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# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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"""This module contains the MBReader base class to parse Maya binary files (~IFF files).

import struct, os.path

class Chunk:
    """Chunk class.
    This class stores information about a chunk. It is passed to the handler
    methods which can also use this class to read the actual chunk data.
    The class has the following attributes:
    - tag: The chunk name (four characters)
    - size: The size in bytes of the data part of the chunk
    - pos: The absolute position of the data part within the input file
    - parent: The GroupChunk object of the parent chunk
    - depth: The depth of the node (i.e. how deep it is nested). The root
             has a depth of 0.

    The binary chunk data can be read by using the read() method. You
    can specify the number of bytes to read or read the entire data
    at once. It is not possible to read data that lies outside this
    def __init__(self, file, parent, tag, size, pos, depth):
        # The file handle that currently points to the start of the chunk data
        self.file = file
        # The parent chunk object
        self.parent = parent
        # The chunk name (four characters)
        self.tag = tag
        # The chunk size in bytes (only the data part)
        self.size = size
        # The absolute position (of the data) within the input file
        self.pos = pos
        # The depth of the node (i.e. how deep it is nested)
        self.depth = depth
        # The number of bytes read so far
        self._bytesRead = 0

    def __str__(self):
        return "<Chunk %s at pos %d (%d bytes)>"%(self.tag, self.pos, self.size)

    def chunkPath(self):
        """Return the full path to this chunk.

        The result is a concatenation of all chunk names that lead to this chunk.
        name = "%s"%(self.tag)
        if self.parent is None:
            return name
            return self.parent.chunkPath()+".%s"%name

    def read(self, bytes=-1):
        """Read the specified number of bytes from the chunk.
        If bytes is -1 the entire chunk data is read.
        if self.file is None:
            raise RuntimeError, "This chunk is not active anymore"

        maxbytes = self.size-self._bytesRead
        if bytes<0:
            bytes = maxbytes
            bytes = min(bytes, maxbytes)
        self._bytesRead += bytes
class GroupChunk(Chunk):
    """Specialized group chunk class.

    In addition to the Chunk class this class has an attribute "type"
    that contains the group type (the first four characters of the data part).
    def __init__(self, file, parent, tag, size, pos, type, depth):
        Chunk.__init__(self, file=file, parent=parent, tag=tag, size=size, pos=pos, depth=depth)

        # The group type
        self.type = type

        # Start with 4 because the type was already read
        self._bytesRead = 4
    def __str__(self):
        return "<GroupChunk %s (%s) at pos %d (%d bytes)>"%(self.tag, self.type, self.pos, self.size)
    def chunkPath(self):
        """Return the full path to this chunk.
        name = "%s[%s]"%(self.tag, self.type)
        if self.parent is None:
            return name
            return self.parent.chunkPath()+".%s"%name

class MBReader:
    """Read Maya IFF files and call an appropriate handler for each chunk.
    This is the base class for a .mb reader class. Derived classes can implement
    the chunk handler methods onBeginGroup(), onEndGroup() and onDataChunk().
    These handlers receive a Chunk (or GroupChunk) object as input that
    contains information about the current chunk and that can also be used
    to read the actual chunk data.
    def __init__(self):

    def abort(self):
        """Aborts reading the current file.
        This method can be called in handler functions to abort reading
        the file.
        self._abortFlag = True

    def onBeginGroup(self, chunk):
        """Callback that is called whenever a new group tag begins.
        chunk is a GroupChunk object containing information about the group chunk.
#        print "BEGIN", chunk
    def onEndGroup(self, chunk):
        """Callback that is called whenever a group goes out of scope.
        chunk is a GroupChunk object containing information about the group chunk
        (it is the same instance that was passed to onBeginGroup()).
#        print "END", chunk
    def onDataChunk(self, chunk):
        """Callback that is called for each data chunk.

