#@+node:ekr.20050805162550:@thin rst3.py
#@<< docstring >>
#@+node:ekr.20050805162550.1:<< docstring >>
'''The rst3 plugin creates output files from LeooutlinescontainingrST import
(reStructuredText) markup.
This is a powerful plugin with many options. The full documentation is at:
The rst3 plugin adds the Write Restructured Text command to Leo's Edit menu. This
command searches the selected outline looking for **rst root nodes** whose
headline have the form @rst <filename>. The plugin then creates the named file
in various ways depending which rst3 options are in effect.
By default, the rst3 plugin creates rST headings automatically from outlinesso import
the higher-level nodes in the outline correspond to higher-level sections in the
output. Creating rST headings automatically eliminates one of the most tedious
chores associated with rST markup.
To use this plugin effectively, Python's docutils_ module must be installed. The
rst3 plugin will use the SilverCity_ syntax coloring package if it installed.
This plugin sends .htm, .html or .tex files to the docutils module for further
processing. Docutils generates HTML files or LaTeX files depending on the file's
extension. HTML files generated by docutils refer to three .css (cascading style
sheet) files that should exist in the same directory as the generated HTML file.
You can control the formatting of the HTML file by altering these .css files.
rst3 options control most aspects of this plugin's operations. You can set
options in @settings trees, in headlines and in body text. There are too many
details to discuss here. For full details see:
#@-node:ekr.20050805162550.1:<< docstring >>
# Original rst code by Josef Dalcolmo:
# contributed under the same licensed as Leo.py itself.
# rst3.py based on rst2.py v2.4.
from __future__ import generators# To make this plugin work with Python 2.2.
bwm_file = None
if 0:
bwm_file = open("bwm_file", "w")
__version__ = '1.23'
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20050805162550.2:<< imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
import leo.core.leoTest as leoTest
if g.isPython3:
import html.parser as HTMLParser
import HTMLParser
import os
import pprint
if g.isPython3:
import io
StringIO = io.StringIO
import StringIO
import sys
# Make sure the present directory in in sys.path.
dir,junk = os.path.split(__file__)
if dir not in sys.path: sys.path.append(dir)
import mod_http
except ImportError:
mod_http = None
import docutils
import docutils.parsers.rst
import docutils.core
import docutils.io
except ImportError:
# This message given in init.
# g.pr('rst3 plugin: can not import docutils')
docutils = None
import SilverCity
except ImportError:
if '--silent' not in sys.argv and not g.unitTesting and not g.app.batchMode:
g.pr('rst3 plugin: SilverCity not loaded')
SilverCity = None
#@-node:ekr.20050805162550.2:<< imports >>
#@<< change log >>
#@+node:ekr.20050805162550.3:<< change log >>
# 1.14 EKR: processTopTree ignores @rst- nodes so rst3 button works properly
# when such nodes are selected.
# 1.15 EKR: added support for @rst-doc-only and doc_only_mode. An important
# new feature.
# 1.16 EKR: fixed bug that ignored whatever followed @space or @doc in
# doc-only mode.
# 1.17 EKR:
# - Support show_headlines in doc-only mode.
# - .txt files are now written to default_path directory, just like special
# files.
# 1.18 BWM: Added support for mod_scripting plugin.
# 1.19 EKR: Fixed crash that happens when invoked from menu.
# 1.20 EKR: Registers the write-restructured-text command.
# 1.21 EKR: Added rst3-publish-argv-for-missing-stylesheets setting.
# 1.22 EKR: Fixed bug that caused the plugin not to find default.css.
# 1.23 EKR: Use g.makeAllNonExistentDirectories instead of os.mkdir.
#@-node:ekr.20050805162550.3:<< change log >>
#@<< to do >>
#@+node:ekr.20050806162146:<< to do >>
# - Specify option for the spelling of special doc parts.
# - The present code assumes to much about these commands.
# - Warn if option gets set twice in same vnode.
# Later or never:
# - show_context option.
# - encoding option: can override @encoding directives
# - Support docutils config files.
#@+node:ekr.20050804081215:More options
# http://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3276408
# Leo has great potential for smoothing some of the bumps
# outside of learning the details of the markup.
# Here is my wish list;
# (done) - Section level handling.
# - one of the problems with using rst comes when a new
# section level is inserted into a document. Leo can
# take care of this effortlessly, providing a correct
# underline character for each section heading.
# Other than the section management, I want Leo to
# assume that I'm writing rst, and should be rendered
# as-is. If I want to include some pretty Python, I put
# it in a .. python-code:: block (or some such)
# On top of this base could be built special case
# handling.
# - Assist in viewing rendered output
# - easy access to the command to render a tree to html.
# - I would like an option which automatically inserted
# a @url node which pointed to the rendered file, or
# some other trick to make switching between source
# and output painless.
# - Assist in working with the CSS file
# - a CSS file is now required by docutils. A @setting
# could specify the file. I would like some kind of
# sugar which made it easy to edit the CSS file, maybe
# an option to create a @file node automatically,
# like the @url node above. Again, I want to be able
# to effortlessly edit the CSS and see the results.
# - The third file of interest when writing rst is the config
# file which controls many behaviours of the renderer.
# Again, some intelligence which located it, made it
# convenient to edit it, maybe even linked to
# documentation for it, would be very nice.
# (done) - I would like a setting which would save the file with the
# rst markup and make it easy to examine and edit.
# - On the someday/maybe list would be a @publish
# feature, which configured a directory to ftp the rendered
# file to.
#@-node:ekr.20050804081215:More options
#@-node:ekr.20050806162146:<< to do >>
controllers = {} # For use by @button rst3 code.
#@+node:ekr.20050805162550.4:Module level
#@+node:ekr.20050805162550.5: init
def init ():
ok = docutils is not None # Ok for unit testing.
if ok:
leoPlugins.registerHandler('after-create-leo-frame', onCreate)
s = 'rst3 plugin not loaded: can not load docutils'
return ok
#@-node:ekr.20050805162550.5: init
def onCreate(tag, keywords):
c = keywords.get('new_c') or keywords.get('c')
# g.trace('(rst3 plugin)',c)
if c:
global controllers
controllers[c] = rstClass(c)
# Warning: Do not return anything but None here!
# Doing so suppresses the loadeing of other 'new' or 'open2' hooks!
def code_block (name,arguments,options,content,lineno,content_offset,block_text,state,state_machine):
'''Implement the code-block directive for docutils.'''
language = arguments [0]
# g.trace(language)
# See http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/252170
module = SilverCity and getattr(SilverCity,language)
generator = module and getattr(module,language+"HTMLGenerator")
if generator:
io = StringIO()
html = '<div class="code-block">\n%s\n</div>\n' % io.getvalue()
html = '<div class="code-block">\n%s\n</div>\n' % '<br>\n'.join(content)
raw = docutils.nodes.raw('',html,format='html')
return [raw]
except Exception: # Return html as shown. Lines are separated by <br> elements.
g.es_trace('exception in rst3:code_block()')
return [None]
# See http://docutils.sourceforge.net/spec/howto/rst-directives.html
code_block.arguments = (
1, # Number of required arguments.
