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# $SnapHashLicense:
# SnapLogic - Open source data services
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# $Id: 6314 2009-02-11 01:07:59Z grisha $

The HttpRequest class.

We do not want to expose too much of WSGI specifics in the internals of
our system. Therefore, details of the HTTP request - which have been
presented to us in a WSGI specific manner - are translated into a more
neutral and convenient form.

For this purpose, we introduce the HttpRequest class. It will contain
specific members for the various interesting HTTP headers. All strings
will be properly decoded, and parameters will have been parsed.

An instance of this object can then be passed to the various API functions
of the other modules in the system, allowing them access to request data,
without spreading exposure to WSGI any further.

Why do we want to limit exposure to WSGI? Because WSGI is our choice now,
but may not be it in the future...

The object can also be used to gain access to the input and output streams
of the request, to set response codes, etc.


from urllib import unquote,unquote_plus
import httplib

from snaplogic import rp
from snaplogic.common.snap_exceptions import SnapException,SnapNativeError,SnapNotAllowedError,SnapPluginError
from snaplogic.common import headers

# Here is the mapping of HTTP status code to full status text.
# Rather than typing this all out ourselves, we can just use whatever
# was defined already in some other place. For example in httplib.
_http_status_codes = httplib.responses

# For the following user agents we will return nicely formatted, human
# readable output.
_human_readable_agents = [ 'mozilla', 'msie', 'opera', 'googlebot', 'slurp', 'msnbot' ]

class _WriteStream(object):
    This is a class, which provides a 'file like' interface to the WSGI
    output stream. WSGI provides a callable in order to write output,
    but a file object to read input. This is a bit asymmetric. Since
    it is our goal to isolate the rest of the system from WSGI specifics,
    we are introducing this abstraction here, which allows the user of
    the HttpRequest object to see input and output both as objects.

    Currently, the only 'file like' method defined on this object is
    'write'. More may come in the future.

    def __init__(self, write_callable):
        Initialize the write-stream object.

        All we need to do here is to store the WSGI callable for the
        writing of output.

        @param write_callable:  WSGI callable for the writing of output.
        @type  write_callable:  callable

        self._write_callable = write_callable

    def write(self, data):
        Write data to the output stream.

        The presence of this function allows the user of the HttpRequest
        object to see output as an object, rather than a callable. This
        makes the read/write interface more symmetric.


class HttpRequest(object):
    Convenient and generic HTTP request representation.

    Access to HTTP request headers
    A selected set of HTTP headers is exposed via this object. All strings
    are decoded, parameters are parsed.

    The following HTTP request header lines are exposed as attributes of the
    created object:


    If a particular header line or request object attribute are not set or defined,
    the value will be set to None (except the dictionary for parameters, which is
    always present, but which may be empty).

    Parameters are translated into an already decoded and parsed dictionary. Note
    that it is possible to define parameters in a URL, which are NOT of the form
    'foo = bar'. So, for example, it is possible to write: ?foo=123&bar&xyz...
    In that case, 'bar' doesn't have a value, it simple 'is'. In that case, the
    'value' of 'bar', which we will write into the params dictionary, is None.
    All other values are always stored as strings.

    If no parameters at all are defined, params will be set to the empty dictionary.

    Note: For performance optimization it might be useful to perform a lazy
    decoding and parsing. So, only if something requiring those steps is actually
    accessed will the operation be performed. However, that's an optimization we
    can leave for later.

    In addition, snap_user is also exposed, and contains the identified user name
    or None, in case of an anonymous request.

    Access to input and output streams
    The '_input' property of the object gives access to the input file object of
    the request. Thus, the usual read(), etc. methods are defined on that object.
    Note that the user of the 'input' file object should NOT call close().

    The request object contains the 'content_length' attribute. This is set to
    the value that was indicated in the HTTP request header of the same name.
    If that header wasn't provided, then the value of this attribute is None.

    The '_output' property of the object is used to write information to the output
    stream. It currently only supports a write() method.

    Note that access to the output stream is ONLY possible AFTER the response
    headers have been set with the send_response_headers() method. Until that has
    happend, the 'output' object doesn't exist at all, and its value is None.

    For convenience, we provide a functions here to make and initialize the RP
    for the input stream, taking care of all the right content negotiation.
    This is the make_input_rp() function.

    The readers and writers of those RPs are then accessible via the
    'input' and 'output' properties (as compared to '_input' and '_output', which
    represent the raw streams). On the RP objects, you have a 'next()' method
    defined on 'input' and a 'write()' method on 'output'. Since those are RPs,
    the next() method returns an actual Python object, and the write() method
    takes an actual Python object as input.

