#@+node:tbrown.20090119215428.2:@thin todo.py
#@<< docstring >>
#@+node:tbrown.20090119215428.3:<< docstring >>
'''todo.py -- ToDo and simple task management for leo
(todo is the Qt version of the Tk cleo plugin)
todo adds time required, progress and priority settings for nodes.
With the @project tag a branch can display progress and time
required with dynamic hierachical updates.
For full documentation see:
- http://leo.zwiki.org/ToDo
- http://leo.zwiki.org/tododoc.html
#@-node:tbrown.20090119215428.3:<< docstring >>
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:tbrown.20090119215428.4:<< imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import re
if g.app.gui.guiName() == "qt":
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
import os
from PyQt4 import QtCore,QtGui,uic
Qt = QtCore.Qt
#@-node:tbrown.20090119215428.4:<< imports >>
__version__ = "0.30"
#@<< version history >>
#@+node:tbrown.20090119215428.5:<< version history >>
# Use and distribute under the same terms as leo itself.
# 0.30 TNB
# - fork from cleo.py to todo.py
# - Qt interface in a tab
#@-node:tbrown.20090119215428.5:<< version history >>
def init():
if g.app.gui.guiName() != "qt":
print('todo.py plugin not loading because gui is not Qt')
return False
# can't use before-create-leo-frame because Qt dock's not ready
return True
def onCreate (tag,key):
c = key.get('c')
def popup_entry(c,p,menu):
#@+node:tbrown.20090119215428.8:class todoQtUI
if g.app.gui.guiName() == "qt":
class cleoQtUI(QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__(self, owner, logTab=True):
self.owner = owner
uiPath = g.os_path_join(g.app.leoDir, 'plugins', 'ToDo.ui')
form_class, base_class = uic.loadUiType(uiPath)
if logTab:
self.owner.c.frame.log.createTab('Task', widget = self)
self.UI = form_class()
u = self.UI
o = self.owner
self.menu = QtGui.QMenu()
self.populateMenu(self.menu, o)
self.connect(u.butHelp, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), o.showHelp)
self.connect(u.butClrProg, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"),
self.connect(u.butClrTime, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"),
self.connect(u.butPriClr, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"),
# if live update is too slow change valueChanged(*) to editingFinished()
self.connect(u.spinTime, QtCore.SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"),
lambda v: o.set_time_req(val=u.spinTime.value()))
self.connect(u.spinProg, QtCore.SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"),
lambda v: o.set_progress(val=u.spinProg.value()))
for but in ["butPri1", "butPri6", "butPriChk", "butPri2",
"butPri4", "butPri5", "butPri8", "butPri9", "butPri0",
"butPriToDo", "butPriXgry", "butPriBang", "butPriX",
"butPriQuery", "butPriBullet", "butPri7",
w = getattr(u, but)
# w.property() seems to give QVariant in python 2.x and int in 3.x!?
pri = int(w.property('priority'))
except (TypeError, ValueError):
pri, ok = w.property('priority').toInt()
except (TypeError, ValueError):
pri = -1
def setter(pri=pri): o.setPri(pri)
self.connect(w, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), setter)
def setProgress(self, prgr):
def setTime(self, timeReq):
def populateMenu(menu,o):
menu.addAction('Find next ToDo', o.find_todo)
m = menu.addMenu("Priority")
m.addAction('Sort', o.priSort)
m.addAction('Mark children todo', o.childrenTodo)
m.addAction('Show distribution', o.showDist)
m.addAction('Redistribute', o.reclassify)
m = menu.addMenu("Time")
m.addAction('Show times', lambda:o.show_times(show=True))
m.addAction('Hide times', lambda:o.show_times(show=False))
m.addAction('Re-calc. derived times', o.local_recalc)
m.addAction('Clear derived times', o.local_clear)
m = menu.addMenu("Misc.")
m.addAction('Hide all Todo icons', lambda:o.loadAllIcons(clear=True))
m.addAction('Show all Todo icons', o.loadAllIcons)
m.addAction('Delete Todo from node', o.clear_all)
m.addAction('Delete Todo from subtree', lambda:o.clear_all(recurse=True))
m.addAction('Delete Todo from all', lambda:o.clear_all(all=True))
#@-node:tbrown.20090119215428.8:class todoQtUI
#@+node:tbrown.20090119215428.9:class todoController
class todoController:
'''A per-commander class that manages tasks.'''
