#@+node:ekr.20040331071319:@thin rst2.py
#@<< docstring >>
#@+node:ekr.20050420105800:<< docstring >>
"""A plugin to generate HTML or LaTeX files from reStructured Text
embedded in Leo outlines.
If a headline starts with @rst <filename>, double-clicking on it will
write a file in outline order, with the headlines converted to reStructuredText
section headings.
If the name of the <filename> has the extension .html, .htm or .tex, and if you have
docutils installed, it will generate HTML or LaTeX, respectively.
The following settings are presently available: They can be set in the rst2 code
itself, or (maybe?) using @settings trees:
rst2_bodyfilter = False
# True: call body_filter to massage text.
# Removes @ignore, @nocolor, @wrap directives.
rst2file = False
# Controls whether to use external file or string.
rst2_pure_document = False
# Controls the following code in writeTreeAsRst
if config.rst2_pure_document or g.match_word(h,0,"@rst"):
< < handle an rst node > >
# Removes @ignore, @nocolor, @wrap directives.
# Removes code blocks if rst2_replace_code_blocks is True.
# Formats headlines only if rst2_format_headlines is True.
< < handle a plain node > >
# Deletes @others from output.
# Formats headlines only if rst2_format_headlines is False. (opposite of meaning in rst nodes!)
rst2_format_headlines = False
# Used differently. See rst2_pure_document.
rst2_http_server_support = True
# True:
# 1. add_node_marker writes a string using generate_node_marker.
# Generates 'http-node-marker-'+str(number), where number is config.node_counter (incremented each time add_node_marker is called.
# 2. Enables the following code in writeTreeAsRst
if config.tag == 'open2':
http_map = config.http_map
http_map = {}
config.anchormap = {}
# maps v nodes to markers.
config.node_counter = 0
# [snip] code to write the tree
if config.rst2_http_server_support:
config.http_map = http_map
# 3. http_support_main does nothing unless this option is True.
# False: add_node_marker does nothing.
rst2_clear_attributes = False
# Deletes p.v.rst2_http_attributename from all nodes after writing.
# Deletes p.v.unknownAttributes if it then becomes empty.
rst2_run_on_window_open = False
# Runs an alternative 'main line' in onFileOpen when a new window is opened.
rst2_replace_code_blocks = True
# See notes for rst2_pure_document. (Uses do_replace_code_blocks)
< < define alternate code block implementation> >
# Don't know what to do here: Can someone make a suggestion?
#import docutils.parsers.rst.directives.admonitions
#import docutils.parsers.rst.directives.body
# docutils.parsers.rst.directives._directives['code-block'] = docutils.parsers.rst.directives.body.block
# docutils.parsers.rst.directives.register_directive('code-block', docutils.parsers.rst.directives.admonitions.admonition)
#docutils.parsers.rst.directives._directives['code-block'] = docutils.parsers.rst.directives.body.pull_quote
# g.es("Registered some alternate implementation for code-block directive")
config.do_replace_code_blocks = config.rst2_replace_code_blocks
rst2_install_menu_item_in_edit_menu = True
# True: install 'Transform rst text in subtree'command to Edit menu.
rst2_node_begin_marker = 'http-node-marker-'
rst2_http_attributename = 'rst_http_attribute'
#@-node:ekr.20050420105800:<< docstring >>
# By Josef Dalcolmo: contributed under the same licensed as Leo.py itself.
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20050420105800.1:<< imports >>
import leoGlobals as g
import leoPlugins
import os
import ConfigParser
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
from pprint import pprint
import sys
dir = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
if dir not in sys.path:
import mod_http
from mod_http import set_http_attribute,get_http_attribute,reconstruct_html_from_attrs