    The actual RPs are available as '_input_rp' and '_output_rp', respectively.

    Type of client
    The object attempts to decide whether the request was made by a human via
    a web browser. For that purpose, it examines the user-agent string. The
    object exposes a 'human_request' attribute, which is either True or False
    depending on the outcome of this analysis.

    # We also would like to have a constant that is defined for the various
    # return codes. httplib provides that as well, but not in an easily
    # usable form, just as module attributes. Yuck! So, here we have written
    # them out again.
    CONTINUE                         = 100
    SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS              = 101
    PROCESSING                       = 102
    OK                               = 200
    CREATED                          = 201
    ACCEPTED                         = 202
    NO_CONTENT                       = 204
    RESET_CONTENT                    = 205
    PARTIAL_CONTENT                  = 206
    MULTI_STATUS                     = 207
    MULTIPLE_CHOICES                 = 300
    MOVED_PERMANENTLY                = 301
    FOUND                            = 302
    SEE_OTHER                        = 303
    NOT_MODIFIED                     = 304
    USE_PROXY                        = 305
    TEMPORARY_REDIRECT               = 307
    BAD_REQUEST                      = 400
    UNAUTHORIZED                     = 401
    PAYMENT_REQUIRED                 = 402
    FORBIDDEN                        = 403
    NOT_FOUND                        = 404
    METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED               = 405
    NOT_ACCEPTABLE                   = 406
    REQUEST_TIMEOUT                  = 408
    CONFLICT                         = 409
    GONE                             = 410
    LENGTH_REQUIRED                  = 411
    PRECONDITION_FAILED              = 412
    REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE         = 413
    REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG             = 414
    UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE           = 415
    EXPECTATION_FAILED               = 417
    UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY             = 422
    LOCKED                           = 423
    FAILED_DEPENDENCY                = 424
    UPGRADE_REQUIRED                 = 426
    INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR            = 500
    NOT_IMPLEMENTED                  = 501
    BAD_GATEWAY                      = 502
    SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE              = 503
    GATEWAY_TIMEOUT                  = 504
    INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE             = 507
    NOT_EXTENDED                     = 510

    # Header used for multi-POST SnapStream after WSGI translation
    SNAPSTREAM_CONTINUED = 'HTTP_'  + headers.SNAPSTREAM_CONTINUED.upper().replace('-', '_')

    # This class variable here is used to tell the HttpRequest instances
    # whether they will be allowed to consider a request as human-readable
    # (someone with a browser making the request). Setting this to False
    # makes sense for CCs, which should never be contacted by browsers
    # directly, and which don't have all the necessary config information
    # to display human readable output anyway.
    allow_human_readable = True

    def __init__(self, env, start_response):
        Create an instance of HttpRequest based on the WSGI request object.

        Takes the WSGI request object and makes it available via the HttpRequest
        object, performing any decoding along the way as necessary.

        This object also provides access to other aspects of the WSGI request,
        such as: Reading data from the input stream, setting response headers
        and writing output.

        @param  env:            The WSGI request object.
        @type   env:            dictionary

        @param  start_response: A callable provided by WSGI, which can be used
                                to write the response.
        @type   start_response: callable


        pi = env['PATH_INFO']
        qs = env['QUERY_STRING']

        if qs:
            self.raw_uri          = "%s?%s" % (pi, qs)
            self.raw_uri          = pi
        self.method               = env['REQUEST_METHOD']
        # The unquoted path may have been added by our authentication module (if we are running
        # in the main server. In that case, we can save ourselves unquoting the same string a
        # second time. But if we are on a CC here, then this hasn't happened, and we just do it
        # ourselves.
        self.path                 = env['SNAP_UNQ_PATH'] if env.has_key('SNAP_UNQ_PATH') else unquote(pi)
        self.content_length       = int(env['CONTENT_LENGTH'])
        self.client_address       = env['REMOTE_ADDR']
        self.server_name          = env['SERVER_NAME']
        self.server_port          = int(env['SERVER_PORT'])
        self.script_name          = unquote(env['SCRIPT_NAME']) if env.has_key('SCRIPT_NAME') else None
        self.http_accept          = unquote(env['HTTP_ACCEPT']) if env.has_key('HTTP_ACCEPT') else '*/*'
        self.http_content_type    = unquote(env['CONTENT_TYPE']) if env.has_key('CONTENT_TYPE') else 'application/json'
        self.http_user_agent      = unquote(env['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) if env.has_key('HTTP_USER_AGENT') else None
        self.http_accept_encoding = unquote(env['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) if env.has_key('HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING') else None
        self.http_cache_control   = env['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL'].lower() if env.has_key('HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL') else None
        self.http_host            = env.get('HTTP_HOST', None)
        self.snap_stream_continue = unquote(env[self.SNAPSTREAM_CONTINUED]) if env.has_key(self.SNAPSTREAM_CONTINUED) else None 
        self.snapi_headers        = self._retrieve_snapi_headers(env)
        self.username             = env['snap_username'] if env.has_key('snap_username') else None
        self.groups               = env['snap_groups'] if env.has_key('snap_groups') else None
        self.permissions          = env['snap_permissions'] if env.has_key('snap_permissions') else None
        self.invoker              = env.get(headers.WSGI_INVOKER_HEADER)
        # We examine the user agent to decide whether this is a human making the request
        # (via a browser). For search engines, we also want to return the human readable
        # form, because it has more unique elements one can search for. Also, search
        # engines are used by humans, and thus they can benefit from nicely formatted
        # pages in previews or caches.
        self.human_request = False
        if HttpRequest.allow_human_readable:
            if self.http_user_agent:
                ua = self.http_user_agent.lower()
                for a in _human_readable_agents:
                    if a in ua:
                        self.human_request = True

