#! /usr/local/bin/python2.5
from psychopy.hardware import CedrusPad
from psychopy import core
import sys
rb730 = CedrusPad(7,'RB730',baudrate=115200)
#get RB info
print rb730.getInfo()
print 'roundTrip:', rb730.measureRoundTrip()#this is the time taken to send a signal to the unit and back via USB
core.wait(0.1) #give chance to clear prev commands
#test keys
print 'push some keys (1 exits)'; sys.stdout.flush()
while notAbort:
keyEvents = rb730.waitKeyEvents(downOnly=False)
for evt in keyEvents:
print evt.key, evt.rt, evt.direction
if evt.key==1:notAbort=False
print 'done'
print 'baseTime:',rb730.getBaseTimer()