"""Simple code to extract class & function docstrings from a module.
This code is used as an example in the library reference manual in the
section on using the parser module. Refer to the manual for a thorough
discussion of the operation of this code.
The code has been extended by Stephen Davies for the Synopsis project. It now
also recognises parameter names and values, and baseclasses. Names are now
returned in order also.
July 25, 2006
Adapted from Synopsis package:
...which was originally LGPL v2 licensed:
...which I have relicensed as GPL v2, as is allowed by the LGPL v2.
import compiler
import parser
import re
import symbol
import sys
import token
line_end = ((token.NEWLINE, ''), (token.INDENT, ''), (token.DEDENT, ''))
def format(tree, depth=-1):
"""Format the given tree up to the given depth.
Numbers are replaced with their symbol or token names."""
if isinstance(tree, int):
return symbol.sym_name[tree]
except KeyError:
return token.tok_name[tree]
except KeyError:
return tree
if type(tree) != tuple:
return tree
if depth == 0: return '...'
ret = [format(tree[0])]
for branch in tree[1:]:
ret.append(format(branch, depth-1))
return tuple(ret)
def stringify(tree):
"""Convert the given tree to a string"""
if isinstance(tree, int): return ''
if not isinstance(tree, tuple):
return str(tree)
strs = []
for elem in tree:
return ''.join(strs)
def get_docs(source):
return ModuleInfo(parser.suite(source).totuple(), '')
def parse(content):
stk = [get_docs(content)]
names_ = []
out = []
outt = []
docstring = {}
p = 0
lineno = 1
while stk:
cur = stk.pop()
if cur is None:
_ = outt.pop()
__ = names_.pop()
if len(outt) == 0:
elif isinstance(cur, list):
if len(cur) >= 1:
elif isinstance(cur, ModuleInfo):
x = ''
elif isinstance(cur, ClassInfo):
_name = cur.get_name()
x = 'class ' + _name
gbm = cur.get_base_names()
if gbm:
x += '(%s)'%(', '.join(gbm))
elif isinstance(cur, FunctionInfo):
_name = cur.get_name()
x = 'def %s(%s)'%(_name,
', '.join([(i, '%s=%s'%(i,j))[bool(j)]
for i,j in zip(cur.get_params(),
print "huh?"
if x:
z = 'def'
if isinstance(cur, ClassInfo):
z = 'class'
g = re.compile("(?:^|\s)%s\s+%s(?:[:\s\(\\\\]|$)"%(z, _name),
re.MULTILINE).search(content, p)
if g:
#we found the definition
h = g.group()
s = g.start()
s += len(h) - len(h.lstrip())
lineno += content.count('\n', p, s)
p = g.end()
y = (x, (_name.lower(), lineno, _name), len(outt)*4, [])
if len(outt):
doc = cur.get_docstring()
_ = '.'.join(names_)
if _:
_ += '.'
doc = ('%s%s\n%s'%(_, x.split(None, 1)[-1], doc)).rstrip()
docstring.setdefault(_name, []).append(doc)
if _name in ('__init__', '__new__') and outt:
docstring.setdefault(outt[-1][1][2], []).append(doc)
names = [j for i,j in cur.get_names_and_info()]
if outt:
return out, docstring
class SuiteInfoBase:
if 1:
_docstring = ''
_name = ''
def __init__(self, tree = None, env={}):
self._env = {} ; self._env.update(env)
self._names = []
self._imports = []
## self._class_info = {}
## self._class_names = []
## self._function_info = {}
## self._function_names = []
if tree:
def _extract_info(self, tree):
# extract docstring
if len(tree) == 2:
found, vars = match(DOCSTRING_STMT_PATTERN[1], tree[1])
found, vars = match(DOCSTRING_STMT_PATTERN, tree[3])
## import pprint
## pprint.pprint(tree)
if found:
self._docstring = eval(vars['docstring'])
# discover inner definitions
for node in tree[1:]:
found, vars = match(COMPOUND_STMT_PATTERN, node)
if found:
cstmt = vars['compound']
if cstmt[0] == symbol.funcdef:
name = cstmt[2][1]
self._names.append((name, FunctionInfo(cstmt, env=self._env)))
elif cstmt[0] == symbol.classdef:
name = cstmt[2][1]
self._names.append((name, ClassInfo(cstmt, env=self._env)))
def get_docstring(self):
return self._docstring
def get_names_and_info(self):
return self._names
def get_name(self):
return self._name
