# $Id: biggles.py,v 1.235 2008/11/28 00:38:20 mrnolta Exp $
# Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Mike Nolta <mrnolta@users.sourceforge.net>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import copy, math, os, string
import numpy
import config, _biggles
from geometry import *
import libplot.renderer
renderer = libplot.renderer
# miscellaneous ---------------------------------------------------------------
_true, _false = 1, 0
def _floor(x):
return long(math.floor(x))
def _ceil(x):
return long(math.ceil(x))
def _tsil(x):
l = list(x)
return l
def _message( s ):
print "biggles:", s
def _series( m, n, a=1, b=0 ):
return map( lambda x,y=a,z=b: x*y+z, range(m, n+1) )
def _first_not_none( *args ):
for arg in args:
if arg is not None:
return arg
return None
class _Alias:
def __init__( self, *args ):
self.__dict__["objs"] = args[:]
def __call__( self, *args, **kw ):
for obj in self.objs:
apply( obj, args, kw )
def __getattr__( self, name ):
objs = []
for obj in self.objs:
objs.append( getattr(obj, name) )
return apply( _Alias, objs )
def __setattr__( self, name, value ):
for obj in self.objs:
setattr( obj, name, value )
def __setitem__( self, key, value ):
for obj in self.objs:
obj[key] = value
# BigglesError ----------------------------------------------------------------
class BigglesError( Exception ):
# relative size ---------------------------------------------------------------
def _size_relative( relsize, bbox ):
w = bbox.width()
h = bbox.height()
yardstick = math.sqrt(8) * w * h / (w + h)
return (relsize/100.) * yardstick
def _fontsize_relative( relsize, bbox, device ):
devsize = _size_relative( relsize, bbox )
devsize_min = _size_relative(
config.value('default','fontsize_min'), device.bbox )
return max( devsize, devsize_min )
# _PlotContext -----------------------------------------------------------------
class _PlotGeometry:
_logfunc = math.log10
_logfunc_vec = numpy.log10
def __init__( self, src, dest, xlog=0, ylog=0 ):
self.src_bbox = src
self.dest_bbox = dest
self.xlog = xlog
self.ylog = ylog
a, b = src.lowerleft()
c, d = src.upperright()
if xlog:
a = self._logfunc(a)
c = self._logfunc(c)
if ylog:
b = self._logfunc(b)
d = self._logfunc(d)
fsrc = BoundingBox( (a,b), (c,d) )
self.aff = RectilinearMap( fsrc, dest )
def __call__( self, x, y ):
u, v = x, y
if self.xlog: u = self._logfunc(x)
if self.ylog: v = self._logfunc(y)
return self.aff( u, v )
def call_vec( self, x, y ):
u = numpy.asarray( x )
v = numpy.asarray( y )
if self.xlog: u = self._logfunc_vec(u)
if self.ylog: v = self._logfunc_vec(v)
return self.aff.call_vec( u, v )
def geodesic( self, x, y, div=1 ):
return [(x, y)]
class _PlotContext:
def __init__( self, device, dev, data, xlog=0, ylog=0 ):
self.draw = device
self.dev_bbox = dev
self.data_bbox = data
self.xlog = xlog
self.ylog = ylog
self.geom = _PlotGeometry( data, dev, xlog=xlog, ylog=ylog )
self.plot_geom = _PlotGeometry( BoundingBox((0,0),(1,1)), dev )
def do_clip( self ):
xr = self.dev_bbox.xrange()
yr = self.dev_bbox.yrange()
self.draw.set( "cliprect", (xr[0], xr[1], yr[0], yr[1]) )
# _StyleKeywords --------------------------------------------------------------
def _kw_func_relative_fontsize( context, key, value ):
device_size = _fontsize_relative( value, context.dev_bbox, context.draw )
context.draw.set( key, device_size )
def _kw_func_relative_size( context, key, value ):
device_size = _size_relative( value, context.dev_bbox )
context.draw.set( key, device_size )
def _kw_func_relative_width( context, key, value ):
device_width = _size_relative( value/10., context.dev_bbox )
context.draw.set( key, device_width )
class _StyleKeywords:
kw_style = None
kw_defaults = {}
kw_rename = {}
kw_func = {
'fontsize' : _kw_func_relative_fontsize,
'linewidth' : _kw_func_relative_width,
'symbolsize' : _kw_func_relative_size,
def kw_init( self, kw=None ):
self.kw_style = {}
self.kw_style.update( self.kw_defaults )
if kw is not None:
for key, value in kw.items():
self.kw_set( key, value )
def kw_set( self, key, value ):
if self.kw_style is None:
key = self.kw_rename.get( key, key )
self.kw_style[key] = value
def style( self, **kw ):
for key,val in kw.items():
self.kw_set( key, val )
def kw_get( self, key, notfound=None ):
if self.kw_style is not None:
return self.kw_style.get( key, notfound )
return None
def kw_predraw( self, context ):
if self.kw_style is not None:
for key, value in self.kw_style.items():
if self.kw_func.has_key(key):
method = self.kw_func[key]
apply( method, (context,key,value) )
context.draw.set( key, value )
def kw_postdraw( self, context ):
# _ConfAttributes -----------------------------------------------------------
class _ConfAttributes:
def conf_setattr( self, section, **kw ):
import copy, string
sec = config.options( section )
if sec is not None:
for key,val in sec.items():
x = string.split( key, "." )
obj = self
for y in x[:-1]:
obj = getattr( obj, y )
setattr( obj, x[-1], copy.copy(val) )
for key,val in kw.items():
setattr( self, key, copy.copy(val) )
# _DeviceObject ---------------------------------------------------------------
class _DeviceObject( _StyleKeywords ):
def bbox( self, context ):
return BoundingBox()
def draw( self, context ):
raise BigglesError
def render( self, context ):
self.kw_predraw( context )
self.draw( context )
self.kw_postdraw( context )
class _SymbolObject( _DeviceObject ):
kw_rename = {
'type' : 'symboltype',
'size' : 'symbolsize',
def __init__( self, pos, **kw ):
self.kw_init( kw )
self.pos = pos
def bbox( self, context ):
self.kw_predraw( context )
symbolsize = context.draw.get( 'symbolsize' )
self.kw_postdraw( context )
dp = symbolsize/2, symbolsize/2
p = pt_sub( self.pos, dp )
q = pt_add( self.pos, dp )
return BoundingBox( p, q )
def draw( self, context ):
context.draw.symbol( self.pos )
class _TextObject( _DeviceObject ):
kw_defaults = {
'textangle' : 0,
'texthalign' : 'center',
'textvalign' : 'center',
kw_rename = {
'face' : 'fontface',
'size' : 'fontsize',
'angle' : 'textangle',
'halign' : 'texthalign',
'valign' : 'textvalign',
def __init__( self, pos, str, **kw ):
self.kw_init( kw )
self.pos = pos
self.str = str
__halign_offset = { 'right':(-1,0), 'center':(-.5,.5), 'left':(0,1) }
__valign_offset = { 'top':(-1,0), 'center':(-.5,.5), 'bottom':(0,1) }
def bbox( self, context ):
self.kw_predraw( context )
angle = context.draw.get( 'textangle' ) * math.pi/180.
halign = context.draw.get( 'texthalign' )
valign = context.draw.get( 'textvalign' )
width = context.draw.textwidth( self.str )
height = context.draw.textheight( self.str )
self.kw_postdraw( context )
hvec = pt_mul( width, _TextObject.__halign_offset[halign] )
vvec = pt_mul( height, _TextObject.__valign_offset[valign] )
p = self.pos[0] + hvec[0], self.pos[1] + vvec[0]
q = self.pos[0] + hvec[1], self.pos[1] + vvec[1]
bb = BoundingBox( p, q )
bb.rotate( angle, self.pos )
return bb
def draw( self, context ):
#bb = self.bbox( context )
#context.draw.rect( bb.lowerleft(), bb.upperright() )
context.draw.text( self.pos, self.str )
class _LabelsObject( _DeviceObject ):
kw_defaults = {
'textangle' : 0,
'texthalign' : 'center',
'textvalign' : 'center',
kw_rename = {
'face' : 'fontface',
'size' : 'fontsize',
'angle' : 'textangle',
'halign' : 'texthalign',
'valign' : 'textvalign',
def __init__( self, points, labels, **kw ):
self.kw_init( kw )
self.points = points
self.labels = labels
__halign_offset = { 'right':(-1,0), 'center':(-.5,.5), 'left':(0,1) }
__valign_offset = { 'top':(-1,0), 'center':(-.5,.5), 'bottom':(0,1) }
def bbox( self, context ):
bb = BoundingBox()
self.kw_predraw( context )
angle = context.draw.get( 'textangle' ) * math.pi/180.
