'''OpenGL extension VERSION.GL_2_0
This module customises the behaviour of the
OpenGL.raw.GL.VERSION.GL_2_0 to provide a more
Python-friendly API
The official definition of this extension is available here:
from OpenGL import platform,constants,constant,arrays
from OpenGL import extensions,wrapper
from OpenGL.GL import glget
import ctypes
from OpenGL.raw.GL.VERSION.GL_2_0 import *
import OpenGL
from OpenGL.raw.GL.ARB.shader_objects import GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB
from OpenGL.raw.GL.ARB.shader_objects import GL_OBJECT_LINK_STATUS_ARB
from OpenGL.raw.GL.ARB.shader_objects import GL_OBJECT_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS_ARB
from OpenGL.raw.GL.ARB.shader_objects import GL_OBJECT_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH_ARB
from OpenGL.GL.ARB.shader_objects import glGetInfoLogARB
from OpenGL.lazywrapper import lazy
from OpenGL import converters,error,contextdata
from OpenGL.arrays.arraydatatype import ArrayDatatype,GLenumArray
GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH = constant.Constant( 'GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH', 0x8B84 )
glShaderSource = platform.createExtensionFunction(
'glShaderSource', dll=platform.GL,
argTypes=(constants.GLhandle, constants.GLsizei, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p), arrays.GLintArray,),
doc = 'glShaderSource( GLhandle(shaderObj),[str(string),...]) -> None',
argNames = ('shaderObj', 'count', 'string', 'length',),
extension = EXTENSION_NAME,
conv = converters.StringLengths( name='string' )
glShaderSource = wrapper.wrapper(
'count' # number of strings
'length' # lengths of strings
'string', conv.stringArray
'string', conv.stringArrayForC,
'length', conv,
'count', conv.totalCount,
del conv
for size in (1,2,3,4):
for format,arrayType in (
name = 'glUniform%(size)s%(format)sv'%globals()
globals()[name] = arrays.setInputArraySizeType(
None, # don't want to enforce size...
del format, arrayType
del size,name
@lazy( glGetShaderiv )
def glGetShaderiv( baseOperation, shader, pname, status=None ):
"""Retrieve the integer parameter for the given shader
shader -- shader ID to query
pname -- parameter name
status -- pointer to integer to receive status or None to
return the parameter as an integer value
integer if status parameter is None
status if status parameter is not None
if status is None:
status = arrays.GLintArray.zeros( (1,))
status[0] = 1
shader, pname, status
return status[0]
shader, pname, status
return status
@lazy( glGetProgramiv )
def glGetProgramiv( baseOperation, program, pname, params=None ):
"""Will automatically allocate params if not provided"""
if params is None:
params = arrays.GLintArray.zeros( (1,))
baseOperation( program, pname, params )
return params[0]
baseOperation( program,pname, params )
return params
def _afterCheck( key ):
"""Generate an error-checking function for compilation operations"""
getter = glGetShaderiv
getter = glGetProgramiv
def GLSLCheckError(
result = error.glCheckError( result, baseOperation, cArguments, *args )
status = ctypes.c_int()
getter( cArguments[0], key, ctypes.byref(status))
status = status.value
if not status:
raise error.GLError(
result = result,
baseOperation = baseOperation,
cArguments = cArguments,
description= glGetInfoLog( cArguments[0] )
return result
return GLSLCheckError
glCompileShader.errcheck = _afterCheck( GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS )
glLinkProgram.errcheck = _afterCheck( GL_OBJECT_LINK_STATUS )
## Not sure why, but these give invalid operation :(
##if glValidateProgram and OpenGL.ERROR_CHECKING:
## glValidateProgram.errcheck = _afterCheck( GL_OBJECT_VALIDATE_STATUS )
@lazy( glGetShaderInfoLog )
def glGetShaderInfoLog( baseOperation, obj ):
"""Retrieve the shader's error messages as a Python string
returns string which is '' if no message
length = int(glGetShaderiv(obj, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH))
if length > 0:
log = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length)
baseOperation(obj, length, None, log)
return log.value.strip('\000') # null-termination
return ''
@lazy( glGetProgramInfoLog )