mod_http = None
#@-node:ekr.20050420105800.1:<< imports >>
#@<< change log >>
#@+node:ekr.20040331071319.2:<< change log >>
# Change log:
# - JD 2003-03-10 (rev 1.3): some more corrections to the unicode-> encoding
# translation.
# No only check for missing docutils (doesn't mask other errors any more).
# - JD 2003-03-11 (rev 1.4): separated out the file launching code to a
# different pluging.
# - 2003-11-02 Added generation of LaTeX files, just make the extension of the
# filename '.tex'. --Timo Honkasalo
# - 2003-12-24 S Zatz modifications to introduce concept of plain @rst nodes
# to improve program documentation
# - 2004-04-08 EKR:
# - Eliminated "comment" text at start of nodes.
# - Rewrote code that strips @nocolor, @ignore and @wrap directives from
# start of text.
# - Changed code to show explicitly that it uses positions.
# - Added comments to << define code-block>>
# - Added div.code-block style to silver_city.css (see documentation)
# - Rewrote documentation.
# 2.2 EKR 2005-03-07 changed publish() to publish(argv=[''])
# 2.3 bwmulder
# - added various options which can be set with @settings directive
# - add support for mod_http plugin.
# - added possible settings to the beginning of the Leo file
# 2.4 EKR:
# - Call onFileOpen from both "new" and "open2" hooks.
#@-node:ekr.20040331071319.2:<< change log >>
#@+node:bwmulder.20050319123911:http plugin interface
# if enabled, this plugin stores information for the http plugin.
# Each node can have one additional attribute, with the name
# config.rst_http_attributename, which is a list.
# The first three elements are stack of tags, the rest is html code.
# [<tag n start>, <tag n end>, <other stack elements>, <html line 1>, <html
# line 2>, ...]
# <other stack elements has the same structure:
# [<tag n-1 start>, <tag n-1 end>, <other stack elements>]
#@-node:bwmulder.20050319123911:http plugin interface
class config:
rst2_bodyfilter = False
rst2file = False
rst2_pure_document = False
rst2_http_server_support = True
rst2_format_headlines = False
# number_headlines = False
# warnofdrags = False
rst2_clear_attributes = False
rst2_run_on_window_open = False
rst2_replace_code_blocks = True
# debug flags: ignore in normal use
rst2_debug_handle_starttag = False
rst2_debug_handle_endtag = False
rst2_debug_store_lines = False
rst2_debug_show_unknownattributes = False
rst2_debug_node_html_1 = False
rst2_debug_anchors = False
rst2_debug_before_and_after_replacement = False
rst2_install_menu_item_in_edit_menu = True
# These are really configuration options.
rst2_node_begin_marker = 'http-node-marker-'
rst2_http_attributename = 'rst_http_attribute'
firstCall = True
# set to False after the optional menu is installed.
# Some data is also stored in the config class
http_map = None
# Maps node anchors to node.
# A node anchor is a marker beginning with
# rst2_node_begin_marker.
# It is currently assumed that such a marker
# does not occur in the rst document.
tag = None
# either doubleclick or open2.
current_file = None
node_counter = 0
# Used to mark the beginning of the html code for each new
# node.
do_replace_code_blocks = False
def transform_rst2_text_in_subtree(c):
class callOnFileOpen(object):
Call onFileOpen passing the commander c.
def __init__(self):
self.c = c
def __call__(self):
onFileOpen("menuItem", {"new_c": self.c})
editMenu = c.frame.menu.getMenu('Edit')
newEntries = (
("-", None, None),
("Transform rst2 text in subtree", "", callOnFileOpen))
c.frame.menu.createMenuEntries(editMenu, newEntries)
def onFileOpen(tag, keywords):
# c,old_c,new_c,fileName):
c = keywords["new_c"]
if config.firstCall and config.rst2_install_menu_item_in_edit_menu:
config.firstCall = False
ignoreset = {}
if c.config.getBool("rst2_run_on_open_window"):
# if config.rst2_run_on_window_open:
http_map = {}
anchormap = {}
config.node_counter = 0
found_rst_trees = False
root = c.currentVnode()
if tag == 'open2':
iterator = c.allNodes_iter(root)
iterator = root.self_and_subtree_iter()
for p in iterator:
if p.v not in ignoreset:
s = p.v.headString()
if s.startswith("@rst ") and len(s.split()) >= 2:
for p1 in p.subtree_iter():
ignoreset[p1.v] = True
config.http_map = {}
config.anchormap = {}
onIconDoubleClick("open2", {"c": c, "p": p})
found_rst_trees = True
except SystemExit, s:
g.es("Formatting failed for %s" % p, color='red')
if found_rst_trees:
config.http_map = http_map
config.anchormap = anchormap
config.http_map = None
config.anchormap = None
g.es('html updated for html plugin', color="blue")
if config.rst2_clear_attributes:
g.es("http attributes cleared")
