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# Name: ed_style.py                                                           #
# Purpose: Editra's style management system. Implements the interpretation of #
#          Editra Style Sheets to the StyledTextCtrl.                         #
# Author: Cody Precord <cprecord@editra.org>                                  #
# Copyright: (c) 2008 Cody Precord <staff@editra.org>                         #
# License: wxWindows License                                                  #

Provides a system for managing styles in the text control. Compiles the data
in an Editra Style Sheet to a format that Scintilla can understand. The
specification of Editra Style Sheets that this module implements can be found
either in the _docs_ folder of the source distribution or on Editra's home page

@summary: Style management system for managing the syntax highlighting of all


__author__ = "Cody Precord <cprecord@editra.org>"
__svnid__ = "$Id: ed_style.py 63701 2010-03-18 02:33:00Z CJP $"
__revision__ = "$Revision: 63701 $"

# Dependancies
import os
import re
import wx

# Editra Libraries
import ed_glob
import util
from profiler import Profile_Get,Profile_Set
import eclib

# Globals
STY_ATTRIBUTES     = u"face fore back size modifiers"
STY_EX_ATTRIBUTES  = u"eol bold italic underline"

# Parser Values
RE_ESS_COMMENT = re.compile("\/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*\/")
RE_ESS_SCALAR = re.compile("\%\([a-zA-Z0-9]+\)")
RE_HEX_STR = re.compile("#[0-9a-fA-F]{3,6}")


class StyleItem(object):
    """A storage class for holding styling information
    @todo: The extra Attributes should be saved as a separate attribute in the
           StyleItem. This currently causes problems when customizing values in
           the StyleEditor. Changing this is fairly easy in this class but it
           will require changes to the StyleMgr and Editor as well.

    __slots__ = ('null', 'fore', 'face', 'back', 'size', '_exattr')
    def __init__(self, fore=u"", back=u"", face=u"", size=u"", ex=None):
        """Initializes the Style Object.

        @keyword fore: Specifies the foreground color (hex string)
        @keyword face: Specifies the font face (string face name)
        @keyword back: Specifies the background color (hex string)
        @keyword size: Specifies font point size (int/formatted string)
        @keyword ex: Specify modifiers

          - DATA FORMATS:
            - #123456       = hex color code
            - Monaco        = Font Face Name
            - %(primary)s   = Format string to be swapped at runtime
            - 10            = A font point size
            - %(size)s      = Format string to be swapped at runtime
            - ex            = bold underline italic eol


        # Workaround for issue of using a list as a default parameter
        # was retaining values from previous calls for some yet to
        # determine reasons.
        if ex is None:
            ex = list()
        # Attributes
        self.null = False
        self.fore = fore     # Foreground color hex code
        self.face = face     # Font face name
        self.back = back     # Background color hex code
        self.size = size     # Font point size
        self._exattr = ex    # Extra attributes

    def __eq__(self, si2):
        """Defines the == operator for the StyleItem Class
        @param si2: style item to compare to
        @return: whether the two items are equal
        @rtype: bool

        return str(self) == str(si2)

    def __str__(self):
        """Converts StyleItem to a string
        @note: This return string is in a format that can be accepted by
               Scintilla. No spaces may be in the string after the ':'.
        @return: string representation of the StyleItem

        style_str = list()
        if self.fore:
            style_str.append(u"fore:%s" % self.fore)
        if self.back:
            style_str.append(u"back:%s" % self.back)
        if self.face:
            style_str.append(u"face:%s" % self.face)
        if self.size:
            style_str.append(u"size:%s" % str(self.size))
        if len(self._exattr): 
            style_str.append(u"modifiers:" +  u','.join(self._exattr))

        style_str = u",".join(style_str)
        return style_str.rstrip(u",")