class FunctionInfo(SuiteInfoBase):
def __init__(self, tree = None, env={}):
index = 3
self._name = tree[index-1][1]
if self._name == 'def':
self._name = tree[index][1]
index += 1
SuiteInfoBase.__init__(self, tree and tree[-1] or None, env)
self._params = []
self._param_defaults = []
if tree[index][0] == symbol.parameters:
if tree[index][2][0] == symbol.varargslist:
args = list(tree[index][2][1:])
while args:
if args[0][0] == token.COMMA:
elif args[0][0] == symbol.fpdef:
elif args[0][0] == token.EQUAL:
del args[0]
self._param_defaults[-1] = stringify(args[0])
elif args[0][0] == token.DOUBLESTAR:
del args[0]
elif args[0][0] == token.STAR:
del args[0]
print "Unknown symbol:",args[0]
del args[0]
def get_params(self): return self._params
def get_param_defaults(self): return self._param_defaults
class ClassInfo(SuiteInfoBase):
def __init__(self, tree = None, env={}):
self._name = tree[2][1]
SuiteInfoBase.__init__(self, tree and tree[-1] or None, env)
self._bases = []
if tree[4][0] == symbol.testlist:
for test in tree[4][1:]:
found, vars = match(TEST_NAME_PATTERN, test)
if found and vars.has_key('power'):
power = vars['power']
if power[0] != symbol.power: continue
atom = power[1]
if atom[0] != symbol.atom: continue
if atom[1][0] != token.NAME: continue
name = [atom[1][1]]
for trailer in power[2:]:
if trailer[2][0] == token.NAME: name.append(trailer[2][1])
if self._env.has_key(name[0]):
name = self._env[name[0]] + name[1:]
#print "BASE:",name
#print "BASE:",name[0]
def get_base_names(self):
return self._bases
class ModuleInfo(SuiteInfoBase):
def __init__(self, tree = None, name = "<string>"):
self._name = name
SuiteInfoBase.__init__(self, tree)
if tree:
found, vars = match(DOCSTRING_STMT_PATTERN, tree[1])
if found:
self._docstring = eval(vars["docstring"])
def match(pattern, data, vars=None):
"""Match `data' to `pattern', with variable extraction.
Pattern to match against, possibly containing variables.
Data to be checked and against which variables are extracted.
Dictionary of variables which have already been found. If not
provided, an empty dictionary is created.
The `pattern' value may contain variables of the form ['varname'] which
are allowed to match anything. The value that is matched is returned as
part of a dictionary which maps 'varname' to the matched value. 'varname'
is not required to be a string object, but using strings makes patterns
and the code which uses them more readable.
This function returns two values: a boolean indicating whether a match
was found and a dictionary mapping variable names to their associated
if vars is None:
vars = {}
if type(pattern) is list: # 'variables' are ['varname']
vars[pattern[0]] = data
return 1, vars
if type(pattern) is not tuple:
return (pattern == data), vars
if len(data) != len(pattern):
return 0, vars
for pattern, data in map(None, pattern, data):
same, vars = match(pattern, data, vars)
if not same:
return same, vars
def dmatch(pattern, data, vars=None):
"""Debugging match """
if vars is None:
vars = {}
if type(pattern) is list: # 'variables' are ['varname']
vars[pattern[0]] = data
print "dmatch: pattern is list,",pattern[0],"=",data
return 1, vars
if type(pattern) is not tuple:
print "dmatch: pattern is not tuple, pattern =",format(pattern)," data =",format(data)
return (pattern == data), vars
if len(data) != len(pattern):
print "dmatch: bad length. data=",format(data,2)," pattern=",format(pattern,1)
return 0, vars
for pattern, data in map(None, pattern, data):
same, vars = dmatch(pattern, data, vars)
if not same:
print "dmatch: not same"
print "dmatch: same so far"
print "dmatch: returning",same,vars
return same, vars
# This pattern identifies compound statements, allowing them to be readily
# differentiated from simple statements.
(symbol.compound_stmt, ['compound'])