halign = context.draw.get( 'texthalign' )
valign = context.draw.get( 'textvalign' )
height = context.draw.textheight( self.labels[0] )
ho = _LabelsObject.__halign_offset[halign]
vo = _LabelsObject.__valign_offset[valign]
for i in range(len(self.labels)):
pos = self.points[i]
width = context.draw.textwidth( self.labels[i] )
p = pos[0] + width * ho[0], pos[1] + height * vo[0]
q = pos[0] + width * ho[1], pos[1] + height * vo[1]
bb_label = BoundingBox( p, q )
if angle != 0:
bb_label.rotate( angle, pos )
bb.union( bb_label )
self.kw_postdraw( context )
return bb
def draw( self, context ):
for i in range(len(self.labels)):
context.draw.text( self.points[i], self.labels[i] )
class _LineTextObject( _TextObject ):
kw_rename = {
'face' : 'fontface',
'size' : 'fontsize',
def __init__( self, p, q, str, offset, **kw ):
self.kw_init( kw )
self.str = str
midpoint = pt_mul( 0.5, pt_add(p, q) )
direction = pt_unit( pt_sub(q, p) )
angle = pt_angle( direction )
direction = pt_rot( direction, math.pi/2 )
self.pos = pt_add( midpoint, pt_mul(offset, direction) )
self.kw_set( 'textangle', angle * 180./math.pi )
self.kw_set( 'texthalign', 'center' )
if offset > 0:
self.kw_set( 'textvalign', 'bottom' )
self.kw_set( 'textvalign', 'top' )
class _LineObject( _DeviceObject ):
kw_rename = {
'width' : 'linewidth',
'type' : 'linetype',
def __init__( self, p, q, **kw ):
self.kw_init( kw )
self.p = p
self.q = q
def bbox( self, context ):
return BoundingBox( self.p, self.q )
def draw( self, context ):
context.draw.line( self.p, self.q )
class _PolygonObject( _DeviceObject ):
kw_rename = {
'width' : 'linewidth',
'type' : 'linetype',
def __init__( self, points, **kw ):
self.kw_init( kw )
self.points = points
def bbox( self, context ):
return apply( BoundingBox, self.points )
def draw( self, context ):
context.draw.polygon( self.points )
class _PathObject( _DeviceObject ):
kw_rename = {
'width' : 'linewidth',
'type' : 'linetype',
def __init__( self, x, y, **kw ):
self.kw_init( kw )
self.x = x
self.y = y
def bbox( self, context ):
xmin, xmax = _biggles.range( self.x )
ymin, ymax = _biggles.range( self.y )
return BoundingBox( (xmin,ymin), (xmax,ymax) )
def draw( self, context ):
context.draw.curve( self.x, self.y )
class _SymbolsObject( _DeviceObject ):
kw_rename = {
'type' : 'symboltype',
'size' : 'symbolsize',
def __init__( self, x, y, **kw ):
self.kw_init( kw )
self.x = x
self.y = y
def bbox( self, context ):
xmin, xmax = _biggles.range( self.x )
ymin, ymax = _biggles.range( self.y )
return BoundingBox( (xmin,ymin), (xmax,ymax) )
def draw( self, context ):
context.draw.symbols( self.x, self.y )
class _ColoredSymbolsObject( _DeviceObject ):
kw_rename = {
'type' : 'symboltype',
'size' : 'symbolsize',
def __init__( self, x, y, c, **kw ):
self.kw_init( kw )
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.c = c
def bbox( self, context ):
xmin, xmax = _biggles.range( self.x )
ymin, ymax = _biggles.range( self.y )
return BoundingBox( (xmin,ymin), (xmax,ymax) )
def draw( self, context ):
context.draw.colored_symbols( self.x, self.y, self.c )
class _DensityObject( _DeviceObject ):
kw_rename = {
def __init__( self, densgrid, ((xmin,ymin), (xmax,ymax)), **kw ):
self.kw_init( kw )
self.densgrid = densgrid
self.extent = ( (xmin,ymin), (xmax,ymax) )
def bbox( self, context ):
return apply( BoundingBox, self.extent )
def draw( self, context ):
#from numpy import rank
#if rank(self.densgrid) == 3:
if len(self.densgrid.shape) == 3:
context.draw.color_density_plot( self.densgrid, self.extent )
context.draw.density_plot( self.densgrid, self.extent )
class _EllipseObject( _DeviceObject ):
def __init__( self, p, rx, ry, angle=0., **kw ):
self.kw_init( kw )
self.p = p
self.rx = rx
self.ry = ry
self.angle = angle
def bbox( self, context ):
r = self.rx, self.ry
p = pt_add( self.p, r )
q = pt_sub( self.p, r )
bb = BoundingBox( p, q )
bb.rotate( self.p, self.angle )
return bb
def draw( self, context ):
context.draw.ellipse( self.p, self.rx, self.ry, self.angle )
class _CombObject( _DeviceObject ):
def __init__( self, points, dp, **kw ):
self.kw_init( kw )
self.points = points
self.dp = dp
def bbox( self, context ):
return apply( BoundingBox, self.points )
def draw( self, context ):
for p in self.points:
context.draw.move( p )
context.draw.linetorel( self.dp )
class _BoxObject( _DeviceObject ):
def __init__( self, p, q, **kw ):
self.kw_init( kw )
self.p = p
self.q = q
def bbox( self, context ):
return BoundingBox( self.p, self.q )
def draw( self, context ):
context.draw.rect( self.p, self.q )
class _ArcObject( _DeviceObject ):
def __init__( self, pc, p0, p1, **kw ):
self.kw_init( kw )
self.pc = pc
self.p0 = p0
self.p1 = p1
def bbox( self, context ):
return BoundingBox( self.pc, self.p0, self.p1 )
def draw( self, context ):
context.draw.arc( self.pc, self.p0, self.p1 )
# _PlotComponent --------------------------------------------------------------
class _PlotComponent( _StyleKeywords, _ConfAttributes ):
def __init__( self ):
def add( self, *args ):
for obj in args:
self.device_objects.append( obj )
def limits( self ):
return BoundingBox()
def clear( self ):
self.device_objects = []
def make( self, context ):
raise BigglesError
def make_key( self, bbox ):
def bbox( self, context ):
self.make( context )
bb = BoundingBox()
for obj in self.device_objects:
bb.union( obj.bbox(context) )
return bb
def render( self, context ):
self.make( context )
self.kw_predraw( context )
for obj in self.device_objects:
obj.render( context )
self.kw_postdraw( context )
# _LabelComponent -------------------------------------------------------------
class _LabelComponent( _PlotComponent ):
kw_rename = {
'face' : 'fontface',
'size' : 'fontsize',
'angle' : 'textangle',
'halign' : 'texthalign',
'valign' : 'textvalign',
def __init__( self, x, y, str, **kw ):
_PlotComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "_LabelComponent" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.pos = x, y
self.str = str
def limits( self ):
return BoundingBox()
class DataLabel( _LabelComponent ):
def make( self, context ):
pos = apply( context.geom, self.pos )
t = apply( _TextObject, (pos, self.str), self.kw_style )
self.add( t )
class PlotLabel( _LabelComponent ):
def make( self, context ):
pos = apply( context.plot_geom, self.pos )
t = apply( _TextObject, (pos, self.str), self.kw_style )
self.add( t )
# _LabelsComponent ------------------------------------------------------------
class _LabelsComponent( _PlotComponent ):
kw_rename = {
'face' : 'fontface',
'size' : 'fontsize',
'angle' : 'textangle',
'halign' : 'texthalign',
'valign' : 'textvalign',
def __init__( self ):
_PlotComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "_LabelsComponent" )
class Labels( _LabelsComponent ):
def __init__( self, x, y, labels, **kw ):
_LabelsComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "Labels" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.labels = labels
def limits( self ):
p = min(self.x), min(self.y)
q = max(self.x), max(self.y)
return BoundingBox( p, q )
def make( self, context ):
x, y = context.geom.call_vec( self.x, self.y )
l = apply( _LabelsObject, (zip(x,y), self.labels), self.kw_style )
self.add( l )
# _LineComponent --------------------------------------------------------------
class _LineComponent( _PlotComponent ):
def __init__( self ):
_PlotComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "_LineComponent" )
kw_rename = {
'color' : 'linecolor',
'width' : 'linewidth',
'type' : 'linetype',
def make_key( self, bbox ):
xr = bbox.xrange()
y = bbox.center()[1]
p = xr[0], y
q = xr[1], y
return apply( _LineObject, (p,q), self.kw_style )
class Curve( _LineComponent ):
def __init__( self, x, y, **kw ):
_LineComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "Curve" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.x = x
self.y = y
def limits( self ):
p0 = min(self.x), min(self.y)
p1 = max(self.x), max(self.y)
return BoundingBox( p0, p1 )
def make( self, context ):
segs = context.geom.geodesic( self.x, self.y )
for seg in segs:
x, y = context.geom.call_vec( seg[0], seg[1] )
self.add( _PathObject(x, y) )
class DataLine( _LineComponent ):
def __init__( self, p, q, **kw ):
_LineComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "DataLine" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.p = p
self.q = q
def limits( self ):