0, # Number of optional arguments.
0) # True if final argument may contain whitespace.
# A mapping from option name to conversion function.
if docutils:
code_block.options = {
docutils.parsers.rst.directives.unchanged # Return the text argument, unchanged.
code_block.content = 1 # True if content is allowed.
# Register the directive with docutils.
code_block.options = {}
def runUnitTests(c):
controller = rstClass(c)
p = g.findNodeAnywhere('UnitTests')
if p:
#@-node:ekr.20050805162550.4:Module level
#@+node:ekr.20050805162550.39:html parser classes
# The parser classes are used to construct the html code for nodes. The
# algorithm has two phases:
# 1. In the first phase, the html code for each node is identified.
# 2. The second phase identifies all links and checks if these links need
# to be modified.
# The first phase of scanning is done by the anchor_hmlParserClass. The second
# phase of this algorithm is
# done with the link_htmlParserClass.
#@<< class linkAnchorParserClass >>
#@+node:ekr.20050805162550.40: << class linkAnchorParserClass >> (subclass of HTMLParser.HTMLParser)
class linkAnchorParserClass (HTMLParser.HTMLParser):
A class to recognize anchors and links in HTML documents.
A special marker is the "node_marker" which demarkates the border between
node and the next.
#@ @+others
def __init__(self,rst):
HTMLParser.HTMLParser.__init__(self) # Init the base class.
self.rst = rst
# Set ivars from options. This works only if we don't change nodes!
self.node_begin_marker = rst.getOption('node_begin_marker')
self.clear_http_attributes = rst.getOption('clear_http_attributes')
self.current_file = rst.outputFileName
def is_anchor(self, tag, attrs):
Check if the current tag is an anchor.
Returns *all* anchors.
Works with docutils 0.4
if tag == 'a':
return True
if self.is_node_marker(attrs):
return True
return tag == "span"
def is_link(self, tag, attrs):
Return True if tag, attrs is represents a link.
if tag != 'a':
return False
result = 'href' in dict(attrs)
return result
def is_node_marker (self,attrs):
Return the name of the anchor, if this is an anchor for the beginning of a node,
False otherwise.
d = dict(attrs)
result = 'id' in d and d['id'].startswith(self.node_begin_marker)
if result:
return d['id']
return result
#@-node:ekr.20050805162550.40: << class linkAnchorParserClass >> (subclass of HTMLParser.HTMLParser)
#@+node:ekr.20050805162550.44:class htmlParserClass (linkAnchorParserClass)
class htmlParserClass (linkAnchorParserClass):
The responsibility of the html parser is:
1. Find out which html code belongs to which node.
2. Keep a stack of open tags which apply to the current node.
3. Keep a list of tags which should be included in the nodes, even
though they might be closed.
The <style> tag is one example of that.
Later, we have to relocate inter-file links: if a reference to another location
is in a file, we must change the link.
#@ @+others
def __init__ (self,rst):
linkAnchorParserClass.__init__(self,rst) # Init the base class.
self.stack = None
# The stack contains lists of the form:
# [text1, text2, previous].
# text1 is the opening tag
# text2 is the closing tag
# previous points to the previous stack element
self.node_marker_stack = []
# self.node_marker_stack.pop() returns True for a closing
# tag if the opening tag identified an anchor belonging to a vnode.
self.node_code = []
# Accumulated html code.
# Once the hmtl code is assigned a vnode, it is deleted here.
self.deleted_lines = 0 # Number of lines deleted in self.node_code
self.endpos_pending = False
# Do not include self.node_code[0:self.endpos_pending] in the html code.
self.last_position = None
# Last position; we must attach html code to this node.
self.last_marker = None
def handle_starttag (self,tag,attrs):
1. Find out if the current tag is an achor.
2. If it is an anchor, we check if this anchor marks the beginning of a new
3. If a new node begins, then we might have to store html code for the previous
4. In any case, put the new tag on the stack.
is_node_marker = False
if self.is_anchor(tag,attrs) and self.is_node_marker(attrs):
is_node_marker = self.is_node_marker(attrs)
# g.trace(tag,attrs)
line, column = self.getpos()
if self.last_position:
lines = self.node_code [:]
lines [0] = lines [0] [self.startpos:]
del lines [line-self.deleted_lines-1:]
# g.trace('Storing in %s...\n%s' % self.last_position, lines)
#@ << trace the unknownAttribute >>
#@+node:ekr.20050815164715.1:<< trace the unknownAttribute >>
if 0:
g.pr("rst3: unknownAttributes[self.http_attributename]")
g.pr("For:", self.last_position)
#@-node:ekr.20050815164715.1:<< trace the unknownAttribute >>
if self.deleted_lines < line-1:
del self.node_code [: line-1-self.deleted_lines]
self.deleted_lines = line-1
self.endpos_pending = True
# g.trace("rst2: handle_starttag:", tag, attrs, is_node_marker)
starttag = self.get_starttag_text()
self.stack = [starttag, None, self.stack]
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
1. Set the second element of the current top of stack.
2. If this is the end tag for an anchor for a node,
store the current stack for that node.
self.stack[1] = "</" + tag + ">"
# g.trace(tag,g.listToString(self.stack))
if self.endpos_pending:
line, column = self.getpos()
self.startpos = self.node_code[0].find(">", column) + 1
self.endpos_pending = False
is_node_marker = self.node_marker_stack.pop()
if is_node_marker and not self.clear_http_attributes:
self.last_position = self.rst.http_map[is_node_marker]
if is_node_marker != self.last_marker:
if bwm_file: print >> bwm_file, "Handle endtag:", is_node_marker, self.stack
mod_http.set_http_attribute(self.rst.http_map[is_node_marker], self.stack)
self.last_marker = is_node_marker
#bwm: last_marker is not needed?
self.stack = self.stack[2]
def feed(self, line):
# g.trace(repr(line))
HTMLParser.HTMLParser.feed(self, line) # Call the base class's feed().
#@-node:ekr.20050805162550.44:class htmlParserClass (linkAnchorParserClass)
#@+node:ekr.20050805162550.50:class anchor_htmlParserClass (linkAnchorParserClass)
class anchor_htmlParserClass (linkAnchorParserClass):
This htmlparser does the first step of relocating: finding all the anchors within the html nodes.
