#@+node:ekr.20040107092135.2:@thin searchbox.py
#@<< doc string >>
#@+node:ekr.20040108060748:<< doc string >>
'''Add a quick search to Leo's toolbar.
A search box which behaves like a web site search is added, along with
a "GO" button to do quick searches right from themainLeowindow.Allthe import
current search options are retained except that "search body text" is
explicitely set - mainly because this is by far the most common use case.
Pressing <CR> while editing the text automatically does a search. Repeated
searches can be done by clicking the "GO" button.
The combo box also stores a list of previous searches, which can be
selected to quickly repeat a search. When activating a previous
search the original search mode is used.
Still to do:
- incremental search
- reverse search
- persist recent searches across Leo sessions
- use INI file to set options for list size etc
#@-node:ekr.20040108060748:<< doc string >>
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4
__version__ = "0.9"
#@<< version history >>
#@+node:ekr.20040908094021.3:<< version history >>
# 0.4 EKR: Don't mess with button width on MacOS/darwin.
# 0.5 EKR: Create a separate SearchBox instance for each open window.
# - This eliminates problems when multiple windows are open.
# 0.6 EKR: Changes required by revisions of leoFind.leoFind class in Leo 4.3:
# - Removed '_flag' suffixes in OPTION_LIST.
# - Added c arg to QuickFind ctor.
# - We now have per-commander find panels.
# - update_ivars
# - Changed name from set_ivars.
# - Call setattr(self,key,0), not setattr(c,key+'_flag',0)
# - No more _flag hack.
# - Set self ivars, not c ivars.
# - Changed init_s_text to init_s_ctrl.
# - Changed s_text to s_ctrl.
# 0.7 EKR: Fixed crasher in Leo 4.4 by initing self.p in Quickfind ctor.
# 0.8 EKR: Fixed crasher by making QuickFind.s_ctrl a leoTkTextWidget and by
# adding
# ins argument to init_s_ctrl.
# 0.9 EKR: Import tkGui as needed.
#@-node:ekr.20040908094021.3:<< version history >>
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20040908093511.3:<< imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
import leo.plugins.tkGui as tkGui
leoTkinterFrame = tkGui.leoTkinterFrame
import leo.core.leoFind as leoFind
Tk = g.importExtension('Tkinter',pluginName=__name__,verbose=True)
import sys
#@-node:ekr.20040908093511.3:<< imports >>
#@<< vars >>
#@+node:ekr.20040108054555.14:<< vars >>
# Set this to 0 if the sizing of the toolbar controls doesn't look good on
# your platform
USE_FIXED_SIZES = sys.platform != "darwin"
# Set this to the number of previous searches you want to remember
# Define the search option/find option matrix - we define as a list first
# so we can keep a nice order. You can easily add options here if you
# know what you are doing ;)
# If an option is supposed to zero a flag then start the name with a !
# New in 4.3: removed the odious _flag hack.
("Search text", ["search_body", "search_headline", "ignore_case"]),
("Search word", ["search_body", "search_headline", "whole_word", "ignore_case"]),
("Search headlines", ["search_headline","ignore_case"]),
("Search body", ["search_body", "ignore_case"]),
("Case sensitive", ["search_body", "search_headline"]),
#@-node:ekr.20040108054555.14:<< vars >>
def onCreate(tag, keywords):
# Not ok for unit testing: can't use unitTestGui.
if g.app.unitTesting:
c = keywords.get("c")
search = SearchBox(c)
def init():
if not Tk:
return False # OK for unit testing.
