#@+node:ekr.20041017035937:@thin table.py
#@<< docstring >>
#@+node:ekr.20050912180921:<< docstring >>
'''This plugin puts the View Table command in the Outline menu.
This command checks the current node using the csv (comma separated values) mods
Sniffer. It tries to determine the format that is in the nodes data. If you had
excel data in it, it should be able to determine its excel data. It then creates
a dialog with the data presented as in a table for the user to see it.
Requires Pmw and the tktable widget at http://sourceforge.net/projects/tktable
#@-node:ekr.20050912180921:<< docstring >>
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20041017035937.1:<< imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
# import leo.core.leoNodes as leoNodes
Pmw = g.importExtension("Pmw", pluginName=__name__,verbose=True)
Tk = g.importExtension('Tkinter',pluginName=__name__,verbose=True)
tktab = g.importExtension('tktable',pluginName=__name__,verbose=True)
if g.isPython3:
import io
StringIO = io.StringIO
import cStringIO
StringIO = cStringIO.StringIO
import csv
import weakref
#@-node:ekr.20041017035937.1:<< imports >>
__version__ = ".14"
#@<< version history >>
#@+node:ekr.20050311103711:<< version history >>
# .13 EKR:
# - Added init function.
# - Use only 'new' and 'open2' hooks.
# .14 EKR: Fixed bug reported by pylint.
#@-node:ekr.20050311103711:<< version history >>
haveseen = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
def init ():
ok = Pmw and Tk and tktab # Ok for unit testing.
if ok:
if g.app.gui is None:
ok = g.app.gui.guiName() == "tkinter"
if ok:
leoPlugins.registerHandler(('new','open2'),addMenu )
g.plugin_signon( __name__ )
return ok
#@+node:ekr.20041017035937.2:class CSVVisualizer
class CSVVisualizer:
arrays = []
#@ @+others
def __init__( self, c ):
self.c = c
self.arr = tktab.ArrayVar()
CSVVisualizer.arrays.append( self.arr )
self.rows = 0
self.columns = 0
def addData( self ):
arr = self.arr
reader = self.readData()
hc = False
for n, d in enumerate( reader ):
for n1, d2 in enumerate( d ):
arr.set( "%s,%s" %( n, n1 ), str(d2) )
self.columns = n1 + 1
self.rows = n + 1
return self.columns, self.rows
def readData( self ):
c = self.c
pos = c.p
data = pos.b
cS = StringIO()
cS.write( data )
cS.seek( 0 )
sniff = csv.Sniffer()
self.type = sniff.sniff( data )
reader = csv.reader( cS, self.type )
return reader
def writeData( self, save ):
pos = self.c.p
n2 = self.rows
n = self.columns
data = []
for z in range( n2 ):
ndata = []
for z2 in range( n ):
ndata.append( self.arr.get( "%s,%s" % ( z, z2 ) ) )
data.append( ndata )
cS = StringIO()
csv_write = csv.writer( cS, self.type )
for z in data:
csv_write.writerow( z )
cS.seek( 0 )
if not save:
# tnd = leoNodes.tnode( cS.getvalue(), "Save of Edited " + str(pos.h ) )
p2 = pos.insertAfter() # tnd )
p2.setHeadString("Save of Edited " + str(pos.h))
pos.setTnodeText( cS.getvalue() )
def addRow( self , tab ):
self.rows = self.rows + 1
tab.configure( rows = self.rows )
rc = '%s,0' % (self.rows -1 )
for z in range( self.columns ):
self.arr.set( '%s,%s' %( self.rows - 1, z ), "" )
tab.activate( rc )
def deleteRow( self, tab ):
i = tab.index( 'active' )
if i:
tab.delete_rows( i[ 0 ], 1 )
self.rows = self.rows - 1
#@-node:ekr.20041017035937.2:class CSVVisualizer
def viewTable( c ):
pos = c.p
dialog = Pmw.Dialog(
title = "Table Editor for " + str( pos.h),
buttons = [ 'Save To Current', 'Write To New', 'Close']
dbbox = dialog.component( 'buttonbox' )
for z in range( dbbox.numbuttons() ):
dbbox.button( z ).configure( background = 'white', foreground = 'blue')
csvv = CSVVisualizer( c )
sframe = Pmw.ScrolledFrame( dialog.interior() )
tab = createTable( sframe.interior(), csvv.arr )
createBBox( dialog.interior(), csvv, tab )
n = csvv.addData()
tab.configure( cols = n[ 0 ], rows = n[ 1 ] )
#@ << define fire_button callback >>
#@+node:ekr.20041017035937.10:<< define fire_button callback >>
def fire_button( name ):
if name == "Close":
elif name == "Write To New":
csvv.writeData( False )
elif name == "Save To Current":
csvv.writeData( True )
#@-node:ekr.20041017035937.10:<< define fire_button callback >>
dialog.configure( command = fire_button )
def createTable( parent , arr ):
tab = tktab.Table(
rows = 0, cols = 0, variable = arr,
background = 'white', foreground = 'blue', selecttype = 'row' )
tab.tag_configure( 'active', background = '#FFE7C6', foreground = 'blue' )
tab.tag_configure( 'sel', background = '#FFE7C6', foreground = 'blue', bd=2 )
return tab
def createBBox( parent, csvv, tab ):
bbox = Pmw.ButtonBox( parent )
bconfig = (
( "Add Row", lambda tab = tab : csvv.addRow( tab ) ),
( "Delete Row", lambda tab = tab: csvv.deleteRow( tab ) ) )
for z in bconfig:
bbox.add( z[ 0 ], command = z[ 1 ], background = 'white', foreground = 'blue' )
def addMenu (tag,keywords):
c = keywords.get('c')
if not c or haveseen.has_key(c):
haveseen [c] = None
men = c.frame.menu
men = men.getMenu('Outline')
c.add_command(men,label="Edit Node With Table",command=lambda c=c: viewTable(c))
#@-node:ekr.20041017035937:@thin table.py