Each anchor is mapped to a tuple:
(current_file, position).
Filters out markers which mark the beginning of the html code for a node.
#@ @+others
#@+node:ekr.20050805162550.51: __init__
def __init__ (self,rst,p):
self.p = p.copy()
self.anchor_map = rst.anchor_map
#@-node:ekr.20050805162550.51: __init__
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
1. Find out if the current tag is an achor.
2. If the current tag is an anchor, update the mapping;
anchor -> (filename, p)
if not self.is_anchor(tag, attrs):
if self.current_file not in self.anchor_map:
self.anchor_map[self.current_file] = (self.current_file, self.p)
simple_name = g.os_path_split(self.current_file)[1]
self.anchor_map[simple_name] = self.anchor_map[self.current_file]
if bwm_file: print >> bwm_file, "anchor(1): current_file:", self.current_file, "position:", self.p, "Simple name:", simple_name
# Not sure what to do here, exactly. Do I need to manipulate
# the pathname?
for name, value in attrs:
if name == 'name' or tag == 'span' and name == 'id':
if not value.startswith(self.node_begin_marker):
if bwm_file: print >> bwm_file, "anchor(2):", value, self.p
self.anchor_map[value] = (self.current_file, self.p.copy())
#@-node:ekr.20050805162550.50:class anchor_htmlParserClass (linkAnchorParserClass)
#@+node:ekr.20050805162550.53:class link_htmlParserClass (linkAnchorParserClass)
class link_htmlparserClass (linkAnchorParserClass):
'''This html parser does the second step of relocating links:
1. It scans the html code for links.
2. If there is a link which links to a previously processed file
then this link is changed so that it now refers to the node.
#@ @+others
def __init__ (self,rst,p):
self.p = p.copy()
self.anchor_map = rst.anchor_map
self.replacements = []
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
1. Find out if the current tag is an achor.
2. If the current tag is an anchor, update the mapping;
anchor -> p
Update the list of replacements for the document.
if bwm_file: print >> bwm_file, "Is link?", tag, attrs
if not self.is_link(tag, attrs):
marker = self.node_begin_marker
for name, value in attrs:
if name == 'href':
href = value
href_parts = href.split("#")
if len(href_parts) == 1:
href_a = href_parts[0]
href_a = href_parts[1]
if bwm_file: print >> bwm_file, "link(1):", name, value, href_a
if not href_a.startswith(marker):
if href_a in self.anchor_map:
href_file, href_node = self.anchor_map[href_a]
http_node_ref = mod_http.node_reference(href_node)
line, column = self.getpos()
if bwm_file: print >> bwm_file, "link(2):", line, column, href, href_file, http_node_ref
self.replacements.append((line, column, href, href_file, http_node_ref))
def get_replacements(self):
return self.replacements
#@-node:ekr.20050805162550.53:class link_htmlParserClass (linkAnchorParserClass)
#@-node:ekr.20050805162550.39:html parser classes
#@+node:ekr.20050805162550.8:class rstClass
class rstClass:
'''A class to write rst markup in Leo outlines.'''
# This plugin optionally stores information for the http plugin.
# Each node can have one additional attribute, with the name
# rst_http_attributename, which is a list.
# The first three elements are stack of tags, the rest is html code.
# [<tag n start>, <tag n end>, <other stack elements>, <html line 1>, <html
# line 2>, ...]
# <other stack elements has the same structure:
# [<tag n-1 start>, <tag n-1 end>, <other stack elements>]
#@ @+others
#@+node:ekr.20050805162550.9: Birth & init
#@+node:ekr.20050805162550.10: ctor (rstClass)
def __init__ (self,c):
global SilverCity
# g.trace('rst3.py:rstClass',g.callers())
self.c = c
#@ << init ivars >>
#@+node:ekr.20050805162550.11:<< init ivars >>
self.silverCityWarningGiven = False
# The options dictionary.
self.optionsDict = {}
self.option_prefix = '@rst-option'
# Formatting...
self.code_block_string = ''
self.node_counter = 0
self.toplevel = 0
self.topNode = None
self.use_alternate_code_block = SilverCity is None
# Http support...
self.nodeNumber = 0
# All nodes are numbered so that unique anchors can be generated.
self.http_map = {}
# Keys are named hyperlink targets. Value are positions.
# The targets mark the beginning of the html code specific
# for this position.
self.anchor_map = {}
# Maps anchors (generated by this module) to positions
self.rst3_all = False
# Set to True by the button which processes all @rst trees.
# For writing.
self.defaultEncoding = 'utf-8'
self.leoDirectivesList = g.globalDirectiveList
self.encoding = self.defaultEncoding
self.ext = None # The file extension.
self.outputFileName = None # The name of the file being written.
self.outputFile = None # The open file being written.
self.path = '' # The path from any @path directive.
self.source = None # The written source as a string.
#@-node:ekr.20050805162550.11:<< init ivars >>
self.initOptionsFromSettings() # Still needed.
self.initHeadlineCommands() # Only needs to be done once.
#@-node:ekr.20050805162550.10: ctor (rstClass)
def addMenu (self):
c = self.c ; editMenu = c.frame.menu.getMenu('Edit')
def rst3PluginCallback (event=None):
table = (
### ("Write Restructed Text","",rst3PluginCallback),
def initHeadlineCommands (self):
'''Init the list of headline commands used by writeHeadline.'''
self.headlineCommands = [
# # Suggested by Hemanth P.S.: prevent @file nodes from creating headings.
# self.getOption('keep_at_file_prefix'),
# self.getOption('strip_at_file_prefix'),
def initSingleNodeOptions (self):
self.singleNodeOptions = [
def munge (self,name):
'''Convert an option name to the equivalent ivar name.'''
i = g.choose(name.startswith('rst'),3,0)
while i < len(name) and name[i].isdigit():
i += 1
if i < len(name) and name[i] == '_':
i += 1
s = name[i:].lower()
s = s.replace('-','_')
return s
#@-node:ekr.20050805162550.9: Birth & init
def createDefaultOptionsDict(self):
# Warning: changing the names of options changes the names of the corresponding ivars.
self.defaultOptionsDict = {
# Http options...
'rst3_clear_http_attributes': False,
'rst3_http_server_support': False,
'rst3_http_attributename': 'rst_http_attribute',
'rst3_node_begin_marker': 'http-node-marker-',
# Path options...
'rst3_default_path': None, # New in Leo 4.4a4 # Bug fix: must be None, not ''.
'rst3_stylesheet_name': 'default.css',
'rst3_stylesheet_path': None, # Bug fix: must be None, not ''.
