#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import biggles
from numpy import *
def mag( vec ):
return sqrt(sum(vec*vec, -1))
def make_coloredpoints_plot():
# This is the magic recipe for an array of points from (0,0) to (10,10)
(x,y) = reshape(indices([10+1,10+1]), (2,-1))
# Let's color the points by their distance from the point (3,7)
center = (3,7)
rad = mag( transpose([x,y]) - center )
scaledrad = (1 - rad/max(rad))[:,newaxis]
# Go from light blue to intense red.
minColor = array([0.6, 0.9, 1.0])
maxColor = array([1.0, 0.2, 0.2])
colorrad = minColor + scaledrad*(maxColor-minColor)
cp = biggles.ColoredPoints(x, y, colorrad, \
type='filled circle', size=6 )
# make plot
p = biggles.FramedPlot()
p.title = "Colored Points Plot"
p.add( cp )
return p
def make_density_plot():
a = reshape(arange(90.0), (5,6,3))
a[...,1] = 100 - a[...,1]
d = biggles.Density( 1-(a/max(a.flat)), [[0,0], [5,10]] )
# make plot
p = biggles.FramedPlot()
p.title = "Density"
p.add( d )
return p
p1 = make_coloredpoints_plot()
p2 = make_density_plot()
t = biggles.Table( 1, 2 )
t.aspect_ratio = 0.5
t[0,0] = p1
t[0,1] = p2
#t.write_img( 400, 400, "example9.png" )
#t.write_eps( "example9.eps" )