    #---- Get Functions ----#
    def GetAsList(self):
        """Returns a list of attr:value strings
        this style item.
        @return: list attribute values usable for building stc or ess values

        retval = list()
        for attr in ('fore', 'back', 'face', 'size'):
            val = getattr(self, attr, None)
            if val not in ( None, wx.EmptyString ):
                retval.append(attr + ':' + val)

        if len(self._exattr):
            retval.append("modifiers:" + u",".join(self._exattr))
        return retval

    def GetBack(self):
        """Returns the value of the back attribute
        @return: style items background attribute

        return self.back

    def GetFace(self):
        """Returns the value of the face attribute
        @return: style items font face attribute

        return self.face

    def GetFore(self):
        """Returns the value of the fore attribute
        @return: style items foreground attribute

        return self.fore

    def GetSize(self):
        """Returns the value of the size attribute as a string
        @return: style items font size attribute

        return self.size

    def GetModifiers(self):
        """Get the modifiers string
        @return: string

        return ",".join(self.GetModifierList())

    def GetModifierList(self):
        """Get the list of modifiers
        @return: list

        return self._exattr

    def GetNamedAttr(self, attr):
        """Get the value of the named attribute
        @param attr: named attribute to get value of

        return getattr(self, attr, None)

    #---- Utilities ----#
    def IsNull(self):
        """Return whether the item is null or not
        @return: bool

        return self.null

    def IsOk(self):
        """Check if the style item is ok or not, if it has any of its
        attributes set it is perceived as ok.
        @return: bool

        return len(self.__str__())

    def Nullify(self):
        """Clear all values and set item as Null
        @postcondition: item is turned into a NullStyleItem

        self.null = True
        for attr in ('fore', 'face', 'back', 'size'):
            setattr(self, attr, '')
        self._exattr = list()

    #---- Set Functions ----#
    def SetAttrFromStr(self, style_str):
        """Takes style string and sets the objects attributes
        by parsing the string for the values. Only sets or
        overwrites values does not zero out previously set values.
        Returning True if value(s) are set or false otherwise.
        @param style_str: style information string (i.e fore:#888444)
        @type style_str: string

        self.null = False
        last_set = wx.EmptyString
        for atom in style_str.split(u','):
            attrib = atom.split(u':')
            if len(attrib) == 2 and attrib[0] in STY_ATTRIBUTES:
                last_set = attrib[0]
                if last_set == "modifiers":
                    setattr(self, attrib[0], attrib[1])
                for attr in attrib:
                    if attr in STY_EX_ATTRIBUTES:

        return last_set != wx.EmptyString

    def SetBack(self, back, ex=wx.EmptyString):
        """Sets the Background Value
        @param back: hex color string, or None to clear attribute
        @keyword ex: extra attribute (i.e bold, italic, underline)

        self.null = False
        if back is None:
            back = u''
        self.back = back
        if ex and ex not in self._exattr:

    def SetFace(self, face, ex=wx.EmptyString):
        """Sets the Face Value
        @param face: font name string, or None to clear attribute
        @keyword ex: extra attribute (i.e bold, italic, underline)

        self.null = False
        if face is None:
            face = u''
        self.face = face
        if ex and ex not in self._exattr:

    def SetFore(self, fore, ex=wx.EmptyString):
        """Sets the Foreground Value
        @param fore: hex color string, or None to clear attribute
        @keyword ex: extra attribute (i.e bold, italic, underline)

        self.null = False
        if fore is None:
            fore = u''
        self.fore = fore
        if ex and ex not in self._exattr:

    def SetSize(self, size, ex=wx.EmptyString):
        """Sets the Font Size Value
        @param size: font point size, or None to clear attribute
        @type size: string or int
        @keyword ex: extra attribute (i.e bold, italic, underline)

        self.null = False
        if size is None:
            size = u''
        self.size = str(size)
        if ex and ex not in self._exattr:

    def SetExAttr(self, ex_attr, add=True):
        """Adds an extra text attribute to a StyleItem. Currently
        (bold, eol, italic, underline) are supported. If the optional
        add value is set to False the attribute will be removed from
        the StyleItem.
        @param ex_attr: extra style attribute (bold, eol, italic, underline)
        @type ex_attr: string
        @keyword add: Add a style (True) or remove a style (False)

