#@+node:mork.20041010095009:@thin xsltWithNodes.py
#@<< docstring >>
#@+node:ekr.20050226120104:<< docstring >>
"""Adds XSLT-Node Command submen item to the Outline menu.
This menu contains the following items:
- Set StyleSheet Node:
- Selects the current node as the xsl stylesheet the plugin will use.
- Process Node with Stylesheet Node:
- Processes the current node as an xml document,
resolving section references and Leo directives.
- Creates a sibling containing the results.
Requires 4Suite 1.0a3 or better, downloadable from http://4Suite.org.
#@-node:ekr.20050226120104:<< docstring >>
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4
#@<< imports >>
#@+node:mork.20041025113509:<< imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
# import leo.core.leoNodes as leoNodes
import leo.core.leoPlugins as leoPlugins
from xml.dom import minidom
if g.isPython3:
import io
StringIO = io.StringIO
import cStringIO
StringIO = cStringIO.StringIO
import Ft
from Ft.Xml import InputSource
from Ft.Xml.Xslt.Processor import Processor
except ImportError:
Ft = g.cantImport("Ft",__name__)
Tk = g.importExtension('Tkinter',pluginName=__name__,verbose=True)
import weakref
#@-node:mork.20041025113509:<< imports >>
#@<<parser problems>>
#@+node:mork.20041024091024:<<parser problems>>
# 1. Having space before the start of the document caused it not to work. I
# fixed this by striping the whitespace from the start
# and end of the data at xslt time.
# 2. having a @ right before a tag causes it to not process.
# It appears to be safe to follow this pattern:
# @ </end>
# but not:
# @</end>
# I dont know at this point if its just illegal xml, or its a problem in
# the parser. ??
#@-node:mork.20041024091024:<<parser problems>>
#@<<future directions>>
#@+node:mork.20041025101943:<<future directions>>
# 1. Add more XSLT boilerplate insertions.( done in .3 )
# 2. Maybe add a well-formedness check. (done in .3, test with minidom )
#@-node:mork.20041025101943:<<future directions>>
__version__ = '0.6'
#@<< version history >>
#@+node:mork.20041025113211:<< version history >>
# 0.1: Original code.
# 0.2 EKR: Converted to outline.
# 0.3: Added more XSLT boilerplate. Added Test with Minidom Discovered parser
# problem(?).
# 0.4 EKR:
# - Added init function.
# - Use g.importExtension to import Tkinter.
# 0.5 EKR:
# - Remove 'start2' hook & haveseen dict.
# - Use keywords.get('c') instead of g.top().
# 0.6 EKR:
# - Removed g.top from example code.
#@-node:mork.20041025113211:<< version history >>
def init():
ok = Ft and Tk
if not ok: return
if g.app.gui is None:
ok = g.app.gui.guiName() == "tkinter"
if ok:
return ok
#@+node:mork.20041025115037:xslt elements
#This dict contains elements that go into a stylesheet
xslt = {
'apply-imports': '<xsl:apply-imports/>',
'apply-templates': "<xsl:apply-templates select ='' mode='' />",
'attribute': "<xsl:attribute name=''> </xsl:attribute>",
'attribute-set': "<xsl:attribute-set name=''> </xsl:attribute-set>",
'call-template': "<xsl:call-template name=''> </xsl:call-template>",
'choose': "<xsl:choose> </xsl:choose>",
'comment': "<xsl:comment> </xsl:comment>",
'copy': "<xsl:copy> </xsl:copy>",
'copy-of': "<xsl:copy-of select='' />",
'decimal-format' : "<xsl:decimal-format />",
'element': "<xsl:element name='' > </xsl:element>",
'fallback': "<xsl:fallback> </xsl:fallback>",
'for-each': "<xsl:for-each select='' > </xsl:for-each>",