#@ @+others
#@+node:tbrown.20090119215428.10:priority table
priorities = {
1: {'long': 'Urgent', 'short': '1', 'icon': 'pri1.png'},
2: {'long': 'Very High', 'short': '2', 'icon': 'pri2.png'},
3: {'long': 'High', 'short': '3', 'icon': 'pri3.png'},
4: {'long': 'Medium', 'short': '4', 'icon': 'pri4.png'},
5: {'long': 'Low', 'short': '5', 'icon': 'pri5.png'},
6: {'long': 'Very Low', 'short': '6', 'icon': 'pri6.png'},
7: {'long': 'Sometime', 'short': '7', 'icon': 'pri7.png'},
8: {'long': 'Level 8', 'short': '8', 'icon': 'pri8.png'},
9: {'long': 'Level 9', 'short': '9', 'icon': 'pri9.png'},
10: {'long': 'Level 0', 'short': '0', 'icon': 'pri0.png'},
19: {'long': 'To do', 'short': 'o', 'icon': 'chkboxblk.png'},
20: {'long': 'Bang', 'short': '!', 'icon': 'bngblk.png'},
21: {'long': 'Cross', 'short': 'X', 'icon': 'xblk.png'},
22: {'long': '(cross)', 'short': 'x', 'icon': 'xgry.png'},
23: {'long': 'Query', 'short': '?', 'icon': 'qryblk.png'},
24: {'long': 'Bullet', 'short': '-', 'icon': 'bullet.png'},
100: {'long': 'Done', 'short': 'D', 'icon': 'chkblk.png'},
todo_priorities = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,19
#@-node:tbrown.20090119215428.10:priority table
def __init__ (self,c):
self.c = c
c.cleo = self
self.donePriority = 100
self.menuicons = {} # menu icon cache
self.recentIcons = []
#X self.smiley = None
self.redrawLevels = 0
#@ << set / read default values >>
#@+node:tbrown.20090119215428.12:<< set / read default values >>
self.time_name = 'days'
if c.config.getString('todo_time_name'):
self.time_name = c.config.getString('todo_time_name')
self.icon_location = 'beforeHeadline'
if c.config.getString('todo_icon_location'):
self.icon_location = c.config.getString('todo_icon_location')
self.prog_location = 'beforeHeadline'
if c.config.getString('todo_prog_location'):
self.prog_location = c.config.getString('todo_prog_location')
self.icon_order = 'pri-first'
if c.config.getString('todo_icon_order'):
self.icon_order = c.config.getString('todo_icon_order')
#@-node:tbrown.20090119215428.12:<< set / read default values >>
self.handlers = [
('select3', self.updateUI),
('save2', self.loadAllIcons),
# chdir so the Icons can be located
owd = os.getcwd()
self.ui = cleoQtUI(self)
for i in self.handlers:
leoPlugins.registerHandler(i[0], i[1])
def __del__(self):
for i in self.handlers:
leoPlugins.unregisterHandler(i[0], i[1])
def addPopupMenu(self,c,p,menu):
def rnd(x): return re.sub('.0$', '', '%.1f' % x)
taskmenu = menu.addMenu("Task")
submenu = taskmenu.addMenu("Status")
iconlist = [(menu, i) for i in self.recentIcons]
iconlist.extend([(submenu, i) for i in self.priorities])
for m,i in iconlist:
icon = self.menuicon(i)
a = m.addAction(icon, self.priorities[i]["long"])
def func(pri=i):
a.connect(a, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), func)
submenu = taskmenu.addMenu("Progress")
for i in range(11):
icon = self.menuicon(10*i, progress=True)
a = submenu.addAction(icon, "%d%%" % (i*10))
def func(prog=i):
a.connect(a, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), func)
prog = self.getat(p.v, 'progress')
if isinstance(prog,int):
a = taskmenu.addAction("(%d%% complete)"%prog)
a.enabled = False
time_ = self.getat(p.v, 'time_req')
if isinstance(time_,float):
if isinstance(prog,int):
f = prog/100.