        chunk is a Chunk object that contains information about the chunk
        and that can be used to read the actual chunk data.
#        print " ", chunk

    def read(self, file):
        """Read the binary file.
        This method reads all chunks sequentially and invokes appropriate
        callback methods. 
        file is a file-like object or the name of a file.
        if isinstance(file, basestring):
            self.filename = file
            file = open(file, "rb")
            self.filename = getattr(file, "name", "?")
        # Check if this actually is a Maya file
        # (and that it starts with a group tag)
        header =
        if len(header)!=12 or header[0:4]!="FOR4" or header[8:12]!="Maya":
            raise ValueError, 'The file "%s" is not a Maya binary file.'%self.filename 
        self._file = file
        self._abortFlag = False
        # The current byte position inside the file
        pos = 0
        # A stack with alignment values. Each group tag pushes a new value
        # which is popped when the group goes out of scope
        alignments = []
        # A stack with the currently open group chunks. The items are
        # 2-tuples (endpos, groupchunk).
        pendingGroups = []
        # The current depth of the chunks
        depth = 0
        while not self._abortFlag:
            tag,size = self.readChunkHeader()
            if tag==None:
            pos += 8
            if self.isGroupChunk(tag):
                # Group chunk...
                type =
                if len(pendingGroups)==0:
                    parent = None
                    parent = pendingGroups[-1][1]
                chunk = GroupChunk(file=file, parent=parent, tag=tag, size=size, pos=pos, type=type, depth=depth) 
                av = self.alignmentValue(tag)
                end = pos+self.paddedSize(size, av)
                if len(pendingGroups)>0 and end>pendingGroups[-1][0]:
                    raise ValueError, 'Chunk %s at position %s in file "%s" has an invalid size (%d) that goes beyond its contained group chunk.'%(tag,pos-8,os.path.basename(self.filename),size)
                pendingGroups.append((end, chunk))
                pos += 4
                depth += 1
                # Data chunk...
                chunk = Chunk(file=file, parent=pendingGroups[-1][1], tag=tag, size=size, pos=pos, depth=depth)
                pos += self.paddedSize(size, alignments[-1])

            # Check which groups are to be closed...
            while len(pendingGroups)>0 and pos>=pendingGroups[-1][0]:
                end,chunk = pendingGroups.pop()
                depth -= 1
            # Seek to the next chunk position. This is done here (even though it
            # wouldn't be necessary in some cases) so that the callbacks have
            # no chance to mess with the file handle and bring the reader
            # out of sync.

    def readChunkHeader(self):
        """Read the tag and size of the next chunk.
        Returns a tuple (tag, size) where tag is the four character
        chunk name and size is an integer containing the size of the
        data part of the chunk.
        Returns None,None if the end of the file has been reached.
        Throws an exception when an incomplete tag/size was read.
        header =
        if len(header)==0:
            return None,None
        if len(header)!=8:
            raise ValueError, 'Premature end of file "%s" (chunk tag & size expected)'%os.path.basename(self.filename)
        return (header[:4], struct.unpack(">L", header[4:])[0])
    def isGroupChunk(self, tag):
        """Check if the given tag refers to a group chunk.

        tag is the chunk name. Returns True when tag is the name
        of a group chunk.
        return tag in ["FORM", "CAT ", "LIST", "PROP",
                       "FOR4", "CAT4", "LIS4", "PRO4",
                       "FOR8", "CAT8", "LIS8", "PRO8"]
    def alignmentValue(self, tag):
        """Return the alignment value for a group chunk.
        Returns 2, 4 or 8.
        if tag in ["FORM", "CAT ", "LIST", "PROP"]:
            return 2
        elif tag in ["FOR4", "CAT4", "LIS4", "PRO4"]:
            return 4
        elif tag in ["FOR8", "CAT8", "LIS8", "PRO8"]:
            return 8
            return 2
    def paddedSize(self, size, alignment):
        """Return the padded size that is aligned to the given value.
        size is an arbitrary chunk size and alignment an integer
        containing the alignment value (2,4,8). If size is already
        aligned it is returned unchanged, otherwise an appropriate
        number of padding bytes is added and the aligned size is
        # Padding required?
        if size%alignment!=0:
            padding = alignment-size%alignment
            size += padding
        return size
    def dump(self, buf):
        """Helper method to do a hex dump of chunk data.
        buf is a string containing the data to dump.
        offset = 0
        while len(buf)>0:
            data = buf[:16]
            buf = buf[16:]
            s = "%04x: "%offset
            s += " ".join(map(lambda x: "%02x"%ord(x), data))
            s += (55-len(s))*' '
            for c in data:
                if ord(c)<32:
                    c = '.'
                s += c
            print s
            offset += 16
if __name__=="__main__":
    import sys
    class MBDumper(MBReader):
        def onBeginGroup(self, chunk):
            print "GRP BEGIN", chunk
        def onEndGroup(self, chunk):
            print "GRP END  ", chunk
        def onDataChunk(self, chunk):
            print "CHUNK    ",chunk
    rd = MBDumper()[1], "rb")) | Contact Us
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