# by Josef Dalcolmo 2003-01-13
# this does not check for proper filename syntax.
# path is the current dir, or the place @folder points to
# this should probably be changed to @path or so.
def onIconDoubleClick(tag,keywords):
c = keywords.get("c")
p = keywords.get("p")
# g.trace(c)
if not c or not p:
config.tag = tag
h = p.headString().strip()
if g.match_word(h,0,"@rst"):
if len(h) > 5:
fname = h[5:]
ext = os.path.splitext(fname)[1].lower()
if ext in ('.htm','.html','.tex'):
#@ << write rST as HTML/LaTeX >>
#@+node:ekr.20040331071319.4:<< write rST as HTML/LaTeX >>
import docutils
g.es('HTML/LaTeX generation requires docutils')
import docutils.parsers.rst
from docutils.core import Publisher
from docutils.io import StringOutput,StringInput,FileOutput,FileInput
import StringIO
# Set the writer and encoding for the converted file
if ext in ('.html','.htm'):
writer='html' ; enc="utf-8"
writer='latex' ; enc="iso-8859-1"
syntax = False
if writer == 'html':
import SilverCity
#@ << define code-block >>
#@+node:ekr.20040331071319.5:<< define code-block >>
def code_block(name,arguments,options,content,lineno,content_offset,block_text,state,state_machine):
"""Create a code-block directive for docutils."""
# See http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/252170
language = arguments[0]
module = getattr(SilverCity,language)
generator = getattr(module,language+"HTMLGenerator")
io = StringIO.StringIO()
generator().generate_html(io, '\n'.join(content))
html = '<div class="code-block">\n%s\n</div>\n'%io.getvalue()
raw = docutils.nodes.raw('',html, format='html') #(self, rawsource='', text='', *children, **attributes):
return [raw]
# These are documented at http://docutils.sourceforge.net/spec/howto/rst-directives.html.
code_block.arguments = (
1, # Number of required arguments.
0, # Number of optional arguments.
0) # True if final argument may contain whitespace.
# A mapping from option name to conversion function.
code_block.options = {
'language' :
docutils.parsers.rst.directives.unchanged # Return the text argument, unchanged
code_block.content = 1 # True if content is allowed.
# Register the directive with docutils.
config.do_replace_code_blocks = False
#@-node:ekr.20040331071319.5:<< define code-block >>
syntax = True
except ImportError:
g.es('SilverCity not present so no syntax highlighting')
#@ << define alternate code block implementation>>
#@+node:bwmulder.20050326114320: << define alternate code block implementation>>
# Don't know what to do here: Can someone make a suggestion?
#import docutils.parsers.rst.directives.admonitions
#import docutils.parsers.rst.directives.body
# docutils.parsers.rst.directives._directives['code-block'] = docutils.parsers.rst.directives.body.block
# docutils.parsers.rst.directives.register_directive('code-block', docutils.parsers.rst.directives.admonitions.admonition)
#docutils.parsers.rst.directives._directives['code-block'] = docutils.parsers.rst.directives.body.pull_quote
# g.es("Registered some alternate implementation for code-block directive")
config.do_replace_code_blocks = config.rst2_replace_code_blocks
#@-node:bwmulder.20050326114320: << define alternate code block implementation>>
if config.rst2file:
rstFileName = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] + ".txt"
rstFile = file(rstFileName, "w")
g.es("Using %s as rst file" % rstFileName)
rstFile = StringIO.StringIO()
config.current_file = fname
if config.rst2file:
rstText = rstFile.getvalue()
# This code snipped has been taken from code contributed by Paul Paterson 2002-12-05.
pub = Publisher()
if config.rst2file:
pub.source = FileInput(source_path=rstFileName)
pub.destination = FileOutput(destination_path=fname, encoding='unicode')
pub.source = StringInput(source=rstText)
pub.destination = StringOutput(pub.settings, encoding=enc)
pub.set_reader('standalone', None, 'restructuredtext')
output = pub.publish(argv=[''])
if config.rst2file:
convertedFile = file(fname,'w')
return http_support_main(tag, fname)
#@-node:ekr.20040331071319.4:<< write rST as HTML/LaTeX >>
#@ << write rST file >>
#@+node:ekr.20040331071319.6:<< write rST file >>
rstFile = file(fname,'w')
