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# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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# The Original Code is the Python Computer Graphics Kit.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Matthias Baas.
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# $Id: eventmanager.py,v 1.4 2005/03/08 16:13:42 mbaas Exp $

## \file eventmanager.py
## Contains the EventManager class.

import sys, types, bisect

# Receiver
class _Receiver:
    """Stores a receiver (=callable) and a priority.

    This class defines a comparison operator (that's why this class is
    used instead of a tuple (priority, receiver)).
    def __init__(self, receiver, priority=1):
        self.receiver = receiver
        self.priority = priority

    def __str__(self):
        # If the receiver is an instance method, then obtain the corresponding
        # class name
        cls = getattr(self.receiver, "im_class", None)
        if cls!=None:
            s = getattr(cls, "__name__", "?")+"."
            s = ""
        s += getattr(self.receiver, "__name__", "<unnamed>")
        return "(%d, %s)"%(self.priority, s)

    __repr__ = __str__

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        return self.priority-other.priority

# EventManager
class EventManager:
    """Manages any kind of events.

    System wide event receivers must indicate if the event should
    be consumed (return value = True) or passed to the scene wide

    def __init__(self):

        # System wide connections.
        # Key: Event name - Value: Sorted list of _Receivers
        self.system_connections = {}
        # Scene wide connections.
        # Key: Event name - Value: Sorted list of _Receivers
        self.scene_connections = {}

    def __str__(self):
        s = 70*"-"+"\n"
        s += "System events\n"
        s += 70*"-"+"\n"
        for event in self.system_connections:
            s+='Event: "%s"\n'%event
            for rec in self.system_connections[event]:
                s+="  %s\n"%rec
        s += 70*"-"+"\n"
        s += "Scene events\n"
        s += 70*"-"+"\n"
        for event in self.scene_connections:
            s+='Event: "%s"\n'%event
            for rec in self.scene_connections[event]:
                s+="  %s\n"%rec
        return s

    # event
    def event(self, name, *params, **keyargs):
        """Signal an event.

        When an event handler returns True the notification is interrupted
        (i.e. the event is consumed and not available anymore for other

        \param name (\c str) Name of the event.
        \return True, if any event handler returned True.

        \todo Aufruf der Empfaenger-Methode kann Exception verursachen.

        # Process system wide connections
        receivers = self.system_connections.get(name, [])
        for rec in receivers:
            if rec.receiver(*params, **keyargs):
                return True

        # Process scene wide connections
        receivers = self.scene_connections.get(name, [])
        for rec in receivers:
            if rec.receiver(*params, **keyargs):
                return True

        return False

    # connect
    def connect(self, name, receiver, priority=10, system=False):
        """Connect a function or method to an event.

        The priority determines the calling order when the corresponding
        event is emitted. Receivers with a smaller priority are invoked first.

        \param name (\c str) Name of the event.
        \param receiver The receiving function or method, or an instance
                        of a class that must implement an on<Event>() method.
        \param priority (\c int) Priority of the receiver
        \param system (\c bool) Specifies if the connection is system wide or
                      not (default: \c False).

        receiver = self._determine_receiver(name, receiver)

        # Disconnect the receiver if it was already connected
        except KeyError:

        if system:
            connections = self.system_connections
            connections = self.scene_connections

        rec = _Receiver(receiver, priority)
        # Has the event already any connections? then add the new receiver
        if connections.has_key(name):
            bisect.insort(connections[name], rec)
#            connections[name].append(receiver)
        # otherwise create a new list
            connections[name] = [rec]

        return (name,receiver)

    # disconnect
    def disconnect(self, name, receiver=None, system=False):
        """Disconnect a function or method from an event.

        \param name (\c str) Name of the event.
        \param receiver The receiving function or method, or an instance
                        of a class that must implement an on<Event>() method.
        \param system (\c bool) Specifies if the connection is system wide or
                      not (default: \c False).

        if isinstance(name,tuple):
            name,receiver = name

        if system:
            connections = self.system_connections
            connections = self.scene_connections

        # Are all connections to be removed?
        if receiver==None:
            if connections.has_key(name):
                del connections[name]

        receiver = self._determine_receiver(name, receiver)

        # Has the event any connections at all?
        if not connections.has_key(name):
            raise KeyError, 'Receiver is not connected to event "%s"'%name

        # Try to remove the connection
#        try:
#            connections[name].remove(receiver)
#        except ValueError:
#            raise KeyError, 'Receiver is not connected to event "%s"'%name
        for i,rec in enumerate(connections[name]):
            if rec.receiver==receiver:
            raise KeyError, 'Receiver is not connected to event "%s"'%name

        del connections[name][i]

    # disconnectAll
    def disconnectAll(self, system=False):
        """Remove all connections.

        \param system (\c bool) Specifies if the system wide connections or
                      the scene wide connections shall be removed
                      (default: \c False).
        if system:
            self.system_connections = {}
            self.scene_connections = {}

    ## private:
    def _determine_receiver(self, name, receiver):
        """Returns the receiver object.

        The receiver is the callable that gets called when an event

        \param name (\c str) Name of the event.
        \param receiver The receiving function or method, or an instance
                        of a class that must implement an on<Event>() method.
        \return Callable object.

        methodname = "on"+name
        if hasattr(receiver, methodname):
            return getattr(receiver, methodname)
        if callable(receiver):
            return receiver
        raise ValueError, "Receiver argument must be a callable or an object with an %s() method"%methodname

_global_event_manager = EventManager()

# eventManager
def eventManager():
    """Returns the global event manager.

    \return Event manager (EventManager)
    global _global_event_manager
    return _global_event_manager
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