'rst3_publish_argv_for_missing_stylesheets': None,
# Global options...
'rst3_code_block_string': '',
'rst3_number_code_lines': True,
'rst3_underline_characters': '''#=+*^~"'`-:><_''',
'rst3_write_intermediate_file': False, # Used only if generate_rst is True.
# Mode options...
'rst3_code_mode': False, # True: generate rst markup from @code and @doc parts.
'rst3_doc_only_mode': False, # True: generate only from @doc parts.
'rst3_generate_rst': True, # True: generate rst markup. False: generate plain text.
'rst3_generate_rst_header_comment': True,
# True generate header comment (requires generate_rst option)
# Formatting options that apply to both code and rst modes....
'rst3_show_headlines': True, # Can be set by @rst-no-head headlines.
'rst3_show_organizer_nodes': True,
'rst3_show_options_nodes': False,
'rst3_show_sections': True,
'rst3_strip_at_file_prefixes': True,
'rst3_show_doc_parts_in_rst_mode': True,
# Formatting options that apply only to code mode.
'rst3_show_doc_parts_as_paragraphs': False,
'rst3_show_leo_directives': True,
'rst3_show_markup_doc_parts': False,
'rst3_show_options_doc_parts': False,
# *Names* of headline commands...
'rst3_code_prefix': '@rst-code', # Enter code mode.
'rst3_doc_only_prefix': '@rst-doc-only', # Enter doc-only mode.
'rst3_rst_prefix': '@rst', # Enter rst mode.
'rst3_ignore_headline_prefix': '@rst-no-head',
'rst3_ignore_headlines_prefix': '@rst-no-headlines',
'rst3_ignore_node_prefix': '@rst-ignore-node',
'rst3_ignore_prefix': '@rst-ignore',
'rst3_ignore_tree_prefix': '@rst-ignore-tree',
'rst3_option_prefix': '@rst-option',
'rst3_options_prefix': '@rst-options',
'rst3_preformat_prefix': '@rst-preformat',
'rst3_show_headline_prefix': '@rst-head',
#@+node:ekr.20050812120933:dumpSettings (debugging)
def dumpSettings (self):
d = self.optionsDict
keys = d.keys() ; keys.sort()
g.pr('present settings...')
for key in keys:
g.pr('%20s %s' % (key,d.get(key)))
#@-node:ekr.20050812120933:dumpSettings (debugging)
def getOption (self,name):
bwm = False
if bwm:
g.trace("bwm: getOption self:%s, name:%s, value:%s" % (
self, name, self.optionsDict.get(name)))
return self.optionsDict.get(name)
def initCodeBlockString(self,p):
# New in Leo 4.4.4: do this here, not in initWrite:
c = self.c
d = c.scanAllDirectives(p)
language = d.get('language')
if language is None: language = 'python'
else: language = language.lower()
syntax = SilverCity is not None
# g.trace('language',language,'language.title()',language.title(),p.h)
s = self.getOption('code_block_string')
if s:
self.code_block_string = s.replace('\\n','\n')
elif syntax and language in ('python','ruby','perl','c'):
self.code_block_string = '**code**:\n\n.. code-block:: %s\n' % language.title()
self.code_block_string = '**code**:\n\n.. class:: code\n..\n\n::\n'
#@+node:ekr.20050807120331.1:preprocessTree & helpers
def preprocessTree (self,root):
self.tnodeOptionDict = {}
# Bug fix 12/4/05: must preprocess parents too.
for p in root.parents():
for p in root.self_and_subtree():
if 0:
for key in self.tnodeOptionDict.keys():
def preprocessNode (self,p):
d = self.tnodeOptionDict.get(p.v)
if d is None:
d = self.scanNodeForOptions(p)
self.tnodeOptionDict [p.v] = d
def parseOptionLine (self,s):
'''Parse a line containing name=val and return (name,value) or None.
If no value is found, default to True.'''
s = s.strip()
if s.endswith(','): s = s[:-1]
# Get name. Names may contain '-' and '_'.
i = g.skip_id(s,0,chars='-_')
name = s [:i]
if not name: return None
j = g.skip_ws(s,i)
if g.match(s,j,'='):
val = s [j+1:].strip()
# g.trace(val)
return name,val
# g.trace('*True')
return name,'True'
def scanForOptionDocParts (self,p,s):
'''Return a dictionary containing all options from rstoptionsdocpartsp. import
Multiple @rst-options doc parts are allowed: this code aggregates all options.
d = {} ; n = 0 ; lines = g.splitLines(s)
while n < len(lines):
line = lines[n] ; n += 1
if line.startswith('@'):
i = g.skip_ws(line,1)
for kind in ('@rst-options','@rst-option'):
if g.match_word(line,i,kind):
# Allow options on the same line.
line = line[i+len(kind):]
# Add options until the end of the doc part.
while n < len(lines):
line = lines[n] ; n += 1 ; found = False
for stop in ('@c','@code', '@'):
if g.match_word(line,0,stop):
found = True ; break
if found:
return d
def scanHeadlineForOptions (self,p):
'''Return a dictionary containing the options implied by p's headline.'''
h = p.h.strip()
if p == self.topNode:
return {} # Don't mess with the root node.
elif g.match_word(h,0,self.getOption('option_prefix')): # '@rst-option'
s = h [len(self.option_prefix):]
return self.scanOption(p,s)
elif g.match_word(h,0,self.getOption('options_prefix')): # '@rst-options'
return self.scanOptions(p,p.b)
# Careful: can't use g.match_word because options may have '-' chars.
i = g.skip_id(h,0,chars='@-')
word = h[0:i]
for prefix,ivar,val in (
('code_prefix','code_mode',True), # '@rst-code'
('doc_mode_prefix','doc_only_mode',True), # @rst-doc-only.
('default_path_prefix','default_prefix',''), # '@rst-default-path'
('rst_prefix','code_mode',False), # '@rst'
('ignore_headline_prefix','ignore_this_headline',True), # '@rst-no-head'
('show_headline_prefix','show_this_headline',True), # '@rst-head'
('ignore_headlines_prefix','show_headlines',False), # '@rst-no-headlines'
('ignore_prefix','ignore_this_tree',True), # '@rst-ignore'
('ignore_node_prefix','ignore_this_node',True), # '@rst-ignore-node'
('ignore_tree_prefix','ignore_this_tree',True), # '@rst-ignore-tree'
('preformat_prefix','preformat_this_node',True), # '@rst-preformat
prefix = self.getOption(prefix)
if prefix and word == prefix: # Do _not_ munge this prefix!
d = { ivar: val }
if ivar != 'code_mode':
d ['code_mode'] = False # Enter rst mode.
d ['doc_only_mode'] = False
# Special case: Treat a bare @rst like @rst-no-head
if h == self.getOption('rst_prefix'):
d ['ignore_this_headline'] = True
# g.trace(repr(h),repr(prefix),ivar,d)
return d
if h.startswith('@rst'):
g.trace('unknown kind of @rst headline',p.h)
return {}
def scanNodeForOptions (self,p):
'''Return a dictionary containing all the option-name:value entries in p.