#@-node:ekr.20040331071319.6:<< write rST file >>
# if the headline only contains @rst then open the node and its parent in text editor
# this works for me but needs to be generalized and should probably be a component
# of the open_with plugin.
if 0:
c.openWith(("os.startfile", None, ".txt"))
c.openWith(("os.startfile", None, ".tp"))
def writeFullFileName (fname):
path = g.os_path_join(os.getcwd(),fname)
path = g.os_path_abspath(path)
g.es('rst written: ' + path,color="blue")
def replace_code_block_directive(line):
if u"code-block::" in line:
parts = line.split()
if len(parts) == 3 and (parts[0] == '..') and (parts[1]=='code-block::'):
line = '%s code::\n' % parts[2]
return line
#@+node:ekr.20040331071319.7:writeTreeAsRst & add_node_marker
def writeTreeAsRst(rstFile,fname,p,c,syntax=False):
'Write the tree under position p to the file rstFile (fname is the filename)'
def add_node_marker():
if config.rst2_http_server_support:
config.node_counter += 1
marker = rst_htmlparser.generate_node_marker(config.node_counter)
config.last_marker = marker
http_map[marker] = p.copy()
# the p.copy is necessary, since otherwise the
# position is modified and unusable later.
rstFile.write("\n\n.. _%s:\n\n" % marker)
# we don't write a title, so the titlepage can be customized
# use '#' for title under/overline
directives = g.scanDirectives(c,p=p) # changed name because don't want to use keyword dict
#@ << set encoding >>
#@+node:ekr.20040408160625.1:<< set encoding >>
encoding = directives.get("encoding",None)
if encoding == None:
encoding = c.config.default_derived_file_encoding
#@-node:ekr.20040408160625.1:<< set encoding >>
#@ << set code_dir >>
#@+node:ekr.20040403202850:<< set code_dir >>
if syntax:
lang_dict = {'python':'Python', 'ruby':'Ruby', 'perl':'Perl', 'c':'CPP'}
language = directives['language']
# SilverCity modules have first letter in caps
if language in lang_dict:
code_dir = '**code**:\n\n.. code-block:: %s\n\n' % lang_dict[language]
code_dir = '**code**:\n\n.. class:: code\n..\n\n::\n\n'
code_dir = '**code**:\n\n.. class:: code\n..\n\n::\n\n'
#@-node:ekr.20040403202850:<< set code_dir >>
s = g.toEncodedString(fname,encoding,reportErrors=True)
rstFile.write('.. filename: '+s+'\n')
if config.rst2_bodyfilter:
s = bodyfilter(p)
s = p.bodyString()
s = g.toEncodedString(s,encoding,reportErrors=True)
rstFile.write(s+'\n') # write body of titlepage.
toplevel = p.level()+1 # Dec 20
h = p.headString()
if config.rst2_http_server_support:
if config.tag == 'open2':
http_map = config.http_map
http_map = {}
config.anchormap = {}
# maps v nodes to markers.
config.node_counter = 0
for p in p.subtree_iter():
h = p.headString().strip()
if config.rst2_pure_document or g.match_word(h,0,"@rst"):
#@ << handle an rst node >>
#@+node:ekr.20040403202850.1:<< handle an rst node >>
s = p.bodyString()
s = g.toEncodedString(s,encoding,reportErrors=True)
# Skip any leading @ignore, @nocolor, @wrap directives.
while (
g.match_word(s,0,"@ignore") or
g.match_word(s,0,"@nocolor") or
i = g.skip_line(s,0)
s = s[i:]
if config.rst2_format_headlines:
if config.do_replace_code_blocks and 'code-block::' in s:
s = '\n'.join([replace_code_block_directive(line) for line in s.split("\n")])
#@-node:ekr.20040403202850.1:<< handle an rst node >>
#@ << handle a plain node >>
#@+node:ekr.20040403202850.2:<< handle a plain node >>
if g.match_word(h,0,"@file-nosent"):
h = h[13:]
h = g.toEncodedString(h,encoding,reportErrors=True)
if config.rst2_bodyfilter:
s = bodyfilter(p)
s = p.bodyString()
s = g.toEncodedString(s,encoding,reportErrors=True)
if config.rst2_format_headlines:
if s.strip():
s = s.split('\n')
for linenum,linetext in enumerate(s[:-1]):
if "@others" in linetext: #deleting lines with @other directive from output
rstFile.write('\t%2d %s\n'%(linenum+1,linetext))
#@-node:ekr.20040403202850.2:<< handle a plain node >>
#@ << clear attributes >>
#@+node:bwmulder.20050315150045:<< clear attributes >>
if config.rst2_clear_attributes:
if hasattr(p.v, 'unknownAttributes'):
if p.v.unknownAttributes.has_key(config.rst2_http_attributename):
del p.v.unknownAttributes[config.rst2_http_attributename]
if p.v.unknownAttributes == {}:
del p.v.unknownAttributes
#@-node:bwmulder.20050315150045:<< clear attributes >>
if config.rst2_http_server_support:
config.http_map = http_map
#@-node:ekr.20040331071319.7:writeTreeAsRst & add_node_marker
def applyConfiguration (c):
"""Called when the user presses the "Apply" button on the Properties form.
