#@+node:ekr.20060601151845:@thin shortcut_button.py
#@+node:bobjack.20080614084120.6:<< docstring >>
'''A plugin to create a 'shortcut' button in the icon area.
Pressing the 'shortcut' button creates *another* button which when pressed will
select the presently selected node at the time the button was created.
This plugin requires that the mod_scripting plugin be enabled. The toolbar.py
and rClick.py plugins are not required, but extra facilities are available
if they are enabled.
An @data shortcut_button_data may be used in @setting trees to control the colors
for the buttons and to set the name of the @popup menu to be used as a context menu.
If the following line appears::
icon = <full or relative path to an icon>
then the requested icon will be shown instead of text in the master button.
The colors and menus for the 'shortcut' button itself are set using::
master-bg = <color>
master-fg = <color>
master-menu = <@popup menu-name>
The colors and menus for the 'shortcut' button itself are set using::
slave-bg = <color>
slave-fg = <color>
slave-menu = <@popoup menu-name>
The menus will be ignored if the rClick.py and toolbar.py plugins are not enabled.
If the toolbar.py plugin is enabled then the following settings will be honored::
iconbar = <name of an iconbar>
hide =
Iconbar gives the name of an iconbar to which the master button should initially be attached.
If no name is given then the default 'iconbar' will be used. The iconbar will be created if it
does not already exist.
If hide is left blank then any iconbar created will be shown initially, otherwise it will be
hidden. This has no effect if the iconbar already exists.
Minibuffer Commands
The following minibuffer commands are provided::
If these commands are used in a button menu or an iconBar menu then the
buttons will be created in the iconbar to which the menu or button
is attached. Otherwise the button will be created in the default 'iconbar'.
Creates a duplicate of the master button, which when pressed
will issue a create-shortcut command.
Creates a slave button which when pressed will select the presently
selected node at the time the button was created.
#@-node:bobjack.20080614084120.6:<< docstring >>
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20060601151845.2:<< imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
import mod_scripting
Tk = g.importExtension('Tkinter',pluginName=__name__,verbose=True)
import rClickBasePluginClasses as baseClasses
#@-node:ekr.20060601151845.2:<< imports >>
__version__ = "0.6"
#@<< version history >>
#@+node:ekr.20060601151845.3:<< version history >>
# 0.1 Initial version. Suggested by Brian Theado.
# 0.2 EKR: Improved docstring.
# 0.3 EKR: Rewritten to used latest mod_scripting plugin.
# As a result, it creates the shortcut-button command, and commands for every
# button created.
# 0.4 EKR: The created commands now have the form: go-x-node to reduce chance
# of conflicts with other commands.
# 0.5 bobjack:
# - Updated to be compatible with toolbar.py plugin extensions
# - Added support for @data shortcut-button-data which allow
# setting of forground/background colors and rClick menus
# 0.6 bobjack:
# - added support for icon, iconbar and hide settings
#@-node:ekr.20060601151845.3:<< version history >>
def init ():
ok = Tk and mod_scripting and not g.app.unitTesting
if ok:
if g.app.gui is None:
ok = g.app.gui.guiName() == "tkinter"
if ok:
# Note: call onCreate _after_ reading the .leo file.
# That is, the 'after-create-leo-frame' hook is too early!
return ok
def onCreate (tag, keys):
"""Handle the onCreate event in the shortcut_button plugin."""
c = keys.get('c')
if c and c.exists and not hasattr(c, 'theShortcutButtonController'):
c.theShortcutButtonController = shortcutButton(c)
#@+node:ekr.20060601151845.6:class shortcutButton
class shortcutButton(object):
#@ @+others
#@+node:ekr.20060601151845.7: ctor
def __init__ (self, c):
self.c = c
self.iconBars = c.frame.iconBars
self.iconBars = {}
self.item_data = data = self.get_item_data()
barName = data.get('iconbar')
barHideOnStartup = data.get('hide')
if barName and not barName in self.iconBars:
bar = c.frame.getIconBar(barName=barName)
except TypeError:
bar = None
if bar and barHideOnStartup:
icon = data.get('icon')
if icon:
self.icon = baseClasses.getImage(icon)
self.icon = None
for command, method in [
('add-shortcut-button', self.addShortcutButton),
('shortcut-button-add-shortcut-button', self.addShortcutButton),
('add-shortcut', self.addShortcut),
('shortcut-button-add-shortcut', self.addShortcut)
#@-node:ekr.20060601151845.7: ctor
def addShortcutButton(self, keywords):
c = self.c
phase = keywords.get('rc_phase')
if phase not in ('invoke', 'minibuffer'):
g.trace('wrong phase', phase)
barName = self.item_data.get('iconbar')
bar = keywords.get('button') or keywords.get('bar')
if bar:
barName = bar.leoIconBar.barName
except AttributeError:
barName = bar.barName
barName = None
def addShortcut(self, keywords):
phase = keywords.get('phase')
if phase not in ('invoke', 'minibuffer'):
bar = keywords.get('bar')
if bar:
def get_item_data(self):
c = self.c
item_data = {}
data = c.config.getData('shortcut_button_data') or {}
for pair in data:
if '=' in pair:
k, v = pair.split('=', 1)
k, v = k.strip().lower(), v.strip()
item_data[k] = v
return item_data
def createShortcutButtonButton(self, barName=None):
c = self.c
sc = c.theScriptingController
data = self.item_data
kws = {
'text': 'shortcut',
'command': None,
'shortcut': None,
'statusLine': 'Create a Shortcut Button',
bg = data.get('master-bg')
if bg:
kws['bg'] = bg
bar = self.iconBars.get(barName, c.frame.iconBar)
oldIconBar = c.frame.iconBar
c.frame.iconBar = bar
b = sc.createIconButton(**kws)
c.frame.iconBar = oldIconBar
fg = data.get('master-fg')
if fg:
def shortcutButtonButtonCallback(event=None,self=self, b=b):
# Careful: func may destroy c.
if c.exists: c.redraw_now()
#return 'break'
menu = data.get('master-menu')
if menu:
b.context_menu = menu
if self.icon:
def createShortcutButton (self, b):
'''Create a button which selects the present position (when the button was created).'''
c = self.c
sc = c.theScriptingController
data = self.item_data
p = c.p
h = p.h
commandName = 'go-%s-node' % h
def shortcutButtonCallback (event=None,c=c,p=p):
#return 'break'
kws = {
'text': commandName,
'command': shortcutButtonCallback,
'shortcut': None,
'statusLine': commandName[3:],
bg = data.get('slave-bg')
if bg:
kws['bg'] = bg
bar = b.leoIconBar
except AttributeError:
bar = None
bar = bar or c.frame.iconBar
oldIconBar = c.frame.iconBar
c.frame.iconBar = bar
b = sc.createIconButton(**kws)
c.frame.iconBar = oldIconBar
fg = data.get('slave-fg')
if fg:
menu = data.get('slave-menu')
if menu:
b.context_menu = menu
#@-node:ekr.20060601151845.6:class shortcutButton
#@-node:ekr.20060601151845:@thin shortcut_button.py