        # Get currently set attributes
        self.null = False
        if ex_attr not in STY_EX_ATTRIBUTES:

        if add and ex_attr not in self._exattr:
        elif not add and ex_attr in self._exattr:

    def SetNamedAttr(self, attr, value):
        """Sets a StyleItem attribute by named string.
        @note: This is not intended to be used for setting extra
               attributes such as bold, eol, ect..
        @param attr: a particular attribute to set (i.e fore, face, back, size)
        @param value: value to set the attribute to contain. None to clear the

        self.null = False
        if value is None:
            value = u''
        cur_val = getattr(self, attr, None)
        if cur_val is not None:
            if u"," in value:
                modifiers = value.split(u",")
                value = modifiers.pop(0)
                for ex in modifiers:
            setattr(self, attr, value)


class StyleMgr(object):
    """Manages style definitions and provides them on request.
    Also provides functionality for loading custom style sheets and
    modifying styles during run time.

    STYLES         = dict()         # Cache for loaded style set(s)
    FONT_PRIMARY   = u"primary"
    FONT_SECONDARY = u"secondary"
    FONT_SIZE      = u"size"
    FONT_SIZE2     = u"size2"
    FONT_SIZE3     = u"size3"

    def __init__(self, custom=wx.EmptyString):
        """Initializes the Style Manager
        @keyword custom: path to custom style sheet to use


        # Attributes
        self.fonts = self.GetFontDictionary()
        self.style_set = custom
        self.syntax_set = list()
        self.LOG = wx.GetApp().GetLog()

        # Get the Style Set
        if custom != wx.EmptyString and self.LoadStyleSheet(custom):
            self.LOG("[ed_style][info] Loaded custom style sheet %s" % custom)
        elif custom == wx.EmptyString:
            self.SetStyles('default', DEF_STYLE_DICT)
            self.LOG("[ed_style][err] Failed to import styles from %s" % custom)

    def BlankStyleDictionary(self):
        """Returns a dictionary of unset style items based on the
        tags defined in the current dictionary.
        @return: dictionary of unset style items using the current tag set
                 as keys.

        sty_dict = dict()
        for key in DEF_STYLE_DICT.keys():
            if key in ('select_style', 'whitespace_style'):
                sty_dict[key] = NullStyleItem()
                sty_dict[key] = StyleItem("#000000", "#FFFFFF",
                                          "%(primary)s", "%(size)d")#, ex=list())
        return sty_dict

    def FindTagById(self, style_id):
        """Find the style tag that is associated with the given
        Id. If not found it returns an empty string.
        @param style_id: id of tag to look for
        @return: style tag string
        @todo: change syntax modules to all use ids

        for data in self.syntax_set:
            if style_id == data[0]:
                return data[1]

        return 'default_style'

    def GetFontDictionary(self, default=True):
        """Does a system lookup to build a default set of fonts using
        ten point fonts as the standard size.
        @keyword default: return the default dictionary of fonts, else return
                          the current running dictionary of fonts if it exists.
        @type default: bool
        @return: font dictionary (primary, secondary) + (size, size2)

        if hasattr(self, 'fonts') and not default:
            return self.fonts

        font = Profile_Get('FONT1', 'font', None)
        if font is not None:
            mfont = font
            mfont = wx.Font(10, wx.FONTFAMILY_MODERN, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL,
            Profile_Set('FONT1', mfont, 'font')
        primary = mfont.GetFaceName()

        font = Profile_Get('FONT2', 'font', None)
        if font is None:
            font = wx.Font(10, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL,
            Profile_Set('FONT2', font, 'font')
        secondary = font.GetFaceName()
        faces = {
                  self.FONT_PRIMARY   : primary,
                  self.FONT_SECONDARY : secondary,
                  self.FONT_SIZE  : mfont.GetPointSize(),
                  self.FONT_SIZE2 : font.GetPointSize(),
                  self.FONT_SIZE3 : mfont.GetPointSize() - 2
        return faces

    def GetDefaultFont(self):
        """Constructs and returns a wxFont object from the settings
        of the default_style object.
        @return: font object of default style
        @rtype: wx.Font