        # We will provide an RP for input and output, but here we store
        # the raw input and output sockets/methods/objects.
        self._input               = env['wsgi.input']
        self._output              = None
        self._start_response      = start_response

        self._input_rp            = None
        self._output_rp           = None

        # These are the references to the RP readers and writers for the input and output.
        self.input                = None
        self.output               = None

        if qs == '':
            self.params = {}

        params = qs.split("&")

        # Here we parse the parameters into a dictionary. If no value was specified
        # for a parameter in the URL we will set the value to None. Special characters
        # may have been encoded in the parameter names or values, which is why we now
        # need to perform the decoding ('unquoting') here.
        d = {}
        for p in params:
            l = p.split("=")
            key = unquote_plus(l[0])
            if len(l) == 1:
                d[key] = None
                d[key] = unquote_plus(l[1])

        self.params = d
        self.raw_params = qs

    def _retrieve_snapi_headers(self, header):
        Given an HTTP header, return a dictionary of Snapi-specific headers,
        stripping out L{SNAPI_HEADER_PREFIX}. For instance, if 
        {'X-Snapi-Foo':'bar', 'Content-Length' : '37'} is provided, 
        {'Foo' : 'bar'} is returned.
        @param header: HTTP header
        @type header: dict
        @return: dictionary of snapi-specific keys and values 
        @rtype: dict
        result = {}
        snapi_prefix = "HTTP_" + headers.SNAPI_HEADER_PREFIX.replace('-','_').upper()
        for key in header.keys():
            if key.startswith(snapi_prefix):
                result[key[len(snapi_prefix):]] = header[key]
        return result

    def make_input_rp(self):
        Create the RP for the input stream.

        The input content type (only applies to POST and PUT requests)
        is indicated via the content-type header. If we cannot match
        the indicated content type against an available RP, then the
        'input' property will be left at None. Users of the http_req
        object may use '_input' to read the raw input stream.

        self._input_rp = rp.get_rp(self.http_content_type)
        #self._input_rp = rp.get_rp("application/json")      ### FIXIT! For debugging.
        if self._input_rp:
            self.input = self._input_rp.Reader(self._input)

    def get_input_content_type(self):
        Return the agreed upon content type for the input.

        This returns the string that was used to determine the content
        type and thus, the RP. For example, a 'content-type' HTTP header
        can contain a large number of suggested content types, only one
        of which will be chosen by get_rp(). The string that represents
        the one that was chosen by get_rp() will be returned here.

        This is useful when we want to create the right HTTP return
        headers, for example.

        If the input RP hasn't been chosen, or no content type exists,
        then None is returned.

        @return:        The chosen content type.
        @rtype:         string or None

        if self._input_rp:
            return self._input_rp.CONTENT_TYPE
            return None

    def get_output_content_type(self):
        Return the agreed upon content type for the output.

        This returns the string that was used to determine the content
        type and thus, the RP. For example, an 'accept' HTTP header may
        contain a large number of suggested content types, only one
        of which will be chosen by get_rp(). The string that represents
        the one that was chosen by get_rp() will be returned here.

        This is useful when we want to create the right HTTP return
        headers, for example.

        If the output RP hasn't been chosen, or no content type exists,
        then None is returned.

        @return:        The chosen content type.
        @rtype:         string or None

        if self._output_rp:
            return self._output_rp.CONTENT_TYPE
            return None

    def response_already_sent(self):
        Return True of the response headers have been sent already.