def glGetProgramInfoLog( baseOperation, obj ):
"""Retrieve the shader program's error messages as a Python string
returns string which is '' if no message
length = int(glGetProgramiv(obj, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH))
if length > 0:
log = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length)
baseOperation(obj, length, None, log)
return log.value.strip('\000') # null-termination
return ''
@lazy( glGetAttachedShaders )
def glGetAttachedShaders( baseOperation, obj ):
"""Retrieve the attached objects as an array of GLhandle instances"""
length= glGetProgramiv( obj, GL_ATTACHED_SHADERS )
if length > 0:
storage = arrays.GLuintArray.zeros( (length,))
baseOperation( obj, length, None, storage )
return storage
return arrays.GLuintArray.zeros( (0,))
@lazy( glGetShaderSource )
def glGetShaderSource( baseOperation, obj ):
"""Retrieve the program/shader's source code as a Python string
returns string which is '' if no source code
length = int(glGetShaderiv(obj, GL_OBJECT_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH))
if length > 0:
source = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length)
baseOperation(obj, length, None, source)
return source.value.strip('\000') # null-termination
return ''
@lazy( glGetActiveUniform )
def glGetActiveUniform(baseOperation,program, index):
"""Retrieve the name, size and type of the uniform of the index in the program"""
max_index = int(glGetProgramiv( program, GL_OBJECT_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS ))
length = int(glGetProgramiv( program, GL_OBJECT_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH))
if index < max_index and index >= 0:
if length > 0:
name = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length)
size = arrays.GLintArray.zeros( (1,))
gl_type = arrays.GLenumArray.zeros( (1,))
namelen = arrays.GLsizeiArray.zeros( (1,))
baseOperation(program, index, length, namelen, size, gl_type, name)
return name.value[:int(namelen[0])], size[0], gl_type[0]
raise ValueError( """No currently specified uniform names""" )
raise IndexError, 'Index %s out of range 0 to %i' % (index, max_index - 1, )
@lazy( glGetUniformLocation )
def glGetUniformLocation( baseOperation, program, name ):
"""Check that name is a string with a null byte at the end of it"""
if not name:
raise ValueError( """Non-null name required""" )
elif name[-1] != '\000':
name = name + '\000'
return baseOperation( program, name )
@lazy( glGetAttribLocation )
def glGetAttribLocation( baseOperation, program, name ):
"""Check that name is a string with a null byte at the end of it"""
if not name:
raise ValueError( """Non-null name required""" )
elif name[-1] != '\000':
name = name + '\000'
return baseOperation( program, name )
@lazy( glVertexAttribPointer )
def glVertexAttribPointer(
baseOperation, index, size, type,
normalized, stride, pointer,
"""Set an attribute pointer for a given shader (index)
index -- the index of the generic vertex to bind, see
glGetAttribLocation for retrieval of the value,
note that index is a global variable, not per-shader
size -- number of basic elements per record, 1,2,3, or 4
type -- enum constant for data-type
normalized -- whether to perform int to float
normalization on integer-type values
stride -- stride in machine units (bytes) between
consecutive records, normally used to create
"interleaved" arrays
pointer -- data-pointer which provides the data-values,
normally a vertex-buffer-object or offset into the
This implementation stores a copy of the data-pointer
in the contextdata structure in order to prevent null-
reference errors in the renderer.
array = ArrayDatatype.asArray( pointer )
key = ('vertex-attrib',index)
contextdata.setValue( key, array )
return baseOperation(
index, size, type,
normalized, stride,
ArrayDatatype.voidDataPointer( array )
@lazy( glDrawBuffers )
def glDrawBuffers( baseOperation, n=None, bufs=None ):
"""glDrawBuffers( bufs ) -> bufs
Wrapper will calculate n from dims of bufs if only
one argument is provided...
if bufs is None:
bufs = n
n = None
bufs = arrays.GLenumArray.asArray( bufs )
if n is None:
n = arrays.GLenumArray.arraySize( bufs )
return baseOperation( n,bufs )