return BoundingBox( self.p, self.q )
def make( self, context ):
a = apply( context.geom, self.p )
b = apply( context.geom, self.q )
self.add( _LineObject(a, b) )
class Geodesic( _LineComponent ):
def __init__( self, p, q, **kw ):
_LineComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "Geodesic" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.p = p
self.q = q
def limits( self ):
return BoundingBox( self.p, self.q )
def make( self, context ):
l = self.p[0], self.q[0]
b = self.p[1], self.q[1]
segs = context.geom.geodesic( l, b, self.divisions )
for seg in segs:
x, y = context.geom.call_vec( seg[0], seg[1] )
self.add( _PathObject(x, y) )
class Histogram( _LineComponent ):
def __init__( self, values, x0=0, binsize=1, **kw ):
_LineComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "Histogram" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.values = values
self.x0 = x0
self.binsize = binsize
def limits( self ):
nval = len( self.values )
if self.drop_to_zero:
p = self.x0, min( 0, min(self.values) )
p = self.x0, min(self.values)
q = self.x0 + nval*self.binsize, max(self.values)
return BoundingBox( p, q )
def make( self, context ):
nval = len( self.values )
x = []
y = []
if self.drop_to_zero:
x.append( self.x0 )
y.append( 0 )
for i in range(0,nval):
xi = self.x0 + i * self.binsize
yi = self.values[i]
x.extend( [xi, xi + self.binsize] )
y.extend( [yi, yi] )
if self.drop_to_zero:
x.append( self.x0 + nval*self.binsize )
y.append( 0 )
u, v = context.geom.call_vec( x, y )
self.add( _PathObject(u, v) )
class LineX( _LineComponent ):
def __init__( self, x, **kw ):
_LineComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "LineX" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.x = x
def limits( self ):
return BoundingBox( (self.x,None), (self.x,None) )
def make( self, context ):
yrange = context.data_bbox.yrange()
p = self.x, yrange[0]
q = self.x, yrange[1]
a = apply( context.geom, p )
b = apply( context.geom, q )
self.add( _LineObject(a, b) )
class LineY( _LineComponent ):
def __init__( self, y, **kw ):
_LineComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "LineY" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.y = y
def limits( self ):
return BoundingBox( (None,self.y), (None,self.y) )
def make( self, context ):
xrange = context.data_bbox.xrange()
p = xrange[0], self.y
q = xrange[1], self.y
a = apply( context.geom, p )
b = apply( context.geom, q )
self.add( _LineObject(a, b) )
class PlotLine( _LineComponent ):
def __init__( self, p, q, **kw ):
_LineComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "PlotLine" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.p = p
self.q = q
def make( self, context ):
a = apply( context.plot_geom, self.p )
b = apply( context.plot_geom, self.q )
self.add( _LineObject(a, b) )
class Slope( _LineComponent ):
def __init__( self, slope, intercept=None, **kw ):
_LineComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "Slope" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.slope = slope
self.intercept = intercept
if intercept is None:
self.intercept = (0.,0.)
def _x( self, y ):
x0, y0 = self.intercept
return x0 + float(y - y0) / self.slope
def _y( self, x ):
x0, y0 = self.intercept
return y0 + (x - x0) * self.slope
def make( self, context ):
xrange = context.data_bbox.xrange()
yrange = context.data_bbox.yrange()
if self.slope == 0:
l = [ ( xrange[0], self.intercept[1] ),\
( xrange[1], self.intercept[1] ) ]
l = [ ( xrange[0], self._y(xrange[0]) ),\
( xrange[1], self._y(xrange[1]) ),\
( self._x(yrange[0]), yrange[0] ),\
( self._x(yrange[1]), yrange[1] ) ]
m = filter( context.data_bbox.contains, l )
if len(m) > 1:
a = apply( context.geom, m[0] )
b = apply( context.geom, m[-1] )
self.add( _LineObject(a, b) )
class DataBox( _LineComponent ):
def __init__( self, p, q, **kw ):
_LineComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "DataBox" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.p = p
self.q = q
def limits( self ):
return BoundingBox( self.p, self.q )
def make( self, context ):
a = apply( context.geom, self.p )
b = apply( context.geom, self.q )
self.add( _BoxObject(a, b) )
class PlotBox( _LineComponent ):
def __init__( self, p, q, **kw ):
_LineComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "PlotBox" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.p = p
self.q = q
def make( self, context ):
a = apply( context.plot_geom, self.p )
b = apply( context.plot_geom, self.q )
self.add( _BoxObject(a, b) )
class PlotArc( _LineComponent ):
def __init__( self, pc, r, a0, a1, **kw ):
_LineComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "PlotArc" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.pc = pc
self.p0 = p[0] + r*math.cos(a0), p[1] + r*math.sin(a0)
self.p1 = p[0] + r*math.cos(a1), p[1] + r*math.sin(a1)
def make( self, context ):
pc = apply( context.plot_geom, self.pc )
p0 = apply( context.plot_geom, self.p0 )
p1 = apply( context.plot_geom, self.p1 )
self.add( _ArcObject(pc, p0, p1) )
class DataArc( _LineComponent ):
def __init__( self, pc, r, a0, a1, **kw ):
_LineComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "DataArc" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.pc = pc
self.p0 = p[0] + r*math.cos(a0), p[1] + r*math.sin(a0)
self.p1 = p[0] + r*math.cos(a1), p[1] + r*math.sin(a1)
def limits( self ):
return BoundingBox( self.pc, self.p0, self.p1 )
def make( self, context ):
pc = apply( context.geom, self.pc )
p0 = apply( context.geom, self.p0 )
p1 = apply( context.geom, self.p1 )
self.add( _ArcObject(pc, p0, p1) )
# _SymbolDataComponent --------------------------------------------------------
class _SymbolDataComponent( _PlotComponent ):
kw_rename = {
'type' : 'symboltype',
'size' : 'symbolsize',
def make_key( self, bbox ):
pos = bbox.center()
return apply(_SymbolObject, (pos,), self.kw_style)
class Points( _SymbolDataComponent ):
kw_defaults = {
'symboltype' : config.value('Points','symboltype'),
'symbolsize' : config.value('Points','symbolsize'),
def __init__( self, x, y, **kw ):
_SymbolDataComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "Points" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.x = x
self.y = y
def limits( self ):
p = min(self.x), min(self.y)
q = max(self.x), max(self.y)
return BoundingBox( p, q )
def make( self, context ):
x, y = context.geom.call_vec( self.x, self.y )
self.add( _SymbolsObject(x, y) )
def Point( x, y, **kw ):
return apply( Points, ([x],[y]), kw )
class ColoredPoints( _SymbolDataComponent ):
kw_defaults = {
'symboltype' : config.value('Points','symboltype'),
'symbolsize' : config.value('Points','symbolsize'),
def __init__( self, x, y, c=None, **kw ):
_SymbolDataComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "Points" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.c = c
def limits( self ):
p = min(self.x), min(self.y)
q = max(self.x), max(self.y)
return BoundingBox( p, q )
def make( self, context ):
x, y = context.geom.call_vec( self.x, self.y )
self.add( _ColoredSymbolsObject(x, y, self.c) )
def ColoredPoint( x, y, **kw ):
return apply( ColoredPoints, ([x],[y]), kw )
# _DensityComponent -----------------------------------------------------------
class Density( _PlotComponent ):
kw_defaults = {
'foo' : config.value('Points','symbolsize'),
def __init__( self, densgrid, ((xmin,ymin), (xmax,ymax)), **kw ):
_PlotComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "Density" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.densgrid = densgrid
self.extent = ((xmin,ymin), (xmax,ymax))
def limits( self ):
return apply( BoundingBox, self.extent )
def make( self, context ):
(x0,y0),(x1,y1) = self.extent
(x0,x1),(y0,y1) = context.geom.call_vec((x0,x1),(y0,y1))
self.add( _DensityObject(self.densgrid, ((x0,y0),(x1,y1))) )
# _FillComponent --------------------------------------------------------------
class _FillComponent( _PlotComponent ):
kw_defaults = {
'color' : config.value('_FillComponent','fillcolor'),
'filltype' : config.value('_FillComponent','filltype'),
def make_key( self, bbox ):
p = bbox.lowerleft()
q = bbox.upperright()
return apply( _BoxObject, (p,q), self.kw_style )
class FillAbove( _FillComponent ):
def __init__( self, x, y, **kw ):
_FillComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "FillAbove" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.x = x