Default: behave like the previous plugin.
def getboolean(name):
value = getattr(config, name)
newvalue = c.config.getBool(name)
if newvalue is not None:
setattr(config, name, newvalue)
if config.rst2_http_server_support and not mod_http:
g.es("Resetting rst2_http_server_support because mod_http plugin was not imported successfully", color='red')
config.rst2_http_server_support = False
# getboolean("rst2_warnofdrags")
def bodyfilter(p):
s = p.bodyString()
while (s.startswith("@ignore") or
s.startswith("@nocolor") or
i = g.skip_line(s,0)
s = s[i:]
return s
# note the first character is intentionally unused, to serve as the underline
# character in a title (in the body of the @rst node)
def underline(h,level):
"""Return the underlining string to be used at the given level for headline h."""
str = """#=+*^~"'`-:><_"""[level]
return str*max(len(h),4)+'\n'
#@+node:bwmulder.20050319191929:http related stuff
def http_support_main(tag, fname):
if config.rst2_http_server_support:
if tag == 'open2':
return True
# We relocate references here if we are only running
# for one file, otherwise we must postpone the
# relocation until we have processed all files.
config.http_map = None
config.anchormap = None
g.es('html updated for html plugin', color="blue")
if config.rst2_clear_attributes:
g.es("http attributes cleared")
#@+node:bwmulder.20050319191929.1:general routines
class link_anchor_parser(HTMLParser):
#@ @+others
This subclass of HTMLParser contains functions to recognise anchors and links.
def is_anchor(self, tag, attrs):
if tag != 'a':
return False
for name, value in attrs:
if name == 'name':
return True
return False
def is_link(self, tag, attrs):
if tag != 'a':
return False
for name, value in attrs:
if name == 'href':
return True
return False
def http_attribute_iter():
for p in config.http_map.values():
attr = get_http_attribute(p)
if attr:
yield (p, attr)
#@-node:bwmulder.20050319191929.1:general routines
class rst_htmlparser(link_anchor_parser):
#@ @+others
The responsibility of the html parser is:
1. to find out which html belongs to which node.
2. to keep a stack of html markings which proceed each node.
Later, we have to relocate inter-file links: if a reference to another location
is in a file, we must change the link.
def __init__(self, http_map):
self.stack = None
# The stack contains lists of the form:
# [text1, text2, previous].
# text1 is the opening tag
# text2 is the closing tag
# previous points to the previous stack element
self.http_map = http_map
# see remark in config class
self.node_marker_stack = []
# self.node_marker_stack.pop() returns True for a closing
# tag if the opening tag identified an anchor belonging to a vnode.
self.node_code = []
# Accumulated html code. Once the hmtl code is assigned a vnode,
# it is deleted here.
self.deleted_lines = 0
# Number of lines deleted in self.node_code
self.endpos_pending = False
# self.node_code[0:self.endpos_pending] should not be included in
# the html code stored in a vnode.
self.last_position = None
# Last vnode; we must attach html code to this node.
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
1. Find out if the current tag is an achor.
2. If it is an anchor, we check if this anchor marks the beginning of a new
3. If a new node begins, then we might have to store html code in the
previous code.
4. In any case, put the new tag on the stack.
is_node_marker = False
if self.is_anchor(tag, attrs):
for name, value in attrs:
if name == 'name' and value.startswith(config.rst2_node_begin_marker):
is_node_marker = True
if is_node_marker:
is_node_marker = value
line, column = self.getpos()
if self.last_position:
lines = self.node_code[:]
lines[0] = lines[0][self.startpos:]
del lines[line - self.deleted_lines - 1:]
if config.rst2_debug_store_lines:
print "rst2: Storing in", self.last_position, ":"
print lines
if config.rst2_debug_show_unknownattributes:
print "rst2: unknownAttributes[config.rst2_http_attributename]"
print "For:", self.last_position
if self.deleted_lines < line - 1:
del self.node_code[:line - 1 - self.deleted_lines]
self.deleted_lines = line - 1
self.endpos_pending = True
if config.rst2_debug_handle_starttag:
from pprint import pprint
print "rst2: handle_starttag:", tag, attrs, is_node_marker
starttag = self.get_starttag_text( )
self.stack = [starttag, None, self.stack]
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
1. Set the second element of the current top of stack.
2. If this is the end tag for an anchor for a node,
store the current stack for that node.