'if': "<xsl:if test=''> </xsl:if>",
'import': "<xsl:import href='' />",
'include': "<xsl:include href='' />",
'key': "<xsl:key name='' match='' use='' />",
'message': "<xsl:message> </xsl:message>",
'namespace-alias': "<xsl:namespace-alias stylesheet-prefix='' result-prefix='' />",
'number': "<xsl:number />",
'otherwise': "<xsl:otherwise> </xsl:otherwise>",
'output': "<xsl:output />",
'param': "<xsl:param name='' > </xsl:param>",
'preserve-space': "<xsl:preserve-space elements='' />",
'processing-instruction': "<xsl:processing-instruction name='' > </xsl:processing-instruction>",
'sort': "<xsl:sort />",
'strip-space': "<xsl:strip-space elements='' />",
'stylesheet': "<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl='' version='' > </xsl:stylesheet>",
'template': "<xsl:template > </xsl:template>",
'text': "<xsl:text > </xsl:text>",
'transform': "<xsl:transform > </xsl:transform>",
'value-of': "<xsl:value-of select='' />",
'variable': "<xsl:variable name=''> </xsl:variable>",
'when': "<xsl:when text='' > </xsl:when>",
'with-param': "<xsl:with-param name=''> </xsl:with-param>",
#@-node:mork.20041025115037:xslt elements
stylenodes = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
def setStyleNode( c ):
'''this command sets what the current style node is'''
position = c.p
stylenodes[ c ] = position
def processDocumentNode( c ):
'''this executes the stylesheet node against the current node'''
if not styleNodeSelected( c ): return
proc = Processor()
stylenode = stylenodes[ c ]
pos = c.p
c.selectPosition( stylenode )
sIO = getString( c )
mdom1 = minidom.parseString( sIO )
sIO = str( mdom1.toxml() )
hstring = str( stylenode.h )
if hstring == "": hstring = "no headline"
stylesource = InputSource.DefaultFactory.fromString( sIO, uri = hstring)
proc.appendStylesheet( stylesource )
c.selectPosition( pos )
xmlnode = pos.v
xIO = getString( c )
mdom2 = minidom.parseString( xIO )
xIO = str( mdom2.toxml())
xhead = str( xmlnode.headString )
if xhead == "": xhead = "no headline"
xmlsource = InputSource.DefaultFactory.fromString( xIO, uri = xhead )
result = proc.run( xmlsource )
nhline = "xsl:transform of " + str( xmlnode.headString )
# tnode = leoNodes.tnode( result, nhline )
p2 = pos.insertAfter() # tnode )
except Exception as x:
g.es( 'exception ' + str( x ))
def addXSLTNode (c):
'''creates a node and inserts some xslt boilerplate'''
pos = c.p
#body = '''<?xml version="1.0"?>'''
# body = '''<?xml version="1.0"?>
#<xsl:transform xmlns:xsl="http:///www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">'''
body = '''<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:transform xmlns:xsl="http:///www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
# tnode = leoNodes.tnode(body,"xslt stylesheet")
p2 = pos.insertAfter() # tnode)
p2.setHeadString("xslt stylesheet")
def addXSLTElement( c , element):
'''adds some xslt to the text node'''
bodyCtrl = c.frame.body.bodyCtrl
bodyCtrl.insert( 'insert', element )
bodyCtrl.event_generate( '<Key>' )
def getString (c):
'''This def turns a node into a string based off of Leo's file-nosent write logic'''
at = c.atFileCommands
pos = c.p
cS = StringIO()
if not hasattr( at, 'new_df' ):
#if new_at_file: # 4.3 code base.
at.toStringFlag = True
# at.outputFile = cS
at.writeOpenFile(pos,nosentinels=True,toString=True) #How the heck does this fill cS with data, if at.outputFile is never set?