        The HTTP response code and headers can only be sent once. This
        method provides an easy test for users of http_req to see if
        this has happened already.

        @return:        Flag indicating whether the response has been
                        sent already.
        @rtype:         bool

        return True if self._output else False

    def send_response_headers(self, code, headers=None, init_output=True, options=None):
        Send response headers and create output stream object.

        This is called to set any HTTP response headers and also set the HTTP
        response code. The code is simply a number, indicating the well-known
        HTTP status codes, such as 200, 404, etc.

        Headers are defined as a list of tuples, such as:

            [('Content-type', 'text/plain'), ]

        Always one tuple per header.

        @param code:        HTTP status code.
        @type  code:        integer

        @param headers:     List of tuples, specifying the HTTP response headers
                            and their values.
        @type  headers:     list

        @param init_output: If this flag is specified then we attempt to create
                            the output RP after sending the response headers.
                            The 'output' property may remain None, however, if
                            the content negotiation failed.
                            The acceptable output content type is indicated via the Accept
                            header. If we cannot match the indicated content type against
                            an available RP, then the 'output' property will be left at None.
                            Users of the http_req object may use '_output' to write to the
                            raw output stream.
        @type  init_output: bool

        @param options:     A dictionary with options for any RPs that are initialized.
        @type  options:     dict

        if self._output:
            raise SnapNotAllowedError("The HTTP response headers can only be sent once.")

        if headers is None:
            headers = []
        if init_output:
                # Caller wants us to set up the output RP...
                if self.human_request:
                    # IE for some reason doesn't indicate text/html as an acceptable
                    # content type, only '*/*' and other junk. So, if the human flag
                    # is set, we just have to manually choose the appropriate content
                    # type. Otherwise, we would default to 'application/x-snap-asn1' and IE
                    # wouldn't like that.
                    self._output_rp = rp.get_rp("text/html")

                    # Add option for RP indicating the request URI.
                    options = options if options else dict()
                    options["request_uri"] = "http://" + self.http_host + "/"
                    self._output_rp = rp.get_rp(self.http_accept)
                if not self._output_rp:
                    raise ValueError()

                # ... and when this is successful, we can also specify the
                # right content type for the output in the headers, while
                # we are at it.
                headers.append( ('content-type', self.get_output_content_type()))
                # ... but not matching RP could be found, which means we have
                # to signal an error to the client.
                code = HttpRequest.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE
                headers = []

        _http_codes = globals()['_http_status_codes']
        self._output = _WriteStream(self._start_response("%d %s" % (code, _http_codes[code]), headers))

        if init_output:
            if code == HttpRequest.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE:
                # If we were not able to create the proper RP, we need to
                # signal that to the client with an error, and to the caller
                # with an exception. The output stream needs to collapse again.
                self._output = None
                raise SnapPluginError("Cannot find media type for acceptable output: '%s'" % (self.http_accept))
                self.output = self._output_rp.Writer(self._output, None, self.human_request, options)

    def __repr__(self):
        Returns the HTTP request object's string representation.

        @return:        String representation of the HttpRequest object.

        Note that this is not well optimized. Shouldn't be a problem, since
        this mostly only used for debugging anyway.


        s =  "METHOD:               %s\n" % self.method
        s += "PATH:                 %s\n" % self.path
        s += "PARAMS:               %s\n" % self.params
        s += "RAW_URI:              %s\n" % self.raw_uri
        s += "CONTENT_LENGTH:       %d\n" % self.content_length
        s += "CLIENT_ADDRESS:       %s\n" % self.client_address
        s += "SERVER_NAME:          %s\n" % self.server_name
        s += "SERVER_PORT:          %s\n" % self.server_port
        s += "SCRIPT_NAME:          %s\n" % self.script_name
        s += "HTTP_ACCEPT:          %s\n" % self.http_accept
        s += "HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE:    %s\n" % self.http_content_type
        s += "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING: %s\n" % self.http_accept_encoding
        s += "HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL:   %s\n" % self.http_cache_control
        s += "HTTP_HOST:            %s\n" % self.http_host
        s += "USER_AGENT:           %s\n" % self.http_user_agent
        s += "SNAP_STREAM_CONTINUE: %s\n" % self.snap_stream_continue
        s += "SNAPI_HEADERS:        %s\n" % self.snapi_headers
        s += "USERNAME:             %s\n" % self.username
        s += "GROUPS:               %s\n" % self.groups
        s += "PERMISSIONS:          %s\n" % self.permissions
        s += "HUMAN_REQUEST:        %s"   % self.human_request

        return s | Contact Us
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