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Leo » Leo 4.7.1 final » leo » plugins »
#@<< docstring >>
#@+node:ekr.20050226184411:<< docstring >>
'''A plugin that communicates with VIM.

It's recommended that you have gvim installed - basic console vim is not recommended.

***On Tk ui, the open_with plugin must be enabled for this plugin to work properly!***

When properly installed, this plugin does the following:

- By default, the plugin opens nodes on icondclick2 events.
  (double click in the icon box)

- The setting::

    @string vim_trigger_event = icondclick2

  controls when nodes are opened in vim.  The default, shown above,
  opens a node in vim on double clicks in Leo's icon box.
  A typical alternative would be::

      @string vim_trigger_event = iconclick2

  to open nodes on single clicks in the icon box.
  You could also set:

      @string vim_trigger_event = select2

  to open a node in vim whenever the selected node changes for any reason.

- Leo will put Vim cursor at same location as Leo cursor in file if 'vim_plugin_positions_cursor' set to True.

- Leo will put node in a Vim tab card if 'vim_plugin_uses_tab_feature' set to True.

- Leo will update the node in the outline when you save the file in VIM.

To install this plugin do the following:

1. Make sure to enable open_with plugin (if you are using Tk ui).

2. On Windows, set the vim_cmd and vim_exe settings to the path to vim or gvim as shown in leoSettings.leo.
   Alternatively, you can ensure that gvim.exe is on your PATH.

3. If you are using Python 2.4 or above, that's all you need to do. Jim Sizelove's new code will start vim automatically using Python's subprocess module. The subprocess module comes standard with Python 2.4. For Linux systems, Leo will use in Leo's extensions folder if necessary.

#@-node:ekr.20050226184411:<< docstring >>

#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4

__version__ = "1.17"
#@<< version history >>
#@+node:ekr.20050226184411.1:<< version history >>

# Contributed by Andrea Galimberti.
# Edited by Felix Breuer.
# 1.5 EKR:
#     - Added new sections.
#     - Move most comments into docstring.
#     - Added useDoubleClick variable.
#     - Added init function.
#     - Init _vim_cmd depending on sys.platform.
# 1.6 EKR:
#     - Use keywords to get c, not
#     - Don't use during unit testing: prefer xemacs instead.
#     - Added _vim_exe
#     - Use "os.spawnv" instead of os.system.
#     - Simplified the search of
#     - Fixed bug in open_in_vim: hanged v.bodyString to v.bodyString()
# 1.7 EKR: Excellent new code by Jim Sizelove solves weird message on first 
# open of vim.
# 1.8 EKR: Set subprocess = None if import fails.
# 1.9 EKR:
#     - Document how install subproces, and use g.importExtension to import 
# subprocess.
#     - Import subprocess with g.importExtension.
# 1.10 EKR:
#     - Support 'vim_cmd' and 'vim_exe' settings.
#     - These override the default _vim_cmd and _vim_exe settings.
# 1.11 EKR: Emergency default for window is now the default location: 
# c:\Program Files\vim\vim63
# 1.12 EKR:
#     - Added emergency default for 'darwin'.
#     - Corrected the call to openWith.  It must now use data=data due to a 
# new event param.
# 1.13 EKR: The docstring now states that the open_with plugin must be enabled 
# for this to work.
# 1.14 EKR: Emphasized that the open_with plugin must be enabled.
# 1.15 EKR: Don't open @url nodes in vim if @bool vim_plugin_opens_url_nodes 
# setting is False.
# 1.16 TL: open_in_vim modifications
#     - support file open in gVim at same line number as Leo cursor location
#     - support file open in a gVim tab (see also
# 1.17 EKR: Give a location message to help with settings.
# 1.18 VMV:
#     - Use gvim on Linux too, emergency default on Windows doesn't have 
# explicit path
#     - Works when subprocess.Popen(shell=True)
#@-node:ekr.20050226184411.1:<< version history >>
#@<< documentation from Jim Sizelove >>
#@+node:ekr.20050909102921:<< documentation from Jim Sizelove >>

# I was trying to get Leo to work more effectively with Vim, my editor of 
# choice.
# To do so, I made several changes to Leo which (I believe) make it work 
# better.
# After much exploring and trying various things, I made a change to the 
# os.spawnv
# section of the openWith function in This added line seems to
# prevent the "weird error message on first open of Vim." (, line 32) 
# when
# opening Vim with os.spawnv.
# os.spawnv needs the command it is calling as the first argument in the args 
# list
# in addition, so the command actually shows twice in the total args to 
# os.spawnv,
# e.g.::
#     os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, "C:/Program Files/Vim/vim63/gvim.exe",
#         ["gvim.exe", "--servername", "LEO", "--remote", "foo.txt"])
# If the call is made without the command-name as the first item in the list 
# of
# args, like so::
#     os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, "C:/Program Files/Vim/vim63/gvim.exe",
#         ["--servername", "LEO", "--remote", "foo.txt"])
# an error message pops up::
#     E247: no registered server named "GVIM": Send failed.  Trying to execute 
# locally
# This message means that gVim is not looking for a server named "LEO", which
# presumably the user has already opened with the command "gvim --servername 
# LEO".
# Instead it is looking for a server named "GVIM", and not finding it, opens 
# the
# files "foo.txt" and "LEO" (notice that it didn't catch the "--servername"
# argument and thinks that "LEO" is the name of a new file to create) in two
# buffers in a local copy of gVim. Now, if the command is::
#     os.spawnv(
#         os.P_NOWAIT, "C:/Program Files/Vim/vim63/gvim.exe",
#         ["gvim.exe", "--servername", "LEO", "--remote", "foo.txt"])
# everything works great, as long as the user doesn't close the gVim window. 
# If
# the user has closed the gVim window, then tries to open a node in Vim, they 
# will
# see this error message::
#     E247: no registered server named "LEO": Send failed.
# Trying to execute locally If you use the "--remote-silent" argument, gVim 
# will
# start the LEO server without the error message.
# One other comment:  you can see which servers gVim has running by typing::
#     vim --serverlist
# at the command prompt.
# The rest of my changes have to do with using the subprocess module instead 
# of
# the os.system, and various os.spawn* calls. I find subprocess easier to
# understand, and it is fairly simple to use for the most common kinds of 
# process
# calls, but is capable of all the variations you may need. It is designed to
# replace all the os.system, os.spawn*, and popen* calls. It is available in
# Python 2.4.
# So I added some lines to use subprocess in the OpenWith plugin and the Vim 
# plugin.
# I also have added a table in the "create_open_with_menu" function that makes 
# use of the various editors I have used at times.  Most of those editors are 
# called with subprocess.Popen.
#@-node:ekr.20050909102921:<< documentation from Jim Sizelove >>
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20050226184411.2:<< imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
import os
import subprocess
import sys
#@-node:ekr.20050226184411.2:<< imports >>