if g.app.gui is None:
if g.app.gui.guiName() == "tkinter":
leoPlugins.registerHandler("after-create-leo-frame", onCreate)
return True
return False
#@+node:ekr.20040107092135.3:class SearchBox
class SearchBox:
"""A search box for Leo"""
#@ @+others
def __init__ (self,c):
self.c = c
def _getSizer(self, parent, height, width):
"""Return a sizer object to force a Tk widget to be the right size"""
sizer = Tk.Frame(parent, height=height, width=width)
sizer.pack_propagate(0) # don't shrink
return sizer
return parent
def addWidgets(self):
"""Add the widgets to the navigation bar"""
c = self.c ; toolbar = c.frame.iconFrame
if not toolbar: return
# Button.
self.go = Tk.Button(self._getSizer(toolbar, 25, 32), text="GO", command=self.doSearch)
self.go.pack(side="right", fill="both", expand=1)
# Search options.
options = [name for name, flags in OPTION_LIST]
self.option_value = Tk.StringVar()
self.options = Tk.OptionMenu(
self._getSizer(toolbar, 29, 130), self.option_value, *options)
self.options.pack(side="right", fill="both", expand=1)
# Text entry.
self.search = Tk.Entry(self._getSizer(toolbar, 24, 130))
self.search.pack(side="right", padx=3, fill="both", expand=1)
c.bind(self.search,"<Return>", self.onKey)
# Store a list of the last searches.
self.search_list = []
def doSearch(self,*args,**keys):
"""Do the actual search"""
# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
c = self.c
text = self.search.get()
# Remove the old find frame so its options don't compete with ours.
search_mode = self.option_value.get()
new_find = QuickFind(c,text,search_mode)
old_find, c.frame.findPanel = c.frame.findPanel, new_find
# Do the search.
# Restore the find frame.
c.frame.findPanel = old_find
# Remember this list
self.updateRecentList(text, search_mode)
if 0: # This doesn't work yet: the user can't see the match.
def onBackSpace (self,event=None):
def onKey (self,event=None):
"""Called when the user presses Return in the text entry box"""
def searchRecent(self, *args, **kw):
"""Do a search on a recently used item"""
# Find the item.
name = self.option_value.get()
for item_name, mode in self.search_list:
if item_name == name:
# Ok, so set mode and text and then do the search
self.search.delete(0, "end")
self.search.insert(0, name)
g.pr(name, self.search_list )
g.es("Recent search item not found! Looks like a bug ...", color="red")
def updateRecentList(self, text, search_mode):
"""Update the list of recently searched items"""
# First update the menu - delete all the options if there are any
c = self.c
menu = self.options["menu"]
if self.search_list:
c.add_command(menu,label="-------------", command=lambda:0)
# Update and prune list to remove a previous search for this text
self.search_list = [(text, search_mode)] + [
(name, mode) for name, mode in self.search_list[:SEARCH_LIST_LENGTH] if name != text]
# Now update the menu
for name, mode in self.search_list:
#@-node:ekr.20040107092135.3:class SearchBox
#@+node:ekr.20040107092135.6:class QuickFind
class QuickFind(leoFind.leoFind):
"""A class for quick searching"""
#@ @+others
def __init__(self,c,text,search_option=""):
"""Initialize the finder"""
# Init the base class.
self.c = c
self.p = c.p # Bug fix: 5/14/06
self.s_ctrl = leoTkinterFrame.leoTkTextWidget() # Tk.Text() # Used by find.search()
self.__find_text = text
self.search_option = search_option
# Modified from leoTkinterFind.update_ivars.
def update_ivars (self):
"""Called just before doing a find to update ivars."""
for key in self.intKeys:
# g.trace('settattr',key,False)
setattr(self, key,False)
self.change_text = ""
self.find_text = self.__find_text
# Set options from OPTIONS_DICT.
for flag_name in OPTION_DICT[self.search_option]:
if flag_name.startswith("!"):
value = 0
name = flag_name[1:]
value = 1
name = flag_name
# g.trace('settattr',name,value)
setattr(self, name, value)
def init_s_ctrl (self,s,ins=None):
t = self.s_ctrl
if ins is None:
ins = t.toGuiIndex(ins)
return t
def gui_search (self,t,*args,**keys):
return t.search(*args,**keys)
#@-node:ekr.20040107092135.6:class QuickFind
#@-node:ekr.20040107092135.2:@thin searchbox.py