a = taskmenu.addAction("(%s+%s=%s %s)"%(rnd(f*time_),
rnd((1.-f)*time_),rnd(time_), self.time_name))
a = taskmenu.addAction("(%s %s)"%(rnd(time_), self.time_name))
a.enabled = False
cleoQtUI.populateMenu(taskmenu, self)
def menuicon(self, pri, progress=False):
"""return icon from cache, placing it there if needed"""
if progress:
prog = pri
pri = 'prog-%d'%pri
if pri not in self.menuicons:
if progress:
fn = 'prg%03d.png' % prog
fn = self.priorities[pri]["icon"]
iconDir = g.os_path_abspath(
fn = g.os_path_join(iconDir,'cleo',fn)
self.menuicons[pri] = QtGui.QIcon(fn)
return self.menuicons[pri]
def redrawer(fn):
"""decorator for methods which create the need for a redraw"""
def new(self, *args, **kargs):
self.redrawLevels += 1
ans = fn(self,*args, **kargs)
self.redrawLevels -= 1
if self.redrawLevels == 0:
return ans
return new
def projectChanger(fn):
"""decorator for methods which change projects"""
def new(self, *args, **kargs):
ans = fn(self,*args, **kargs)
return ans
return new
def loadAllIcons(self, tag=None, k=None, clear=None):
"""Load icons to represent cleo state"""
for p in self.c.all_positions():
self.loadIcons(p, clear=clear)
def loadIcons(self, p, clear=False):
com = self.c.editCommands
allIcons = com.getIconList(p)
icons = [i for i in allIcons if 'cleoIcon' not in i]
if clear:
iterations = []
iterations = [True, False]
for which in iterations:
if which == (self.icon_order == 'pri-first'):
pri = self.getat(p.v, 'priority')
if pri: pri = int(pri)
if pri in self.priorities:
iconDir = g.os_path_abspath(
com.appendImageDictToList(icons, iconDir,
2, on='vnode', cleoIcon='1', where=self.icon_location)
# Icon location defaults to 'beforeIcon' unless cleo_icon_location global defined.
# Example: @strings[beforeIcon,beforeHeadline] cleo_icon_location = beforeHeadline
com.setIconList(p, icons)
prog = self.getat(p.v, 'progress')
if prog is not '':
prog = int(prog)
use = prog//10*10
use = 'prg%03d.png' % use
iconDir = g.os_path_abspath(
com.appendImageDictToList(icons, iconDir,
2, on='vnode', cleoIcon='1', where=self.prog_location)
com.setIconList(p, icons)
if len(allIcons) != len(icons): # something to add / remove
com.setIconList(p, icons)
def close(self, tag, key):
"unregister handlers on closing commander"
if self.c != key['c']: return # not our problem
for i in self.handlers:
leoPlugins.unregisterHandler(i[0], i[1])
def showHelp(self):
g.es('Check the Plugins menu Todo entry')
# annotate was the previous name of this plugin, which is why the default
# values
# for several keyword args is 'annotate'.
def delUD (self,node,udict="annotate"):
''' Remove our dict from the node'''
if (hasattr(node,"unknownAttributes" )
and udict in node.unknownAttributes):
del node.unknownAttributes[udict]
def hasUD (self,node,udict="annotate"):
''' Return True if the node has an UD.'''
return (
hasattr(node,"unknownAttributes") and
udict in node.unknownAttributes and
type(node.unknownAttributes.get(udict)) == type({}) # EKR
def getat(self, node, attrib):
"new attrbiute getter"
if (not hasattr(node,'unknownAttributes') or
"annotate" not in node.unknownAttributes or
not type(node.unknownAttributes["annotate"]) == type({}) or
attrib not in node.unknownAttributes["annotate"]):
if attrib == "priority":
return 9999
return ""
x = node.unknownAttributes["annotate"][attrib]
return x
def testDefault(self, attrib, val):
"return true if val is default val for attrib"
return attrib == "priority" and val == 9999 or val == ""
def setat(self, node, attrib, val):
"new attrbiute setter"
isDefault = self.testDefault(attrib, val)
if (not hasattr(node,'unknownAttributes') or
"annotate" not in node.unknownAttributes or
type(node.unknownAttributes["annotate"]) != type({})):
# dictionary doesn't exist
if isDefault:
return # don't create dict. for default value
if not hasattr(node,'unknownAttributes'): # node has no unknownAttributes
node.unknownAttributes = {}
node.unknownAttributes["annotate"] = {}
else: # our private dictionary isn't present
if ("annotate" not in node.unknownAttributes or
type(node.unknownAttributes["annotate"]) != type({})):
node.unknownAttributes["annotate"] = {}
node.unknownAttributes["annotate"][attrib] = val
# dictionary exists
node.unknownAttributes["annotate"][attrib] = val
if isDefault: # check if all default, if so drop dict.