# at.outputFile = None
# at.toStringFlag = False
else: # 4.2 code base
at.new_df.toStringFlag = True
at.new_df.outputFile = cS
at.new_df.outputFile = None
at.new_df.toStringFlag = False
return cleanString( cS.getvalue() )
def doMinidomTest( c ):
'''This def performs a simple test on a node. Can the data be successfully parsed by minidom or not. Results are output to the log'''
s = getString( c )
mdom = minidom.parseString( s )
except Exception as x:
g.es( "Minidom could not parse node because of:\n %s" % x, color='red' )
g.es( "Minidom could parse the node", color='blue' )
def cleanString( data ):
'''This method cleans a string up for the processor. It currently just removes
leading and trailing whitespace'''
val = data.strip()
return val
def jumpToStyleNode( c ):
'''Simple method that jumps us to the current XSLT node'''
if not styleNodeSelected( c ): return
pos = stylenodes[ c ]
c.selectPosition( pos )
def styleNodeSelected( c ):
'''Determines if a XSLT Style node has not been selected'''
if not stylenodes.has_key( c ):
g.es( "No Style Node selected" )
return False
return True
def addMenu( tag, keywords ):
c = keywords.get('c')
if not c: return
men = c.frame.menu
men = men.getMenu( 'Outline' )
xmen = Tk.Menu( men , tearoff = False)
c.add_command(xmen, label = "Set Stylesheet Node", command = lambda c = c : setStyleNode( c ) )
c.add_command(xmen, label = "Jump To Style Node", command = lambda c = c: jumpToStyleNode( c ) )
c.add_command(xmen, label = "Process Node with Stylesheet Node", command = lambda c=c : processDocumentNode( c ) )
c.add_command(xmen, label = "Create Stylesheet Node", command = lambda c = c : addXSLTNode( c ) )
elmen= Tk.Menu( xmen, tearoff = False )
xmen.add_cascade( label = "Insert XSL Element", menu = elmen )
xsltkeys = xslt.keys()
for z in xsltkeys:
c.add_command(elmen, label = z, command = lambda c = c, element = xslt[ z ]: addXSLTElement( c, element ) )
men.add_cascade( menu = xmen, label = "XSLT-Node Commands" )
c.add_command(xmen, label = 'Test Node with Minidom', command = lambda c=c: doMinidomTest( c ) )
# table.leo contains the xml. xslt is in the other node.
# To test this plugin, set the xslt node to be the xslt node.
# Process it against the table.leo node.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<leo_header file_format="2" tnodes="0" max_tnode_index="3" clone_windows="0"/>
<globals body_outline_ratio="0.5">
<global_window_position top="43" left="161" height="600" width="800"/>
<global_log_window_position top="0" left="0" height="0" width="0"/>
<v t="mork.20041015144717" a="E"><vh>table</vh>
<v t="mork.20041015144717.1" a="E" tnodeList="mork.20041015144717.1,mork.20041015163641,mork.20041015163641.1,mork.20041015154946,mork.20041015152916,mork.20041016141748,mork.20041017102304,mork.20041017102304.1,mork.20041016151554,mork.20041016152412,mork.20041017110545,mork.20041017105444,mork.20041015144717.2,mork.20041017111049,mork.20041017111248,mork.20041016180930,mork.20041016181326,mork.20041015144717.3,mork.20041015144717.4"><vh>@file-nosent table.py</vh>
<v t="mork.20041015163641" a="E"><vh>class CSVVisualizer</vh>
<v t="mork.20041015163641.1"><vh>init</vh></v>
<v t="mork.20041015154946"><vh>addData</vh></v>
<v t="mork.20041015152916"><vh>readData</vh></v>
<v t="mork.20041016141748"><vh>writeData</vh></v>
<v t="mork.20041017102304"><vh>addColumn</vh></v>
<v t="mork.20041017102304.1"><vh>deleteColumn</vh></v>
<v t="mork.20041016151554"><vh>addRow</vh></v>