        if self.HasNamedStyle('default_style'):
            style_item = self.GetItemByName('default_style')
            face = style_item.GetFace()
            if face[0] == u"%":
                face = face % self.fonts
            size = style_item.GetSize()
            if isinstance(size, basestring):
                size = size % self.fonts
            font = wx.FFont(int(size), wx.MODERN, face=face)
            font = wx.FFont(self.fonts[self.FONT_SIZE], wx.MODERN)
        return font

    def GetDefaultForeColour(self, as_hex=False):
        """Gets the foreground color of the default style and returns
        a Colour object. Otherwise returns Black if the default
        style is not found.
        @keyword as_hex: return a hex string or colour object
        @type as_hex: bool
        @return: wx.Colour of default style foreground or hex value
        @rtype: wx.Colour or string

        fore = self.GetItemByName('default_style').GetFore()
        if fore == wx.EmptyString:
            fore = u"#000000"

        if not as_hex:
            rgb = eclib.HexToRGB(fore[1:])
            fore = wx.Colour(red=rgb[0], green=rgb[1], blue=rgb[2])
        return fore

    def GetCurrentStyleSetName(self):
        """Get the name of the currently set style
        @return: string

        return self.style_set

    def GetDefaultBackColour(self, as_hex=False):
        """Gets the background color of the default style and returns
        a Colour object. Otherwise returns white if the default
        style is not found.
        @keyword hex: return a hex string or colour object
        @type hex: bool
        @return: wx.Colour of default style background or hex value
        @rtype: wx.Colour or string

        back = self.GetItemByName('default_style').GetBack()
        if back == wx.EmptyString:
            back = u"#FFFFFF"

        if not as_hex:
            rgb = eclib.HexToRGB(back[1:])
            back = wx.Colour(red=rgb[0], green=rgb[1], blue=rgb[2])
        return back

    def GetItemByName(self, name):
        """Gets and returns a style item using its name for the search
        @param name: tag name of style item to get
        @return: style item (may be empty/null style item)
        @rtype: L{StyleItem}

        if self.HasNamedStyle(name):
            scheme = self.GetStyleSet()
            item = scheme[name]

            # Set font value if need be
            ival = unicode(item)
            if u"%" in ival:
                val = ival % self.fonts
                item = StyleItem()

            return item
            return StyleItem()

    def GetStyleFont(self, primary=True):
        """Returns the primary font facename by default
        @keyword primary: Get Primary(default) or Secondary Font
        @return face name of current font in use

        if primary:
            font = wx.FFont(self.fonts[self.FONT_SIZE], wx.DEFAULT,
            font = wx.FFont(self.fonts[self.FONT_SIZE2], wx.DEFAULT,
        return font

    def GetStyleByName(self, name):
        """Gets and returns a style string using its name for the search
        @param name: tag name of style to get
        @type name: string
        @return: style item in string form
        @rtype: string

        if self.HasNamedStyle(name):
            stystr = unicode(self.GetItemByName(name))
            return stystr.replace("modifiers:", "")
            return wx.EmptyString

    def GetStyleSet(self):
        """Returns the current set of styles or the default set if
        there is no current set.
        @return: current style set dictionary
        @rtype: dict

        return StyleMgr.STYLES.get(self.style_set, DEF_STYLE_DICT)

    def GetStyleSheet(sheet_name=None):
        """Finds the current style sheet and returns its path. The
        lookup is done by first looking in the users config directory
        and if it is not found there it looks for one on the system
        level and if that fails it returns None.
        @param sheet_name: style sheet to look for
        @return: full path to style sheet

        if sheet_name:
            style = sheet_name
            if sheet_name.split(u'.')[-1] != u"ess":
                style += u".ess"
        elif Profile_Get('SYNTHEME', 'str').split(u'.')[-1] != u"ess":
            style = (Profile_Get('SYNTHEME', 'str') + u".ess").lower()
            style = Profile_Get('SYNTHEME', 'str').lower()