self.y = y
def limits( self ):
p = min(self.x), min(self.y)
q = max(self.x), max(self.y)
return BoundingBox( p, q )
def make( self, context ):
coords = map( context.geom, self.x, self.y )
max_y = context.data_bbox.yrange()[1]
coords.append( context.geom(self.x[-1], max_y) )
coords.append( context.geom(self.x[0], max_y) )
self.add( _PolygonObject(coords) )
class FillBelow( _FillComponent ):
def __init__( self, x, y, **kw ):
_FillComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "FillBelow" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.x = x
self.y = y
def limits( self ):
p = min(self.x), min(self.y)
q = max(self.x), max(self.y)
return BoundingBox( p, q )
def make( self, context ):
coords = map( context.geom, self.x, self.y )
min_y = context.data_bbox.yrange()[0]
coords.append( context.geom(self.x[-1], min_y) )
coords.append( context.geom(self.x[0], min_y) )
self.add( _PolygonObject(coords) )
class FillBetween( _FillComponent ):
def __init__( self, x1, y1, x2, y2, **kw ):
_FillComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "FillBetween" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.x1, self.y1 = x1, y1
self.x2, self.y2 = x2, y2
def limits( self ):
min_x = min( min(self.x1), min(self.x2) )
max_x = max( max(self.x1), max(self.x2) )
min_y = min( min(self.y1), min(self.y2) )
max_y = max( max(self.y1), max(self.y2) )
return BoundingBox( (min_x,min_y), (max_x,max_y) )
def make( self, context ):
x = list(self.x1) + _tsil(self.x2)
y = list(self.y1) + _tsil(self.y2)
coords = map( context.geom, x, y )
self.add( _PolygonObject(coords) )
# ErrorBars -------------------------------------------------------------------
class _ErrorBar( _PlotComponent ):
kw_rename = {
'color' : 'linecolor',
'width' : 'linewidth',
'type' : 'linetype',
def __init__( self ):
_PlotComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "_ErrorBar" )
class ErrorBarsX( _ErrorBar ):
def __init__( self, y, lo, hi, **kw ):
_ErrorBar.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "ErrorBarsX" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.y = y
self.lo = lo
self.hi = hi
def limits( self ):
p = min( min(self.lo), min(self.hi) ), min(self.y)
q = max( max(self.lo), max(self.hi) ), max(self.y)
return BoundingBox( p, q )
def make( self, context ):
l = _size_relative( self.barsize, context.dev_bbox )
for i in range(len(self.y)):
p = context.geom( self.lo[i], self.y[i] )
q = context.geom( self.hi[i], self.y[i] )
l0 = _LineObject( p, q )
l1 = _LineObject( (p[0],p[1]-l), (p[0],p[1]+l) )
l2 = _LineObject( (q[0],q[1]-l), (q[0],q[1]+l) )
self.add( l0, l1, l2 )
class ErrorBarsY( _ErrorBar ):
def __init__( self, x, lo, hi, **kw ):
_ErrorBar.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "ErrorBarsY" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.x = x
self.lo = lo
self.hi = hi
def limits( self ):
p = min(self.x), min( min(self.lo), min(self.hi) )
q = max(self.x), max( max(self.lo), max(self.hi) )
return BoundingBox( p, q )
def make( self, context ):
l = _size_relative( self.barsize, context.dev_bbox )
for i in range(len(self.x)):
p = context.geom( self.x[i], self.lo[i] )
q = context.geom( self.x[i], self.hi[i] )
l0 = _LineObject( p, q )
l1 = _LineObject( (p[0]-l,p[1]), (p[0]+l,p[1]) )
l2 = _LineObject( (q[0]-l,q[1]), (q[0]+l,q[1]) )
self.add( l0, l1, l2 )
def SymmetricErrorBarsX( x, y, err, **kw ):
import operator
xlo = map( operator.sub, x, err )
xhi = map( operator.add, x, err )
return apply( ErrorBarsX, (y, xlo, xhi), kw )
def SymmetricErrorBarsY( x, y, err, **kw ):
import operator
ylo = map( operator.sub, y, err )
yhi = map( operator.add, y, err )
return apply( ErrorBarsY, (x, ylo, yhi), kw )
# Limits ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class _ErrorLimit( _PlotComponent ):
kw_rename = {
'color' : 'linecolor',
'width' : 'linewidth',
'type' : 'linetype',
def __init__( self ):
_PlotComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "_ErrorLimit" )
class UpperLimits( _ErrorLimit ):
def __init__( self, x, ulimit, **kw ):
_ErrorLimit.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "UpperLimits" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.x = x
self.ulimit = ulimit
def limits( self ):
p = min(self.x), min(self.ulimit)
q = max(self.x), max(self.ulimit)
return BoundingBox( p, q )
def make( self, context ):
l = _size_relative( self.size, context.dev_bbox )
for i in range(len(self.x)):
p = context.geom( self.x[i], self.ulimit[i] )
l1 = _LineObject( (p[0]-l,p[1]), (p[0]+l,p[1]) )
l2 = _LineObject( (p[0],p[1]-2*l), (p[0],p[1]) )
l3 = _LineObject( (p[0],p[1]-2*l), (p[0]+l,p[1]-l) )
l4 = _LineObject( (p[0],p[1]-2*l), (p[0]-l,p[1]-l) )
self.add( l1, l2, l3, l4 )
class LowerLimits( _ErrorLimit ):
def __init__( self, x, llimit, **kw ):
_ErrorLimit.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "UpperLimits" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.x = x
self.llimit = llimit
def limits( self ):
p = min(self.x), min(self.llimit)
q = max(self.x), max(self.llimit)
return BoundingBox( p, q )
def make( self, context ):
l = _size_relative( self.size, context.dev_bbox )
for i in range(len(self.x)):
p = context.geom( self.x[i], self.llimit[i] )
l1 = _LineObject( (p[0]-l,p[1]), (p[0]+l,p[1]) )
l2 = _LineObject( (p[0],p[1]+2*l), (p[0],p[1]) )
l3 = _LineObject( (p[0],p[1]+2*l), (p[0]+l,p[1]+l) )
l4 = _LineObject( (p[0],p[1]+2*l), (p[0]-l,p[1]+l) )
self.add( l1, l2, l3, l4 )
# Ellipses --------------------------------------------------------------------
class Ellipses( _PlotComponent ):
kw_rename = {
'color' : 'linecolor',
'width' : 'linewidth',
'type' : 'linetype',
def __init__( self, x, y, rx, ry, angle=None, **kw ):
_PlotComponent.__init__( self )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.rx = rx
self.ry = ry
self.angle = angle
def limits( self ):
# XXX:kludge
minx, maxx = self.x[0], self.x[0]
miny, maxy = self.y[0], self.y[0]
for i in range(len(self.x)):
r = max( self.rx[i], self.ry[i] )
minx = min( minx, self.x[i]-r )
miny = min( miny, self.y[i]-r )
maxx = max( maxx, self.x[i]+r )
maxy = max( maxy, self.y[i]+r )
return BoundingBox( (minx,miny), (maxx,maxy) )
def make( self, context ):
for i in range(len(self.x)):
p = context.geom( self.x[i], self.y[i] )
r = context.geom( \
self.x[i] + self.rx[i], \
self.y[i] + self.ry[i] )
rx, ry = pt_sub( r, p )
if self.angle is not None:
e = _EllipseObject( p, rx, ry, self.angle[i] )
e = _EllipseObject( p, rx, ry )
self.add( e )
def Ellipse( x, y, rx, ry, angle=None, **kw ):
if angle is None:
args = ([x],[y],[rx],[ry])
args = ([x],[y],[rx],[ry],[angle])
return apply( Ellipses, args, kw )
def Circles( x, y, r, **kw ):
return apply( Ellipses, (x,y,r,r), kw )
def Circle( x, y, r, **kw ):
return apply( Circles, ([x],[y],[r]), kw )
# _PlotKey --------------------------------------------------------------------
class PlotKey( _PlotComponent ):
kw_rename = {
'face' : 'fontface',
'size' : 'fontsize',
'angle' : 'textangle',
'halign' : 'texthalign',
'valign' : 'textvalign',
def __init__( self, x, y, components, **kw ):
_PlotComponent.__init__( self )
self.conf_setattr( "PlotKey" )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.components = components
def make( self, context ):
key_pos = context.plot_geom( self.x, self.y )
key_width = _size_relative( self.key_width, context.dev_bbox )
key_height = _size_relative( self.key_height, context.dev_bbox )
key_hsep = _size_relative( self.key_hsep, context.dev_bbox )
key_vsep = _size_relative( self.key_vsep, context.dev_bbox )
halign = self.kw_get( 'texthalign' )
if halign == 'left':
text_pos = pt_add( (key_width/2+key_hsep,0), key_pos )
text_pos = pt_add( (-key_width/2-key_hsep,0), key_pos )
bbox = BoundingBox( (-key_width/2,-key_height/2),
(key_width/2,key_height/2) )
bbox.shift( key_pos )
dp = 0, -(key_vsep + key_height)
for comp in self.components:
obj,str = comp
obj = comp
str = getattr( comp, "label", "" )
t = apply( _TextObject, (text_pos,str), self.kw_style )
self.add( t, obj.make_key(bbox) )
text_pos = pt_add( text_pos, dp )
bbox.shift( dp )
# XXX:deprecated
def OldKey( x, y, labels, align='left', **kw ):
kw['texthalign'] = align
return apply( PlotKey, (x,y,labels), kw )
# _HalfAxis -------------------------------------------------------------------
def _magform( x ):
"Given x, returns (a,b), where x = a*10^b [a >= 1., b integral]."
