#!/usr/bin/env python
# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
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# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is the Python Computer Graphics Kit.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Matthias Baas.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
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# grow v1.0.1
# "Grow" objects on the surface of another object.
# This tool generates uniformly distributed points on the surface
# of a mesh and calls a user defined function for each such point.
# http://cgkit.sourceforge.net
This tool generates uniformly distributed point locations on the surface
of one or more objects and calls a user defined function for each such
Usage: grow.py [Options] <Inputfiles>
The script does the following steps:
1) Load all input files in the given order (you may use any 3D file format
that cgkit can read).
2) Initialize the RenderMan API using the "RIBname" parameter.
3) Load the geometry procedure file. The name of this file is determined by
the "proc" parameter.
4) Generate the surface points on all objects that match the string
"inputpattern" and call "proc" for each point. The number of points
is specified with the "numpoints" parameter.
Parameters and their default values (the parameters are stored in the
cgkit Globals section):
# Name of the placement procedure to use. The procedure must be a
# function with the specified name that is defined in a file with
# the same name plus suffix ".py". The name may contain path
# information if the procedure file is not in the current directory.
# (Command line option: -p/--proc)
proc = "grassproc",
# Only objects whose name matches this pattern will receive surface points.
# By default, all objects are considered.
# (Command line option: -i/--inputpattern)
inputpattern = "*",
# The total number of points to generate.
# (Command line option: -n/--numpoints)
numpoints = 1000,
# RIB output file name. If none is given, the output is written to stdout.
# (Command line option: -r/--rib)
RIBname = None,
# Declare the result values of the placement procedure (only required when
# the procedure wants the main program to call RiCurve()).
# If the placement procedure returns None, then the procedure takes care
# for the RIB output itself.
resultdesc = ["P"]
import sys, os.path, copy, time, optparse, fnmatch, random
import profile
from cgkit.all import *
from cgkit.ri import *
# VaryingVar
class VaryingVar:
"""Access a varying primitive variable.
def __init__(self, name, type, mult=1):
name is the name of the primitive variable, type its type
(FLOAT, NORMAL, ...) and mult its multiplicity.
self.name = name
self.type = type
self.mult = mult
self.obj = None
# The corresponding slot (this is already type checked)
self.slot = None
# The current three values
self.values = None
# init1
def init1(self, obj):
"""Initialization part I.
obj is the WorldObject whose variable should be accessed
(actually the geom's variable).
This method might change the geom and convert the variable
to varying.
self.slot = None
self.obj = None
info = obj.geom.findVariable(self.name)
# Var not found?
if info==None:
return False
# Check the type
if info[2]!=self.type:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Variable "%s": Invalid type'%self.name
return False
# Check the multiplicity
if info[3]!=self.mult:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Variable "%s": Invalid multiplicty (required %d, got %d)'%(self.name, self.mult, info[3])
return False
# Is the variable stored as var/varfaces? Then convert to varying...
finfo = obj.geom.findVariable("%sfaces"%self.name)
if finfo!=None:
obj.geom = convMeshAttr(obj.geom, self.name)
# Update the var info...
info = obj.geom.findVariable(self.name)
# Facevarying? then convert to varying
if info[1]==FACEVARYING:
obj.geom = convFaceVarToVar(obj.geom)
# Update the var info...
info = obj.geom.findVariable(self.name)
# Is it really varying?
if info[1]!=VARYING:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Variable "%s": Invalid storage class'%self.name
return False
self.obj = obj
return True
# init2
def init2(self):
"""Initialization part II.
Retrieve the slot that holds the variable values. Once this
method is called, no init1() method may be called anymore
(no matter if it's this or another variable) because this
could change the geom so that the obtained slot is no longer valid.
if self.obj!=None:
# Store the slot
self.slot = self.obj.geom.slot(self.name)
# retrieveValues
def retrieveValues(self, i, j, k):
"""Get the three values at index i, j, k.
slot = self.slot
self.values = (slot[i], slot[j], slot[k])
# interpolateValue
def interpolateValue(self, u, v, w):
v1,v2,v3 = self.values
return w*v1 + u*v2 + v*v3
# SurfacePointGenerator
class SurfacePointGenerator:
"""Generate random points on a TriMesh.