# This pattern will match a 'stmt' node which *might* represent a docstring;
# docstrings require that the statement which provides the docstring be the
# first statement in the class or function, which this pattern does not check.
(token.STRING, ['docstring'])
(token.NEWLINE, '')
# This pattern will match a 'test' node which is a base class
# This pattern will match an import statement
# import_spec is either:
# NAME:import, dotted_name
# or:
# NAME:from, dotted_name, NAME:import, NAME [, COMMA, NAME]*
# hence you must process it manually (second form has variable length)
symbol.stmt, (
symbol.simple_stmt, (
(symbol.import_stmt, ['import_spec'])
), (
token.NEWLINE, ''
#------------------------------- new parser :) -------------------------------
USE_AST = False
if sys.version >= '2.5':
# try to use the new ast module, it's faster than compiler.ast :)
USE_AST = True
import _ast
# these functions are inspired/copied from their equivalents in Python
# 2.6's high-level ast module
fields = lambda node: ((field, getattr(node, field, None)) for field in node._fields)
def transform(node):
# transform the targets in for/with clauses to assignment nodes
if isinstance(node, _ast.For):
a = _ast.Assign()
a.targets = [node.target]
yield a
elif isinstance(node, _ast.With) and node.optional_vars:
a = _ast.Assign()
a.targets = [node.optional_vars]
yield a
yield node
def _child_nodes(node):
ast = _ast.AST
if not node._fields:
for name, field in fields(node):
if isinstance(field, ast):
yield field
elif isinstance(field, list):
for item in field:
if isinstance(item, ast):
yield item
def child_nodes(node):
trans = transform
for i in _child_nodes(node):
for j in trans(i):
yield j
def cleandoc(doc):
"""Clean up indentation from docstrings.
Any whitespace that can be uniformly removed from the second line
onwards is removed."""
# borrowed and modified from Python trunk source
lines = doc.expandtabs().split('\n')
except UnicodeError:
return None
# Find minimum indentation of any non-blank lines after first line.
margin = sys.maxint
for line in lines[1:]:
content = len(line.lstrip())
if content:
indent = len(line) - content
margin = min(margin, indent)
# Remove indentation.
if lines:
lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip()
if margin < sys.maxint:
for i in xrange(1, len(lines)):
lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]
# Remove any trailing or leading blank lines.
return '\n'.join(lines).strip('\n')
def get_docstring(node, clean=True):
if not isinstance(node, (_ast.FunctionDef, _ast.ClassDef, _ast.Module)):
raise TypeError("%r can't have docstrings" % node.__class__.__name__)
if node.body and isinstance(node.body[0], _ast.Expr) and \
isinstance(node.body[0].value, _ast.Str):
return cleandoc(node.body[0].value.s)
def translate_old_to_new(ucky_old_stuff, docs, last_line, depth=1, parent=''):
out = []
if depth == 1:
# we probably want to fix this at the end...
out.append(Info(-1, '', '', 0, -1, (), None, None, last_line))
maxline = 0
luos = len(ucky_old_stuff)-1
for posn, node in enumerate(ucky_old_stuff):
defn, (name_lower, lineno, name), indent, children = node
# we do short and long after the fact :)
dl = parent
if parent:
dl += '.'
dl += name
nn = ' '+name
if nn not in defn:
doc_lookup = dl + defn.split(name, 1)[1]
doc_lookup = dl + defn.split(' '+name, 1)[1]
doc = None
if doc_lookup in docs:
if docs[doc_lookup]:
doc = docs[doc_lookup].pop(0)
if '\n' in doc:
doc = doc.split('\n', 1)[1]
doc = None
lastl = last_line
if posn < luos:
lastl = ucky_old_stuff[posn+1][1][1]
out.append(Info(lineno, name, defn, depth, indent, (), None, doc, lastl-lineno))