self.dropEmpty(node, dictOk = True)
def dropEmpty(self, node, dictOk = False):
if (dictOk or
hasattr(node,'unknownAttributes') and
"annotate" in node.unknownAttributes and
type(node.unknownAttributes["annotate"]) == type({})):
isDefault = True
for ky, vl in node.unknownAttributes["annotate"].items():
if not self.testDefault(ky, vl):
isDefault = False
if isDefault: # no non-defaults seen, drop the whole cleo dictionary
del node.unknownAttributes["annotate"]
return True
return False
def safe_del(self, d, k):
"delete a key from a dict. if present"
if k in d: del d[k]
def redraw(self):
def clear_all(self, recurse=False, all=False):
if all:
what = self.c.all_positions()
elif recurse:
what = self.c.currentPosition().self_and_subtree()
what = iter([self.c.currentPosition()])
for p in what:
def progress_clear(self,v=None):
self.setat(self.c.currentPosition().v, 'progress', '')
def set_progress(self,p=None, val=None):
if p is None:
p = self.c.currentPosition()
v = p.v
if val == None: return
self.setat(v, 'progress', val)
def set_time_req(self,p=None, val=None):
if p is None:
p = self.c.currentPosition()
v = p.v
if val == None: return
self.setat(v, 'time_req', val)
if self.getat(v, 'progress') == '':
self.setat(v, 'progress', 0)
def show_times(self, p=None, show=False):
def rnd(x): return re.sub('.0$', '', '%.1f' % x)
if p is None:
p = self.c.currentPosition()
for nd in p.self_and_subtree():
self.c.setHeadString(nd, re.sub(' <[^>]*>$', '', nd.headString()))
tr = self.getat(nd.v, 'time_req')
pr = self.getat(nd.v, 'progress')
try: pr = float(pr)
except: pr = ''
if tr != '' or pr != '':
ans = ' <'
if tr != '':
if pr == '' or pr == 0 or pr == 100:
ans += rnd(tr) + ' ' + self.time_name
ans += '%s+%s=%s %s' % (rnd(pr/100.*tr), rnd((1-pr/100.)*tr), rnd(tr), self.time_name)
if pr != '': ans += ', '
if pr != '':
ans += rnd(pr) + '%' # pr may be non-integer if set by recalc_time
ans += '>'
if show:
self.c.setHeadString(nd, nd.headString()+ans)
self.loadIcons(nd) # update progress icon
def recalc_time(self, p=None, clear=False):
if p is None:
p = self.c.currentPosition()
v = p.v
time_totl = None
time_done = None
# get values from children, if any
for cn in p.children():
ans = self.recalc_time(cn.copy(), clear)
if time_totl == None:
time_totl = ans[0]
if ans[0] != None: time_totl += ans[0]
if time_done == None:
time_done = ans[1]
if ans[1] != None: time_done += ans[1]
if time_totl != None: # some value returned
if clear: # then we should just clear our values
self.setat(v, 'progress', '')
self.setat(v, 'time_req', '')
return (time_totl, time_done)
if time_done != None: # some work done
# can't round derived progress without getting bad results form show_times
if time_totl == 0:
pr = 0.
pr = float(time_done) / float(time_totl) * 100.
self.setat(v, 'progress', pr)
self.setat(v, 'progress', 0)
self.setat(v, 'time_req', time_totl)
else: # no values from children, use own
tr = self.getat(v, 'time_req')
pr = self.getat(v, 'progress')
if tr != '':
time_totl = tr
if pr != '':
time_done = float(pr) / 100. * tr
self.setat(v, 'progress', 0)
return (time_totl, time_done)
def clear_time_req(self, p=None):
if p is None:
p = self.c.currentPosition()
v = p.v
self.setat(v, 'time_req', '')
def update_project(self, p=None):
"""Find highest parent with '@project' in headline and run recalc_time
and maybe show_times (if headline has '@project time')"""
if p is None:
p = self.c.currentPosition()
project = None
for nd in p.self_and_parents():
if nd.headString().find('@project') > -1:
project = nd.copy()
if project:
if project.headString().find('@project time') > -1:
self.show_times(project, show=True)
self.show_times(p, show=True)
self.show_times(p, show=False)
def local_recalc(self, p=None):
def local_clear(self, p=None):
self.recalc_time(p, clear=True)
#@+node:tbrown.20090119215428.40:ToDo icon related...