if x == 0:
return 0., 0
a, b = math.modf(math.log10(abs(x)))
a, b = math.pow(10,a), int(b)
if a < 1.:
a, b = a * 10, b - 1
if x < 0.:
a = -a
return a, b
def _format_ticklabel( x, range=0. ):
if x == 0:
return "0"
a, b = _magform( x )
if abs(b) > 4:
if a == 1.:
return r"$10^{%d}$" % b
elif a == -1.:
return r"-$10^{%d}$" % b
return r"$%g\times 10^{%d}$" % (a,b)
if range < 1e-6:
a, b = _magform( range )
return "%.*f" % (abs(b),x)
return "%g" % x
def _ticklist_linear( lo, hi, sep, origin=0. ):
r = []
a = _ceil(float(lo - origin)/float(sep))
b = _floor(float(hi - origin)/float(sep))
#for i in range( a, b+1 ):
# r.append( origin + i * sep )
r0 = origin + a*sep
for i in range( b-a+1 ):
r.append( r0 + i*sep )
return r
def _pow10(x):
return math.pow(10,x)
def _log10(x):
return math.log10(x)
def _ticks_default_linear( lim ):
a, b = _magform( (lim[1] - lim[0])/5. )
if a < (1 + 2)/2.:
x = 1
elif a < (2 + 5)/2.:
x = 2
elif a < (5 + 10)/2.:
x = 5
x = 10
major_div = x * math.pow(10, b)
return _ticklist_linear( lim[0], lim[1], major_div )
def _ticks_default_log( lim ):
log_lim = _log10(lim[0]), _log10(lim[1])
nlo = _ceil( math.log10(lim[0]) )
nhi = _floor( math.log10(lim[1]) )
nn = nhi - nlo +1
if nn >= 10:
return map( _pow10, _ticks_default_linear(log_lim) )
elif nn >= 2:
return map( _pow10, range(nlo, nhi+1) )
return _ticks_default_linear( lim )
def _ticks_num_linear( lim, num ):
ticks = []
a = lim[0]
b = (lim[1] - lim[0])/float(num-1)
for i in range(num):
ticks.append( a + i*b )
return ticks
def _ticks_num_log( lim, num ):
ticks = []
a = math.log10(lim[0])
b = (math.log10(lim[1]) - a)/float(num - 1)
for i in range(num):
ticks.append( a + i*b )
return map( _pow10, ticks )
def _subticks_linear( lim, ticks, num=None ):
major_div = (ticks[-1] - ticks[0])/float(len(ticks) - 1)
if num is None:
_num = 4
a, b = _magform( major_div )
if 1. < a < (2 + 5)/2.:
_num = 3
_num = num
minor_div = major_div/float(_num+1)
return _ticklist_linear( lim[0], lim[1], minor_div, ticks[0] )
def _subticks_log( lim, ticks, num=None ):
log_lim = _log10(lim[0]), _log10(lim[1])
nlo = _ceil( math.log10(lim[0]) )
nhi = _floor( math.log10(lim[1]) )
nn = nhi - nlo +1
if nn >= 10:
return map( _pow10, _subticks_linear(log_lim, map(_log10,ticks), num) )
elif nn >= 2:
minor_ticks = []
for i in range(nlo-1,nhi+1):
for j in range(1,10):
z = j * _pow10(i)
if lim[0] <= z and z <= lim[1]:
return minor_ticks
return _subticks_linear( lim, ticks, num )
class _Group:
def __init__( self, objs ):
self.objs = objs[:]
def bbox( self, context ):
bb = BoundingBox()
for obj in self.objs:
bb.union( obj.bbox(context) )
return bb
class _HalfAxis( _PlotComponent ):
func_ticks_default = _ticks_default_linear, _ticks_default_log
func_ticks_num = _ticks_num_linear, _ticks_num_log
func_subticks_default = _subticks_linear, _subticks_log
func_subticks_num = _subticks_linear, _subticks_log
_attr_map = {
'labeloffset' : 'label_offset',
'major_ticklabels' : 'ticklabels',
'major_ticks' : 'ticks',
'minor_ticks' : 'subticks',
def __init__( self, **kw ):
_PlotComponent.__init__( self )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.conf_setattr( "_HalfAxis" )
def __getattr__( self, name ):
return self.__dict__[ self._attr_map.get(name,name) ]
def __setattr__( self, name, value ):
self.__dict__[ self._attr_map.get(name,name) ] = value
def _ticks( self, context ):
log = self._log( context )
_range = self._range( context )
if self.ticks is None:
return self.func_ticks_default[log]( _range )
elif type(self.ticks) == type(0):
return self.func_ticks_num[log]( _range, self.ticks )
return self.ticks
def _subticks( self, context, ticks ):
log = self._log( context )
_range = self._range( context )
if self.subticks is None:
return self.func_subticks_default[log]( _range, ticks )
elif type(self.subticks) == type(0):
return self.func_subticks_num[log]( \
_range, ticks, self.subticks )
return self.subticks
def _ticklabels( self, context, ticks ):
if self.ticklabels is None:
range = [ max(ticks) - min(ticks) ] * len(ticks)
return map( _format_ticklabel, ticks, range )
return self.ticklabels
def _make_ticklabels( self, context, pos, labels ):
if labels is None or not len(labels) > 0:
dir = self.ticklabels_dir
offset = _size_relative( self.ticklabels_offset, \
context.dev_bbox )
if self.draw_ticks and self.tickdir > 0:
offset = offset + _size_relative( \
self.ticks_size, context.dev_bbox )
labelpos = []
for i in range(len(labels)):
labelpos.append( \
self._pos(context, pos[i], dir*offset) )
halign, valign = self._align()
style = { "halign" : halign, "valign" : valign }
style.update( self.ticklabels_style )
l = apply( _LabelsObject, (labelpos, labels), style )
self.add( l )
def _make_spine( self, context ):
a, b = self._range( context )
p = self._pos( context, a )
q = self._pos( context, b )
self.add( apply(_LineObject, (p, q), self.spine_style) )
def _make_ticks( self, context, ticks, size, style ):
if ticks is None or not len(ticks) > 0:
dir = self.tickdir * self.ticklabels_dir
ticklen = self._dpos( dir *\
_size_relative(size, context.dev_bbox) )
tickpos = []
for tick in ticks:
tickpos.append( self._pos(context, tick) )
self.add( apply(_CombObject, (tickpos, ticklen), style) )
def make( self, context ):
if self.draw_nothing:
ticks = self._ticks( context )
subticks = self._subticks( context, ticks )
ticklabels = self._ticklabels( context, ticks )
implicit_draw_subticks = self.draw_subticks is None and \
implicit_draw_ticklabels = self.draw_ticklabels is None and \
(self.range is not None or self.ticklabels is not None)
if self.draw_grid:
self._make_grid( context, ticks )
if self.draw_axis:
if self.draw_subticks or implicit_draw_subticks:
self._make_ticks( context, subticks, \
self.subticks_size, \
self.subticks_style )
if self.draw_ticks:
self._make_ticks( context, ticks, \
self.ticks_size, self.ticks_style )
if self.draw_spine:
self._make_spine( context )
if self.draw_ticklabels or implicit_draw_ticklabels:
self._make_ticklabels( context, ticks, ticklabels )
## has to be made last
if self.label is not None:
self.add( apply(_BoxLabel,
self.label, self._side(), self.label_offset),\
self.label_style) )
class _HalfAxisX( _HalfAxis ):
def _pos( self, context, a, db=0. ):
p = context.geom( a, self._intercept(context) )
return p[0], p[1] + db
def _dpos( self, d ):
return 0., d
def _align( self ):
if self.ticklabels_dir < 0:
return 'center', 'top'
return 'center', 'bottom'
def _intercept( self, context ):
if self.intercept is not None:
return self.intercept
limits = context.data_bbox
if self.ticklabels_dir < 0:
return limits.yrange()[0]
return limits.yrange()[1]
def _log( self, context ):
if self.log is None:
return context.xlog
return self.log
def _side( self ):
if self.ticklabels_dir < 0:
return 'bottom'
return 'top'
def _range( self, context ):
if self.range is not None:
a,b = self.range
if a is None or b is None:
c,d = context.data_bbox.xrange()
if a is None: a = c
if b is None: b = d
return a,b
return self.range
return context.data_bbox.xrange()
def _make_grid( self, context, ticks ):
if ticks is None:
for tick in ticks:
self.add( apply(LineX, (tick,), self.grid_style) )
class _HalfAxisY( _HalfAxis ):
def _pos( self, context, a, db=0. ):
p = context.geom( self._intercept(context), a )
return p[0] + db, p[1]
def _dpos( self, d ):
return d, 0.