# This command is used to communicate with the vim server. If you use gvim
# you can leave the command as is, you do not need to change it to "gvim ..."

# New in version 1.10 of these plugin: these are emergency defaults only.
# They are typically overridden by the corresponding 'vim_cmd' and 'vim_exe' settings in
# leoSettings.leo or individual .leo files.

if sys.platform == 'win32':
    # Works on XP if you have gvim on PATH
    _vim_cmd = r"gvim --servername LEO"
    _vim_exe = r"gvim"
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
    _vim_cmd = "/Applications/ --servername LEO"
    _vim_exe = "gvim"
    _vim_cmd = "gvim --servername LEO"
    _vim_exe = "gvim"

locationMessageGiven = False

def init ():

    ok = not # Don't conflict with xemacs plugin.

    if ok:
        # print (' enabled')
        # Register the handlers...

        event = 'open2'

        # Enable the os.system call if you want to
        # start a (g)vim server when Leo starts.
        if 0:

        def vim_open_f(event):
            """ Open current node in (g)vim

            Provied by plugin
            c = event['c']
            kw = { 'c': c , 'p': c.p }
            open_in_vim('dummy', kw)


    return ok
def on_open_window (tag,keywords):

    c = keywords.get('c')

    event = c.config.getString('vim_trigger_event') or 'icondclick1'


    # g.trace('trigger event:',event,repr(c))
def open_in_vim (tag,keywords):

    if g.unitTesting: return

    c = keywords.get('c')
    p2 = keywords.get('old_p')
    if not c: return
    p = c.p
    # g.trace(tag,p and p.key(),p2 and p2.key())

    if tag.startswith('select') and p == p2:

    #Avoid @file node types
    #if p.isAnyAtFileNode():
    #   return
    if p.h.find('file-ref') == 1: # Must be at 2nd position

    #URL nodes
    openURLNodes = c.config.getBool('vim_plugin_opens_url_nodes')
    if not openURLNodes and p.h.startswith('@url'):
        return # Avoid conflicts with @url nodes.
    v = p.v

    vim_cmd = c.config.getString('vim_cmd') or _vim_cmd
    vim_exe = c.config.getString('vim_exe') or _vim_exe

    global locationMessageGiven
    if not locationMessageGiven:
        locationMessageGiven = True
        print('vim_cmd: %s' % vim_cmd)
        print('vim_exe: %s' % vim_exe)

    #Cursor positioning
    Lnum = ""
    if c.config.getBool('vim_plugin_positions_cursor'):    
        #Line number - start at same line as Leo cursor
        #  get node's body text
        bodyCtrl = c.frame.body.bodyCtrl
        s = bodyCtrl.getAllText()    
        #  Get cursors row & column number
        index = bodyCtrl.getInsertPoint()
        row,col = g.convertPythonIndexToRowCol(s,index)
        #  Build gVim command line parameter for setting cursor row
        Lnum = "+" + str(row + 1)

    #Vim's tab card stack
    useTabs = ""

    if c.config.getBool('vim_plugin_uses_tab_feature'):    
        useTabs = "-tab"

    # Search for a file corresponding to v.
    for d in
        if d.get('v') == id(v):
            path = d.get('path','') ; break
    else: path = ''

    # if the body has changed we need to open a new 
    # temp file containing the new body in vim
    if (
        not g.os_path_exists(path) or 
        not hasattr(v,'OpenWithOldBody') or
        v.b != v.OpenWithOldBody
        # Open a new temp file.
        if path:
            # Remove the old file and the entry in
   = [d for d in if d.get('path') != path]
            os.system(vim_cmd+"--remote-send '<C-\\><C-N>:bd "+path+"<CR>'")
        v.OpenWithOldBody=v.b # Remember the previous contents.
        if subprocess:
            # New code by Jim Sizemore (TL: added support for gVim tabs).
            data = "subprocess.Popen",[vim_exe, "--servername", "LEO" \
                  ,"--remote" + useTabs + "-silent", Lnum], None

            # the approach below fails when spaces in filename
            #data = ("subprocess.Popen", '"%s" --servername LEO --remote%s-silent %s' % (vim_exe, useTabs, Lnum), None)
            # Works, but gives weird error message on first open of Vim.
            # note the space after --remote.
            data = "os.spawnv", [vim_exe,"--servername LEO ","--remote "], None            
        # Reopen the old temp file.
        os.system(vim_cmd+"--remote-send '<C-\\><C-N>:e "+path+"<CR>'")

    # return val
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