        # Get Correct Filename if it exists
        for sheet in util.GetResourceFiles(u'styles', False, True, title=False):
            if sheet.lower() == style.lower():
                style = sheet

        user = os.path.join(ed_glob.CONFIG['STYLES_DIR'], style)
        sysp = os.path.join(ed_glob.CONFIG['SYS_STYLES_DIR'], style)
        if os.path.exists(user):
            return user
        elif os.path.exists(sysp):
            return sysp
            return None

    def GetSyntaxParams(self):
        """Get the set of syntax parameters
        @return: list

        return self.syntax_set

    def HasNamedStyle(self, name):
        """Checks if a style has been set/loaded or not
        @param name: tag name of style to look for
        @return: whether item is in style set or not

        return name in self.GetStyleSet()

    def LoadStyleSheet(self, style_sheet, force=False):
        """Loads a custom style sheet and returns True on success
        @param style_sheet: path to style sheet to load
        @keyword force: Force re-parse of style sheet, default is to use cached
                        data when available
        @return: whether style sheet was loaded or not
        @rtype: bool

        if isinstance(style_sheet, basestring) and \
           os.path.exists(style_sheet) and \
           ((force or style_sheet not in StyleMgr.STYLES) or \
             style_sheet != self.style_set):
            reader = util.GetFileReader(style_sheet)
            if reader == -1:
                self.LOG("[ed_style][err] Failed to open style sheet: %s" % style_sheet)
                return False
            ret_val = self.SetStyles(style_sheet, self.ParseStyleData(reader.read()))
            return ret_val
        elif style_sheet not in StyleMgr.STYLES:
            self.LOG("[ed_style][warn] Style sheet %s does not exists" % style_sheet)
            # Reset to default style
            Profile_Set('SYNTHEME', 'default')
            self.SetStyles('default', DEF_STYLE_DICT)
            return False
            self.LOG("[ed_style][info] Using cached style data")
            return True

    def PackStyleSet(self, style_set):
        """Checks the difference of each item in the style set as
        compared to the default_style tag and packs any unset value
        in the item to be equal to the default style.
        @param style_set: style set to pack
        @return: style_set with all unset attributes set to match default style

        if isinstance(style_set, dict) and 'default_style' in style_set:
            default = style_set['default_style']
            for tag in style_set:
                if style_set[tag].IsNull():
                if not style_set[tag].GetFace():
                if not style_set[tag].GetFore():
                if not style_set[tag].GetBack():
                if not style_set[tag].GetSize():
        return style_set

    def ParseStyleData(self, style_data):
        """Parses a string style definitions read from an Editra Style Sheet.
        @param style_data: style sheet data string
        @type style_data: string
        @return: dictionary of StyleItems constructed from the style sheet

        # Remove all comments
        style_data = RE_ESS_COMMENT.sub(u'', style_data)

        # Compact data into a contiguous string
        style_data = style_data.replace(u"\r\n", u"").replace(u"\n", u"")
        style_data = style_data.replace(u"\t", u"")

        ## Build style data tree
        # Tree Level 1 split tag from data
        style_tree = [style.split(u"{") for style in style_data.split(u'}')]
        if len(style_tree) and len(style_tree[-1]) and not style_tree[-1][0]:

        # Tree Level 2 Build small trees of tag and style attributes
        # Tree Level 3 Branch tree into TAG => Attr => Value String
        ttree = list(style_tree)
        for branch in ttree:
            # Check for level 1 syntax errors
            if len(branch) != 2:
                self.LOG("[ed_style][err] There was an error parsing "
                         "the syntax data from " + self.style_set)
                self.LOG("[ed_style][err] Missing a { or } in Def: " + branch[0].split()[0])

            tmp2 = [leaf.strip().split(u":")
                    for leaf in branch[1].strip().split(u";")]
            if len(tmp2) and not tmp2[-1][0]:
            branch[1] = tmp2
        style_tree = ttree

