#@+node:ville.20090503124249.1:@thin tomboy_import.py
#@<< docstring >>
#@+node:ville.20090503124249.2:<< docstring >>
'''This plugin adds a possibility to import the notes created in Tomboy / gnote
* Create a node with the headline 'tomboy'
* Select the node, and do alt+x act-on-node
* The notes will appear as children of 'tomboy' node
* The next time you do act-on-node, existing notes will be updated (they don't need to
be under 'tomboy' node anymore) and new notes added.
#@-node:ville.20090503124249.2:<< docstring >>
__version__ = '0.1'
#@<< version history >>
#@+node:ville.20090503124249.3:<< version history >>
# 0.1 Ville M. Vainio:
# * Functional version, has unidirectional (import) support with
# updates. Strips html.
#@-node:ville.20090503124249.3:<< version history >>
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:ville.20090503124249.4:<< imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from leo.core import leoPlugins
import HTMLParser
# Whatever other imports your plugins uses.
#@-node:ville.20090503124249.4:<< imports >>
def init ():
ok = True
if ok:
return ok
def onCreate (tag, keys):
c = keys.get('c')
if not c: return
# c not needed
#@+node:ville.20090503124249.7:the code
class MLStripper(HTMLParser.HTMLParser):
def __init__(self):
self.fed = []
def handle_data(self, d):
def get_fed_data(self):
return ''.join(self.fed)
def strip_tags(cont):
x = MLStripper()
return x.get_fed_data()
def parsenote(cont):
tree = ET.parse(cont)
title = tree.findtext('{http://beatniksoftware.com/tomboy}title')
body = tree.getiterator('{http://beatniksoftware.com/tomboy}note-content')[0]
#b = "".join(el.text for el in body.getiterator())
b = ET.tostring(body)
b = strip_tags(b)
#print "body",b
return title, b
def pos_for_gnx(c,gnx):
#print "match",gnx
for pos in c.all_positions():
pos = pos.copy()
#print pos.gnx, pos.h
if pos.gnx == gnx:
return pos.copy()
return None
def capturenotes(c,pos):
import glob, os
notes = glob.glob(os.path.expanduser('~/.tomboy/*.note'))
# map tomboy file name => gnx
old_nodes = c.db.get('tomboy_notes', {})
for no in notes:
fname = os.path.basename(no)
title, body = parsenote(open(no))
po = None
if fname in old_nodes:
po = pos_for_gnx(c,old_nodes[fname])
if po is not None:
g.es('tomboy: Updating note "%s"' % title)
if po is None:
g.es('tomboy: Creating note "%s"' % title)
po = pos.insertAsLastChild()
po.h = title
po.b = body
old_nodes[fname] = po.gnx
c.db['tomboy_notes'] = old_nodes
def tomboy_act_on_node(c,p,event):
#print 'act', `p.h`
if not p.h == 'tomboy':
raise leoPlugins.TryNext
def tomboy_install():
g.act_on_node.add(tomboy_act_on_node, 99)
#print "capturing"
#@-node:ville.20090503124249.7:the code
#@-node:ville.20090503124249.1:@thin tomboy_import.py