'''OpenGL extension ARB.vertex_shader
This module customises the behaviour of the
OpenGL.raw.GL.ARB.vertex_shader to provide a more
Python-friendly API
Overview (from thespec import
This extension adds programmable vertex level processing to OpenGL. The
application can write vertex shaders in a high level language as defined
in the OpenGL Shading Language specification. The language itself is not
discussed here. A vertex shader replaces the transformation, texture
coordinate generation and lighting parts of OpenGL, and it also adds
texture access at the vertex level. Furthermore, management of vertex
shader objects and loading generic attributes are discussed. A vertex
shader object, attached to a program object, can be compiled and linked
to produce an executable that runs on the vertex processor in OpenGL.
This extension also defines how such an executable interacts with the
fixed functionality vertex processing of OpenGL 1.4.
The official definition of this extension is available here:
from OpenGL import platform,constants,constant,arrays
from OpenGL import extensions,wrapper
from OpenGL.GL import glget
import ctypes
from OpenGL.raw.GL.ARB.vertex_shader import *
from OpenGL.lazywrapper import lazy
from shader_objects import glGetObjectParameterivARB
base_glGetActiveAttribARB = glGetActiveAttribARB
def glGetActiveAttribARB(program, index):
"""Retrieve the name, size and type of the uniform of the index in the program"""
max_index = int(glGetObjectParameterivARB( program, GL_OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES_ARB ))
length = int(glGetObjectParameterivARB( program, GL_OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH_ARB))
if index < max_index and index >= 0 and length > 0:
name = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length)
size = arrays.GLintArray.zeros( (1,))
gl_type = arrays.GLuintArray.zeros( (1,))
base_glGetActiveAttribARB(program, index, length, None, size, gl_type, name)
return name.value, size[0], gl_type[0]
raise IndexError, 'index out of range from zero to %i' % (max_index - 1, )
glGetActiveAttribARB.wrappedOperation = base_glGetActiveAttribARB
@lazy( glGetAttribLocationARB )
def glGetAttribLocationARB( baseOperation, program, name ):
"""Check that name is a string with a null byte at the end of it"""
if not name:
raise ValueError( """Non-null name required""" )
elif name[-1] != '\000':
name = name + '\000'
return baseOperation( program, name )