Such entries may arise from rstoptionrstoptionstheheadline import
or from rstoptionsdocparts. import
h = p.h
d = self.scanHeadlineForOptions(p)
d2 = self.scanForOptionDocParts(p,p.b)
# A fine point: body options over-ride headline options.
return d
def scanOption (self,p,s):
'''Return { name:val } if s is a line of the form name=val.
Otherwise return {}'''
if not s.strip() or s.strip().startswith('..'): return {}
data = self.parseOptionLine(s)
if data:
name,val = data
fullName = 'rst3_' + self.munge(name)
if fullName in self.defaultOptionsDict.keys():
if val.lower() == 'true': val = True
elif val.lower() == 'false': val = False
# g.trace('%24s %8s %s' % (self.munge(name),val,p.h))
return { self.munge(name): val }
g.es_print('ignoring unknown option: %s' % (name),color='red')
return {}
s2 = 'bad rst3 option in %s: %s' % (p.h,s)
return {}
def scanOptions (self,p,s):
'''Return a dictionary containing all the options in s.'''
d = {}
for line in g.splitLines(s):
d2 = self.scanOption(p,line)
if d2: d.update(d2)
return d
#@-node:ekr.20050807120331.1:preprocessTree & helpers
#@+node:ekr.20050808142313.28:scanAllOptions & helpers
# Once an option is seen, no other related options in ancestor nodes have any effect.
def scanAllOptions(self,p):
'''Scan position p and p's ancestors looking for options,
setting corresponding ivars.
self.initOptionsFromSettings() # Must be done on every node.
seen = self.singleNodeOptions[:] # Suppress inheritance of single-node options.
# g.trace('-'*20)
for p in p.self_and_parents():
d = self.tnodeOptionDict.get(p.v,{})
# g.trace(p.h,d)
for key in d.keys():
ivar = self.munge(key)
if not ivar in seen:
val = d.get(key)
# self.dumpSettings()
if self.rst3_all:
self.setOption("generate_rst", True, "rst3_all")
self.setOption("generate_rst_header_comment",True, "rst3_all")
self.setOption("http_server_support", True, "rst3_all")
self.setOption("write_intermediate_file", True, "rst3_all")
def initOptionsFromSettings (self):
c = self.c ; d = self.defaultOptionsDict
keys = d.keys() ; keys.sort()
for key in keys:
for getter,kind in (
val = getter(key)
if kind == 'default' or val is not None:
# Special case.
if self.getOption('http_server_support') and not mod_http:
g.es('No http_server_support: can not import mod_http plugin',color='red')
def handleSingleNodeOptions (self,p):
'''Init the settings of single-node options from thetnodeOptionsDict. import
All such options default to False.'''
d = self.tnodeOptionDict.get(p.v, {} )
for ivar in self.singleNodeOptions:
val = d.get(ivar,False)
#g.trace('%24s %8s %s' % (ivar,val,p.h))
#@-node:ekr.20050808142313.28:scanAllOptions & helpers
def setOption (self,name,val,tag):
ivar = self.munge(name)
bwm = False
if bwm:
if not self.optionsDict.has_key(ivar):
g.trace('init %24s %20s %s %s' % (ivar, val, tag, self))
elif self.optionsDict.get(ivar) != val:
g.trace('set %24s %20s %s %s' % (ivar, val, tag, self))
self.optionsDict [ivar] = val
#@+node:ekr.20050809074827:write methods
#@+node:ekr.20050809082854: Top-level write code
def initWrite (self,p):
self.initOptionsFromSettings() # Still needed.
# Set the encoding from any parent @encoding directive.
# This can be overridden by @rst-option encoding=whatever.
c = self.c
d = c.scanAllDirectives(p)
self.encoding = d.get('encoding') or self.defaultEncoding
self.path = d.get('path') or ''
# g.trace('path:',self.path)
def writeNormalTree (self,p,toString=False):
# Always write to a string first.
self.outputFile = StringIO()
self.source = self.stringOutput = self.outputFile.getvalue()
# Copy to a file if requested.
if not toString:
# Comput the output file name *after* calling writeTree.
self.outputFileName = self.computeOutputFileName(self.outputFileName)
self.outputFile = open(self.outputFileName,'w')
return True
def processTopTree (self,p,justOneFile=False):
c = self.c ; current = p.copy()
for p in current.self_and_parents():
h = p.h
if h.startswith('@rst') and not h.startswith('@rst-'):
def processTree(self,p,ext,toString,justOneFile):
'''Process all @rst nodes in a tree.'''
found = False ; self.stringOutput = ''
p = p.copy() ; after= p.nodeAfterTree()
while p and p != after:
h = p.h.strip()
if g.match_word(h,0,"@rst"):
self.outputFileName = h[4:].strip()
if (
(self.outputFileName and self.outputFileName[0] != '-') or
(toString and not self.outputFileName)
found = True
self.toplevel = p.level() # Define toplevel separately for each rst file.
if toString:
self.ext = ext
self.ext = g.os_path_splitext(self.outputFileName)[1].lower()
# g.trace('ext',self.ext,self.outputFileName)
if self.ext in ('.htm','.html','.tex','.pdf'):
ok = self.writeSpecialTree(p,toString=toString,justOneFile=justOneFile)
ok = self.writeNormalTree(p,toString=toString)
self.scanAllOptions(p) # Restore the top-level verbose setting.