        # Check for L2/L3 Syntax errors and build a clean dictionary
        # of Tags => Valid Attributes
        style_dict = dict()
        for branch in style_tree:
            value = list()
            tag = branch[0].replace(u" ", u"")
            for leaf in branch[1]:
                # Remove any remaining whitespace
                leaf = [part.strip() for part in leaf]
                if len(leaf) != 2:
                    self.LOG("[ed_style][err] Missing a : or ; in the "
                             "declaration of %s" % tag)
                elif leaf[0] not in STY_ATTRIBUTES:
                    self.LOG(("[ed_style][warn] Unknown style attribute: %s"
                             ", In declaration of %s") % (leaf[0], tag))

            # Skip all leafless branches
            if len(value) != 0:
                style_dict[tag] = value

        # Validate leaf values and format into style string
        rdict = dict()
        for style_def in style_dict:
            if not style_def[0][0].isalpha():
                self.LOG("[ed_style][err] The style def %s is not a "
                         "valid name" % style_def[0])
                style_str = wx.EmptyString
                # Check each definition and validate its items
                for attrib in style_dict[style_def]:
                    values = [ val for val in attrib[1].split()
                               if val != wx.EmptyString ]

                    v1ok = v2ok = False
                    # Check that colors are a hex string
                    if len(values) and \
                       attrib[0] in "fore back" and RE_HEX_STR.match(values[0]):
                        v1ok = True
                    elif len(values) and attrib[0] == "size":
                        if RE_ESS_SCALAR.match(values[0]) or values[0].isdigit():
                            v1ok = True
                            self.LOG("[ed_style][warn] Bad value in %s"
                                     " the value %s is invalid." % \
                                     (attrib[0], values[0]))
                    elif len(values) and attrib[0] == "face":
                        # Font names may have spaces in them so join the
                        # name of the font into one item.
                        if len(values) > 1 and values[1] not in STY_EX_ATTRIBUTES:
                            tmp = list()
                            for val in list(values):
                                if val not in STY_EX_ATTRIBUTES:
                            values = [u' '.join(tmp),] + values
                        v1ok = True
                    elif len(values) and attrib[0] == "modifiers":
                        v1ok = True

                    # Check extra attributes
                    if len(values) > 1:
                        for value in values[1:]:
                            if value not in STY_EX_ATTRIBUTES:
                                self.LOG("[ed_style][warn] Unknown extra " + \
                                         "attribute '" + values[1] + \
                                         "' in attribute: " + attrib[0])
                                v2ok = True

                    if v1ok and v2ok:
                        value = u",".join(values)
                    elif v1ok:
                        value = values[0]

                    style_str = u",".join([style_str,
                                           u":".join([attrib[0], value])])

                # Build up the StyleItem Dictionary
                if style_str != u"":
                    new_item = StyleItem()
                    value = style_str.strip(u",")
                    if isinstance(value, basestring):
                    rdict[style_def] = new_item

        return rdict

    def SetGlobalFont(self, fonttag, fontface, size=-1):
        """Sets one of the fonts in the global font set by tag
        and sets it to the named font. Returns true on success.
        @param fonttag: font type identifier key
        @param fontface: face name to set global font to

        if hasattr(self, 'fonts'):
            self.fonts[fonttag] = fontface
            if size > 0:
                self.fonts[self.FONT_SIZE] = size
            return True
            return False

    def SetStyleFont(self, wx_font, primary=True):
        """Sets the\primary or secondary font and their respective
        size values.
        @param wx_font: font object to set styles font info from
        @keyword primary: Set primary(default) or secondary font

        if primary:
            self.fonts[self.FONT_PRIMARY] = wx_font.GetFaceName()
            self.fonts[self.FONT_SIZE] = wx_font.GetPointSize()
            self.fonts[self.FONT_SECONDARY] = wx_font.GetFaceName()
            self.fonts[self.FONT_SIZE2] = wx_font.GetPointSize()

    def SetStyleTag(self, style_tag, value):
        """Sets the value of style tag by name
        @param style_tag: desired tag name of style definition
        @param value: style item to set tag to
        @return: bool

        if not isinstance(value, StyleItem):
            return False

        StyleMgr.STYLES[self.style_set][style_tag] = value
        return True

    def SetStyles(self, name, style_dict, nomerge=False):
        """Sets the managers style data and returns True on success.
        @param name: name to store dictionary in cache under
        @param style_dict: dictionary of style items to use as managers style
        @keyword nomerge: merge against default set or not
        @type nomerge: bool

        if nomerge:
            self.style_set = name
            StyleMgr.STYLES[name] = self.PackStyleSet(style_dict)
            return True

