:edream.111803100242.6:<< write rST file >>
rstFile = file(fname,'w')
writeTreeAsRst(rstFile, fname, v, c)
g.es('written: '+str(fname))
#@-node:edream.111803100242.6:<< write rST file >>
def writeTreeAsRst(rstFile, fname, vnode, c):
'Writes the tree under vnode to the file rstFile (fname is the filename)'
# we don't write a title, so the titlepage can be customized
# use '#' for title under/overline
# 3/7/03
dict = g.scanDirectives(c,p=vnode)
encoding = dict.get("encoding",None)
if encoding == None:
encoding = c.config.default_derived_file_encoding
# 3/7/03
s = g.toEncodedString(fname,encoding,reportErrors=True)
rstFile.write('.. filename: '+s+'\n')
# 3/7/03
s = vnode.bodyString()
s = g.toEncodedString(s,encoding,reportErrors=True)
rstFile.write(s+'\n') # write body of titlepage
toplevel = vnode.level()
stopHere = vnode.nodeAfterTree()
v = vnode.threadNext()
# repeat for all nodes in this tree
while v != stopHere:
# 3/7/03
h = v.headString()
h = g.toEncodedString(h,encoding,reportErrors=True)
# 3/7/03
s = v.bodyString()
s = g.toEncodedString(s,encoding,reportErrors=True)
v = v.threadNext()
# note the first character is intentionally unused, to serve as the underline
# character in a title (in the body of the @rst node)
def underline(h,level):
str = """#=+*^~"'`-:><_"""[level]
return str*max(len(h),4)+'\n'
if 1: # Ok for unit testing??
# Register the handlers...
__version__ = "1.7" # Set version for the plugin handler.
#@-node:edream.111803100242:@thin rst.py