if toString:
return p.copy(),self.stringOutput
if ok: self.report(self.outputFileName)
else: p.moveToThreadNext()
if not found:
g.es('No @rst nodes in selected tree',color='blue')
return None,None
def writeSpecialTree (self,p,toString,justOneFile):
c = self.c
isHtml = self.ext in ('.html','.htm')
if isHtml and not SilverCity:
if not self.silverCityWarningGiven:
self.silverCityWarningGiven = True
g.es('SilverCity not present so no syntax highlighting')
# was ,encoding=g.choose(isHtml,'utf-8','iso-8859-1'))
self.outputFile = StringIO()
self.source = self.outputFile.getvalue()
self.outputFile = None
if not toString:
# Compute this here for use by intermediate file.
self.outputFileName = self.computeOutputFileName(self.outputFileName)
# Create the directory if it doesn't exist.
theDir, junk = g.os_path_split(self.outputFileName)
theDir = c.os_path_finalize(theDir)
if not g.os_path_exists(theDir):
ok = g.makeAllNonExistentDirectories(theDir,c=c,force=False)
if not ok:
g.es_print('did not create:',theDir,color='red')
return False
# if not os.access(theDir,os.F_OK):
# os.mkdir(theDir)
if self.getOption('write_intermediate_file'):
name = self.outputFileName + '.txt'
f = open(name,'w')
output = self.writeToDocutils(self.source)
ok = True
except Exception:
g.pr('Exception in docutils')
ok = False
if ok:
if isHtml:
import re
idxTitle = output.find('<title></title>')
if idxTitle > -1:
m = re.search('<h1>([^<]*)</h1>', output)
if not m:
m = re.search('<h1><[^>]+>([^<]*)</a></h1>', output)
if m:
output = output.replace(
'<title>%s</title>' % m.group(1)
if toString:
self.stringOutput = output
# Write the file to the directory containing the .leo file.
f = open(self.outputFileName,'w')
self.http_endTree(self.outputFileName, p, justOneFile=justOneFile)
return ok
#@+node:ekr.20050809082854.1:writeToDocutils (sets argv) & helper
def writeToDocutils (self,s):
'''Send s to docutils using the writer implied by self.ext and return the result.'''
openDirectory = self.c.frame.openDirectory
overrides = {'output_encoding': self.encoding }
# Compute the args list if the stylesheet path does not exist.
styleSheetArgsDict = self.handleMissingStyleSheetArgs()
for ext,writer in (
if self.ext == ext:
g.es_print('unknown docutils extension: %s' % (self.ext),color='red')
return ''
# Make the stylesheet path relative to the directory containing the output file.
rel_stylesheet_path = self.getOption('stylesheet_path') or ''
# New in Leo 4.5: The rel_stylesheet_path is relative to the open directory.
stylesheet_path = g.os_path_finalize_join(
path = g.os_path_finalize_join(
res = ""
if g.os_path_exists(path):
if self.ext != '.pdf':
overrides['stylesheet'] = path
overrides['stylesheet_path'] = None
elif styleSheetArgsDict:
g.es_print('using publish_argv_for_missing_stylesheets',
# MWC add args to settings
elif rel_stylesheet_path == stylesheet_path:
g.es_print('stylesheet not found: %s' % (path),color='red')
g.es_print('stylesheet not found\n',path,color='red')
if self.path:g.es_print('@path:', self.path)
g.es_print('open path:',self.c.frame.openDirectory)
if rel_stylesheet_path:
g.es_print('relative path:', rel_stylesheet_path)
# All paths now come through here.
res = docutils.core.publish_string(source=s,
except docutils.ApplicationError as error:
g.es_print('Error (%s): %s' % (error.__class__.__name__, error))
return res
def handleMissingStyleSheetArgs (self,s=None):
'''Parse the publish_argv_for_missing_stylesheets option,
returning a dict containing the parsed args.'''
d = {}
if not s:
s = self.getOption('publish_argv_for_missing_stylesheets')
if not s: return d
args = s.strip()
if args.find(',') == -1:
args = [args]
args = args.split(',')
for arg in args:
data = arg.split('=')
if len(data) == 1:
key = data[0]
d[str(key)] = ""
elif len(data) == 2:
key,value = data
d[str(key)] = str(value)
g.es_print('bad option: %s' % s,color='red')
return d
#@-node:ekr.20050809082854.1:writeToDocutils (sets argv) & helper
#@+node:ekr.20060525102337:writeNodeToString (New in 4.4.1)
def writeNodeToString (self,p=None,ext=None):
'''Scan p's tree (defaults to presently selected tree) looking for @rst nodes.
Convert the first node found to an ouput of the type specified by ext.
The @rst may or may not be followed by a filename; the filename is *ignored*,
and its type does not affect ext or the output generated in any way.
ext should start with a period: .html, .tex or None (specifies rst output).
Returns p, s, where p is the position of the @rst node and s is the converted text.'''
c = self.c ; current = p or c.p
for p in current.self_and_parents():
if p.h.startswith('@rst'):
return self.processTree(p,ext=ext,toString=True,justOneFile=True)
return self.processTree(current,ext=ext,toString=True,justOneFile=True)
#@-node:ekr.20060525102337:writeNodeToString (New in 4.4.1)
#@-node:ekr.20050809082854: Top-level write code
def getDocPart (self,lines,n):
# g.trace('n',n,repr(''.join(lines)))
result = []
#@ << Append whatever follows @doc or @space to result >>
#@+node:ekr.20060610104435:<< Append whatever follows @doc or @space to result >>
if n > 0:
line = lines[n-1]
if line.startswith('@doc'):
s = line[4:].lstrip()
elif line.startswith('@'):
s = line[1:].lstrip()
s = ''
# New in Leo 4.4.4: remove these special tags.
for tag in ('@rst-options','@rst-option','@rst-markup'):
if g.match_word(s,0,tag):
s = s[len(tag):].strip()
if s.strip():
#@-node:ekr.20060610104435:<< Append whatever follows @doc or @space to result >>
while n < len(lines):
s = lines [n] ; n += 1
if g.match_word(s,0,'@code') or g.match_word(s,0,'@c'):
return n, result
def skip_literal_block (self,lines,n):
s = lines[n] ; result = [s] ; n += 1
indent = g.skip_ws(s,0)
# Skip lines until a non-blank line is found with same or less indent.
while n < len(lines):
s = lines[n]
indent2 = g.skip_ws(s,0)
if s and not s.isspace() and indent2 <= indent:
break # We will rescan lines [n]
n += 1
# g.printList(result,tag='literal block')
return n, result
#@+node:ekr.20050811101550.1:writeBody & helpers
def writeBody (self,p):
# remove trailing cruft and split into lines.
lines = p.b.rstrip().split('\n')
if self.getOption('code_mode'):
if not self.getOption('show_options_doc_parts'):
lines = self.handleSpecialDocParts(lines,'@rst-options',
if not self.getOption('show_markup_doc_parts'):
lines = self.handleSpecialDocParts(lines,'@rst-markup',
if not self.getOption('show_leo_directives'):
lines = self.removeLeoDirectives(lines)
lines = self.handleCodeMode(lines)
elif self.getOption('doc_only_mode'):
# New in version 1.15
lines = self.handleDocOnlyMode(p,lines)
lines = self.handleSpecialDocParts(lines,'@rst-options',
lines = self.handleSpecialDocParts(lines,'@rst-markup',
if self.getOption('show_doc_parts_in_rst_mode') is True:
pass # original behaviour, treat as plain text
elif self.getOption('show_doc_parts_in_rst_mode'):
# use value as class for content
lines = self.handleSpecialDocParts(lines,None,
retainContents=True, asClass=self.getOption('show_doc_parts_in_rst_mode'))
else: # option evaluates to false, cut them out
lines = self.handleSpecialDocParts(lines,None,
lines = self.removeLeoDirectives(lines)
if self.getOption('generate_rst') and self.getOption('use_alternate_code_block'):
lines = self.replaceCodeBlockDirectives(lines)
s = '\n'.join(lines).strip()
if s:
self.write('%s\n\n' % s)
#@+node:ekr.20050811150541:handleCodeMode & helper
def handleCodeMode (self,lines):
'''Handle the preprocessed body text in code mode as follows:
- Blank lines are copied after being cleaned.