if children:
out.extend(translate_old_to_new(children, docs, lastl, depth+1, dl))
if depth == 1:
names = set()
for entry in out:
if entry.lineno < 0:
entry.search_list = out[0]
out[0].search_list = ()
out[0].locals = names and sorted(names) or ()
return out, _fixup_extra(out)
return out
_new_scope = (compiler.ast.Function, compiler.ast.Class)
_new_scope_ast = (_ast.FunctionDef, _ast.ClassDef)
class InfoObj(object):
def __init__(self, *args):
if len(args) < self.required:
raise ValueError("needed %i arguments, got %i"%(len(self.__slots__), len(args)))
for n, v in zip(self.__slots__, args):
setattr(self, n, v)
for i in xrange(len(args), len(self.__slots__)):
setattr(self, self.__slots__[i], '')
if len(self.__slots__) > 4:
if not self.olines:
self.olines = 0
def __getitem__(self, index):
## if index != 0:
## print "index", index, "key", self.__slots__[index]
return getattr(self, self.__slots__[index])
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
setattr(self, self.__slots__[index], value)
def __repr__(self):
return str([(k,getattr(self, k)) for k in self.__slots__ if k not in ('locals', 'search_list', 'lex_parent')])
def __cmp__(self, other):
if other is None:
return 1
if other is self:
return 0
return cmp(self[0], other[0])
class Info(InfoObj):
__slots__ = 'lineno name defn depth indent locals search_list doc lines short long olines lex_parent fileinfo'.split()
required = 9
class Import(InfoObj):
__slots__ = 'lineno module_import local_name'.split()
required = 3
def postorder(node, depth):
for _ in postorder_ast(node, depth):
yield _
new_scope = _new_scope
rev = reversed
get = getattr
isi = isinstance
nod = compiler.ast.Node
lam = (compiler.ast.GenExpr, compiler.ast.Lambda)
if sys.version >= '2.6':
lam = (compiler.ast.ListComp,) + lam
stk = [(node, depth)]
while stk:
node, depth = stk.pop()
if get(node, 'visited', 0):
yield node, depth
node.visited = 1
depth += isi(node, new_scope)
ch = node.getChildNodes()
if ch and not isi(node, lam):
stk.append((node, depth))
stk.extend((chi, depth) for chi in rev(ch) if isi(chi, nod))
yield node, depth
def postorder_ast(node, depth):
new_scope = _new_scope_ast
nodes = child_nodes
has = hasattr
rev = reversed
get = getattr
isi = isinstance
nod = _ast.AST
lam = (_ast.GeneratorExp, _ast.Lambda)
if sys.version >= '3.0':
lam = (_ast.ListComp,) + lam
_id = id
visited = set()
stk = [(node, depth)]
while stk:
node, depth = stk.pop()
if _id(node) in visited:
if isi(node, new_scope) and has(node, 'lineno') and has(node, 'decorators'):
node.lineno += len(node.decorators)
yield node, depth
depth += isi(node, new_scope)
ch = list(nodes(node))
if ch and not isi(node, lam):
stk.append((node, depth))
stk.extend((chi, depth) for chi in rev(ch) if isi(chi, nod))
if isi(node, new_scope) and has(node, 'lineno') and has(node, 'decorators'):
node.lineno += len(node.decorators)
yield node, depth
def iter_tree(entries, include_labels=True):
stk = []
for data in entries:
if data.depth <= 0:
while stk and data.depth <= stk[-1].depth:
_ = stk.pop()
if data[2][:2] == '--' and not include_labels:
yield stk
def _fixup_extra(entries):
docs = {}
tcounts = {}
stk_seq = [list(stk) for stk in iter_tree(entries)]
for stk in reversed(stk_seq):
## print stk
last = stk[-1]
last.olines = last.lines
if len(stk) > 1:
last.lex_parent = stk[-2]
last.lex_parent = entries[0]
# Let's get some good names...
short = '.'.join(i.name for i in stk)
last.short = last.defn.replace(last.name, short, 1)
last.long = ': '.join(i.defn for i in stk)
# We want to fix line count information
last.lines -= tcounts.get(id(last), 0)
for i in stk[:-1]:
tcounts[id(i)] = tcounts.get(id(i), 0) + last.lines
# We are going to add a reference to a parent scope, if available.
# We've already got the imports for each function.
if last.search_list is None:
for si in reversed(stk):
if si is last:
if not si.defn.startswith('class '):
last.search_list = si
last.search_list = entries[0]
# Generate documentation
if last.name:
doc = last.doc and '\n'+last.doc or ''
docs.setdefault(last.name, []).append('%s%s'%(last.short, doc))
if last.name in ('__init__', '__new__') and short.count('.') > 0:
docs.setdefault(short.rsplit('.', 2)[-2], []).append(docs[last.name][-1])
return docs
def _parse(source):
return _parse_ast(source)
lines_to_positions = {0:0}
for line, match in enumerate(re.finditer('\n', source)):
lines_to_positions[line+1] = match.end()
lines_to_positions[len(lines_to_positions)] = len(source)
# cache these references
isi = isinstance
new_scope = _new_scope
fcn = compiler.ast.Function
ass = compiler.ast.AssName
assa = compiler.ast.AssAttr
name = compiler.ast.Name
fro = compiler.ast.From
imp = compiler.ast.Import
mod = compiler.ast.Module
self_names = set(('self', 'cls', 'klass', 'class_', '_class'))
# list of Info() objects
out = []
# imports are a list of (line_no, module_import, local_name)
# indent is the indentation of the function/class, tabs = 8 spaces
tree = compiler.parse(source)
known = {}
attrs = {}
last = {}
for node, depth in postorder(tree, 0):
# this last dictionary is to allow us to pull the body of an entire
# function if necessary for discovering it's arg list
last[depth] = max(node.lineno, last.get(depth, 0))
if depth not in known:
known[depth] = set()
if depth not in attrs:
attrs[depth] = set()
if isi(node, new_scope):
# pull the locals from the current depth, and toss it in the out
# bucket; also add the function name to the depth-1 listing
names = known.pop(depth)
node.lastlineno = last.pop(depth)
last[depth-1] = max(node.lastlineno, last.get(depth-1, 0))
if isinstance(node, fcn):
an = node.argnames[:]
if node.kwargs:
an[-1] = '**' + an[-1]
if node.varargs:
an[-2] = '*' + an[-2]
elif node.varargs:
an[-1] = '*' + an[-1]
elif node.defaults:
an = [get_defaults(node, source, lines_to_positions)]
for i,j in enumerate(an):
if type(j) is tuple:
# tuple unpacking in argument lists
an[i] = fix_tuples(j)
signature = 'def %s(%s)'%(node.name, ', '.join(an))
for i in xrange(depth, max(attrs)+1):
names.update(attrs.pop(i, ()))
if not node.bases:
signature = 'class %s'%(node.name,)
signature = 'class %s(%s)'%(node.name, get_defaults(node, source, lines_to_positions, 0))
startline = source[lines_to_positions[node.lineno-1]:lines_to_positions[node.lineno]].replace('\t', ' ')
indent = len(startline) - len(startline.lstrip())
out.append(Info(node.lineno, node.name, signature, depth, indent, sorted(names), None, node.doc, node.lastlineno-node.lineno+1, None, None))
known.setdefault(depth-1, set()).add(node.name)
elif isi(node, ass):
# it's an assignment, toss it into the locals list
elif isi(node, assa):
# it's an attribute assignment, toss it into the attrs list
if isinstance(node.expr, name) and node.expr.name in self_names:
elif isi(node, fro):
lead = node.level*'.' + node.modname
for oname, dname in node.names:
if oname != '*':
known[depth].add(dname or oname)
known[depth].add(Import(node.lineno, lead + '.' + oname, dname or oname))
known[depth].add(Import(node.lineno, lead, oname))
elif isi(node, imp):
for oname, dname in node.names:
if dname is None or oname == dname:
known[depth].add(Import(node.lineno, oname, oname))
while '.' in oname:
oname = oname.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
known[depth].add(Import(node.lineno, oname, oname))
known[depth].add(Import(node.lineno, oname, dname))
elif isi(node, mod):
# don't really need the documentation here, but eh?
names = known.pop(depth)
for i in xrange(depth-1, max(attrs)+1):
names.update(attrs.pop(i, ()))
## print "have module at depth", depth, "with names", names
out.append(Info(-1, '', '', depth, -1, sorted(names), None, node.doc, last[depth] - (node.lineno or 1) + 1))
docs = _fixup_extra(out)
return out, docs
def _parse_ast(source):
lines_to_positions = {0:0}
for line, match in enumerate(re.finditer('\n', source)):
lines_to_positions[line+1] = match.end()
lines_to_positions[len(lines_to_positions)] = len(source)
# cache these references
isi = isinstance
new_scope = _new_scope_ast
fcn = _ast.FunctionDef
ass = _ast.Assign
att = _ast.Attribute
name = _ast.Name
tup = (_ast.Tuple, _ast.List)
fro = _ast.ImportFrom
imp = _ast.Import
mod = _ast.Module
self_names = set(('self', 'cls', 'klass', 'class_', '_class'))