def _align( self ):
if self.ticklabels_dir > 0:
return 'left', 'center'
return 'right', 'center'
def _intercept( self, context ):
if self.intercept is not None:
return self.intercept
limits = context.data_bbox
if self.ticklabels_dir > 0:
return limits.xrange()[1]
return limits.xrange()[0]
def _log( self, context ):
if self.log is None:
return context.ylog
return self.log
def _side( self ):
if self.ticklabels_dir > 0:
return 'right'
return 'left'
def _range( self, context ):
if self.range is not None:
a,b = self.range
if a is None or b is None:
c,d = context.data_bbox.yrange()
if a is None: a = c
if b is None: b = d
return a,b
return self.range
return context.data_bbox.yrange()
def _make_grid( self, context, ticks ):
if ticks is None:
for tick in ticks:
self.add( apply(LineY, (tick,), self.grid_style) )
# _BoxLabel -------------------------------------------------------------------
class _BoxLabel( _PlotComponent ):
kw_rename = {
'face' : 'fontface',
'size' : 'fontsize',
def __init__( self, obj, str, side, offset, **kw ):
_PlotComponent.__init__( self )
self.kw_init( kw )
self.obj = obj
self.str = str
self.side = side
self.offset = offset
def make( self, context ):
bb = self.obj.bbox( context )
offset = _size_relative( self.offset, context.dev_bbox )
if self.side == 'top':
p = bb.upperleft()
q = bb.upperright()
elif self.side == 'bottom':
p = bb.lowerleft()
q = bb.lowerright()
offset = -offset
elif self.side == 'left':
p = bb.lowerleft()
q = bb.upperleft()
elif self.side == 'right':
p = bb.upperright()
q = bb.lowerright()
lt = apply( _LineTextObject, (p, q, self.str, offset), \
self.kw_style )
self.add( lt )
# _PlotComposite --------------------------------------------------------------
class _PlotComposite( _StyleKeywords ):
def __init__( self, **kw ):
self.kw_init( kw )
self.components = []
self.dont_clip = 0
def add( self, *args ):
for obj in args:
self.components.append( obj )
def clear( self ):
self.components = []
def empty( self ):
return len(self.components) == 0
def limits( self ):
bb = BoundingBox()
for obj in self.components:
bb.union( obj.limits() )
return bb
def make( self, context ):
def bbox( self, context ):
self.make( context )
bb = BoundingBox()
for obj in self.components:
bb.union( obj.bbox(context) )
return bb
def render( self, context ):
self.make( context )
self.kw_predraw( context )
if not self.dont_clip:
for obj in self.components:
obj.render( context )
self.kw_postdraw( context )
# Frame -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Frame( _PlotComposite ):
def __init__( self, labelticks=(0,1,1,0), **kw ):
apply( _PlotComposite.__init__, (self,), kw )
self.dont_clip = 1
self.x2 = _HalfAxisX()
self.x2.draw_ticklabels = labelticks[0]
self.x2.ticklabels_dir = 1
self.x1 = _HalfAxisX()
self.x1.draw_ticklabels = labelticks[1]
self.x1.ticklabels_dir = -1
self.y1 = _HalfAxisY()
self.y1.draw_ticklabels = labelticks[2]
self.y1.ticklabels_dir = -1
self.y2 = _HalfAxisY()
self.y2.draw_ticklabels = labelticks[3]
self.y2.ticklabels_dir = 1
def make( self, context ):
self.add( self.x1, self.x2, self.y1, self.y2 )
# _PlotContainer --------------------------------------------------------------
def _open_output( filename ):
if filename == '-':
import sys
return sys.stdout
# b is for windows
return open( filename, 'wb' )
def _close_output( file ):
if 2 < file.fileno():
def _draw_text( device, p, str, **kw ):
for key,val in kw.items():
device.set( key, val )
device.text( p, str )
def win_temp_path():
Intended for Windows, returns a valid temp directory, or
at least the current working directory.
import os
if os.environ.has_key('TEMP'):
if os.path.exists(os.environ['TEMP']):
possible_temp_paths = [ '\\temp', '\\winnt\\temp', \
'\\windows\\temp', '\\tmp' ]
for i in possible_temp_paths:
if os.path.exists(i):
return i
return os.getcwd()
class _PlotContainer( _ConfAttributes ):
def __init__( self, **kw ):
apply( self.conf_setattr, ("_PlotContainer",), kw )
def empty( self ):
def interior( self, device, exterior ):
TOL = 0.005
interior = exterior.copy()
region_diagonal = exterior.diagonal()
for i in range(10):
bb = self.exterior( device, interior )
dll = pt_sub( exterior.lowerleft(), bb.lowerleft() )
dur = pt_sub( exterior.upperright(), bb.upperright() )
sll = pt_len(dll) / region_diagonal
sur = pt_len(dur) / region_diagonal
if sll < TOL and sur < TOL:
# XXX:fixme
if self.aspect_ratio is not None:
self.aspect_ratio )
return interior
scale = interior.diagonal() / bb.diagonal()
dll = pt_mul( scale, dll )
dur = pt_mul( scale, dur )
interior = BoundingBox(
pt_add(interior.lowerleft(), dll),
pt_add(interior.upperright(), dur) )
raise BigglesError
def exterior( self, device, interior ):
return interior.copy()
def compose_interior( self, device, interior ):
if self.title is not None:
offset = _size_relative( self.title_offset, interior )
exterior = self.exterior( device, interior )
x = interior.center()[0]
y = exterior.yrange()[1] + offset
style = self.title_style.copy()
style["fontsize"] = _fontsize_relative( \
self.title_style["fontsize"], interior, device )
style["texthalign"] = "center"
style["textvalign"] = "bottom"
apply( _draw_text, (device, (x,y), self.title), style )
def compose( self, device, region ):
if self.empty():
raise BigglesError( "empty container" )
exterior = region.copy()
if self.title is not None:
offset = _size_relative( self.title_offset, exterior )
fontsize = _fontsize_relative( \
self.title_style["fontsize"], exterior, device )
exterior.deform( -offset-fontsize, 0, 0, 0 )
interior = self.interior( device, exterior )
self.compose_interior( device, interior )
def page_compose( self, device ):
bb = BoundingBox( device.lowerleft, device.upperright )
device.bbox = bb.copy()
for key,val in config.options('default').items():
device.set( key, val )
bb.expand( -self.page_margin )
self.compose( device, bb )
def show( self, width=None, height=None ):
import os
if width is None:
width = config.value('screen','width')
if height is None:
height = config.value('screen','height')
if os.name == 'posix':
self.show_x11( width, height )
elif os.name == 'dos' or os.name == 'nt':
self.show_win( width, height )
_message( "show: system type '%s' not supported" \
% os.name )
def show_x11( self, width, height ):
persistent = config.interactive() and \
device = renderer.ScreenRenderer( persistent, width, height )
self.page_compose( device )
def show_win( self, width, height ):
Substitute for show() that will work on Windows.