def childrenTodo(self, p=None):
if p is None:
p = self.c.currentPosition()
for p in p.children():
if self.getat(p.v, 'priority') != 9999: continue
self.setat(p.v, 'priority', 19)
def find_todo(self, p=None, stage = 0):
"""Recursively find the next todo"""
# search is like XPath 'following' axis, all nodes after p in document order.
# returning True should always propogate all the way back up to the top
# stages: 0 - user selected start node, 1 - searching siblings, parents siblings, 2 - searching children
if p is None:
p = self.c.currentPosition()
# see if this node is a todo
if stage != 0 and self.getat(p.v, 'priority') in self.todo_priorities:
if p.getParent():
return True
for nd in p.children():
if self.find_todo(nd, stage = 2): return True
if stage < 2 and p.getNext():
if self.find_todo(p.getNext(), stage = 1): return True
if stage < 2 and p.getParent() and p.getParent().getNext():
if self.find_todo(p.getParent().getNext(), stage = 1): return True
if stage == 0: g.es("None found")
return False
def prikey(self, v):
"""key function for sorting by priority"""
# getat returns 9999 for nodes without priority, so you'll only get -1
# if a[1] is not a node. Or even an object.
pa = int(self.getat(v, 'priority'))
except ValueError:
pa = -1
return pa
def priority_clear(self,v=None):
if v is None:
v = self.c.currentPosition().v
self.setat(v, 'priority', 9999)
def priSort(self, p=None):
if p is None:
p = self.c.currentPosition()
def reclassify(self, p=None):
"""change priority codes"""
if p is None:
p = self.c.currentPosition()
g.es('\n Current distribution:')
dat = {}
for end in 'from', 'to':
if Qt:
x0,ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(None, 'Reclassify priority' ,'%s priorities (1-9,19)'%end)
if not ok:
x0 = None
x0 = str(x0)
x0 = g.app.gui.runAskOkCancelStringDialog(
self.c,'Reclassify priority' ,'%s priorities (1-7,19)' % end.upper())
while re.search(r'\d+-\d+', x0):
what = re.search(r'\d+-\d+', x0).group(0)
rng = [int(n) for n in what.split('-')]
repl = []
if rng[0] > rng[1]:
for n in range(rng[0], rng[1]-1, -1):
for n in range(rng[0], rng[1]+1):
x0 = x0.replace(what, ','.join(repl))
x0 = [int(i) for i in x0.replace(',',' ').split()
if int(i) in self.todo_priorities]
g.es('Not understood, no action')
if not x0:
g.es('No action')
dat[end] = x0
if len(dat['from']) != len(dat['to']):
g.es('Unequal list lengths, no action')
cnt = 0
for p in p.subtree():
pri = int(self.getat(p.v, 'priority'))
if pri in dat['from']:
self.setat(p.v, 'priority', dat['to'][dat['from'].index(pri)])
cnt += 1
g.es('\n%d priorities reclassified, new distribution:' % cnt)
def setPri(self,pri):
if pri in self.recentIcons:
self.recentIcons.insert(0, pri)
self.recentIcons = self.recentIcons[:3]
p = self.c.currentPosition()
self.setat(p.v, 'priority', pri)
def showDist(self, p=None):
"""show distribution of priority levels in subtree"""
if p is None:
p = self.c.currentPosition()
pris = {}
for p in p.subtree():
pri = int(self.getat(p.v, 'priority'))
if pri not in pris:
pris[pri] = 1
pris[pri] += 1
pris = sorted([(k,v) for k,v in pris.items()])
for pri in pris:
if pri[0] in self.priorities:
g.es('%s\t%d\t%s' % (self.priorities[pri[0]]['short'], pri[1],
#@-node:tbrown.20090119215428.40:ToDo icon related...
def updateUI(self,tag=None,k=None):
if k and k['c'] != self.c:
return # wrong number
v = self.c.currentPosition().v
self.ui.setProgress(int(self.getat(v, 'progress') or 0 ))
self.ui.setTime(float(self.getat(v, 'time_req') or 0 ))
#@-node:tbrown.20090119215428.9:class todoController
#@-node:tbrown.20090119215428.2:@thin todo.py