        # Merge the given style set with the default set to fill in any
        # unset attributes/tags
        if isinstance(style_dict, dict):
            # Check for bad data
            for style in style_dict.values():
                if not isinstance(style, StyleItem):
                    self.LOG("[ed_style][err] Invalid data in style dictionary")
                    self.style_set = 'default'
                    return False

            self.style_set = name
            defaultd = DEF_STYLE_DICT
            dstyle = style_dict.get('default_style', None)
            if dstyle is None:
                style_dict['default_style'] = defaultd['default_style']

            # Set any undefined styles to match the default_style
            for tag, item in defaultd.iteritems():
                if tag not in style_dict:
                    if tag in ['select_style', 'whitespace_style']:
                        style_dict[tag] = NullStyleItem()
                        style_dict[tag] = style_dict['default_style']

            StyleMgr.STYLES[name] = self.PackStyleSet(style_dict)
            return True
            self.LOG("[ed_style][err] SetStyles expects a " \
                     "dictionary of StyleItems")
            return False

    def SetSyntax(self, synlst):
        """Sets the Syntax Style Specs from a list of specifications
        @param synlst: [(STYLE_ID, "STYLE_TYPE"), (STYLE_ID2, "STYLE_TYPE2)]

        # Parses Syntax Specifications list, ignoring all bad values
        valid_settings = list()
        lexer = self.GetLexer()
        for syn in synlst:
            if len(syn) != 2:
                self.StyleSetSpec(syn[0], self.GetStyleByName(syn[1]))

        self.syntax_set = valid_settings
        return True

    def StyleDefault(self):
        """Clears the editor styles to default
        @postcondition: style is reset to default

        self.Colourise(0, -1)

    def UpdateAllStyles(self, spec_style=None):
        """Refreshes all the styles and attributes of the control
        @param spec_style: style scheme name
        @postcondition: style scheme is set to specified style

        if spec_style != self.style_set:
            self.LoadStyleSheet(self.GetStyleSheet(spec_style), force=True)

    def UpdateBaseStyles(self):
        """Updates the base styles of editor to the current settings
        @postcondition: base style info is updated

        self.SetMargins(4, 0)

        # Global default styles for all languages
        self.StyleSetSpec(0, self.GetStyleByName('default_style'))
        self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_DEFAULT, \
        self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_LINENUMBER, \
        self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_CONTROLCHAR, \
        self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_BRACELIGHT, \
        self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_BRACEBAD, \
        self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_INDENTGUIDE, \

        # wx.stc.STC_STYLE_CALLTIP doesnt seem to do anything
        calltip = self.GetItemByName('calltip')

        sback = self.GetItemByName('select_style')
        if not sback.IsNull() and len(sback.GetBack()):
            sback = sback.GetBack()
            sback = eclib.HexToRGB(sback)
            sback = wx.Colour(*sback)
            sback = wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT)

        # If selection colour is dark make the foreground white
        # else use the default settings.
        if sum(sback.Get()) < 384:
            self.SetSelForeground(True, wx.WHITE)
            self.SetSelForeground(False, wx.BLACK)
        self.SetSelBackground(True, sback)

        wspace = self.GetItemByName('whitespace_style')
        if not wspace.IsNull():
            self.SetWhitespaceBackground(True, wspace.GetBack())
            self.SetWhitespaceForeground(True, wspace.GetFore())

        self.Colourise(0, -1)

