'''OpenGL extension APPLE.client_storage
This module customises the behaviour of the
OpenGL.raw.GL.APPLE.client_storage to provide a more
Python-friendly API
Overview (from thespec import
This extension provides a simple mechanism to optimize texture data handling
by clients. GL implementations normally maintain a copy of texture image
data supplied clients when any of the various texturing commands, such as
TexImage2D, are invoked. This extension eliminates GL's internal copy of
the texture image data and allows a client to maintain this data locally for
textures when the UNPACK_CLIENT_STORAGE_APPLE pixel storage parameter is
TRUE at the time of texture specification. Local texture data storage is
especially useful in cases where clients maintain internal copies of
textures used in any case. This results in what could be considered an
extra copy of the texture image data. Assuming all operations are error
free, the use of client storage has no affect on the result of texturing
operations and will not affect rendering results. APPLE_client_storage
allows clients to optimize memory requirements and copy operations it also
requires adherence to specific rules in maintaining texture image data.
Clients using this extension are agreeing to preserve a texture's image data
for the life of the texture. The life of the texture is defined, in this
case, as the time from firstissuingtheTexImage3DTexImage2D import
TexImage1D command, for the specific texture object with the
UNPACK_CLIENT_STORAGE_APPLE pixel storage parameter set to TRUE, until the
DeleteTextures command or another TexImage command for that same object.
Only after DeleteTextures has completed, or new texture is specified, can
the local texture memory be released, as it will no longer be utilized by
OpenGL. Changing the UNPACK_CLIENT_STORAGE_APPLE pixel storage parameter
will have no additional effect once the texturing command has been issued
and specifically will not alleviate the client from maintainingthetexture import
Client storage is implemented as a pixel storage parameter which affects
texture image storage at the time the texturing command is issued. As with
other pixel storage parameters this state may differ from thetimethe import
texturing command in executed if the command is placed in a display list.
The PixelStore command is used to set the parameter
representing the use of client local storage and FALSE indicating the OpenGL
engine and not the client will be responsible for maintaining texture
storage for future texturing commands issued per the OpenGL specification.
The default state for the UNPACK_CLIENT_STORAGE_APPLE parameter is FALSE
Client storage is only available for texture objects and not the default
texture (of any target type). This means that a texture object has to
generated and bound to be used with client storage. Setting
UNPACK_CLIENT_STORAGE_APPLE to TRUE and texturing with the default texture
will result in normally texturing with GL maintaining a copy of the texture
image data.
Normally, client storage will be used in conjunction with normal texturing
techniques. An application would use GenTextures to generate texture
objects as needed. BindTexture to the texture object name of interest.
Enable client storage via the PixelStore command setting the
UNPACK_CLIENT_STORAGE_APPLE parameter to TRUE. Then use TexImage3D,
TexImage2D or TexImage1D to specify the texture image. If no further use of
client storage is desired, it is recommended to again use the PixelStore
command, in this case setting the UNPACK_CLIENT_STORAGE_APPLE parameter to
FALSE to disable client storage, since this pixel state is maintained unless
explicitly set by the PixelStore command.
If an application needs to modify the texture, using TexSubImage for
example, it should be noted that the pointer passed to TexSubImage1D,
TexSubImage2D or TexSubImage3D does not have to the same, or within the
original texture memory. It if is not, there is the likelihood of GL
copying the new data to the original texture memory owned by the client,
thus actually modifying this texture image data. This does not affect
requirement to maintain the original texture memory but also does not add
the requirement to maintain the sub image data, due to the copy.
Once a client has completed use of the texture stored in client memory, it
should issue a DeleteTextures command to delete the texture object or issue
a texture command, with the same target type, for the object, with either a
different data pointer, or UNPACK_CLIENT_STORAGE_APPLE set to false, in any
case, breaking the tie between GL and the texture buffer. An implicit Flush
command is issued in these cases, ensuring all access to the texture by
OpenGL is complete. Only at this point can the texture buffer be safely
released. Releasing the texture buffer prior has undefined results and will
very possibly display texel anomalies at run time. System level memory
management and paging schemes should not affect the use of client storage.
Consider in any case, that GL has an alias of the base pointer for this
block of texture memory which is maintained until GL is finished rendering
with the texture and it has been deleted or reassigned to another set of
texture data. As long as this alias exists, applications must not
de-allocate, move or purge this memory.
The official definition of this extension is available here:
from OpenGL import platform,constants,constant,arrays
from OpenGL import extensions,wrapper
from OpenGL.GL import glget
import ctypes
from OpenGL.raw.GL.APPLE.client_storage import *