# list of Info() objects
out = []
# imports are a list of (line_no, module_import, local_name)
# indent is the indentation of the function/class, tabs = 8 spaces
tree = compile(source, "<unknown>", "exec", _ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST)
known = {}
attrs = {}
last = {}
for node, depth in postorder_ast(tree, 0):
# this last dictionary is to allow us to pull the body of an entire
# function if necessary for discovering it's arg list
last[depth] = max(getattr(node, 'lineno', 0), last.get(depth, 0))
if depth not in known:
known[depth] = set()
if depth not in attrs:
attrs[depth] = set()
if isi(node, new_scope):
# pull the locals from the current depth, and toss it in the out
# bucket; also add the function name to the depth-1 listing
names = known.pop(depth)
node.lastlineno = last.pop(depth)
last[depth-1] = max(node.lastlineno, last.get(depth-1, 0))
if isi(node, fcn):
an = [get_defaults(node, source, lines_to_positions)]
_a = node.args.args + [node.args.vararg, node.args.kwarg]
for _name in _a:
if not _name:
elif isi(_name, tuple):
elif isi(_name, _ast.Name):
elif isi(_name, (str, unicode)):
signature = 'def %s(%s)'%(node.name, ', '.join(an))
for i in xrange(depth, max(attrs)+1):
names.update(attrs.pop(i, ()))
if not node.bases:
signature = 'class %s'%(node.name,)
signature = 'class %s(%s)'%(node.name, get_defaults(node, source, lines_to_positions, 0))
startline = source[lines_to_positions[node.lineno-1]:lines_to_positions[node.lineno]].replace('\t', ' ')
indent = len(startline) - len(startline.lstrip())
out.append(Info(node.lineno, node.name, signature, depth, indent, sorted(names), None, get_docstring(node), node.lastlineno-node.lineno+1, None, None))
known.setdefault(depth-1, set()).add(node.name)
elif isi(node, ass):
# it's an assignment, toss it into the locals list
_a = node.targets[:]
for _name in _a:
if isi(_name, name):
elif isi(_name, tup):
elif isi(_name, att):
if isi(_name.value, name) and _name.value.id in self_names:
elif isi(node, fro):
lead = node.level*'.' + node.module
for _name in node.names:
oname, dname = _name.name, _name.asname
if oname != '*':
known[depth].add(dname or oname)
known[depth].add(Import(node.lineno, lead + '.' + oname, dname or oname))
known[depth].add(Import(node.lineno, lead, oname))
elif isi(node, imp):
for _name in node.names:
oname, dname = _name.name, _name.asname
if dname is None or oname == dname:
known[depth].add(Import(node.lineno, oname, oname))
while '.' in oname:
oname = oname.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
known[depth].add(Import(node.lineno, oname, oname))
known[depth].add(Import(node.lineno, oname, dname))
elif isi(node, mod):
# don't really need the documentation here, but eh?
names = known.pop(depth)
for i in xrange(depth-1, max(attrs)+1):
names.update(attrs.pop(i, ()))
out.append(Info(-1, '', '', depth, -1, sorted(names), None, get_docstring(node), last[depth]))
docs = _fixup_extra(out)
return out, {}
def fix_tuples(x):
if type(x) is not tuple:
return x
return '(' + ', '.join(map(fix_tuples, x)) + ')'
def _flatten(data):
rev = reversed
tup = tuple
isi = isinstance
stk = list(rev(data))
while stk:
item = stk.pop()
if isi(item, tup):
yield item
def _get_tree(source, pattern):
isi = isinstance
bas = basestring
for i in recmatch(parser.suite(source).totuple(), pattern):
return [i for i in _flatten(i) if isi(i, bas)]
return []
def get_defaults(fnode, source, lines, fcn=1):
start = lines[fnode.lineno-1]
fend = lines[fnode.lineno]
fc = fnode.code
while isinstance(fc, compiler.ast.Stmt):
fc = fc.nodes
fend = lines[fc[0].lineno]
fc = fnode.body
fend = lines[fc[0].lineno-1]
end = lines[fnode.lastlineno]
# We'll try the fast version that only visits the function
# signature...
# This will fail if the first non-blank line of a function is a
# comment.
cur = _get_tree(source[start:fend].strip() + ' pass\n', pattern)
# otherwise we'll parse the entire function
cur = _get_tree(source[start:end].strip(), pattern)
return ''.join(cur).replace(',', ', ')
def recmatch(data, pattern):
stk = [(data, pattern, 1)]
while stk:
data, pattern, first = stk.pop()
if type(data) == type(pattern) == tuple:
# look for a match
if first:
stk.extend((data[i], pattern, 1) for i in xrange(len(data)-1, 0, -1))
if data[0] == pattern[0]:
if pattern[1] is None:
yield data
stk.extend((data[i], pattern[1], 0) for i in xrange(len(data)-1, 0, -1))
symbol.stmt, (
symbol.compound_stmt, (
symbol.funcdef, (
symbol.parameters, (
symbol.varargslist, None
symbol.stmt, (
symbol.compound_stmt, (
symbol.classdef, (
symbol.testlist, None
# end of file