The points are uniformly distributed over the entire mesh.
srf = SurfacePointGenerator(obj, num)
for t in srf.triangles():
for P,N,s,t in srf.surfacePoints(t):
...do something with P and N, for example:...
drawMarker(P, size=0.01)
drawLine(P, P+0.1*N)
...this is called num times...
def __init__(self, obj):
obj: A list of TriMeshes
self.obj = worldObject(obj)
self._area = 0
self._triangles = []
# getArea
def getArea(self):
"""Return the surface area of the object."""
return self._area
# triangles
def triangles(self, num):
"""Iterate over all triangles.
This method yields a tuple that describes one triangle.
This tuple can be passed to surfacePoints() to iterate over
a random number of points on that surface.
num: The total number of surface points to be generated
A = self._area
facecount = 0
# "Error" made in assigning points to triangles (if one triangle
# didn't receive any points, the chances for the next triangle
# will be increased. This prevents clustering at the end of the
# triangle list when only a few total points should be created)
err = 0.0
for a,b,c,Na,Nb,Nc,sta,stb,stc,Af in self._triangles:
# print >>sys.stderr, "\015%d/%d"%(facecount, len(obj.faces)),
# Calculate the number of points n for this triangle...
n = int(round(num*Af/A + err))
err += (num*Af/A)-n
A -= Af
num -= n
if n==0:
yield facecount,n,a,b,c,Na,Nb,Nc,sta,stb,stc
# surfacePoints
def surfacePoints(self, trispec):
"""Iterate over a random number of points on a triangle.
Yields a tuple (P, N) where P is the position on the surface
and N the (interpolated) surface normal.
facecount,n,a,b,c,Na,Nb,Nc,sta,stb,stc = trispec
sa,ta = sta
sb,tb = stb
sc,tc = stc
rnd = random.random
ab = b-a
ac = c-a
for i in range(n):
# Select a random position on the triangle
while 1:
u = rnd()
v = rnd()
if u+v<1.0:
w = 1.0-u-v
# P: Grass blade position N: Interpolated normal
P = a + u*ab + v*ac
N = (w*Na + u*Nb + v*Nc).normalize()
s = w*sa + u*sb + v*sc
t = w*ta + u*tb + v*tc
yield P,N,s,t
# _preprocess
def _preprocess(self):
"""Preprocessing the object.
Computes self._triangles, self._area
varN = VaryingVar("N", NORMAL)
varst = VaryingVar("st", FLOAT, 2)
N_slot = varN.slot
st_slot = varst.slot
# Extract triangles and determine surface area A of obj
triangles = []
A = 0.0
obj = self.obj
L = obj.worldtransform
L3 = L.getMat3()
sta = [0.0, 0.0]
stb = [0.0, 0.0]
stc = [0.0, 0.0]
for i,j,k in obj.faces:
# Get vertices
a = L*obj.verts[i]
b = L*obj.verts[j]
c = L*obj.verts[k]
# Get the normals
if N_slot!=None:
Na = (L3*N_slot[i]).normalize()
Nb = (L3*N_slot[j]).normalize()
Nc = (L3*N_slot[k]).normalize()
ab = b-a
ac = c-a
Na = (ab.cross(ac)).normalize()
Nb = Na
Nc = Na
# Get the tex coords
if st_slot!=None:
sta = st_slot[i]
stb = st_slot[j]
stc = st_slot[k]
# Surface area of this triangle
Af = 0.5*((b-a).cross(c-a)).length()
# Add to total surface area
A += Af
# Store vertices and triangle surface area for later use
triangles.append((a,b,c, Na,Nb,Nc, sta,stb,stc, Af))
self._triangles = triangles
self._area = A
print >>sys.stderr, "Surface area:",A
# time2str
def time2str(t):
"""Convert a time value (in seconds) into a string.
if t<60:
return "%1.0fs"%t
min = int(t/60)
sec = int(t%60)
if min<60:
return "%dmin %ds"%(min,sec)
h = int(min/60)
min = int(min%60)
return "%dh %dmin %ds"%(h,min,sec)
# grow
def grow(objs, proc, num=10, resultdesc=["P"]):
"""Grow objects on the given object (TriMesh).