Generates temporary files somewhere that end with
'_biggles.png'. These temporary files are not deleted,
they must be manually cleaned up during normal
temp directory maintenance.
import os, tempfile
#tf = os.path.join( win_temp_path(), 'biggles_graph.png' )
tf = tempfile.mktemp('_biggles.png')
self.write_img( width, height, tf )
os.startfile( tf )
def psprint( self, printcmd=None, **kw ):
import os, copy
if os.name != 'posix':
_message( "psprint: system type '%s' not supported" \
% os.name )
if printcmd is None:
printcmd = config.value("printer","command")
opt = copy.copy( config.options("postscript") )
opt.update( kw )
_message( 'printing plot with "%s"' % printcmd )
printer = os.popen( printcmd, 'w' )
device = apply( renderer.PSRenderer, (printer,), opt )
self.page_compose( device )
def write_eps( self, filename, **kw ):
opt = copy.copy( config.options("postscript") )
opt.update( kw )
file = _open_output( filename )
device = apply( renderer.PSRenderer, (file,), opt )
self.page_compose( device )
_close_output( file )
def write_img( self, *args ):
if len(args) == 4:
type,width,height,filename = args
elif len(args) == 3:
import string
width,height,filename = args
type = string.lower( filename[-3:] )
file = _open_output( filename )
device = renderer.ImageRenderer( type, width, height, file )
self.page_compose( device )
_close_output( file )
save_as_eps = write_eps
save_as_img = write_img
def draw_piddle( self, canvastype=None, size=(500,500) ):
from device.piddle import PiddleRenderer
device = PiddleRenderer( canvastype, size )
self.page_compose( device )
canvas = device.canvas
return canvas
def write_back_png( self, *args ):
Saves PNG file in temporary file. Returns file contents.
import tempfile, os
if len(args) == 2:
width,height = args
type = 'png'
file = tempfile.mktemp('_biggles.png')
self.write_img(type, width, height, file)
f = open(file, 'rb')
output = f.read()
return output
def multipage( plots, filename, **kw ):
file = _open_output( filename )
opt = copy.copy( config.options("postscript") )
opt.update( kw )
device = apply( renderer.PSRenderer, (file,), opt )
for plot in plots:
plot.page_compose( device )
_close_output( file )
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _limits_axis( content_range, gutter, user_range, log ):
r0, r1 = 0, 1
if content_range is not None:
a, b = content_range
if a is not None: r0 = a
if b is not None: r1 = b
if gutter is not None:
dx = 0.5 * gutter * (r1 - r0)
a = r0 - dx
if not log or a > 0:
r0 = a
r1 = r1 + dx
if user_range is not None:
a, b = user_range
if a is not None: r0 = a
if b is not None: r1 = b
if r0 == r1:
r0 = r0 - 1
r1 = r1 + 1
return r0, r1
def _limits( content_bbox, gutter, xlog, ylog, xrange, yrange ):
xr = _limits_axis( content_bbox.xrange(), gutter, xrange, xlog )
yr = _limits_axis( content_bbox.yrange(), gutter, yrange, ylog )
return BoundingBox( (xr[0],yr[0]), (xr[1],yr[1]) )
# Plot ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Plot( _PlotContainer ):
def __init__( self, **kw ):
apply( _PlotContainer.__init__, (self,) )
apply( self.conf_setattr, ("Plot",), kw )
self.content = _PlotComposite()
def __iadd__( self, other ):
self.add( other )
def empty( self ):
return self.content.empty()
def add( self, *args ):
apply( self.content.add, args )
def limits( self ):
return _limits( self.content.limits(), self.gutter, \
self.xlog, self.ylog, self.xrange, self.yrange )
def compose_interior( self, device, region, limits=None ):
if limits is None:
limits = self.limits()
context = _PlotContext( device, region, limits,
xlog=self.xlog, ylog=self.ylog )
self.content.render( context )
def compose( self, device, region, limits=None ):
interior = self.interior( device, region )
self.compose_interior( device, interior, limits )
# FramedPlot ------------------------------------------------------------------
class FramedPlot( _PlotContainer ):
def __init__( self, **kw ):
apply( _PlotContainer.__init__, (self,) )
self.content1 = _PlotComposite()
self.content2 = _PlotComposite()
self.x1 = _HalfAxisX()
self.x1.ticklabels_dir = -1
self.y1 = _HalfAxisY()
self.y1.ticklabels_dir = -1
self.x2 = _HalfAxisX()
self.x2.draw_ticklabels = None
self.y2 = _HalfAxisY()
self.y2.draw_ticklabels = None
self.frame = _Alias( self.x1, self.x2, self.y1, self.y2 )
self.frame1 = _Alias( self.x1, self.y1 )
self.frame2 = _Alias( self.x2, self.y2 )
self.x = _Alias( self.x1, self.x2 )
self.y = _Alias( self.y1, self.y2 )
apply( self.conf_setattr, ("FramedPlot",), kw )
_attr_map = {
"xlabel" : ("x1", "label"),
"ylabel" : ("y1", "label"),
"xlog" : ("x1", "log"),
"ylog" : ("y1", "log"),
"xrange" : ("x1", "range"),
"yrange" : ("y1", "range"),
"xtitle" : ("x1", "label"),
"ytitle" : ("y1", "label"),
def __repr__( self ):
return "<biggles.FramedPlot instance>"
def __getattr__( self, name ):
if self._attr_map.has_key( name ):
xs = self._attr_map[ name ]
obj = self
for x in xs[:-1]:
obj = getattr( obj, x )
return getattr( obj, xs[-1] )
return self.__dict__[name]
def __setattr__( self, name, value ):
if self._attr_map.has_key( name ):
xs = self._attr_map[ name ]
obj = self
for x in xs[:-1]:
obj = getattr( obj, x )
setattr( obj, xs[-1], value )
self.__dict__[name] = value
def empty( self ):
return self.content1.empty() and self.content2.empty()
def add( self, *args ):
apply( self.content1.add, args )
def add2( self, *args ):
apply( self.content2.add, args )
def _xy2log( self ):
return _first_not_none(self.x2.log, self.x1.log), \
_first_not_none(self.y2.log, self.y1.log)
def _limits1( self ):
return _limits( self.content1.limits(),
self.gutter, self.x1.log, self.y1.log, \
self.x1.range, self.y1.range )
def _context1( self, device, region ):
return _PlotContext( device, region, self._limits1(),
xlog=self.x1.log, ylog=self.y1.log )
def _limits2( self ):
limits = self.content2.limits()
if self.content2.empty():
limits = self.content1.limits()
xlog, ylog = self._xy2log()
xrange = _first_not_none( self.x2.range, self.x1.range )
yrange = _first_not_none( self.y2.range, self.y1.range )
return _limits( limits, self.gutter, xlog, ylog, \
xrange, yrange )
def _context2( self, device, region ):
xlog, ylog = self._xy2log()
return _PlotContext( device, region, self._limits2(),
xlog, ylog )
def exterior( self, device, region ):
bbox = BoundingBox()
context1 = self._context1( device, region )
bbox.union( self.x1.bbox(context1) )
bbox.union( self.y1.bbox(context1) )
context2 = self._context2( device, region )
bbox.union( self.x2.bbox(context2) )
bbox.union( self.y2.bbox(context2) )
return bbox
def compose_interior( self, device, region ):
_PlotContainer.compose_interior( self, device, region )
context1 = self._context1( device, region )
context2 = self._context2( device, region )
self.content1.render( context1 )
self.content2.render( context2 )
self.y2.render( context2 )
self.x2.render( context2 )
self.y1.render( context1 )
self.x1.render( context1 )
class OldCustomFramedPlot( FramedPlot ):
def __init__( self, **kw ):
apply( FramedPlot.__init__, (self,), kw )
self.x = self.x1
self.y = self.y1
# Table -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class _Grid:
def __init__( self, nrows, ncols, bbox, cellpadding=0, cellspacing=0 ):
self.nrows = nrows
self.ncols = ncols
w, h = bbox.width(), bbox.height()
cp = _size_relative( cellpadding, bbox )
cs = _size_relative( cellspacing, bbox )
self.origin = pt_add( bbox.lowerleft(), (cp,cp) )
self.step_x = (w + cs)/ncols
self.step_y = (h + cs)/nrows
self.cell_dimen = self.step_x - cs - 2*cp, \
self.step_y - cs - 2*cp
def cell( self, i, j ):
ii = self.nrows-1 - i
p = pt_add( self.origin, (j*self.step_x,ii*self.step_y) )
q = pt_add( p, self.cell_dimen )
return BoundingBox( p, q )
class Table( _PlotContainer ):
def __init__( self, rows, cols, **kw ):
apply( _PlotContainer.__init__, (self,) )
apply( self.conf_setattr, ("Table",), kw )
self.rows = rows
self.cols = cols
self.content = {}
def __getitem__( self, key ):
return self.content[key]
def __setitem__( self, key, value ):
self.content[key] = value
def set( self, i, j, obj ):
self.content[i,j] = obj
def get( self, i, j ):
return self.content.get( (i,j), None )
def exterior( self, device, interior ):
ext = interior.copy()
if self.align_interiors:
g = _Grid( self.rows, self.cols, interior, \
self.cellpadding, self.cellspacing )
for key,obj in self.content.items():
subregion = apply( g.cell, key )
ext.union( obj.exterior(device, subregion) )
return ext
def compose_interior( self, device, interior ):
_PlotContainer.compose_interior( self, device, interior )
g = _Grid( self.rows, self.cols, interior, \
self.cellpadding, self.cellspacing )
for key,obj in self.content.items():
subregion = apply( g.cell, key )
if self.align_interiors:
obj.compose_interior( device, subregion )
obj.compose( device, subregion )