<v t="mork.20041016152412"><vh>deleteRow</vh></v>
<v t="mork.20041017110545"><vh>createDefaultRecord</vh></v>
<v t="mork.20041017105444"><vh>newTable</vh></v>
<v t="mork.20041015144717.2" a="TV"><vh>viewTable</vh></v>
<v t="mork.20041017111049"><vh>fireButton</vh></v>
<v t="mork.20041017111248"><vh>createDialog</vh></v>
<v t="mork.20041016180930"><vh>createTable</vh></v>
<v t="mork.20041016181326"><vh>createBBox</vh></v>
<v t="mork.20041015144717.3"><vh>addMenu</vh></v>
<v t="mork.20041015144717.4"><vh>if 1:</vh></v>
<t tx="mork.20041015144717">@path /boboo/leo-4.2-final/plugins</t>
<t tx="mork.20041015144717.1">
if g.isPython3:
import io
StringIO = io.StringIO
import cStringIO
StringIO = cStringIO.StringIO
import Tkinter as Tk
import tktable as tktab
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
from leoPlugins import *
import leo.core.leoNodes as leoNodes
import csv
import weakref
import Pmw
<t tx="mork.20041015144717.2">def viewTable( c, new = False ):
pos = c.p
dialog = createDialog( pos )
csvv = CSVVisualizer( c )
sframe = Pmw.ScrolledFrame( dialog.interior() )
tab = createTable( sframe.interior(), csvv.arr )
createBBox( dialog.interior(), csvv, tab )
if not new:
n = csvv.addData()
n = ( 4, 1 )
csvv.createDefaultRecord( n[ 1 ], n[ 0 ] )
tab.configure( cols = n[ 0 ], rows = n[ 1 ] )
dialog.configure( command = lambda name, d = dialog, csvv = csvv:
fireButton( name, d, csvv ) )
<t tx="mork.20041015144717.3">haveseen = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
def addMenu( tag, keywords ):
c = keywords.get('c') or keywords.get('new_c')
if haveseen.has_key( c ):
haveseen[ c ] = None
men = c.frame.menu
men = men.getMenu( 'Outline' )
tmen = Tk.Menu( men, tearoff = 0 )
men.add_cascade( menu = tmen, label = "Table Commands" )
c.add_command(tmen, label = "Edit Node With Table", command = lambda c = c: viewTable( c ) )
c.add_command(tmen, label = "Create New Table", command = lambda c = c: newTable( c ) )
<t tx="mork.20041015144717.4">if 1:
registerHandler( ('start2' , 'open2', "new") , addMenu )
__version__ = ".125"
g.plugin_signon( __name__ )
<t tx="mork.20041015152916">def readData( self ):
c = self.c
pos = c.p
data = pos.b
cS = StringIO()
cS.write( data )
cS.seek( 0 )
sniff = csv.Sniffer()
self.type = sniff.sniff( data )
reader = csv.reader( cS, self.type )
return reader
<t tx="mork.20041015154946">def addData( self ):
arr = self.arr
reader = self.readData()
hc = False
for n, d in enumerate( reader ):
for n1, d2 in enumerate( d ):
arr.set( "%s,%s" %( n, n1 ), str(d2) )
self.columns = n1 + 1
self.rows = n + 1
return self.columns, self.rows
<t tx="mork.20041015163641">class CSVVisualizer:
arrays = []
#@ @+others
<t tx="mork.20041015163641.1">def __init__( self, c ):
self.c = c
self.arr = tktab.ArrayVar()
CSVVisualizer.arrays.append( self.arr )
self.rows = 0
self.columns = 0
self.type = 'excel'
<t tx="mork.20041016141748">def writeData( self, save ):
pos = self.c.p
n2 = self.rows
n = self.columns
data = []
for z in range( n2 ):
ndata = []
for z2 in range( n ):
ndata.append( self.arr.get( "%s,%s" % ( z, z2 ) ) )
data.append( ndata )
cS = StringIO()
csv_write = csv.writer( cS, self.type )
for z in data:
csv_write.writerow( z )
cS.seek( 0 )
if not save:
# tnd = leoNodes.tnode( cS.getvalue(), "Save of Edited " + str( pos.h ) )
p2 = pos.insertAfter() # tnd )
p2.setHeadString("Save of Edited " + str( pos.h))
# pos.setTnodeText( cS.getvalue() )
<t tx="mork.20041016151554">def addRow( self , tab ):