srfs = []
totalarea = 0.0
for obj in objs:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Preprocessing object "%s"...'%obj.name
srf = SurfacePointGenerator(obj)
totalarea += srf.getArea()
print >>sys.stderr, "Total area:",totalarea
# Determine the number of points for each object...
nums = []
err = 0.0
for srf in srfs:
Aobj = srf.getArea()
# Calculate the number of points n for this object...
n = int(round(num*Aobj/totalarea + err))
err += (num*Aobj/totalarea)-n
totalarea -= Aobj
num -= n
total_n = 0
for obj,srf,num in zip(objs, srfs, nums):
print >>sys.stderr, 'Generating %d points on "%s"...'%(num,obj.name)
for tri in srf.triangles(num):
n = tri[1]
total_n += n
print >>sys.stderr, "\015%d..."%total_n,
# Create a list with len(resultdesc) lists (one list per variable)
valuelsts = []
for i in range(len(resultdesc)):
# Iterate over the surface points...
for P,N,s,t in srf.surfacePoints(tri):
F = mat4(1).lookAt(P, P+N, up=vec3(0,0,1))
res = proc(P=P, N=N, F=F, s=s, t=t)
if res!=None:
for Lst, lst in zip(valuelsts, res):
Lst += lst
if res!=None:
params = {}
for name, values in zip(resultdesc, valuelsts):
params[name] = values
RiCurves(RI_CUBIC, n*[6], RI_NONPERIODIC, params)
print >>sys.stderr, ""
# Default values
proc = "grassproc",
inputpattern = "*",
numpoints = 1000,
RIBname = None,
resultdesc = ["P"]
# Parse the command line
usage = "usage: %prog [options] inputfiles"
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
parser.add_option("-p", "--proc", metavar="NAME", default=None,
help="Select the procedure")
parser.add_option("-n", "--numpoints", type="int", default=None,
help="Number of points to generate")
parser.add_option("-r", "--rib", metavar="NAME", default=None,
help="Output RIB name")
parser.add_option("-i", "--inputpattern", metavar="PATTERN", default=None,
help="Input pattern used for matching object names")
opts, args = parser.parse_args()
# No scene files? then exit
if len(args)==0:
scene = getScene()
# Load the geometry...
for filename in args:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Loading "%s"...'%filename
# Initialize ri
RIBname = scene.getGlobal("RIBname")
if opts.rib!=None:
RIBname = opts.rib
# Load the procedure file
procname = scene.getGlobal("proc")
if opts.proc!=None:
procname = opts.proc
procfilename = "%s.py"%procname
print >>sys.stderr, 'Loading procedure file "%s"...'%procfilename
# Get a reference to the procedure
procname = os.path.basename(procname)
proc = eval("%s"%procname)
inputpattern = scene.getGlobal("inputpattern")
if opts.inputpattern!=None:
inputpattern = opts.inputpattern
print >>sys.stderr, 'Input pattern: "%s"'%inputpattern
# Collect all geometry (convert to TriMesh if possible)...
meshes = []
for obj in scene.walkWorld():
if obj.geom==None:
if not fnmatch.fnmatch(obj.name, inputpattern):
if not isinstance(obj.geom, TriMeshGeom):
# except NotImplementedError:
# No meshes? then exit
if len(meshes)==0:
print >>sys.stderr, "No meshes available"
# Generate the surface points...
numpoints = scene.getGlobal("numpoints")
if opts.numpoints!=None:
numpoints = opts.numpoints
desc = scene.getGlobal("resultdesc")
print >>sys.stderr, 'Output RIB file: "%s"'%RIBname
print >>sys.stderr, '#Surface points:',numpoints
t1 = time.time()
grow(objs=meshes, proc=proc, num=numpoints, resultdesc=desc)
#profile.run("grow(objs=meshes, proc=proc, num=numpoints, resultdesc=desc)", "profile.log")
t2 = time.time()
dt = t2-t1
print >>sys.stderr, "Generation time: %s"%time2str(dt)