# Utility Functions

def NullStyleItem():
    """Create a null style item
    @return: empty style item that cannot be merged

    item = StyleItem()
    item.null = True
    return item

        {'brace_good' : StyleItem("#FFFFFF", "#0000FF", ex=["bold",]),
         'brace_bad'  : StyleItem(back="#FF0000", ex=["bold",]),
         'calltip'    : StyleItem("#404040", "#FFFFB8"),
         'caret_line' : StyleItem(back="#D8F8FF"),
         'ctrl_char'  : StyleItem(),
         'line_num'   : StyleItem(back="#C0C0C0", face="%(secondary)s", \
         'array_style': StyleItem("#EE8B02",
         'btick_style': StyleItem("#8959F6", size="%(size)d", ex=["bold",]),
         'default_style': StyleItem("#000000", "#F6F6F6", \
                                    "%(primary)s", "%(size)d"),
         'char_style' : StyleItem("#FF3AFF"),
         'class_style' : StyleItem("#2E8B57", ex=["bold",]),
         'class2_style' : StyleItem("#2E8B57", ex=["bold",]),
         'comment_style' : StyleItem("#838383"),
         'decor_style' : StyleItem("#BA0EEA", face="%(secondary)s",
         'directive_style' : StyleItem("#0000FF", face="%(secondary)s",
         'dockey_style' : StyleItem("#0000FF"),
         'error_style' : StyleItem("#DD0101", face="%(secondary)s",
         'foldmargin_style' : StyleItem(back="#D1D1D1"),
         'funct_style' : StyleItem("#008B8B", ex=["italic",]),
         'global_style' : StyleItem("#007F7F", face="%(secondary)s",
         'guide_style' : StyleItem("#838383"),
         'here_style' : StyleItem("#CA61CA", face="%(secondary)s",
         'ideol_style' : StyleItem("#E0C0E0", face="%(secondary)s"),
         'keyword_style' : StyleItem("#A52B2B", ex=["bold",]),
         'keyword2_style' : StyleItem("#2E8B57", ex=["bold",]),
         'keyword3_style' : StyleItem("#008B8B", ex=["bold",]),
         'keyword4_style' : StyleItem("#9D2424"),
         'marker_style' : StyleItem("#FFFFFF", "#000000"),
         'number_style' : StyleItem("#DD0101"),
         'number2_style' : StyleItem("#DD0101", ex=["bold",]),
         'operator_style' : StyleItem("#000000", face="%(primary)s",
         'pre_style' : StyleItem("#AB39F2", ex=["bold",]),
         'pre2_style' : StyleItem("#AB39F2", "#FFFFFF", ex=["bold",]),
         'regex_style' : StyleItem("#008B8B"),
         'scalar_style' : StyleItem("#AB37F2", face="%(secondary)s",
         'scalar2_style' : StyleItem("#AB37F2", face="%(secondary)s"),
         'select_style' : NullStyleItem(), # Use system default colour
         'string_style' : StyleItem("#FF3AFF", ex=["bold",]),
         'stringeol_style' : StyleItem("#000000", "#EEC0EE",
                                       "%(secondary)s", ex=["bold", "eol"]),
         'unknown_style' : StyleItem("#FFFFFF", "#DD0101", ex=["bold", "eol"]),
         'userkw_style' : StyleItem(),
         'whitespace_style' : StyleItem('#838383')

def MergeFonts(style_dict, font_dict):
    """Does any string substitution that the style dictionary
    may need to have fonts and their sizes set.
    @param style_dict: dictionary of L{StyleItem}
    @param font_dict: dictionary of font data
    @return: style dictionary with all font format strings substituted in

    for style in style_dict:
        st_str = str(style_dict[style])
        if u'%' in st_str:
            style_dict[style].SetAttrFromStr(st_str % font_dict)
    return style_dict

def MergeStyles(styles1, styles2):
    """Merges the styles from styles2 into styles1 overwriting
    any duplicate values already set in styles1 with the new
    data from styles2.
    @param styles1: dictionary of StyleItems to receive merge
    @param styles2: dictionary of StyleItems to merge from
    @return: style1 with all values from styles2 merged into it

    for style in styles2:
        styles1[style] = styles2[style]
    return styles1
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