self.stack[1] = "</" + tag + ">"
if config.rst2_debug_handle_endtag:
from pprint import pprint
print "rst2: handle_endtag:", tag
if self.endpos_pending:
line, column = self.getpos()
self.startpos = self.node_code[0].find(">", column) + 1
self.endpos_pending = False
is_node_marker = self.node_marker_stack.pop()
if is_node_marker and not config.rst2_clear_attributes:
self.last_position = self.http_map[is_node_marker]
if is_node_marker != config.last_marker:
set_http_attribute(self.http_map[is_node_marker], self.stack)
self.stack = self.stack[2]
def generate_node_marker(cls, number):
Generate a node marker for
return config.rst2_node_begin_marker + ("%s" % number)
generate_node_marker = classmethod(generate_node_marker)
def feed(self, line):
HTMLParser.feed(self, line)
class anchor_htmlparser(link_anchor_parser):
#@ @+others
This htmlparser does the first step of relocating: finding all the anchors within the html node.
Each anchor is mapped to a tuple:
(current_file, vnode).
Filters out markers which mark the beginning of the html code for a node.
def __init__(self, vnode, first_node):
self.vnode = vnode
self.anchormap = config.anchormap
self.first_node = first_node
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
1. Find out if the current tag is an achor.
2. If the current tag is an anchor, update the mapping;
anchor -> vnode
if not self.is_anchor(tag, attrs):
if self.first_node:
self.anchormap[config.current_file] = (config.current_file, self.vnode)
self.first_node = False
for name, value in attrs:
if name == 'name':
if not value.startswith(config.rst2_node_begin_marker):
self.anchormap[value] = (config.current_file, self.vnode)
class link_htmlparser(link_anchor_parser):
#@ @+others
This html parser does the second step of relocating links:
1. It scans the html code for links.
2. If there is a link which links to a previously processed file, then
this link is changed so that it now refers to the node.
def __init__(self, vnode):
self.vnode = vnode
self.anchormap = config.anchormap
self.replacements = []
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
1. Find out if the current tag is an achor.
2. If the current tag is an anchor, update the mapping;
anchor -> vnode
if not self.is_link(tag, attrs):
for name, value in attrs:
if name == 'href':
href = value
href_parts = href.split("#")
if len(href_parts) == 1:
href_a = href_parts[0]
href_a = href_parts[1]
if not href_a.startswith(config.rst2_node_begin_marker):
if href_a in self.anchormap:
href_file, href_node = self.anchormap[href_a]
http_node_ref = mod_http.node_reference(href_node)
line, column = self.getpos()
self.replacements.append((line, column, href, href_file, http_node_ref))
def get_replacements(self):
return self.replacements
def set_initial_http_attributes(filename):
http_map = config.http_map
f = file(filename)
parser = rst_htmlparser(config.http_map)
line = f.readline()
while line:
line = f.readline()
def relocate_references():
def find_anchors():
Find the anchors in all the nodes.
first_node = True
for vnode, attrs in http_attribute_iter():
html = reconstruct_html_from_attrs(attrs)
if config.rst2_debug_node_html_1:
parser = anchor_htmlparser(vnode, first_node)
for line in html:
first_node = parser.first_node
if config.rst2_debug_anchors:
print "Anchors found:"
def relocate_references_using_anchormap():
for vnode, attr in http_attribute_iter():
if config.rst2_debug_before_and_after_replacement:
print "Before replacement:", vnode
pprint (attr)
http_lines = attr[3:]
parser = link_htmlparser(vnode)
for line in attr[3:]:
replacements = parser.get_replacements()
for line, column, href, href_file, http_node_ref in replacements:
marker_parts = href.split("#")
if len(marker_parts) == 2:
marker = marker_parts[1]
replacement = "%s#%s" % (http_node_ref, marker)
attr[line+2] = attr[line+2].replace('href="%s"' % href, 'href="%s"' % replacement)
filename = marker_parts[0]
attr[line+2] = attr[line+2].replace('href="%s"' % href, 'href="%s"' % http_node_ref)
if config.rst2_debug_before_and_after_replacement:
print "After replacement"
pprint (attr)
for i in range(3): print
#@-node:bwmulder.20050319191929:http related stuff
if 1: # Ok for unit testing.
leoPlugins.registerHandler(("new","open2"), onFileOpen)
__version__ = "2.4"
#@-node:ekr.20040331071319:@thin rst2.py