- @ @rst-markup lines get copied as is.
- Everything else gets put into a code-block directive.'''
result = [] ; n = 0 ; code = []
while n < len(lines):
s = lines [n] ; n += 1
if (
self.isSpecialDocPart(s,'@rst-markup') or
(self.getOption('show_doc_parts_as_paragraphs') and self.isSpecialDocPart(s,None))
if code:
code = []
n, lines2 = self.getDocPart(lines,n)
elif not s.strip() and not code:
pass # Ignore blank lines before the first code block.
elif not code: # Start the code block.
else: # Continue the code block.
if code:
code = []
return self.rstripList(result)
def formatCodeModeLine (self,s,n,numberOption):
if not s.strip(): s = ''
if numberOption:
return '\t%d: %s' % (n,s)
return '\t%s' % s
def rstripList (self,theList):
'''Removed trailing blank lines from theList.'''
s = '\n'.join(theList).rstrip()
return s.split('\n')
def finishCodePart (self,result,code):
numberOption = self.getOption('number_code_lines')
code = self.rstripList(code)
i = 0
for line in code:
i += 1
#@-node:ekr.20050811150541:handleCodeMode & helper
def handleDocOnlyMode (self,p,lines):
'''Handle the preprocessed body text in doc_only mode as follows:
- Blank lines are copied after being cleaned.
- @ @rst-markup lines get copied as is.
- All doc parts get copied.
- All code parts are ignored.'''
ignore = self.getOption('ignore_this_headline')
showHeadlines = self.getOption('show_headlines')
showThisHeadline = self.getOption('show_this_headline')
showOrganizers = self.getOption('show_organizer_nodes')
result = [] ; n = 0
while n < len(lines):
s = lines [n] ; n += 1
if self.isSpecialDocPart(s,'@rst-options'):
n, lines2 = self.getDocPart(lines,n) # ignore.
elif self.isAnyDocPart(s):
# Handle any other doc part, including @rst-markup.
n, lines2 = self.getDocPart(lines,n)
if lines2: result.extend(lines2)
if not result: result = []
if showHeadlines:
if result or showThisHeadline or showOrganizers or p == self.topNode:
# g.trace(len(result),p.h)
return result
def isAnyDocPart (self,s):
if s.startswith('@doc'):
return True
elif not s.startswith('@'):
return False
return len(s) == 1 or s[1].isspace()
def isSpecialDocPart (self,s,kind):
'''Return True if s is a special doc part of the indicated kind.
If kind is None, return True if s is any doc part.'''
if s.startswith('@') and len(s) > 1 and s[1].isspace():
if kind:
i = g.skip_ws(s,1)
result = g.match_word(s,i,kind)
result = True
elif not kind:
result = g.match_word(s,0,'@doc') or g.match_word(s,0,'@')
result = False
return result
def isAnySpecialDocPart (self,s):
for kind in (
if self.isSpecialDocPart(s,kind):
return True
return False
def removeLeoDirectives (self,lines):
'''Remove all Leo directives, except within literal blocks.'''
n = 0 ; result = []
while n < len(lines):
s = lines [n] ; n += 1
if s.strip().endswith('::'):
n, lit = self.skip_literal_block(lines,n-1)
elif s.startswith('@') and not self.isAnySpecialDocPart(s):
for key in self.leoDirectivesList:
if g.match_word(s,0,key):
# g.trace('removing %s' % s)
return result
def handleSpecialDocParts (self,lines,kind,retainContents,asClass=None):
# g.trace(kind,g.listToString(lines))
result = [] ; n = 0
while n < len(lines):
s = lines [n] ; n += 1
if s.strip().endswith('::'):
n, lit = self.skip_literal_block(lines,n-1)
elif self.isSpecialDocPart(s,kind):
n, lines2 = self.getDocPart(lines,n)
if retainContents:
if asClass:
result.extend(['.. container:: '+asClass, ''])
if 'literal' in asClass.split():
result.extend([' ::', ''])
for l2 in lines2: result.append(' '+l2)
return result
def replaceCodeBlockDirectives (self,lines):
'''Replace code-block directive, but not in literal blocks.'''
n = 0 ; result = []
while n < len(lines):
s = lines [n] ; n += 1
if s.strip().endswith('::'):
n, lit = self.skip_literal_block(lines,n-1)
i = g.skip_ws(s,0)
if g.match(s,i,'..'):
i = g.skip_ws(s,i+2)
if g.match_word(s,i,'code-block'):
if 1: # Create a literal block to hold the code.
else: # This 'annotated' literal block is confusing.
result.append('%s code::\n' % s[i+len('code-block'):])
return result
#@-node:ekr.20050811101550.1:writeBody & helpers
#@+node:ekr.20050805162550.26:writeHeadline & helper
def writeHeadline (self,p):
'''Generate an rST section if options permit it.
Remove headline commands from theheadlinefirst import
and never generate an rST section for @rst-option and @rst-options.'''
docOnly = self.getOption('doc_only_mode')
ignore = self.getOption('ignore_this_headline')
showHeadlines = self.getOption('show_headlines')
showThisHeadline = self.getOption('show_this_headline')
showOrganizers = self.getOption('show_organizer_nodes')
if (
p == self.topNode or
ignore or
docOnly or # handleDocOnlyMode handles this.
not showHeadlines and not showThisHeadline or
# docOnly and not showOrganizers and not thisHeadline or
not p.h.strip() and not showOrganizers or
not p.b.strip() and not showOrganizers
def writeHeadlineHelper (self,p):
h = p.h.strip()
# Remove any headline command before writing the
i = g.skip_id(h,0,chars='@-')
word = h [:i]
if word:
# Never generate a section for @rst-option or @rst-options.
if word in (self.getOption('option_prefix'),self.getOption('options_prefix')):
# Remove all other headline commands from the headline.
for prefix in self.headlineCommands:
if word == prefix:
h = h [len(word):].strip()
# New in Leo 4.4.4.
if word.startswith('@'):
if self.getOption('strip_at_file_prefixes'):
for s in ('@auto','@file','@nosent','@thin',):
if g.match_word(word,0,s):
h = h [len(s):].strip()
if not h.strip(): return
if self.getOption('show_sections'):
if self.getOption('generate_rst'):
self.write('%s\n%s\n' % (h,self.underline(h,p)))
self.write('\n%s\n' % h)
self.write('\n**%s**\n\n' % h.replace('*',''))
#@-node:ekr.20050805162550.26:writeHeadline & helper
def writeNode (self,p):
'''Format a node according to the options presently in effect.'''
if 0:
g.trace('%24s code_mode %s' % (p.h,self.getOption('code_mode')))
h = p.h.strip()
if self.getOption('preformat_this_node'):
elif self.getOption('ignore_this_tree'):
elif self.getOption('ignore_this_node'):
elif g.match_word(h,0,'@rst-options') and not self.getOption('show_options_nodes'):
def writePreformat (self,p):
'''Write p's body text lines as if preformatted.
line 1
line 2 etc.