self.rows = self.rows + 1
tab.configure( rows = self.rows )
rc = '%s,0' % (self.rows -1 )
for z in range( self.columns ):
self.arr.set( '%s,%s' %( self.rows - 1, z ), "" )
tab.activate( rc )
<t tx="mork.20041016152412">def deleteRow( self, tab ):
i = tab.index( 'active' )
if i:
tab.delete_rows( i[ 0 ], 1 )
self.rows = self.rows - 1
<t tx="mork.20041016180930">def createTable( parent , arr ):
tab = tktab.Table( parent , rows = 0, cols = 0, variable = arr, sparsearray=1,
background = 'white', foreground = 'blue', selecttype = 'row' )
tab.tag_configure( 'active', background = '#FFE7C6', foreground = 'blue' )
tab.tag_configure( 'sel', background = '#FFE7C6', foreground = 'blue', bd =2 )
return tab
<t tx="mork.20041016181326">def createBBox( parent, csvv, tab ):
bbox = Pmw.ButtonBox( parent )
bconfig = ( ( "Add Row", lambda tab = tab : csvv.addRow( tab ) ),
( "Delete Row", lambda tab = tab: csvv.deleteRow( tab ) ),
( "Add Column", lambda tab = tab: csvv.addColumn( tab ) ),
( "Delete Column", lambda tab = tab: csvv.deleteColumn( tab ) ) )
for z in bconfig:
bbox.add( z[ 0 ], command = z[ 1 ], background = 'white', foreground = 'blue' )
<t tx="mork.20041017102304">def addColumn( self, tab ):
self.columns = self.columns + 1
tab.configure( cols = self.columns )
for z in range( self.rows ):
self.arr.set( '%s,%s' %( z , self.columns -1 ), "" )
<t tx="mork.20041017102304.1">def deleteColumn( self, tab ):
i = tab.index( 'active' )
if i:
tab.delete_cols( i[ 1 ], 1 )
self.columns = self.columns - 1
<t tx="mork.20041017105444">def newTable( c ):
# tnd = leoNodes.tnode( "", "New Table" )
pos = c.p
npos = pos.insertAfter() # tnd )
npos.setHeadString('New Table')
c.selectPosition( npos )
viewTable( c , True )
<t tx="mork.20041017110545">def createDefaultRecord( self, rows, columns ):
self.rows = rows
self.columns = columns
for z in range( rows ):
for z1 in range( columns ):
self.arr.set( '%s,%s' %( z, z1 ), "" )
<t tx="mork.20041017111049">def fireButton( name, dialog, csvv ):
if name == "Close":
elif name == "Write To New":
csvv.writeData( False )
elif name == "Save To Current":
csvv.writeData( True )
<t tx="mork.20041017111248">def createDialog( pos ):
dialog = Pmw.Dialog( title = "Table Editor for " + str( pos.h),
buttons = [ 'Save To Current', 'Write To New', 'Close' ] )
dbbox = dialog.component( 'buttonbox' )
for z in range( dbbox.numbuttons() ):
dbbox.button( z ).configure( background = 'white', foreground = 'blue' )
return dialog
#@+node:mork.20041025100851.1:xslt to turn leo file into html
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:transform xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
<xsl:output method = 'xml' />
<xsl:preserve-space elements='leo_file/tnodes/t'/>
<xsl:template match='v'>
<ul type='square'>
<xsl:variable name ='t' select ='@t' />
<h1><xsl:value-of select='vh'/></h1>
<xsl:for-each select='ancestor::leo_file/tnodes/t'>
<xsl:if test="./attribute::tx=$t">
<xsl:value-of select='.' />
<xsl:if test ='./v' >
<xsl:apply-templates select = 'v'/>
<xsl:template match ='leo_file'>
ul{ position:relative;right=25;
border:thin ridge blue}
li{ position:relative;right=25}
pre{ background:#FFE7C6 }
<xsl:apply-templates select='vnodes'/>
<xsl:template match = 'vnodes'>
<xsl:for-each select = 'v'>
<xsl:apply-templates select ='.'/>
#@-node:mork.20041025100851.1:xslt to turn leo file into html
#@-node:mork.20041010095009:@thin xsltWithNodes.py