# helper class for mouse interaction
# Copyright (C) 2007 "Peter Roesch" <Peter.Roesch@fh-augsburg.de>
# This code is licensed under the PyOpenGL License.
# Details are given in the file license.txt included in this distribution.
import sys
import math
from interactionMatrix import InteractionMatrix
from OpenGL.GLUT import *
from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLU import *
print ''' Error: PyOpenGL not installed properly !!'''
sys.exit( )
class MouseInteractor ( object ):
"""Connection between mouse motion and transformation matrix"""
def __init__( self, translationScale=0.1, rotationScale=.2):
self.scalingFactorRotation = rotationScale
self.scalingFactorTranslation = translationScale
self.rotationMatrix = InteractionMatrix( )
self.translationMatrix = InteractionMatrix( )
self.mouseButtonPressed = None
self.oldMousePos = [ 0, 0 ]
def mouseButton( self, button, mode, x, y ):
"""Callback function for mouse button."""
if mode == GLUT_DOWN:
self.mouseButtonPressed = button
self.mouseButtonPressed = None
self.oldMousePos[0], self.oldMousePos[1] = x, y
glutPostRedisplay( )
def mouseMotion( self, x, y ):
"""Callback function for mouse motion.
Depending on the button pressed, the displacement of the
mouse pointer is either converted into a translation vector
or a rotation matrix."""
deltaX = x - self.oldMousePos[ 0 ]
deltaY = y - self.oldMousePos[ 1 ]
if self.mouseButtonPressed == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON:
tX = deltaX * self.scalingFactorTranslation
tY = deltaY * self.scalingFactorTranslation
self.translationMatrix.addTranslation(tX, -tY, 0)
elif self.mouseButtonPressed == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON:
rY = deltaX * self.scalingFactorRotation
self.rotationMatrix.addRotation(rY, 0, 1, 0)
rX = deltaY * self.scalingFactorRotation
self.rotationMatrix.addRotation(rX, 1, 0, 0)
tZ = deltaY * self.scalingFactorTranslation
self.translationMatrix.addTranslation(0, 0, tZ)
self.oldMousePos[0], self.oldMousePos[1] = x, y
glutPostRedisplay( )
def applyTransformation( self ):
"""Concatenation of the current translation and rotation
matrices with the current OpenGL transformation matrix"""
glMultMatrixf( self.translationMatrix.getCurrentMatrix() )
glMultMatrixf( self.rotationMatrix.getCurrentMatrix() )
def registerCallbacks( self ):
"""Initialise glut callback functions."""
glutMouseFunc( self.mouseButton )
glutMotionFunc( self.mouseMotion )