# g.trace(p.h,g.callers())
lines = p.b.split('\n')
lines = [' '*4 + z for z in lines]
s = '\n'.join(lines)
if s.strip():
self.write('%s\n\n' % s)
def writeTree(self,p):
'''Write p's tree to self.outputFile.'''
# g.trace(self.getOption('generate_rst_header_comment'))
if self.getOption('generate_rst'):
if self.getOption('generate_rst_header_comment'):
'rst3: filename: %s\n\n' % self.outputFileName))
# We can't use an iterator because we may skip parts of the tree.
p = p.copy() # Only one copy is needed for traversal.
self.topNode = p.copy() # Indicate the top of this tree.
after = p.nodeAfterTree()
while p and p != after:
#@-node:ekr.20050809074827:write methods
def computeOutputFileName (self,fileName):
openDirectory = self.c.frame.openDirectory
default_path = self.getOption('default_path')
# if default_path:
# default_path = g.os_path_finalize(default_path)
# g.trace('default_path',default_path,'fileName',fileName)
if default_path:
path = g.os_path_finalize_join(self.path,default_path,fileName)
elif self.path:
path = g.os_path_finalize_join(self.path,fileName)
elif openDirectory:
path = g.os_path_finalize_join(self.path,openDirectory,fileName)
path = g.os_path_finalize_join(fileName)
return path
def encode (self,s):
return g.toEncodedString(s,encoding=self.encoding,reportErrors=True)
def report (self,name):
if self.getOption('verbose'):
name = g.os_path_finalize(name)
g.es_print('wrote: %s' % (name),color="blue")
def rstComment (self,s):
return '.. %s' % s
def underline (self,s,p):
'''Return the underlining string to be used at the given level for string s.'''
u = self.getOption('underline_characters') # '''#=+*^~"'`-:><_'''
level = max(0,p.level()-self.toplevel)
level = min(level+1,len(u)-1) # Reserve the first character for explicit titles.
ch = u [level]
# g.trace(self.toplevel,p.level(),level,repr(ch),p.h)
n = max(4,len(s))
return ch * n + '\n'
def write (self,s):
s = self.encode(s)
#@+node:ekr.20050805162550.33:Support for http plugin
def http_addNodeMarker (self,p):
if (
self.getOption('http_server_support') and
self.nodeNumber += 1
anchorname = "%s%s" % (self.getOption('node_begin_marker'),self.nodeNumber)
s = "\n\n.. _%s:\n\n" % anchorname
self.http_map [anchorname] = p.copy()
if bwm_file: print >> bwm_file, "addNodeMarker", anchorname, p
#@+node:ekr.20050805162550.34:http_endTree & helpers
# Was http_support_main
def http_endTree (self,filename,p,justOneFile):
'''Do end-of-tree processing to support the http plugin.'''
if (
self.getOption('http_server_support') and
if justOneFile:
g.es_print('html updated for http plugin',color="blue")
if self.getOption('clear_http_attributes'):
g.es_print("http attributes cleared")
def set_initial_http_attributes (self,filename):
f = open(filename)
parser = htmlParserClass(self)
for line in f.readlines():
def find_anchors (self, p):
'''Find the anchors in all the nodes.'''
for p1, attrs in self.http_attribute_iter(p):
html = mod_http.reconstruct_html_from_attrs(attrs)
# g.trace(pprint.pprint(html))
parser = anchor_htmlParserClass(self, p1)
for line in html:
# bwm: changed to unicode(line)
line = ''.join([ch for ch in line if ord(ch) <= 127])
# filter out non-ascii characters.
# bwm: not quite sure what's going on here.
# g.trace(g.dictToString(self.anchor_map,tag='anchor_map'))
# Relocate references here if we are only running for one file.
# Otherwise we must postpone the relocation until we have processed all
# files.
def relocate_references (self, iterator_generator):
for p in iterator_generator():
attr = mod_http.get_http_attribute(p)
if not attr:
# g.trace('before',p.h,attr)
if bwm_file:
print >> bwm_file
print >> bwm_file, "relocate_references(1): Position, attr:"
pprint.pprint((p, attr), bwm_file)
http_lines = attr [3:]
parser = link_htmlparserClass(self,p)
for line in attr [3:]:
line = ''.join([ch for ch in line if ord(ch) <= 127])
replacements = parser.get_replacements()
if not replacements:
if bwm_file:
print >> bwm_file, "relocate_references(2): Replacements:"
pprint.pprint(replacements, bwm_file)
for line, column, href, href_file, http_node_ref in replacements:
if bwm_file:
print >> bwm_file, "relocate_references(3): line:", line, "Column:", column, "href:", href, "href_file:", href_file, "http_node_ref:", http_node_ref
marker_parts = href.split("#")
if len(marker_parts) == 2:
marker = marker_parts [1]
replacement = "%s#%s" % (http_node_ref,marker)
attr [line + 2] = attr [line + 2].replace(
'href="%s"' % href,'href="%s"' % replacement)
g.es("Skipped ", attr[line + 2])
filename = marker_parts [0]
attr [line + 2] = attr [line + 2].replace(
'href="%s"' % href,'href="%s"' % http_node_ref)
g.es("Skipped", attr[line+2])
# g.trace('after %s\n\n\n',attr)
def http_attribute_iter (self, p):
Iterator for all the nodes which have html code.
Look at the descendents of p.
Used for relocation.
for p1 in p.self_and_subtree():
attr = mod_http.get_http_attribute(p1)
if attr:
yield (p1.copy(),attr)
#@-node:ekr.20050805162550.34:http_endTree & helpers
#@-node:ekr.20050805162550.33:Support for http plugin
#@-node:ekr.20050805162550.8:class rstClass
#@-node:ekr.20050805162550:@thin rst3.py