# FramedArray -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Hideous, but it works...
def _frame_draw( obj, device, region, limits, labelticks=(0,1,1,0) ):
frame = Frame( labelticks=labelticks )
context = _PlotContext( device, region, limits,
xlog=obj.xlog, ylog=obj.ylog )
frame.render( context )
def _frame_bbox( obj, device, region, limits, labelticks=(0,1,1,0) ):
frame = Frame( labelticks=labelticks )
context = _PlotContext( device, region, limits,
xlog=obj.xlog, ylog=obj.ylog )
return frame.bbox( context )
def _range_union( a, b ):
if a is None: return b
if b is None: return a
return min(a[0],b[0]), max(a[1],b[1])
class FramedArray( _PlotContainer ):
def __init__( self, nrows, ncols, **kw ):
apply( _PlotContainer.__init__, (self,) )
self.nrows = nrows
self.ncols = ncols
self.content = {}
for i in range(nrows):
for j in range(ncols):
self.content[i,j] = Plot()
apply( self.conf_setattr, ("FramedArray",), kw )
_attr_distribute = [
_attr_deprecated = {
'labeloffset' : 'label_offset',
'labelsize' : 'label_size',
def __setattr__( self, name, value ):
if name in self._attr_distribute:
for obj in self.content.values():
setattr( obj, name, value )
_name = self._attr_deprecated.get( name, name )
self.__dict__[_name] = value
def __getitem__( self, key ):
return self.content[key]
def _limits( self, i, j ):
if self.uniform_limits:
return self._limits_uniform()
return self._limits_nonuniform( i, j )
def _limits_uniform( self ):
limits = BoundingBox()
for obj in self.content.values():
limits.union( obj.limits() )
return limits
def _limits_nonuniform( self, i, j ):
lx = None
for k in range(self.nrows):
l = self.content[k,j].limits()
lx = _range_union( l.xrange(), lx )
ly = None
for k in range(self.ncols):
l = self.content[i,k].limits()
ly = _range_union( l.yrange(), ly )
return BoundingBox( (lx[0],ly[0]), (lx[1],ly[1]) )
def _grid( self, interior ):
return _Grid( self.nrows, self.ncols, interior,
cellspacing=self.cellspacing )
def _frames_bbox( self, device, interior ):
bb = BoundingBox()
g = self._grid( interior )
corners = [(0,0),(self.nrows-1,self.ncols-1)]
for key in corners:
obj = self.content[key]
subregion = apply( g.cell, key )
limits = apply( self._limits, key )
axislabels = [0,0,0,0]
if key[0] == self.nrows-1:
axislabels[1] = 1
if key[1] == 0:
axislabels[2] = 1
bb.union( _frame_bbox(obj, device, subregion, \
limits, axislabels) )
return bb
def exterior( self, device, interior ):
bb = self._frames_bbox( device, interior )
labeloffset = _size_relative( self.label_offset, interior )
labelsize = _fontsize_relative( \
self.label_size, interior, device )
margin = labeloffset + labelsize
if self.xlabel is not None:
bb.deform( 0, margin, 0, 0 )
if self.ylabel is not None:
bb.deform( 0, 0, margin, 0 )
return bb
def _frames_draw( self, device, interior ):
g = self._grid( interior )
for key,obj in self.content.items():
subregion = apply( g.cell, key )
limits = apply( self._limits, key )
axislabels = [0,0,0,0]
if key[0] == self.nrows-1:
axislabels[1] = 1
if key[1] == 0:
axislabels[2] = 1
_frame_draw( obj, device, subregion, \
limits, axislabels )
def _data_draw( self, device, interior ):
g = self._grid( interior )
for key,obj in self.content.items():
subregion = apply( g.cell, key )
limits = apply( self._limits, key )
obj.compose_interior( device, subregion, limits )
def _labels_draw( self, device, interior ):
bb = self._frames_bbox( device, interior )
labeloffset = _size_relative( self.label_offset, interior )
labelsize = _fontsize_relative( \
self.label_size, interior, device )
device.set( 'fontsize', labelsize )
device.set( 'texthalign', 'center' )
if self.xlabel is not None:
x = interior.center()[0]
y = bb.yrange()[0] - labeloffset
device.set( 'textvalign', 'top' )
device.text( (x,y), self.xlabel )
if self.ylabel is not None:
x = bb.xrange()[0] - labeloffset
y = interior.center()[1]
device.set( 'textangle', 90. )
device.set( 'textvalign', 'bottom' )
device.text( (x,y), self.ylabel )
def add( self, *args ):
for obj in self.content.values():
apply( obj.add, args )
def compose_interior( self, device, interior ):
_PlotContainer.compose_interior( self, device, interior )
self._data_draw( device, interior )
self._frames_draw( device, interior )
self._labels_draw( device, interior )
# Text ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Text( _PlotContainer ):
def __init__( self, text, **kw ):
apply( _PlotContainer.__init__, (self,) )
apply( self.conf_setattr, ("Text",), kw )
import string
self.lines = string.split( text, "\n" )
if self.lines[0] == '':
del self.lines[0]
if self.lines[-1] == '':
del self.lines[-1]
def compose( self, device, region ):
context = _PlotContext( device, region, region )
fontsize = _fontsize_relative(
self.fontsize, context.dev_bbox, device )
device.set( 'fontsize', fontsize )
block_w = 0
for line in self.lines:
block_w = max( block_w, device.textwidth(line) )
dy = fontsize * self.lineheight
block_h = fontsize + dy * (len(self.lines)-1)
x0, y0 = region.center()
y0 = y0 + block_h/2.
if self.halign == 'left':
x0 = x0 - (region.width() - block_w)/2.
elif self.halign == 'right':
x0 = x0 + (region.width() - block_w)/2.
if self.valign == 'top':
y0 = y0 + (region.height() - block_h)/2.
elif self.valign == 'bottom':
y0 = y0 - (region.height() - block_h)/2.
if self.justify == 'left':
x0 = x0 - block_w/2
elif self.justify == 'right':
x0 = x0 + block_w/2
## render
block = _PlotComposite()
y = y0
for line in self.lines:
block.add( DataLabel(x0, y, line, \
halign=self.justify, valign='top', \
fontface=self.fontface, \
fontsize=self.fontsize) )
y = y - dy
block.render( context )
# Inset -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class _Inset:
def __init__( self, p, q, plot ):
self.plot_limits = BoundingBox( p, q )
self.plot = plot
def render( self, context ):
region = self.bbox( context )
self.plot.compose_interior( context.draw, region )
class DataInset( _Inset ):
def bbox( self, context ):
p = apply( context.geom, self.plot_limits.lowerleft() )
q = apply( context.geom, self.plot_limits.upperright() )
return BoundingBox( p, q )
def limits( self ):
return self.plot_limits.copy()
class PlotInset( _Inset ):
def bbox( self, context ):
p = apply( context.plot_geom, self.plot_limits.lowerleft() )
q = apply( context.plot_geom, self.plot_limits.upperright() )
return BoundingBox( p, q )
def limits( self ):
return BoundingBox()